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Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: September 19, 2014 22:36

You mean Page destroye... I mean edited the Olympia'69 radio tape?

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: September 19, 2014 23:51

As much as I enjoyed the Page/Plant tour I still think their long term credibility and respect was due to the fact that they decided and announced that Zep was no more without Mr. Bonham.

The drummer for the Page/Plant tour, Michael Lee, was just fantastic and a total blast to watch perform. He really made that reunion work. Now that he is gone, (RIP), I have no desire to see Jason Bonham fill the role. He doesn't work for me. peace

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Date: September 20, 2014 04:28

You mean Page destroye... I mean edited the Olympia'69 radio tape?

lol yeah

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: whitem8 ()
Date: September 20, 2014 11:01

Well the new 180 gram vinyl re-releases of III and II sound incredible. Especially, III. No longer a dense recording, very bright, not brick walled in the least, with shimmering acoustics and very clear bass. Very powerful mix and a revelation.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: October 1, 2014 00:17

JIMMY PAGE Says He Will Start New Band, Perform Material Spanning His Entire Career
September 30, 2014

> Led Zeppelin

LED ZEPPELIN guitarist Jimmy Page says that "it doesn't look likely" that the band will ever reunite again but plans to form his own group and play material from his entire career, including his ZEPPELIN work.

During an appearance earlier today (Tuesday, September 30) at the playback of the remastered versions of "Led Zeppelin IV" and "Houses Of The Holy" at Olympic Studios in London, England, Page was asked directly by if remastering the albums made him want to reform the band again. He said: "I don't think it looks as though that's a possibility or on the cards, so there's not much more I can say about that. I'm not going to give a detail-by-detail account of what one person says or another person says. All I can say is it doesn't look likely, does it?" When pressed on whether the holdup was down to frontman Robert Plant's reluctance to revisit the band, Page added: "I've just said it doesn't look very likely."

Page also spoke about desire to get a band together and hit the stage again. He told members of the media at the event: "If I was to play again, it would be with musicians that would be… some of the names might be new to you. I haven't put them together yet, but I'm going to do that next year. If I went out to play, I would play material that spanned everything from my recording career right back to my very, very early days with THE YARDBIRDS. There would certainly be some new material in there as well."

Page added: "I love playing live, I really do. Live concerts are always an interesting challenge because it means you can always change things as you're playing every night. You can make it even more of an adventure. I would play all of the things I'm known to play — instrumental versions of 'Dazed And Confused', etcetera, etcetera…"

Plant, who's busy promoting his new album, "Lullaby And… The Ceaseless Roar", was recently asked by Billboard if he heard anything revelatory in Page's archival snapshots in the reissues of "Led Zeppelin IV" and "Houses Of The Holy". Plant dismissed the unreleased tracks, saying, "No, not really. Because it's so long ago. What you're hearing there is mostly work-in-progress stuff. Things on their way to completion, and maybe there's some little quirk or something that led to an either/or moment. But it's nothing relevant, really. Not to me, at least."

Coming on October 28 will be the Page-remastered editions of 1971's "Led Zeppelin IV" and 1973's "Houses Of The Holy", which will both be released with previously unreleased audio content in a variety of packages — including a limited-edition "Super Deluxe" box set.

Plant spoke about his use of ZEPPELIN material in his current live act, but hinted that it was the modern approach to the material that delivers the point across. "I think it's a way to enjoy the music," he said. "We do 'Black Dog' and 'Whole Lotta Love' and these other ones, and our approach is driven mostly by trance and psychedelia and the musicians' relationships to African music. In each case, one of the guys in the band will take dominance, and that kind of determines where it goes."

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: October 1, 2014 00:32


Page also spoke about desire to get a band together and hit the stage again.

If he hadn't been saying this at regular intervals for the last 20 years I would get excited. Oh Jimmy . . .

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: October 1, 2014 01:23

The trouble with Page getting a new band together is that the lead singer always sound like a watered-down version of Robert Plant.

Roger Daltrey has mentioned that he would love to work with Page, but he is busy for the next year or so. Perhaps after the Who tour they could collaborate--anything to avert another Coverdale/Page.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: October 1, 2014 01:40

Would rather not see a Daltrey/Page collaboration ..."Led Who?", but I suppose I'd be happy if he recorded anything new with anyone.
And was not too thrilled with the Paul Rogers Firm albums give or take a tune here and there. Outrider was OK at best.

Page did say above that "I would play all of the things I'm known to play — instrumental versions of 'Dazed And Confused', etcetera, etcetera…"'
So perhaps he would tour ala Jeff Beck without any singer for the most part? And maybe record an album with multiple vocalists and some instrumentals? Or keep it purely instrumental?

Again, would be happy to see/hear him active in any form, but not sure how positive the results would be.
Probably similar to most of the Plant solo stuff...nothing much to write home about.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: bleedingman ()
Date: October 1, 2014 02:39

Saw Jimmy with the Black Crowes and they did him justice. Long time ago, damn.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: October 1, 2014 02:41

Ok he's talked the talk, time to walk the walk. Like I've said before he would certainly be helped with ANY collaboration from JPJ. Forget Mr. Plant. peace

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: tatters ()
Date: October 1, 2014 03:03


Page also spoke about desire to get a band together and hit the stage again. He told members of the media at the event: "If I was to play again, it would be with musicians that would be… some of the names might be new to you. I haven't put them together yet, but I'm going to do that next year. If I went out to play, I would play material that spanned everything from my recording career right back to my very, very early days with THE YARDBIRDS. There would certainly be some new material in there as well."

If I were to play again. If I were to go out and play. He's not going to do anything. All he ever does is talk.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-10-01 03:04 by tatters.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: whitem8 ()
Date: October 1, 2014 05:21

Yeah, seems like Page actually might have some kind of fear factor, or just digs hanging out at home getting stoned and listening to his massive album collection. Good for him.
I also so him with The Black Crowes and it was phenomenal! Some amazing Zep songs done, like Wanton Song and In the Light and he really sounded good on the Crowes' stuff too. Great show. That was the tour they did with The Who where it was a package deal one night The Who, the next night Page with The Black Crowes. Great tour!

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: October 1, 2014 10:45

Plant was already fed up with playing Stairway... in 1979!
So the fact he wants to leave LZ behind is not a surprise.

Otoh Page wouldn't have minded milking the cow and touring the world every 5 years starting in 1990. Imagine the $$$$$ he missed because of Plant! grinning smiley

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: coffeepotman ()
Date: October 1, 2014 14:36

I doubt he's hurting for $$$$$$

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: RoughJusticeOnYa ()
Date: October 1, 2014 15:59

Maybe he can ask Rod Stewart for lead vocals.
That guy is always "full of" ...plans too.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: October 1, 2014 16:27

I doubt he's hurting for $$$$$$

You're right, Page's hurting for ££££££££££££££££££££££££ grinning smiley

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: October 1, 2014 17:27

While Jimmy Page has always been my favorite lead guitarist, I heard him perform Stairway without Plant twice, in 1983 and 1988 (ARMS concert and solo tour).

...I was not impressed.

If Jimmy releases an album of new material (with a band that has a vocalist) and goes on tour, mixing his new material with Zeppelin classics is fine by me, but instrumental versions of Stairway and D & C? ... Pleeeeeaaase (not)!

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: nightskyman ()
Date: October 1, 2014 17:36

I think Page should do what David Gilmour and stick with solo instrumental (not LZ stuff, try different material).

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: October 1, 2014 21:57

But he won't, so no point in speculating/hoping/suggesting, really. sad smiley

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: triceratops ()
Date: October 1, 2014 22:42

Anyone know why the Page+Black Crows tour split up? They were supposed to do more dates but Jimmy left precipitously

Led Zep live sounded thin. With the Black Crows it sounds a lot fuller thus better for me. When Zeppelin toured they should have brought along one multi- instrumentalist who could play to fill in anything where needed. Guitar, bass, keyboards etc. But mostly guitar to cover Jimmy's double tracked guitars. Heck, Jimmy recorded a few layers of guitars sometimes

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: Tate ()
Date: October 1, 2014 22:53

I just wish this harassment of Page and Plant to reform LZ (again) would cease. John Bonham is gone, for one thing, but besides that... If he were still among us and the band never split, the versions of the songs on stage today would be much transformed after 35-45 years straight of playing them live. LZ would be probably recording material something like what we hear on Plant's new album, for all we know. Which brings me to my last point-- Plant's new album is really good!! The man has been really impressively creative in his advanced years, so why on earth should he stop writing and recording interesting new music to reform with the other two remaining members of Led Zeppelin? It seems to me such a ridiculous wish. Go out and get Plant's album, Led Zeppeling fans. It is one of the same creative minds that brought you a lot of great LZ songs. And stop begging for a lame reunion.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: October 1, 2014 22:54

Anyone know why the Page+Black Crows tour split up? They were supposed to do more dates but Jimmy left precipitously

Led Zep live sounded thin. With the Black Crows it sounds a lot fuller thus better for me. When Zeppelin toured they should have brought along one multi- instrumentalist who could play to fill in anything where needed. Guitar, bass, keyboards etc. But mostly guitar to cover Jimmy's double tracked guitars. Heck, Jimmy recorded a few layers of guitars sometimes

I respectfully disagree.

The 18 times I saw them live I never walked away thinking they needed another musician on stage.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: andrewt ()
Date: October 1, 2014 22:54

Anyone know why the Page+Black Crows tour split up? They were supposed to do more dates but Jimmy left precipitously

I think he threw his back out after the Tonight Show appearance, not having been used to slinging that Les Paul on his shoulders for two hours a night.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: October 1, 2014 23:20

Yes, it was his back.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: triceratops ()
Date: October 1, 2014 23:42

I respectfully disagree.

The 18 times I saw them live I never walked away thinking they needed another musician on stage.

I saw them twice before 1970 and thought they sounded thin. Not on all numbers but half or more. Maybe they improved the sound in later years. It was so thin I got bored after 15 minutes...this is for one of the concerts. At the old Worlds Fair grounds in Flushing NY in '69 I believe. Its in the Zep database

REM brought along a touring musician to supplement their sound. Led Zeppelin did not. Page/Plant had lots of touring musicians and did my favorite version of Kashmir

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: shadooby ()
Date: October 2, 2014 00:14

Anyone know why the Page+Black Crows tour split up? They were supposed to do more dates but Jimmy left precipitously

I think he threw his back out after the Tonight Show appearance, not having been used to slinging that Les Paul on his shoulders for two hours a night.

Yup, with the Cult opening up, still got my unused tickets...sad smiley

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: October 2, 2014 00:14

I respectfully disagree.

The 18 times I saw them live I never walked away thinking they needed another musician on stage.

I saw them twice before 1970 and thought they sounded thin. Not on all numbers but half or more. Maybe they improved the sound in later years. It was so thin I got bored after 15 minutes...this is for one of the concerts. At the old Worlds Fair grounds in Flushing NY in '69 I believe. Its in the Zep database

REM brought along a touring musician to supplement their sound. Led Zeppelin did not. Page/Plant had lots of touring musicians and did my favorite version of Kashmir

You might be right, some of the early boots weren't as full sounding as the times I saw them (Starting in March, 1970). I thought it was just inferior recording quality. I wonder if Jimmy switching to the Les Paul by the end of '69 had anything to do with a change of their live sound?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-10-02 00:16 by BluzDude.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: triceratops ()
Date: October 2, 2014 00:43


You might be right, some of the early boots weren't as full sounding as the times I saw them (Starting in March, 1970). I thought it was just inferior recording quality. I wonder if Jimmy switching to the Les Paul by the end of '69 had anything to do with a change of their live sound?

Jimmy Page was a master studio musician for years... A master at double tracking, triple tracking guitars. If a recorded Led Zeppelin tune has Pages double tracking and more can Page make up for this live? Not always. Look at U2. They have an additional musician who fills in a lot on keyboard and sound inserts (I think) and plays (as the joke goes) under the stage. You rarely see him. Why does U2 employ him. The answer is obvious.

Look at the Who. They have lots of instruments on stage these days. The power trio + vocalist that originally recorded and performed them has been filled out

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: whitem8 ()
Date: October 2, 2014 02:37

This was one of the reasons the tour with Page and The Black Crowes was so good. Page said in an interview at the time this was the first time he played live with all the other guitar parts being played. There were three guitarists, all very strong. And great keyboards.

Re: OT: Led Zeppelin stuff
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: October 2, 2014 04:13

Anyone know why the Page+Black Crows tour split up? They were supposed to do more dates but Jimmy left precipitously

I think he threw his back out after the Tonight Show appearance, not having been used to slinging that Les Paul on his shoulders for two hours a night.

Yup, with the Cult opening up, still got my unused tickets...sad smiley

Really!!?? THE CULT!? I guess I missed that. That would've been incredible.

I thought the Black Crowes/Page deal was supreme. Wished I could've seen it live.

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