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Re: Brno update
Posted by: thrak ()
Date: July 24, 2007 21:02

Looks like mid 70's .

Re: Brno update
Posted by: Marco ()
Date: July 24, 2007 21:19

Few from Getty Images

Cheers, Marco

Re: Brno update
Posted by: rooster ()
Date: July 24, 2007 21:34

So where is Baboon!

Re: Brno update
Posted by: latvianinexile ()
Date: July 24, 2007 22:19

Tell me... Sister M... Wrote:
> ah i already see,
> the stage is alot higher it seems, and the
> security stand in the wrong place ?? They should
> stand lower.

The terrain was uneven. There was a descent from Ronnie's to Keith's side so the stage seemed higher for those standing on Keith's side. From the back left side of the FOS area on Ronnie's side you were looking slightly down on the crowd. The height of the B-Stage also had to be adjusted to get the B-Stage pathway somewhat horizontal.

The security guy you see in the clip was only there for the photographers during the first song.

Re: Brno update
Posted by: fotorocker ()
Date: July 24, 2007 22:28

Hey folks...

here's a couple i made in Brno...


It was quite interesting to see some interestng happening in the back during 2-3 song as Ron and Darryl were doing some nice positions at the back, Keith then joined too. However, the rain and wet stage at the beggining had an influence and guys seemed to be more slow than elsewhere.

Best regards,


Re: Brno update
Posted by: monkeyman07 ()
Date: July 24, 2007 22:31

Well ,with the arizojp pics , it seems that they have many years left to still rock!!!!!
never too old or young to rocknroll!!!!!!

Re: Brno update
Posted by: latvianinexile ()
Date: July 24, 2007 23:23

It’s really strange to read the Brno reviews from “best Love is Strong version ever” to “the worst gig I’ve seen on this tour”. There is a strong tendency amongst some members of this board to lower the bar on what constitutes good guitar playing and what is a good Rolling Stones concert.

I agree most with Lorenz that this wasn’t a quality Stones gig. IMO they didn’t take the whole thing seriously. They had flown into the Czech province delivered a quick show and before the engines had cooled down they where off again. But yes, they where enjoying themselves like alexs wrote. Even Mick, who usually is ever so professional, was having a laugh with Ronnie during IORR, which was absolutely chaotic as they probably had major difficulties hearing themselves. The whole B-Stage part was a mess. Listen to silkcut’s recording, it’s all there.

Ronnie is obviously enjoying rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle off stage again and his playing has become sloppy in a negative way compared to earlier shows this tour. It also would be better for all concerned if Keith started drinking a little later in the day. He was so out of it in Budapest that even my wife noticed. And it’s not only that he can’t play the intro riff of BS anymore, he has problems with the whole song. Listen to the 23 minute video.

I think the only way for me to really enjoy my remaining shows is to also get pissed and freak out completely so that I can afterwards join the positive reviewers here on how good the concert was.

P.S. Hats off for the effort playing in the Budapest heat!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-07-24 23:32 by latvianinexile.

Re: Brno update
Posted by: silkcut1978 ()
Date: July 24, 2007 23:55

latvianinexile Wrote:
> There is a strong
> tendency amongst some members of this board to
> lower the bar on what constitutes good guitar
> playing and what is a good Rolling Stones
> concert.

Yes, correct - after Budapest I didn't expect nothing anymore and got a concert in Brno where the enjoyed themselves, as you wrote. Ronnie may have hit enough wrong notes that some people may be able to claim that he's probably on booze again but all I can say is: listen to YGTSilver from Budapest (a shy, unsecure and almost disabled Ronnie) and then to the version from Brno and tell me that there's no difference. In Budapest it was Blondie who played a song and Ronnie was nowhere. And at least he tried to play his parts again and for my humble ears very good for most of the time. But that's me.

And about "lower the bar" - I think we all did and we all had to in a way when Taylor left the band. The guitars were never that good again from the point of musicianship. But for me Ronnie was a real Stone from his first minute in the band, Taylor never was, so it was easy for me.

What's left? After a decade of Ronnie burried somewhere back in the mix or nowhere at all he's back with a guitar up front. I pretty much enjoy this fact and I'm satisfied if I can hear him and if he's doing his part like he did in Brno.

Really, I mean "lower the bar"? What about you? Have you ever enjoyed Brown Sugar in the last 20 years or so? I remember that we started to call this song "Woodchopper Blues" in 1997 because of the silly way Jagger sang and Keef played this song. I mean, lower the bar or vomit on your neighbor, isn't it?

Conclusion: they enjoyed themselves, I enjoyed myself and I got plenty for my money in return. It was a surprising, satisfying evening and personally for me a better event then any other gig I saw in the last 30+ years. And I saw them "everywhere" from Rio to Circus Crone but I never went home THAT enthusiastic after a show like this time. So it's MY BEST GIG in 3 decades, that doesn't mean it was the best show ever :-)


Re: Brno update
Posted by: Lorenz ()
Date: July 25, 2007 00:05

latvianinexile Wrote:
> It’s really strange to read the Brno reviews from
> “best Love is Strong version ever” to “the worst
> gig I’ve seen on this tour”. There is a strong
> tendency amongst some members of this board to
> lower the bar on what constitutes good guitar
> playing and what is a good Rolling Stones
> concert.
> I agree most with Lorenz that this wasn’t a
> quality Stones gig. IMO they didn’t take the whole
> thing seriously. They had flown into the Czech
> province delivered a quick show and before the
> engines had cooled down they where off again. But
> yes, they where enjoying themselves like alexs
> wrote. Even Mick, who usually is ever so
> professional, was having a laugh with Ronnie
> during IORR, which was absolutely chaotic as they
> probably had major difficulties hearing
> themselves. The whole B-Stage part was a mess.
> Listen to silkcut’s recording, it’s all there.
> Ronnie is obviously enjoying rock ‘n’ roll
> lifestyle off stage again and his playing has
> become sloppy in a negative way compared to
> earlier shows this tour. It also would be better
> for all concerned if Keith started drinking a
> little later in the day. He was so out of it in
> Budapest that even my wife noticed. And it’s not
> only that he can’t play the intro riff of BS
> anymore, he has problems with the whole song.
> Listen to the 23 minute video.
> I think the only way for me to really enjoy my
> remaining shows is to also get pissed and freak
> out completely so that I can afterwards join the
> positive reviewers here on how good the concert
> was.
> P.S. Hats off for the effort playing in the
> Budapest heat!

I agree with most of what you said - sadly. Still, I enjoyed 3 out of 4 shows very much.
By the way, you had some troubles with an elderly woman in Budapest - you were just 2 meters left from me at the front rail. What did she do? Hope you still enjoyed the gig, I sure did!


Re: Brno update
Posted by: beast of burgk ()
Date: July 25, 2007 00:19

silkcut1978 Wrote:
> latvianinexile Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > There is a strong
> > tendency amongst some members of this board to
> > lower the bar on what constitutes good guitar
> > playing and what is a good Rolling Stones
> > concert.
> Yes, correct - after Budapest I didn't expect
> nothing anymore and got a concert in Brno where
> the enjoyed themselves, as you wrote. Ronnie may
> have hit enough wrong notes that some people may
> be able to claim that he's probably on booze again
> but all I can say is: listen to YGTSilver from
> Budapest (a shy, unsecure and almost disabled
> Ronnie) and then to the version from Brno and tell
> me that there's no difference. In Budapest it was
> Blondie who played a song and Ronnie was nowhere.
> And at least he tried to play his parts again and
> for my humble ears very good for most of the time.
> But that's me.
> And about "lower the bar" - I think we all did and
> we all had to in a way when Taylor left the band.
> The guitars were never that good again from the
> point of musicianship. But for me Ronnie was a
> real Stone from his first minute in the band,
> Taylor never was, so it was easy for me.
> What's left? After a decade of Ronnie burried
> somewhere back in the mix or nowhere at all he's
> back with a guitar up front. I pretty much enjoy
> this fact and I'm satisfied if I can hear him and
> if he's doing his part like he did in Brno.
> Really, I mean "lower the bar"? What about you?
> Have you ever enjoyed Brown Sugar in the last 20
> years or so? I remember that we started to call
> this song "Woodchopper Blues" in 1997 because of
> the silly way Jagger sang and Keef played this
> song. I mean, lower the bar or vomit on your
> neighbor, isn't it?
> Conclusion: they enjoyed themselves, I enjoyed
> myself and I got plenty for my money in return. It
> was a surprising, satisfying evening and
> personally for me a better event then any other
> gig I saw in the last 30+ years. And I saw them
> "everywhere" from Rio to Circus Crone but I never
> went home THAT enthusiastic after a show like this
> time. So it's MY BEST GIG in 3 decades, that
> doesn't mean it was the best show ever :-)
> silkcut

Brno was (totally unexpected) one of my best 5 Stones gigs ever (out of 35 or 36). Cheap ticket prices, one "personal world premiere" (I'll Go Crazy - much better than Night Time IMO); second time Love Is Strong and You Got The Silver, third time All Down The Line; Oh No Not you Again instead of Rough Justice... Really a setlist you could be satisfied with... Satisfaction sounded a 100 times better on B-stage than the 9 min "party" version as a encore.

If they'd played Can't You Hear Me Knocking instead of Midnight Rambler (but this was still one of the best versions I listened to live; the same for Jumpin' Jack Flash) and It's All Over Now it would even had been the Stones show of my life :-)

Even though Keith did not get totally through Sympathy For The Devil, even though they did do almost no "new" song - this was a real pleasure - even for a very very critical hardcore fan like me!

Re: Brno update
Posted by: YPatrick ()
Date: July 25, 2007 00:21

"In Budapest it was
Blondie who played a song and Ronnie was nowhere.
And at least he tried to play his parts again"

Wasn´t in Brno so can´t comment on the show (I was in Frankfurt, though...winking smiley), but isn´t this exactly what "lowering the bar" means?
At least he tried to play his parts?
Isn´t this what should be demanded from professional musicians, damn it?
Especially professional musicians who charge opera-style prices (not trying to start this argument again, don´t worry, it´s been discussed already)?
And I KNOW that the Rolling Stones have never been about being professional musicians Genesis-style but if we have to be satisfied with Ron or Keith or whoever TRYING to play their parts, that´s not quite enough, isn´t it?

Re: Brno update
Posted by: Sohoe ()
Date: July 25, 2007 00:34

silkcut1978 Wrote:
...And with the exception of a few
> danish people nobody was drunk ;-) wasn't me, I swear.

Re: Brno update
Posted by: silkcut1978 ()
Date: July 25, 2007 00:42

YPatrick Wrote:
> Wasn´t in Brno so can´t comment on the show (I was
> in Frankfurt, though...winking smiley), but isn´t this exactly
> what "lowering the bar" means?
> At least he tried to play his parts?
> Isn´t this what should be demanded from
> professional musicians, damn it?

Don't forget that we're a bunch of fans over here and not the usual concert tourists. A colleague from office who lives in Brno told me today that he bought a few newspapers for me and had an intersting read through the articles. He said in short that the Stones were described to be in their best form ever and the concert was perfect. Nobody was complaining there and not even in Budapest where the crowd was fanatic from the 1st to the last row on the field. So I think all the arguing about the ticket prices is kind of unnecessary.

I mean we had Keith falling asleep onstage once in Germany (was it Kiel or Frankfurt 76 ? I can't remember), we have recordings of really bad 72-shows as well, 1978 was excellent (Memphis) and sucked a** on the very same tour in Greensboro or Anaheim. I saw them in Vienna 1976 and it was dull and not every 69-show was as good as Ya-Ya's could make us believe. So where's your point? Even Taylor wasn't "on" every single night but was it any better cause of cheaper tickets? They were never perfect and will never be. But as long as I feel that they give their best it's enough for me - when it turns out like in Budapest it's not enough, that was a waste of time and money.

But maybe we all have different benchmarks? I can live with the fact that Lorenz didn't like Brno and I did. But it's kind of strange that I'm getting into the situation that I have to excuse that I liked a gig LOL :-)

bv - where are you - HELP - this is a Stones-board, isn't it ??!! ;-)

Re: Brno update
Posted by: latvianinexile ()
Date: July 25, 2007 00:55

silkcut1978 Wrote:

> but all I can say is: listen to YGTSilver from
> Budapest (a shy, unsecure and almost disabled
> Ronnie) and then to the version from Brno and tell
> me that there's no difference. In Budapest it was
> Blondie who played a song and Ronnie was nowhere.
> And at least he tried to play his parts again and
> for my humble ears very good for most of the time.
> But that's me.

OK, and then listen to the Barcelona version of YGTS. Outshines both Budapest and Brno by far.

> Really, I mean "lower the bar"? What about you?
> Have you ever enjoyed Brown Sugar in the last 20
> years or so? I remember that we started to call
> this song "Woodchopper Blues" in 1997 because of
> the silly way Jagger sang and Keef played this
> song. I mean, lower the bar or vomit on your
> neighbor, isn't it?

Isn't Brown Sugar the first song people learn when they start to learn Stones songs on guitar or songs in open tuning? I mean it's not that difficult. And BTW it could be the song that Keith has played more than any other song on stage. It's not about me or others enjoying it it's just about getting it done in decent manner.
> Conclusion: they enjoyed themselves, I enjoyed
> myself and I got plenty for my money in return. It
> was a surprising, satisfying evening and
> personally for me a better event then any other
> gig I saw in the last 30+ years. And I saw them
> "everywhere" from Rio to Circus Crone but I never
> went home THAT enthusiastic after a show like this
> time. So it's MY BEST GIG in 3 decades, that
> doesn't mean it was the best show ever :-)

Well, that's interesting. I also was at Circus Crone and many other good shows. Sometimes it's a question of personal mood. In Brno I was really concentrating and watching them and listening. I drank my beers afterwards. smiling smiley

Re: Brno update
Posted by: latvianinexile ()
Date: July 25, 2007 01:06

Lorenz Wrote:

> I agree with most of what you said - sadly. Still,
> I enjoyed 3 out of 4 shows very much.
> By the way, you had some troubles with an elderly
> woman in Budapest - you were just 2 meters left
> from me at the front rail. What did she do? Hope
> you still enjoyed the gig, I sure did!

That elderly grey haired woman (in her sixties or so) was concert hooligan. I couldn't believe it! She came rolling through the crowd like a tank and got to row 2. When she was heading for the rail I said STOP. She yelled something at me in Hungarian. Then she started fiddling around with her big bag and annoying everyone around her. After that she managed to sit down. I had one of these water bags between my feet on the floor as reserve. When she tried to nick it I asked her what other languages she understood and told her what I thought of her behaviour.

Re: Brno update
Posted by: bv ()
Date: July 25, 2007 01:14

If you want to know how a Stones show was then ask the fans who went to the show. The local fans. Count the number of smiling faces and divide by the total. Then multiply by 100. This is how to get the percent of Satisfaction! If you get less than 50 it was a bad show. But I am sure you get a lot more than 50 which means most of all the people who went to the show were Satisfied. Brno was great, and it is not interesting how great it was as compared to IOW, Frankfurt or Barcelona. It was great. What more can you expect?

Bored fans? Hands in the air? Going to buy beer or enjoying the show? These are just some souvenirs from Brno. Sure the fans loved every moment.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-07-25 01:31 by bv.

Re: Brno update
Posted by: latvianinexile ()
Date: July 25, 2007 01:59

Sure the locals enjoyed the show, not least because of this guy:

Re: Brno update
Posted by: little queenie ()
Date: July 25, 2007 02:03

in the second pic that bv posted is that guy from the "who is this guy?" thread...

i'm not sure when ronnie got sloppy, i still remember his mind-blowing solo from CYHMK in rome.

budapest had the best rambler i've heard in a long time but can't tell you who to attribute that to (weaving?).

and again, belgrade had the best satisfaction i've heard since fall '05.

Re: Brno update
Posted by: stickydion ()
Date: July 25, 2007 02:33

silkcut1978 Wrote:

"A colleague from office who lives in Brno told me today that he bought a few newspapers for me and had an intersting read through the articles. He said in short that the Stones were described to be in their best form ever and the concert was perfect."

Of course. Nothing new. The most critical talk takes place in our board! Always. The huge majority of the "normal people" who attend them live are enthousiastic or atleast very, very satisfied... Noone cares if two Keith's intros are sloppy. (BTW, i like Keith's SOLOS on the current leg).

Well, we, here, are living in our own mini- "world"...

Re: Brno update
Posted by: alexs ()
Date: July 25, 2007 09:43

to all the mistake-counters:

yes, they do make mistakes on the stage. thank god they do, they are no machines or some boring studio-musicians, playing all the stuff in a perfect way. with some people here i really have the impression all they do is listen to the concert and waiting for the next wrong sounding riff.

ok, bs was screwed up. so what? satisfaction was one of the best versions i ever heard, including bootlegs.

it is not that i don´t hear the mistakes (lower the bar, uhu), i simply don´t care if the overall show is great, i enjoy myself, they enjoy themselfes.

Re: Brno update
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: July 25, 2007 12:49

I liked this show. Not the best I've seen. Keith was great at some points and way off on other times. Ronnie kicked ass. It was the best I've seen him. Mick was good as usual, but it wasn't his best performance either I think. Charlie was good though. Darryl was great too. I have a great picture of him and Ronnie from the b-stage.


Re: Brno update
Date: July 25, 2007 13:00

From the recording it sounds like Keith had a good night (I've only heard the first half of the show), Charlie was great and Mick (catched a cold, no?) and Ronnie have had better nights. IMO Wanna Hold You wasn't that bad at all, as others keep stating here. He even remembered all the verses (except a couple of words in the last verse smiling smiley )

Re: Brno update
Posted by: Sohoe ()
Date: July 25, 2007 13:23

I pretty much agree with you DandelionPowderman (I was there, but I have yet to listen to the bootleg). On WHY Keith did spend a lot of time looking at the teleprompter.

Re: Brno update
Posted by: mjol ()
Date: July 25, 2007 16:33

I won't continue to bash Keith here.. But as this was my first show on the 2007 tour.. I must say he was a bit 'off' compared to the 2006 shows. Looked like he had "just another day at work" from time to time. That said; he could absolutely have had worse days at work.. smiling smiley

Ronnie was great! Some excellent solo work, and put on a great show as always. Mick in great shape as always, but Charlie was on fire in Brno. He never stops to amaze me!! smiling smiley

When the Stones put on a show like they did in Brno, I can't see how people can complain. Maybe when you seen a zillion Stones concerts, you get picky, but all in all the "package" they deliver nowadays is just a killer!

- mjOL

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-07-25 16:34 by mjol.

Re: Brno update
Posted by: Happy24 ()
Date: July 25, 2007 18:46

Hi guys,

I am new here, so first of all hallo to everybody! I am also one of those lucky ones, who were at this show. Well, it was my first show this year and I am absolutely satisfied, I had a great time. Being a huge Keith's fan, it's a bit sad for me to admit, that he looked a bit tired this time (mostly before he got to sing), but he had great great moments and his two songs this time were absolutely the best I've ever heard from him. Especially You Got The Silver of course - I was in heaven when he sang it. From that moment on, Keith was absolutely OK (I really don't care about the BS intro), performing great. Mick, Ronnie and Charlie - just brilliant. All in all - I would love to see some other show like the one in Brno.

Re: Brno update
Posted by: phd ()
Date: July 25, 2007 20:50

JumpingKentFlash Wrote:
> I liked this show. Not the best I've seen. Keith
> was great at some points and way off on other
> times. Ronnie kicked ass. It was the best I've
> seen him. Mick was good as usual, but it wasn't
> his best performance either I think. Charlie was
> good though. Darryl was great too. I have a great
> picture of him and Ronnie from the b-stage.

A bit of disillusion pointing out from your words. Do not worry Copenhagen will be great.

Re: Brno update
Posted by: mickijaggeroo ()
Date: July 26, 2007 01:48

JumpingKentFlash Wrote:
> I liked this show. Not the best I've seen. Keith
> was great at some points and way off on other
> times. Ronnie kicked ass. It was the best I've
> seen him. Mick was good as usual, but it wasn't
> his best performance either I think. Charlie was
> good though. Darryl was great too. I have a great
> picture of him and Ronnie from the b-stage.

And where is Baboon? I´d like to hear his impressions.

Nordic Stones Vikings

Re: Brno update
Posted by: Sohoe ()
Date: July 26, 2007 01:53

He is spending a couple of days in Denmark with his sons before headin' home. That's how I got it. Anyway I got the impression that he liked the concert.

Re: Brno update
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: July 26, 2007 03:22

Yeah, who wouldn't? Glad the great Bro finally got to see what all the hype was about! One of the few things that actually lives up to the hype - a Stones show.

"No Anchovies, Please"

Re: Brno update
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: July 26, 2007 13:14

Rooster, mickijaggeroo, Elmo, glad too see I'm awaited... winking smiley
Now back home safely, got stuck in Legoland plus at some lady's
who lived midways home. Been driving 5,000 km all by myself,
not to easy. Lovely country, Czeckia & I'm a notorious Denmark freak.

Great show for what a former Stones concert virgin is worth.
Rambler split my arse in two. Soon back with more.
In about ten hours from now, 22 CET, I will try to
type down a rudimentary review. Trust me. Plus minus one hour.

But till then I can say, a few downs and many many ups;
gotta be one of the best shows along the tour.
But many impressions, still havent sorted them all.
Now off to the car repair shop.

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