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Re: Brno update
Posted by: Lorenz ()
Date: July 23, 2007 19:11

sater Wrote:
> just back from Brno...Great show..but..what a lame
> crowd...shame on you Czech people!!!!!!!When I was
> jumping and singing many people around me looking
> at meand probably think that I'm stupid or
> something like that.I got many picture and 4 clips
> i will update it on youtube ..and the biggest
> suprise??LIS!!!!!!!!!!! I always wnat hear this
> song live and it was great!!!

Good to hear that someone felt the same about the crowd as me.

Re: Brno update
Posted by: Adi Tyler ()
Date: July 23, 2007 19:25

Rock them, Ronnieeeee! Woooo! Love that pic!

Re: Brno update
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: July 23, 2007 19:36

little queenie Wrote:
> Lorenz Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > And having the comparison of how Mick
> interacted
> > with the crowd on previous shows everyone will
> > agree that he shifted down a gear or two in
> Brno.
> >
> so this is what happens when i leave the
> tour...i'll have to come back.
> sorry to hear about the crowd, lorenz. i must say
> that i was one of the only people dancing for most
> of the show in my front rail section in budapest
> (ronnie's side, down near where the small screen
> was - i think you guys were closer to the
> catwalk).

<<< so this is what happens when i leave the tour...i'll have to come back >>>

Yes you most certainly WILL LQ, you MUST in fact. We insist on it ... !! How could you miss the O2 shows ? You couldn't, could you ? There you go, argument settled. See you in London !!

Re: Brno update
Posted by: brnco ()
Date: July 23, 2007 20:17

would it be possible to use your pictures on my web page I'm writing a review but I don't have any pics.


Re: Brno update
Posted by: Stikkyfinger ()
Date: July 23, 2007 20:24

Sounds like another great show ;-)

Rolling Stones Tribute

Play Rolling Stones

Re: Brno update
Posted by: little queenie ()
Date: July 23, 2007 21:40

paulywaul Wrote:
> Yes you most certainly WILL LQ, you MUST in fact.
> We insist on it ... !! How could you miss the O2
> shows ? You couldn't, could you ? There you go,
> argument settled. See you in London !!

i just got back last night (from london) and have already checked on airfares (back to london). beast and others gave me a few tips on "cheap" airlines that fly across the atlantic but it must be too late to get these fares because they're still about $800 RT. i can't get the air india website to work properly.

anyone want to sell me some extra miles?? winking smiley

Re: Brno update
Posted by: MartinB ()
Date: July 23, 2007 22:41

I am sorry for your experience, Lorenz, but my experience was different. I was in FOS, Keith's side, and the crowd was very lively, going well with the band. the czech press also thinks that the crowd was excited... And I loved the show, I thought it was way better than barcelona...

Re: Brno update
Posted by: thrak ()
Date: July 23, 2007 22:43

i've just back from the Show. It was really really good. As on previous tour Stones in Czech Rep. Band did few suprises( Love Is Strong , ONNYA). I feel the same way as Sater and Lorenz about crowd. I think only South America fans are still really crazy about Stones as it should be. I hope polish audience will be as great as in Chorzow 1998. I had flag of Poland (FOS keith side) and people were realyl mad when i show it over their heads. Sorry but i did it only for few seconds. It was my first FOS maybe that's why i'm so still so excited. This all Keith theme is strange. He was very good, smiling , happy, focused during Midnight Rambler. Then after almost whole good show he made simple mistake with chords in Brown Sugar and started to play honky tonk in wrong place. But is it so important ? It just the way it is not as it used to be. We have 64 old year guy who is playing with heart and soul for us. Don't expect to see Keith in shape from Voodoo time.Time waits for no one even for Keith. After all these themes like : he's eyes are gone etc. i thought he'd be almost dead on the stage. He wasn't.

Thanks to Adams for company !!!

Re: Brno update
Posted by: Adams ()
Date: July 23, 2007 22:54

Hi all
Thrak, thanks for the company too. I'm in an Internet cafe in Warsaw at the moment. I think the show was great. It had a few small lows for me but maybe it was just me losing energy. The guitars were really loud and I think it was the best set of warhorses I've ever seen. Can't decide whether Budapest was better or not. About the guitar players making mistakes I think that too many people are too psyched up about them. It's nothing new, they have always been like that. Sometimes completely flawless and sometimes sloppy. Word.

Re: Brno update
Posted by: Lorenz ()
Date: July 23, 2007 23:00

Hi adam! Cool you enjoyed it, pity we couldn't meet there! Love Is Strong was a highlight for me, such a nice addition to the setlist. There certainly were so lows, just like in Budapest - but there the enthusiastic crowd covered it better - at least for me.

Re: Brno update
Posted by: Adams ()
Date: July 23, 2007 23:05

Hi, yeah, it is my fault. I could not make it to Starobrno. Love Is Strong was a great surprise and it was perfectly played. I remember hearing it on boots from Voodoo Lounge and it has always been rather bad and here: magnificent.
I think I saw your girlfriend on your arms during the small stage set. You were a bit in the back of FOS on Keith's side.

Re: Brno update
Posted by: Lorenz ()
Date: July 23, 2007 23:06

Adams Wrote:
> Hi, yeah, it is my fault. I could not make it to
> Starobrno. Love Is Strong was a great surprise and
> it was perfectly played. I remember hearing it on
> boots from Voodoo Lounge and it has always been
> rather bad and here: magnificent.
> I think I saw your girlfriend on your arms during
> the small stage set. You were a bit in the back of
> FOS on Keith's side.

Yeah, exactly, that was us! People almost killed us because I took her on my shoulders...


Re: Brno update
Posted by: Lorenz ()
Date: July 23, 2007 23:09

little queenie Wrote:
> Lorenz Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> so this is what happens when i leave the
> tour...i'll have to come back.
> sorry to hear about the crowd, lorenz. i must say
> that i was one of the only people dancing for most
> of the show in my front rail section in budapest
> (ronnie's side, down near where the small screen
> was - i think you guys were closer to the
> catwalk).

Yeah, you should've never left the tour. Wasn't the same without you, everyone knew it, the Stones included! We were indeed close to the catwalk in Budapest - right at that corner down there.


Re: Brno update
Posted by: wälder ()
Date: July 23, 2007 23:15

Brno was great - one of the best ABB gigs I saw so far.
Very rocky!
Can´t remember Ronnie that good & Love is Strong was galatic. When this song song came out in our highschool time we just went wild.


Boston-Rio-Buenos Aires-Milano-Vienna-Munich-Paris-Amsterdam-El Paso-Austin-Budva-Beograd-Bruno

Re: Brno update
Posted by: brother morphine ()
Date: July 23, 2007 23:26

Don't worry
my wife also looked at me so . But it could me unsatisfied of the brilliant night.
The Best show in czech.

Re: Brno update
Posted by: Beast ()
Date: July 23, 2007 23:36

Brno was not a bad show but it wasn't the best either - of the ten I've seen so far on this leg, it was the weakest for me. The crowd was not at all lame where I was at the rail on Ronnie's side - in fact, they were so enthusiastic I figured at one point that I was doomed to be crushed to death! It was great to hear Love Is Strong - a big surprise - and also ONNYA. Ronnie did some good solo work but Keith wasn't on form IMHO compared with the other times I've so far seen him in 2007. On the other hand, for me Budapest was among my top three of this leg so far. Yes, more mistakes were made than at Brno BUT the innovative guitar-playing from both Keith and Ronnie was consistent throughout the night and truly fantastic. I will never forget it for those guitars.

Re: Brno update
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: July 23, 2007 23:42

Beast Wrote:
> On the other hand, for me Budapest was
> among my top three of this leg so far.

Very strange, I've read the exact opposite opinion somewhere else.

Re: Brno update
Posted by: j442211 ()
Date: July 23, 2007 23:45

Just got back after a very, very long drive home. To cut it short, the show last night was nothing short of SUPERB! Way, way better than the 2 BB shows I saw last year in Munich and Glasgow. Like watching a different band! The audience wasn't that lively but that really was the only minus. Due to it not being in a stadium, the sound was tremendous and it was obvious the band were enjoying themselves, too. Keith and Ronnie smiled their way through the whole show and, as someone already pointed out, even the warhorses were great fun. And there will always be the odd mistake at a Stones show.
Strangely enough, I'm usually one for jumping and clapping and shouting along but last night, it just didn't seem to be that kind of show.........and yet I would still rate it as one of the best I have seen!

Re: Brno update
Posted by: thrak ()
Date: July 23, 2007 23:57

I'm wondering did you have the same impression as me after first love is strong chord that it is stray cat blues ?

Re: Brno update
Posted by: Keys Rich Arts ()
Date: July 24, 2007 00:02

hi all,

i just would like to thank the czech security staff, who let me and many others who couldn't afford a ticket in for free during the show. very nice.

as for keef, it was very interesting to hear him make a few little mistakes, so at least you could actually hear that he was playing for real (and not hiding behind the horn section, acoustically spoken).

some crowd members were lame, but on the other hand you don't want the old grandmother with her four grandchildren standing next to you to jump and dance in ecstasy, do you?

after all, a good and interesting show for me.
very nice version of satisfaction, with some soloing, great new sounds from the guitars, above all ronnie's dan armstrong and silver zemaitis.

cheers to all that enjoyed, and to the others too.

j. from vienna

btw: the 72' custom on brown sugar sounds great!

Re: Brno update
Posted by: Lorenz ()
Date: July 24, 2007 00:05

Erik_Snow Wrote:
> Beast Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > On the other hand, for me Budapest was
> > among my top three of this leg so far.
> Very strange, I've read the exact opposite opinion
> somewhere else.

It was my favourite show too. But you are right, there was also some who said it was very bad?
I don't think we ever got that many reviews that are completely different for the same show.

Re: Brno update
Posted by: latvianinexile ()
Date: July 24, 2007 01:47

On the B-Stage:

Re: Brno update
Posted by: King Snake ()
Date: July 24, 2007 01:48

That`s one helluva guitar!!

Re: Brno update
Posted by: Wild Slivovitz ()
Date: July 24, 2007 11:39

Hey latvianinexile, thanks for the pic. It's been great to meet you personally in Budapest and Brno!

The show in Brno was very well performed; the guitars were slightly lower in the mix than in Budapest, and that maybe affected our perception of the show; anyway, Keith was good (maybe even better than in Budapest), and so were the others. Mick is in an amazing shape, even better than last year! He really worked the crowd well.

The atmosphere anyway wasn't so enjoyable as in Budapest, though.
The highlight of the show was indeed "Love Is Strong", which I don't know if has ever been performed in Europe before. I was expecting Mick's harmonica solo in the outro, but he gave it to Ronnie instead, and it was nothing short of terrific!

All Down The Line also was good, even if not so good as in Paris, for instance.
I didn't enjoy so much "Satisfaction" because, according to me, it should be brought back to the main stage. It's not by chance that the best version of that number I've witnessed so far this year was played in Paris, on the main stage!!! "Honky Tonk Women", on the other hand, was very good and energic.

The boys went nicely through the second part of the show, an according to me "Sympathy For The Devil" was really really good (of course, Keith's solo included)!

I'm glad to say that the tour has now reached a very high standard, and that Keith really has recovered, it seems.

I love this band!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-07-24 12:01 by Wild Slivovitz.

Re: Brno update
Posted by: loochie ()
Date: July 24, 2007 11:42

Just found Youtube video Brno All Down the Line,

But I still don't see Love is Strong !! smiling smiley

Thanx much to whoever is posting this stuff (lots of videos out there now) !

Re: Brno update
Date: July 24, 2007 11:53

<and started to play honky tonk in wrong place>

Is that possible? smiling smiley

Re: Brno update
Posted by: Sohoe ()
Date: July 24, 2007 14:11

DandelionPowderman Wrote:
> <and started to play honky tonk in wrong place>

> Is that possible? smiling smiley

Keith missed his que to start the solo, and Mick turned towards him with a big smile on his face sang the chorus once more, so Keith could play the solo.

Re: Brno update
Posted by: Lorenz ()
Date: July 24, 2007 14:13

Sohoe Wrote:
> DandelionPowderman Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Is that possible? smiling smiley
> Keith missed his que to start the solo, and Mick
> turned towards him with a big smile on his face
> sang the chorus once more, so Keith could play the
> solo.

So you are back home safely? Hope you guys liked the show, tried to make my way down to you, but didn't manage. Heard a fight nearly broke out near you?


Re: Brno update
Posted by: Sohoe ()
Date: July 24, 2007 14:26

Yep I was home this morning about 5.00. Safe and sound. Oh yeah the fight. Kent told me so, but I didn't really see anything.

We all enjoyed the show. Including the younger generations of Baboons.

BTW nice meeting you and your girlfriend. Sorry, but I've completely forgtten her name.

More later. I got a studysession in 30 minutes...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-07-24 14:29 by Sohoe.

Re: Brno update
Posted by: JumpinJeppeFlash ()
Date: July 24, 2007 20:41

Never seen Ronnie with that strat before??? What kind of strat is it???

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