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Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: April 4, 2007 16:56

1cdog Wrote:
> Leave it to the NY Post for the cover of the day
> or perhaps year.....
> Even the UK rags like the SUN can't top that
> one....

Well, Rupert Murdoch owns both the Post and the Sun, so it's not surprising. They're both rather trashy tabloid-style papers with virtually non-existent journalism.

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: April 4, 2007 16:58

Its getting huge!! Fox News have just run it and its on alot of web sites/blogs.....

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: sweet neo con ()
Date: April 4, 2007 17:01

i'm not sure if this has already been posted....just heard on the
radio that Kurt Loder (Rock Journalist) investigated...and declared it untrue.

IORR............but I like it!

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: Adrian-L ()
Date: April 4, 2007 17:03

that old crock from MTV?
MTV the 'music' channel that no longer plays music?

since when has Kurt Loder been a close confidant, of Mark Beaumont, editor
of NME?

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: April 4, 2007 17:08

New album title - Dad's The Sh&t

"No Anchovies, Please"

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: sweetladyjane ()
Date: April 4, 2007 17:12

Given that my own father died a few months ago and was cremated, you'd think that I would be aghast by this story. What I am bothered by is the number of people who took it seriously or for some strange reason wanted to believe it when the story broke.

Given Keith's penchant for fabricated tales, it was utterly ridiculous for anyone to think he'd actually snort the ashes of his dead father. If anyone has ever seen ashes, they'd know what an absurd statement that is.

While I laughed heartily at Keith's antics I couldn't help but find some reactions to it even more amusing. Get over it people. This is the band that has survived drug addictions and arrests, a "suspicious" death of a band member, tax evasion, Altamont, divorce, and hoards of other interpersonal muck and mire. My, my, my the Stones fans have gotten uptight and stodgy in their old age. While everyone else is worried about the Stones aging, I think we should be more concerned about their fan base.

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: retired_dog ()
Date: April 4, 2007 17:14

sluissie Wrote:
> There also is no point in comparing dead fathers
> with dead children, because then you presume that
> the ashes itself have somekind of value, which
> varies with the tragedy. I mean, did he snort/joke
> about the respect for his father, or did he snort
> the memory of his father? No, he snorted/joke
> about ashes. Material. It does not mean anything
> more than that. Material. It's up to Keith and his
> family to add value, or don't add value to ashes.

Just material? Keith would not have even mentioned it if he snorted just some unidentified ashes, and even if he did, nobody would take care. He mentioned it because it wasn't just "some material", but the ashes of his father. If the story is not true and Keith just tried to make a joke, it is not a good one.

We don't live in a world that shares many common values, yes, but respecting the remains of a dead person is one of those common values. Otherwise you could shit on anyone's grave and say: "Well, it's just material."

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: sluissie ()
Date: April 4, 2007 17:30

retired_dog Wrote:
> We don't live in a world that shares many common
> values, yes, but respecting the remains of a dead
> person is one of those common values. Otherwise
> you could shit on anyone's grave and say: "Well,
> it's just material."

I did not say 'just' material, I used material as opposed to non-material things like memories or respect, which he did not snort or harm.

A question that comes to my mind about your last remark is: what is it we value in the remains? Isn't it the memory, which the grave gives a place for? Isn't the grave a place that symbolizes this memory, and for that we value the grave? I mean: I hope it's not for the material remains of the person...? Well, probably it is... Difficult.


Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: April 4, 2007 17:32

>> respecting the remains of a dead person is one of those common values <<

mercy - different individuals/cultures/religions have all kinds of different ideas about
"the right way" to treat a dead body, and the concept that it's merely material is a pretty widespread one.

and SweetLadyJane ...


roses for you, whether you ain't got none or not

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: April 4, 2007 18:09

RE: sweetladyjane's post


"No Anchovies, Please"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-04-04 18:09 by Elmo Lewis.

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: Stikkyfinger ()
Date: April 4, 2007 18:09

Rip This Wrote:
> OK...well here's the article from AP wire services
> so it's legit.............
> LONDON (AP) - Keith Richards has acknowledged
> consuming a raft of illegal substances in his
> time, but this may top them all.
> In comments published Tuesday, the 63-year-old
> Rolling Stones guitarist said he had snorted his
> father's ashes mixed with cocaine.
> "The strangest thing I've tried to snort? My
> father. I snorted my father," Richards was quoted
> as saying by British music magazine NME.
> "He was cremated and I couldn't resist grinding
> him up with a little bit of blow. My dad wouldn't
> have cared," he said. "... It went down pretty
> well, and I'm still alive."
> Richards' father, Bert, died in 2002, at 84.
> Richards, one of rock's legendary wild men, told
> the magazine that his survival was the result of
> luck, and advised young musicians against trying
> to emulate him.
> "I did it because that was the way I did it. Now
> people think it's a way of life," he was quoted as
> saying.
> "I've no pretensions about immortality," he added.
> "I'm the same as everyone ... just kind of lucky.
> "I was No. 1 on the `who's likely to die' list for
> 10 years. I mean, I was really disappointed when I
> fell off the list," Richards said.
> ___
> On the Net:
> Rolling Stones:
> []
> NME:
> []
> Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights
> reserved. This material may not be published,
> broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

It must be true...... winking smiley

Rolling Stones Tribute

Play Rolling Stones

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: bombayturner ()
Date: April 4, 2007 18:17


that sounds much more correct

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: Beelyboy ()
Date: April 4, 2007 18:39

we love you keith!!!
say whatever the hell you want as always...
great sense of humor and perspective as always...

i wouldn't even care if it were true...
it ain't no hangin' matter...

damn the torpedos...they stand in judgement of someone more talented, intelligent, soulful, playful, funny and accomplished than imaginable...

tens of thousands of silly interviews for 45 people over-analyzing and miscalculating every breath he takes...looking for something slanderous and cruel to say at his expense...
glad he's survived...
good for him!!!!!!

do you think it was personally pleasant for him to be the butt of so many 'ugly' jokes and salivating 'ooh, he's sure the next to die' crap?
parading his legal and personal problems with glee at any chance...
and with such personal insult...and he's turned it all around and is more funny and warm than ever...a gracious and fine man. i don't care how many drugs or drinks he takes...not my business...
if anyone thinks l&g and much of their greatest work isn't fueled by speed, heroin, coke and god knows what else...well, stay comfortable in denial...
i don't emulate it, i don't recommend it, neither does he
'don't try this at home'
but it is what it with it.

go keith go...go go...

he's gonna walk and they CAN'T make him runnn......
well alright.

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: HEILOOBAAS ()
Date: April 4, 2007 18:44

If it appears in the media, it must be true, right? PUH-Leeze!

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: Stargroves ()
Date: April 4, 2007 19:11

OK I've read the interview now in Tescos. I'm sure NME never used to publish such superficial rubbish, but then last time I looked at NME it was a B&W tabloid newspaper... time flies when you're having fun winking smiley

As tabloid headlines go, this must be up with "Fredie Starr ate my hamster". As a factual interview... not even on the chart, reads as complete fiction and silliness, really should have April Fool plastered all over it

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: April 4, 2007 19:14

Me too . I read the NME in the days when it was a music journal.
[Mind you, back them most of Journalists working for the NME had Keith as some kind of deity and spent most of their time trying to copy his walk and recreational habits. After copying the latter...they'd have struggled with the former I suspect ;^) ]

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: cirrhosis ()
Date: April 4, 2007 19:15


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-12-30 21:02 by cirrhosis.

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: April 4, 2007 19:16

Well put, cirrhosis

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: melillo ()
Date: April 4, 2007 19:23

boy they play right into the stones hands, this is exactly what they wanted, keith and mick must be rolling on the floor laughing, stupid ass media

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: April 4, 2007 19:37

No, Mick is not laughing, they are not little boys anymore hardly friends. Keith is cool and is anyone surprised he still does coke? He dabbled with H during BtB and may very well have done it again, why not. He's Keith. He's alwyas been a bit crazy or tried to be.

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: April 4, 2007 19:42

Have to agree cirrhosis

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: donnywas ()
Date: April 4, 2007 19:51

Ket Wrote:
> I am willing to bet it is just Keith humor,
> remember the notorious "I get my blood changed in
> Switzerland" one? some others as well. He probably
> is just testing peoples gullibility.

Yeah I was thinking about that too. Keith always had been impressed about the way Andrew Oldham used to come up with shit like: "Would You marry your daughter etc..." and it always worked in favour of the Stones instead of against them.
Who if not he (KR) knows how to create a legend by manipulating the press...
Who in the world knows, what exactly Keith Richards has done in his life? Only himself! All else is speculation and stories...

But... is humour, it is a very strange kind of humour indeed...

If....the story is really true, well he is some real mad MF !

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: sweetladyjane ()
Date: April 4, 2007 19:54

I'm beginning to understand why it bothers me to see old people at Stones concerts.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-04-04 20:22 by sweetladyjane.

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: Beelyboy ()
Date: April 4, 2007 19:57

sweetladyjane Wrote:
> I'm beginning to understand why it bothers me to
> see old people at Stones concerts.

then you'll have to avoid looking at the stage honey.
winking smiley

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: ohnonotyouagain ()
Date: April 4, 2007 20:00

This is a fascinating debate, but I have to stop reading now. I'm off to have lunch with "dear old dad." It always gives me such a lift to see him, I can feel my heart beating faster already.

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: donnywas ()
Date: April 4, 2007 20:05

Gazza Wrote:
> sluissie Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It's not about whether it's true or not OR
> wether
> > it's funny or not, it's about whether one
> should
> > get heated up over this remark, because of
> one's
> > OWN values.
> Dont agree. If he did it, its his own business.
> Personally, I find it embarrassing for him that -
> at his age - he's that desperate for publicity. To
> a generation of people who have no clue about what
> his contribution to music has been he'll just be
> forever known as that wrinkly old madman who
> snorted his dad's ashes.

Maybe he wants to be remembered just like that which is sad, I agree.

> No one in the media is pillioring him for it that
> I can see - the general tone seems to be more
> ridicule than anything else. Which is worse. And
> you can bet that Jane Rose's hasty (and quite
> believable) detraction that it was all a bit of
> fun will be all but ignored

Jane Rose's reaction shows that she has seen the damage such a statement would cause and wanted to prevent the worst case to happen, but unfortunately not her saying that "it was a joke" made the headlines, but Keith saying "I snorted ma father"....

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: Beelyboy ()
Date: April 4, 2007 20:08

actually on cnn they mentioned the quote then said it was likely a joke on keith's part...even on cnn...gosh...much ado about nothin much??

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: 1cdog ()
Date: April 4, 2007 20:12

cirrhosis Wrote:
> His comments don't offend me, but there's nothing
> cool about watching Keith being ridiculed. Or
> seeing him turned into a punchline once again.
> This isn't 1972, and no one is treating him as if
> he's some mythical rock god despite the way
> everyone here is trying to spin things. The level
> of ridicule is getting a little too close to Mike
> Tyson territory for my liking: Tyson eats
> children; Keith snorts his parents.

Well I guess it is what it is......

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: stoneMe ()
Date: April 4, 2007 20:20

I`ve just read it and Sick, It must be a late April Fool?
Hope So Anyway.

Ever Danced with a One Legged Woman?

Re: Keith: I snorted my father
Posted by: glen759 ()
Date: April 4, 2007 20:32

There has just been a message put up on from Keith saying that the whole story is "lost in the usual slanting".

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