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His Majesty
A powerful reaction to death is to continue, for the living to live and affirm life, for the living to allow happiness to return in midst of a sad situation. Creative acts such as a group of musicians playing concerts to audiences can be all of the above and a lot more.
Through their music and concerts The Rolling Stones make a lot of people happy and help fans get through their own hard or sad times. Our participation and reaction to their music and concerts can do the same for them.
These are wonky times, great that The Rolling Stones are still around to bring smiles to sad faces.
May be there is a new guy on bass (since 1995), and a new guy on drums (since 2021), and also a "new guy" on guitar, since 1975. So feel free to complain. But still, it is the same two guys who wrote all the great songs they play live, the same guy who master the riffs - Keith - and the same singer, the world's most fascinating singer, good old eternal Mick, with his voice as great as ever. They rock. And roll. Hard!
Many would agree that they rock'n'roll hard. But there are also sizable numbers of people who think its now more karaoke than rock'n'roll. And I am one of those. Sadly Keith is now a shadow of the guitarist and performer he once was. And I am really struggling to see Mick as the worlds most fascinating singer. Maybe he was! Once! But far from it now.
No doubt we can agree to disagree. Certainly the many many thousands who will rock up to the concerts in Europe and GB will agree totally with you.
No one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to go.
Absolutely true my friend! Spot on.
But even if someone WAS putting a gun to my head, I would risk life and limb to stay away now. For me - and I speak only for myself - what happens at concerts now is a kind of role-play. An inferior replica of what once was a totally engrossing, and valid, musical experience. By a band that really cared. Right or wrong, sadly, it just does not work for me any longer. I tried, I REALLY tried to persuade myself I was wrong. And I failed! In saying this I'm not disrespecting alternative views and opinions of the band. In fact I champion the rights of EVERYONE to do what they want to do. For those who still love the concert experience, I wish you all the fulfillment in the world. Enjoy every second, as I once did.
While you are doing so, I shall be listening to the deep cuts, the rarities, the 'never-played-in-concert' numbers, and the myriad treasures that adorn the recorded work of The Rolling Stones. Recordings that date from those days when they really were The Greatest Rock'n'Roll Band In The World. Yes, absolutely they were. In the entire WORLD! And by some distance too...
May be there is a new guy on bass (since 1995), and a new guy on drums (since 2021), and also a "new guy" on guitar, since 1975. So feel free to complain. But still, it is the same two guys who wrote all the great songs they play live, the same guy who master the riffs - Keith - and the same singer, the world's most fascinating singer, good old eternal Mick, with his voice as great as ever. They rock. And roll. Hard!
Many would agree that they rock'n'roll hard. But there are also sizable numbers of people who think its now more karaoke than rock'n'roll. And I am one of those. Sadly Keith is now a shadow of the guitarist and performer he once was. And I am really struggling to see Mick as the worlds most fascinating singer. Maybe he was! Once! But far from it now.
No doubt we can agree to disagree. Certainly the many many thousands who will rock up to the concerts in Europe and GB will agree totally with you.
No one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to go.
Absolutely true my friend! Spot on.
But even if someone WAS putting a gun to my head, I would risk life and limb to stay away now. For me - and I speak only for myself - what happens at concerts now is a kind of role-play. An inferior replica of what once was a totally engrossing, and valid, musical experience. By a band that really cared. Right or wrong, sadly, it just does not work for me any longer. I tried, I REALLY tried to persuade myself I was wrong. And I failed! In saying this I'm not disrespecting alternative views and opinions of the band. In fact I champion the rights of EVERYONE to do what they want to do. For those who still love the concert experience, I wish you all the fulfillment in the world. Enjoy every second, as I once did.
While you are doing so, I shall be listening to the deep cuts, the rarities, the 'never-played-in-concert' numbers, and the myriad treasures that adorn the recorded work of The Rolling Stones. Recordings that date from those days when they really were The Greatest Rock'n'Roll Band In The World. Yes, absolutely they were. In the entire WORLD! And by some distance too...
ok take the gun from your head and let's say someone just gave you tickets for free and you could sit right onstage with the band, pick the set list, and meet all of them after the show even chuck
your telling me you wouldn't suffer through them performing just to chat with mick & keith
May be there is a new guy on bass (since 1995), and a new guy on drums (since 2021), and also a "new guy" on guitar, since 1975. So feel free to complain. But still, it is the same two guys who wrote all the great songs they play live, the same guy who master the riffs - Keith - and the same singer, the world's most fascinating singer, good old eternal Mick, with his voice as great as ever. They rock. And roll. Hard!
Many would agree that they rock'n'roll hard. But there are also sizable numbers of people who think its now more karaoke than rock'n'roll. And I am one of those. Sadly Keith is now a shadow of the guitarist and performer he once was. And I am really struggling to see Mick as the worlds most fascinating singer. Maybe he was! Once! But far from it now.
No doubt we can agree to disagree. Certainly the many many thousands who will rock up to the concerts in Europe and GB will agree totally with you.
No one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to go.
Absolutely true my friend! Spot on.
But even if someone WAS putting a gun to my head, I would risk life and limb to stay away now. For me - and I speak only for myself - what happens at concerts now is a kind of role-play. An inferior replica of what once was a totally engrossing, and valid, musical experience. By a band that really cared. Right or wrong, sadly, it just does not work for me any longer. I tried, I REALLY tried to persuade myself I was wrong. And I failed! In saying this I'm not disrespecting alternative views and opinions of the band. In fact I champion the rights of EVERYONE to do what they want to do. For those who still love the concert experience, I wish you all the fulfillment in the world. Enjoy every second, as I once did.
While you are doing so, I shall be listening to the deep cuts, the rarities, the 'never-played-in-concert' numbers, and the myriad treasures that adorn the recorded work of The Rolling Stones. Recordings that date from those days when they really were The Greatest Rock'n'Roll Band In The World. Yes, absolutely they were. In the entire WORLD! And by some distance too...
ok take the gun from your head and let's say someone just gave you tickets for free and you could sit right onstage with the band, pick the set list, and meet all of them after the show even chuck
your telling me you wouldn't suffer through them performing just to chat with mick & keith
If I could bring the hundred or so of us who would give a crap. I'll start the setlist........Doncha Bother Me from Aftermath.
Four Stone Walls
Ain't it good to be alive?
It sure is.
Many more exciting, relevant and happening things to see and do than to see the touring circus continue without a main man who was inextricably part of their sound, character and being.
so why are here debating the "touring circus"
with us deluded losers when you could be out there doing all those "exciting, relevant and happening things"?
No one is saying anyone is a deluded loser my friend. Just because some of us prefer alternative activities to attending present-day Stones performances, does not mean we disrespect or criticise fans like yourself - and millions of others - who still enjoy seeing the band. Personally I wish EVERYONE who loves The Stones the most wonderful experience possible when they go to a concert. Some may be seeing them for the first time. Others for the upmteenth. No matter. Their pleasure is their pleasure, whatever musical form it takes.
Sadly it no longer moves me. Neither does it move a growing number of others. So be it. We now prefer other activities, other performers, other musical experiences. That does not mean these alternatives are superior, or more valid in any way. However they do feel, at least to me, fresher, more vital, and different. I like that. But then I have been a RS fan for almost all of their 60 years. It is hardly surprising that it is starting to feel a bit 'samey' nowadays. And a little formulaic. But I will always be a fan. And I will roll up to my music outlet of choice, clutching some form of payment in my sticky palms, should a new Stones musical offering appear. It might be a brand new studio album. It might be a single. It might be a recording from the vaults. Or it might be a previously unissued live concert. Then I will trot back home clutching my new treasure, lock myself in my little private cubicle, and rock my little fat socks off...
Still a fan. Still delighted, surprised, excited, irritated, infuriated and frustrated by this extraordinary bunch of outlaws. That is fandom! Long may it remain so..
Go Stones!
well said
and your right no one's calling anyone deluded losers here but me
i meant what i said sarcastically and not for it to be taken seriously
sorry if it came off worse then i intended it to
should have put aat the end
Yes (!!!) Gerard! I suggest you take the opportunity to share a few more hours together with the Stones. I'm sure you will treasury those hours long after they're past. How about Anfield
ProfessorWolf will understand
Four Stone Walls
Ain't it good to be alive?
It sure is.
Many more exciting, relevant and happening things to see and do than to see the touring circus continue without a main man who was inextricably part of their sound, character and being.
so why are here debating the "touring circus"
with us deluded losers when you could be out there doing all those "exciting, relevant and happening things"?
His Majesty
A powerful reaction to death is to continue, for the living to live and affirm life, for the living to allow happiness to return in midst of a sad situation. Creative acts such as a group of musicians playing concerts to audiences can be all of the above and a lot more.
Through their music and concerts The Rolling Stones make a lot of people happy and help fans get through their own hard or sad times. Our participation and reaction to their music and concerts can do the same for them.
These are wonky times, great that The Rolling Stones are still around to bring smiles to sad faces.
The Stones told us what ta do
way back in the mid sixties ....
Hidden away on the tail end of Out Of Our Heads ......
So sit down, shut up, don't dare to cry
Things will get better if you really try
So don't you panic, don't you panic, give it one more try
Don't you panic, don't you panic, give it one more try
Keep on trying
Keep on trying
Keep on trying
Keep on trying
Keep on trying
You've got to keep trying
No sense to keep crying
May be there is a new guy on bass (since 1995), and a new guy on drums (since 2021), and also a "new guy" on guitar, since 1975. So feel free to complain. But still, it is the same two guys who wrote all the great songs they play live, the same guy who master the riffs - Keith - and the same singer, the world's most fascinating singer, good old eternal Mick, with his voice as great as ever. They rock. And roll. Hard!
Many would agree that they rock'n'roll hard. But there are also sizable numbers of people who think its now more karaoke than rock'n'roll. And I am one of those. Sadly Keith is now a shadow of the guitarist and performer he once was. And I am really struggling to see Mick as the worlds most fascinating singer. Maybe he was! Once! But far from it now.
No doubt we can agree to disagree. Certainly the many many thousands who will rock up to the concerts in Europe and GB will agree totally with you.
No one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to go.
Absolutely true my friend! Spot on.
But even if someone WAS putting a gun to my head, I would risk life and limb to stay away now. For me - and I speak only for myself - what happens at concerts now is a kind of role-play. An inferior replica of what once was a totally engrossing, and valid, musical experience. By a band that really cared. Right or wrong, sadly, it just does not work for me any longer. I tried, I REALLY tried to persuade myself I was wrong. And I failed! In saying this I'm not disrespecting alternative views and opinions of the band. In fact I champion the rights of EVERYONE to do what they want to do. For those who still love the concert experience, I wish you all the fulfillment in the world. Enjoy every second, as I once did.
While you are doing so, I shall be listening to the deep cuts, the rarities, the 'never-played-in-concert' numbers, and the myriad treasures that adorn the recorded work of The Rolling Stones. Recordings that date from those days when they really were The Greatest Rock'n'Roll Band In The World. Yes, absolutely they were. In the entire WORLD! And by some distance too...
ok take the gun from your head and let's say someone just gave you tickets for free and you could sit right onstage with the band, pick the set list, and meet all of them after the show even chuck
your telling me you wouldn't suffer through them performing just to chat with mick & keith
Four Stone Walls
And Professor - I had to just go and attend the first half hour of The Mother of All Talk Shows 149. Eg YouTube.
Such things are important. Very.
But not to be discussed here.
Good night.
May be there is a new guy on bass (since 1995), and a new guy on drums (since 2021), and also a "new guy" on guitar, since 1975. So feel free to complain. But still, it is the same two guys who wrote all the great songs they play live, the same guy who master the riffs - Keith - and the same singer, the world's most fascinating singer, good old eternal Mick, with his voice as great as ever. They rock. And roll. Hard!
Many would agree that they rock'n'roll hard. But there are also sizable numbers of people who think its now more karaoke than rock'n'roll. And I am one of those. Sadly Keith is now a shadow of the guitarist and performer he once was. And I am really struggling to see Mick as the worlds most fascinating singer. Maybe he was! Once! But far from it now.
No doubt we can agree to disagree. Certainly the many many thousands who will rock up to the concerts in Europe and GB will agree totally with you.
No one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to go.
Absolutely true my friend! Spot on.
But even if someone WAS putting a gun to my head, I would risk life and limb to stay away now. For me - and I speak only for myself - what happens at concerts now is a kind of role-play. An inferior replica of what once was a totally engrossing, and valid, musical experience. By a band that really cared. Right or wrong, sadly, it just does not work for me any longer. I tried, I REALLY tried to persuade myself I was wrong. And I failed! In saying this I'm not disrespecting alternative views and opinions of the band. In fact I champion the rights of EVERYONE to do what they want to do. For those who still love the concert experience, I wish you all the fulfillment in the world. Enjoy every second, as I once did.
While you are doing so, I shall be listening to the deep cuts, the rarities, the 'never-played-in-concert' numbers, and the myriad treasures that adorn the recorded work of The Rolling Stones. Recordings that date from those days when they really were The Greatest Rock'n'Roll Band In The World. Yes, absolutely they were. In the entire WORLD! And by some distance too...
ok take the gun from your head and let's say someone just gave you tickets for free and you could sit right onstage with the band, pick the set list, and meet all of them after the show even chuck
your telling me you wouldn't suffer through them performing just to chat with mick & keith
You bet I would. I'd be there TWICE if I could. How could anyone calling themselves a Stones fan - even an ancient old husk of humanity like myself - turn down that opportunity?
And of course if I could pick even just a couple of numbers for the setlist- in my case Child of the Moon and Off The Hook - I'd probably die in ecstasy...
He made two more posts. This was his last post:
Wow. Thanks for the schooling! I will now think like all of you. Learned the error of my ways. Will no longer offer a differing viewpoint. The group is the way to go. Critical thinking is very bad.
He made two more posts. This was his last post:
Wow. Thanks for the schooling! I will now think like all of you. Learned the error of my ways. Will no longer offer a differing viewpoint. The group is the way to go. Critical thinking is very bad.
That's not trolling like someone mentioned, which is very Fox Newsian - fake for the sake of being fake.
Yet this thread continues on.
Kill (delete) this thread, BV. This is stupid.
Now may be a good time to revisit Mick Taylor for a more extensive role in 2022.
I am not very enthused about the up coming Stones shows. Strange, new territory for me. In past, I would have some degree of interest, but little this time. I am wondering what this band could do to rekindle my interest. I know its not the Stones but my perception of them. With Charlie gone, my interest level is low. Now may be a good time to revisit Mick Taylor for a more extensive role in 2022. If the Stones are going to celebrate #60 in style as they did #50, why not revisit Mick Taylor? It certainly would take some of the sting out of Charlies passing but it would allow the Stones to present a relevant Rock concert.
Taylor had great moments like Can't You Hear Me Knocking at Glastonbury. What do you expect when he was only allowed one or two songs asho. And you can't say Wood or Richards played better than him on any songQuote
Really. Bill said it best at the time about how you can't go home again. It didn't work then, it would be worse now. Mick, most likely, let him play on two songs he wasn't particularly known for, instead of something like Miss You, or Start Me Up. Bill tried, it didn't work.
As for Mick Taylor, be honest, did his playing really enhance the tour? His presence was great, but were the results outstanding? And god knows what kind of physical shape he's in. I haven't seen a picture of him since then.
At almost 80, Mick probably feels a 14 date tour is enough. Play the hits by rote, make some people happy, squirrel away more bread, return to solo projects. As Charlie's passing showed them, this really could be the last time.