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Yes, Ronnie played truly great, I wonder why he lost so much of that a few years later. In 1981/82 his playing was far more chaotic compared to his early years with the Stones. Maybe he just didn't care that much anymore since it was clear he was bound to stay with the guys, so he just enjoyed the rush and the party.Quote
Keith played great, despite or maybe cause of the drugs. And anyone who doesn’t think Ronnie was a great guitarist in the 1970s should listen to these shows
Maybe he just didn't care that much anymore since it was clear he was bound to stay with the guys
Although I'm a big fan of Darryl this release (at least the 4 songs til now) made me appreciate Bill's work much more. What really sets apart Bill is how he plays with the length of he notes - and even more important - with the breaks inbetween the notes. He always lets just enough space so that it can breathe and swing.Quote
The Stones have never sounded as great without Bill. You can hear what he brought to the band on this El Mocambo release
Although I'm a big fan of Darryl this release (at least the 4 songs til now) made me appreciate Bill's work much more. What really sets apart Bill is how he plays with the length of he notes - and even more important - with the breaks inbetween the notes. He always lets just enough space so that it can breathe and swing.[/quote]Quote
The Stones have never sounded as great without Bill. You can hear what he brought to the band on this El Mocambo release
I must say the sound grows on me the more I listen to it. Still to modern and with too much delay and reverb, but overall its better than I thought from the first listens.
What a cooking band man on this release, frigging fantastic. This might be Wood's best ever show.
Wow Wood was killing it on Hot Stuff! Funky as hell, remincesent of his Faces era playing.
A shame he would soon be relegated to a second fiddle to Richards.
Pre-sale price on Amazon (US) appears to be 29.99 for the 2CD. Seems high based on past similar 2CD releases that've been around 17.99-18.99. I'm still going to buy this one (and really it's worth every penny) just notable that it's so high.
Wow Wood was killing it on Hot Stuff! Funky as hell, remincesent of his Faces era playing.
A shame he would soon be relegated to a second fiddle to Richards.
Pre-sale price on Amazon (US) appears to be 29.99 for the 2CD. Seems high based on past similar 2CD releases that've been around 17.99-18.99. I'm still going to buy this one (and really it's worth every penny) just notable that it's so high.
Ebay UK has some decent prices from various sellers......... [] .........Might be worth trying Ebay US.....
Well, he is playing live as opposed to Mandel in the studio.But I also love Mandel on Hot Stuff.Wood sounds great on this release.Compared to how he mostlyplayed in 1997-2006
Pre-sale price on Amazon (US) appears to be 29.99 for the 2CD. Seems high based on past similar 2CD releases that've been around 17.99-18.99. I'm still going to buy this one (and really it's worth every penny) just notable that it's so high.
Ebay UK has some decent prices from various sellers......... [] .........Might be worth trying Ebay US.....
I looked at eBay (US) as well and it was even worse. But maybe it'll drop before release day. Either way, very excited for this one!
Hampton was where you really notice it.
quote=StonedRambler]Although I'm a big fan of Darryl this release (at least the 4 songs til now) made me appreciate Bill's work much more. What really sets apart Bill is how he plays with the length of he notes - and even more important - with the breaks inbetween the notes. He always lets just enough space so that it can breathe and swing.Quote
The Stones have never sounded as great without Bill. You can hear what he brought to the band on this El Mocambo release
It is my grandfather's 100th birthday on friday so everything's come full circle.
We'll turn this mother up LOUD!