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Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: March 3, 2022 18:42

Holy shit! I've been trying to contact several music trade magazines about advertising (hopefully, I can find one at reasonable prices), and one gets back to me today and asked me if I want to do a podcast advertising the MSG 69 box proposal!

It sounds very appealing, but I'm scared shitless just thinking about it (LOL)! Never done it before (always been nervous about public speaking)...

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2022-03-03 18:54 by Sighunt.

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: oldschool ()
Date: March 3, 2022 18:58

Holy shit! I've been trying to contact several music trade magazines about advertising (hopefully, I can find one at reasonable prices), and one gets back to me today and asked me if I want to do a podcast advertising the MSG 69 box proposal!

It sounds very appealing, but I'm scared shitless just thinking about it (LOL)! Never done it before but I may have to muster up the courage to do it....

Great opportunity Sig.

Would it a solo podcast or would you have a host asking you questions? Might be easier if you have a host feeding you questions to respond to rather than doing a solo monologue.

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: March 3, 2022 19:01

Holy shit! I've been trying to contact several music trade magazines about advertising (hopefully, I can find one at reasonable prices), and one gets back to me today and asked me if I want to do a podcast advertising the MSG 69 box proposal!

It sounds very appealing, but I'm scared shitless just thinking about it (LOL)! Never done it before but I may have to muster up the courage to do it....

Great opportunity Sig.

Would it a solo podcast or would you have a host asking you questions? Might be easier if you have a host feeding you questions to respond to rather than doing a solo monologue.

Don't know, just got the e-mail and haven't followed up yet>

The individual wrote to me and said:

"I can also have you on a podcast to explain when and why you started this and what you expect from it.

If not a podcast, maybe a story online."

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: The GR ()
Date: March 3, 2022 19:02

Holy shit! I've been trying to contact several music trade magazines about advertising (hopefully, I can find one at reasonable prices), and one gets back to me today and asked me if I want to do a podcast advertising the MSG 69 box proposal!

It sounds very appealing, but I'm scared shitless just thinking about it (LOL)! Never done it before (always been nervous about public speaking)...

Thanks for your response to my comments.
I have signed your petition and as I said before I wish you well.
In 2005 I was interviewed by the BBC for their Radio 2 special Like The Rolling Stones. It was half an hour and they only used a few seconds. My advice to you is thoroughly research the project, just relax and be yourself. I'm sure you'll be okay.

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: March 3, 2022 19:06

The GR
Holy shit! I've been trying to contact several music trade magazines about advertising (hopefully, I can find one at reasonable prices), and one gets back to me today and asked me if I want to do a podcast advertising the MSG 69 box proposal!

It sounds very appealing, but I'm scared shitless just thinking about it (LOL)! Never done it before (always been nervous about public speaking)...

Thanks for your response to my comments.
I have signed your petition and as I said before I wish you well.
In 2005 I was interviewed by the BBC for their Radio 2 special Like The Rolling Stones. It was half an hour and they only used a few seconds. My advice to you is thoroughly research the project, just relax and be yourself. I'm sure you'll be okay.

thumbs upthumbs upthumbs up

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: filstan ()
Date: March 3, 2022 19:35

Thanks for all your efforts Sig. I was happy to sign the petition, and put a few bucks to the cause. Also sent the petition notification out to some fellow long time fans to sign. Good luck with the project!

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: March 3, 2022 19:56

Thanks for all your efforts Sig. I was happy to sign the petition, and put a few bucks to the cause. Also sent the petition notification out to some fellow long time fans to sign. Good luck with the project!

Thanks a bunch! That's very kind of you. All you guys on this site who are stepping up are making me all verklempt (that's a Yiddish term) LOL!

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: March 3, 2022 21:00

wow this is really exciting sighunt

i'm sure you'll do us and the cause proud

just let us know where to listen and when

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: atsu69 ()
Date: March 4, 2022 04:56

That's a great idea!!

Signed and shared on my site for Japanese fans.


Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: oldschool ()
Date: March 4, 2022 05:55

Started a thread on the Voodoo Lounge Stones forum and I am sure we will get some sigs from the members there.

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: March 4, 2022 06:25

I was out in the afternoon and into this evening. I came back just now to look at the petition site. It looks like we got a significant amount of traffic today via signatures and views. Very encouraging.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2022-03-04 06:28 by Sighunt.

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: Stone601 ()
Date: March 4, 2022 07:57

I posted the link on the official RS App

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: Eleanor Rigby ()
Date: March 4, 2022 16:45


Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: March 5, 2022 03:14

200!smiling smiley

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: Stone601 ()
Date: March 5, 2022 10:56

Come on go to 500 now !!!

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: March 5, 2022 15:57

wow this is really exciting sighunt

i'm sure you'll do us and the cause proud

just let us know where to listen and when

A couple updates:

Since I last posted, I’ve had several back and forth e-mail communications with the particular music trade publication spokesperson I referenced in my post. Although initially intimidated by the prospect of doing a podcast, I’ve become more accustomed to the idea.

However, during our on-line discussions, a couple different options were explored (in which we dissected the pros and cons of each). One such option for promoting the petition, was an on-line story (in which a writer would interview me and then write a story about it). Although I would miss the opportunity to have my 15 minutes of fame and bask in the spotlight (LOL!!) via a podcast, strategically, it makes more sense to go with the on-line story idea, as said spokesperson believes-it would carry a wider audience-and thus we would be getting good publicity for the petition. So, I’m leaning towards that option at the moment…

The other thing, I can't believe how many Stones and/or Stones related fan groups have popped up on Facebook over the years! I joined about a dozen different groups in the last couple days to get the word out about the petition. Even though our numbers (at this point) are a little lower than I would like to see, I have noticed a very steady stream of signatures and monetary contributions along with more comments in the last 24 hours as I monitored my Change.Org account (which provides me with summaries and updates re: traffic on the petition).

If the enthusiasm (which hopefully translates to more signatures) continues over a long period of time (and that's the key), I will be very encouraged, so far I'm cautiously optimistic at this point.

Thanks again to all who have supported the proposal on this site via signatures, monetary donations, and spreading the word to other Stones fans!

Please continue to share the link with others:


Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 2022-03-05 16:12 by Sighunt.

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: March 5, 2022 21:21

yes the online story seems the best way to go

also 275!

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: oldschool ()
Date: March 5, 2022 21:29

If we could just get more members here to sign we would increase the signatures considerably.

Even if you have your doubts it will be successful please go sign the petition as it only takes a few minutes and it would greatly help the cause.

Don't get discouraged Sighunt as it takes time to get the word out and people to sign on.

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: March 5, 2022 23:42

If we could just get more members here to sign we would increase the signatures considerably.

Even if you have your doubts it will be successful please go sign the petition as it only takes a few minutes and it would greatly help the cause.

Don't get discouraged Sighunt as it takes time to get the word out and people to sign on.

Thanks for the vote confidence oldschool. At this point in time, I'm really ok with how things are going. I've gotten lots of feedback via my private e-mail from many people who like and support the petition. Like I said in my previous post, If enthusiasm (which hopefully translates to more signatures) continues over the long haul, we should be in good shape.

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: Taylor1 ()
Date: March 6, 2022 00:26

It would be great if this petition succeeds. But if it doesn't at least the 1969 tour has a great sounding show already released, Get Yer Ya Ya's Out.Would love to hear a1972 show, 1973 Pacific Tour show and Nicauragan Benefit Show with the sound quality of Get Yer Ya Ya's Out

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-03-06 00:29 by Taylor1.

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: Eleanor Rigby ()
Date: March 7, 2022 14:33

Up to 500 yet?

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: bitusa2012 ()
Date: March 7, 2022 15:03

I posted the link on the official RS App

Buggered of I can find it. Link on this thread won’t work for me.


Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: March 7, 2022 22:18

332!smiling smiley

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: Stone601 ()
Date: March 7, 2022 22:20

I posted the link on the official RS App

Buggered of I can find it. Link on this thread won’t work for me.
It costs nothing to try .... maybe I can postpone it every week smiling smiley

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: Stone601 ()
Date: March 8, 2022 22:17

342 cool smiley

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: March 9, 2022 14:51

Hello everyone. We went on line with the petition a little over a week ago and appear to still get new signatures just about every day (although I would like to see more numbers posted). I haven't posted much on this forum in the last couple days (simply cause I needed to give it a rest, and I myself was nauseated by all my posts LOL) because I have been busy elsewhere, trying to publicize in other forums (besides just facebook Stones fans groups and/or the usual spots).

At this point in time, if you haven't done so, please sign our petition. Also, I am requesting some folks to pinch-hit for me who are known, familiar, reputable quantities in other Stones fan sites/boards who can publicize the petition (besides just me).

My problem, and what I have come to realize is, I pretty much (exclusively since 2007) have planted myself here on IORR and haven't ventured out to other places which then limits my influence with other Stones fans on different boards.

Thanks for all your efforts and tell your friends, your parents, your cousins, everybody (LOL) about the petition!


Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2022-03-09 18:06 by Sighunt.

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: March 11, 2022 01:10


Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: March 11, 2022 03:42

400 -slowly rocking on! (as per Mick quote from Liver Than You'll Ever Be)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2022-03-11 04:39 by Sighunt.

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: Cristiano Radtke ()
Date: March 11, 2022 04:47

I bumped a thread on the Steve Hoffman forums by posting this article. I signed your petition, shared with some friends, and I wish you all the best, Sighunt! smileys with beer

Fans Demand Rolling Stones Release Entire ‘Get Yer Ya-Ya’s Out’ Live Recordings

By Rod Brakes 

Image credit: Walter Iooss Jr./Getty Images

An online petition calls for a box set of the band’s historic 1969 Madison Square Garden gigs in their entirety.

On November 27, 1969, the Rolling Stones played a show at New York’s Madison Square Garden, followed by two more the next day. Recordings curated from all three concerts soon made their way onto the band’s 1970 release, Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out! The Rolling Stones in Concert.

This classic album was the first live LP to reach the number one spot in the Stones’ native U.K. and is rumored to have been released in response to the popular Live'r Than You'll Ever Be bootleg recorded just weeks earlier in Oakland, California.

While ABKCO Records released a Get Yer Ya-Ya’s Out! box set containing 3 CDs and 1 DVD back in 2009, Rolling Stones fans feel that this remastered version along with five previously unreleased tracks (including footage) from the second evening concert, plus performances by opening acts simply isn’t enough.

It appears some fans just can’t get no satisfaction from this.

Consequently, super-fan Scott Sigel has organized an online petition requesting recordings from all three Madison Square Garden concerts be released.

A statement written by Sigel reads:

“We in the Stones fan-base community have longed to hear all three MSG shows (minus the excessive vocal/instrumental overdubs & extraneous editing) released in excellent quality in order to experience a true representation of being at a Rolling Stones concert in 1969!”

Meanwhile, rumors abound concerning the availability of video footage from all three concerts, with bootleg audio recordings promising distinctive performances from each.

“In conclusion,” continues Sigel, “what a better time to honor the 60th anniversary of the Rolling Stones as a working band by releasing the Madison Square Garden shows in their entirety when the band was playing at its zenith.”

If you want to jump onboard and sign the petition then simply head on over to


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-03-11 05:19 by Cristiano Radtke.

Re: Petition to get all 3 shows from MSG 1969 released
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: March 11, 2022 05:32

Cristiano Radtke
I bumped a thread on the Steve Hoffman forums by posting this article. I signed your petition, shared with some friends, and I wish you all the best, Sighunt! smileys with beer

Fans Demand Rolling Stones Release Entire ‘Get Yer Ya-Ya’s Out’ Live Recordings

By Rod Brakes 

Image credit: Walter Iooss Jr./Getty Images

An online petition calls for a box set of the band’s historic 1969 Madison Square Garden gigs in their entirety.

On November 27, 1969, the Rolling Stones played a show at New York’s Madison Square Garden, followed by two more the next day. Recordings curated from all three concerts soon made their way onto the band’s 1970 release, Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out! The Rolling Stones in Concert.

This classic album was the first live LP to reach the number one spot in the Stones’ native U.K. and is rumored to have been released in response to the popular Live'r Than You'll Ever Be bootleg recorded just weeks earlier in Oakland, California.

While ABKCO Records released a Get Yer Ya-Ya’s Out! box set containing 3 CDs and 1 DVD back in 2009, Rolling Stones fans feel that this remastered version along with five previously unreleased tracks (including footage) from the second evening concert, plus performances by opening acts simply isn’t enough.

It appears some fans just can’t get no satisfaction from this.

Consequently, super-fan Scott Sigel has organized an online petition requesting recordings from all three Madison Square Garden concerts be released.

A statement written by Sigel reads:

“We in the Stones fan-base community have longed to hear all three MSG shows (minus the excessive vocal/instrumental overdubs & extraneous editing) released in excellent quality in order to experience a true representation of being at a Rolling Stones concert in 1969!”

Meanwhile, rumors abound concerning the availability of video footage from all three concerts, with bootleg audio recordings promising distinctive performances from each.

“In conclusion,” continues Sigel, “what a better time to honor the 60th anniversary of the Rolling Stones as a working band by releasing the Madison Square Garden shows in their entirety when the band was playing at its zenith.”

If you want to jump onboard and sign the petition then simply head on over to


This is awesome! Cristiano, thanks for bumping the thread on the Steve Hoffman forum! First time I saw that Guitar Player article. We've had some good numbers put on the board today! These kind of efforts and publicity make a huge difference!

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2022-03-11 06:41 by Sighunt.

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