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Re: Fans of the 1969 MSG shows, please read:
Posted by: oldschool ()
Date: February 18, 2022 23:29

I am currently working on a rough draft of a potential petition/letter that I will unveil to this group probably next week as I am on vacation and should have some time to work on it.

After that, I will need volunteers from this group to then post it and/or promote it on other Stones fan boards.

I may scout around again to see if I can advertise in some (reasonably priced) music trade mags. But we'll see where this goes...

PS- I'm being cautiously optimistic (via another thread)that El Mocambo will see the light of day as far as an official release! That would be great news.

I belong to a small Stones forum I can send the petition to.

I might also suggest posting it on the Steve Hoffman Audio forum as there are a large number of Stones fans there who I feel confident would sign it. Let me know if interested and I can ask the moderators if that is ok when the time comes.

I would be willing to contribute a little funding to the trade mag ads if it helps. Just PM me with details.

I have never done one but I wonder if a GoFund me page would work to get funds for trade adverts? Anyone know how they work?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-02-18 23:30 by oldschool.

Re: Fans of the 1969 MSG shows, please read:
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: February 19, 2022 05:16

just have to ask but if mick says ok but thinks that releasing all the msg shows together is to repetitive or something

and decides to just release one

which show would be best or most preferred?

Re: Fans of the 1969 MSG shows, please read:
Posted by: oldschool ()
Date: February 19, 2022 06:44

just have to ask but if mick says ok but thinks that releasing all the msg shows together is to repetitive or something

and decides to just release one

which show would be best or most preferred?

Good question, the tracks on the 40th anniversary YaYa's is pretty much evenly split between the 3 shows.

Personally if I could only have one I would want the 11/28 -first show because it is the only one we do not have a complete tape of

Re: Fans of the 1969 MSG shows, please read:
Posted by: MrEcho ()
Date: February 19, 2022 12:53

The official recordings of the 1969 shows should of course be released in their entirety. They are some of the best shows of all time, by any band.

And don't forget ...
Keep Your Motor Running 1972
Paris 1976
El Mocambo 1977 (rumored for 2022)

Re: Fans of the 1969 MSG shows, please read:
Posted by: micha063 ()
Date: February 19, 2022 13:28

Well, the MSG 69 shows as an official release would be one of the best.
Go for it!
I was born in 63 and far too young at the time of this period, but I remember my uncle listening to the Stones and he finaly got me into it.
YaYa was one of my first favorites.
This time seems to be a 100 years ago.

Re: Fans of the 1969 MSG shows, please read:
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: February 19, 2022 13:39

just have to ask but if mick says ok but thinks that releasing all the msg shows together is to repetitive or something

and decides to just release one

which show would be best or most preferred?

Professor, your observation IS a very big concern of mine right from the beginning, and is something I am working on addressing in this petition.
Good minds think alike!thumbs up

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-02-19 13:40 by Sighunt.

Re: Fans of the 1969 MSG shows, please read:
Posted by: Eleanor Rigby ()
Date: February 19, 2022 14:43

just have to ask but if mick says ok but thinks that releasing all the msg shows together is to repetitive or something

and decides to just release one

which show would be best or most preferred?

Good question, the tracks on the 40th anniversary YaYa's is pretty much evenly split between the 3 shows.

Personally if I could only have one I would want the 11/28 -first show because it is the only one we do not have a complete tape of

Agree...and the songs from this show are outstanding performances.

Wishful thinking, tack on 8 songs from Altamont (after stabbing), Brown Sugar onwards...

Re: Fans of the 1969 MSG shows, please read:
Posted by: GetYerAngie ()
Date: February 19, 2022 15:38

It would be fantastic to have the total 1969-tour!

(And then the total 1970-73 tours too!)

Re: Fans of the 1969 MSG shows, please read:
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: February 19, 2022 21:58

just have to ask but if mick says ok but thinks that releasing all the msg shows together is to repetitive or something

and decides to just release one

which show would be best or most preferred?

Professor, your observation IS a very big concern of mine right from the beginning, and is something I am working on addressing in this petition.
Good minds think alike!thumbs up

good luck

i would sure like to have all of em'

Re: Fans of the 1969 MSG shows, please read:
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: February 20, 2022 15:13

Hello Stones fans of the 69 shows, as you obviously know by now, I have posted a draft of a potential letter/petition to send out. I want to encourage folks on this board, who like me, want to see a release of these great shows, to read the draft, and if there are drastic changes that you think need to be made in the context of the proposal (releasing audio of the three shows from November 1969 along with a request/suggestion to add potential Maysle footage), then by all means, I will look at it, and make any necessary changes on the separate draft petition post.

If I don't hear any more comments after a day or two, I will move on with Phase 2 of this proposal in order to move it forward.

Thank you all who have supported this idea and rallied behind it. Your help and cooperation is much appreciated by me in bringing this through to fruition!

PS- I have asked BV to merge the two threads to reduce redundancy and confusion.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2022-02-20 16:57 by Sighunt.

Re: Fans of the 1969 MSG shows, please read:
Posted by: gastonl74 ()
Date: February 20, 2022 15:53

great idea!
I will put my signature where it is needed!

Draft letter requesting MSG 1969 re-issue, please read
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: February 19, 2022 17:07

Okay, I spent the last several days working on, honing and refining what turned out to be more of a letter to send out to Abkco, the Stones organization, various Stones boards, etc.

Now, before you read what I wrote, criticize and/or throw me to the wolves (LOL), a couple comments and thoughts need to be shared with you. I have received several private e-mails from posters who visit this site asking that I include this item to a petition and/or letter- video footage of a 1969 concert.

After careful thought and consideration (which you will read in my letter below), I have become sold on the idea. Now, I personally do not know- and I am only speaking about professionally shot video by the Maysles (not the inferior footage from Detroit), if a complete concert exists. If there is indeed via all the footage filmed a complete concert that could be cobbled together- I am for it.

I don't want to be selfish or stubborn, but under the circumstances, inclusion of the video footage is the arguably the only major concession I will make with this project, simply because it just makes sense considering what we are proposing and the potential hurdles we face.

With all that said, here is what I came up with. I await your responses.
PS- if you prefer to contact me via my e-mail, please do so at
Thanks, Scott Sigel aka Sighunt.

To Abkco and the Rolling Stones organization:

We in the Rolling Stones fan-base community are writing to you to request a release of a potential box set containing all three of the professionally recorded shows from Madison Square Garden utilized for the Get Yer Ya Yas Out live in-concert album. Glyn Johns, legendary engineer and producer who recorded these brilliant performances on 11/27/69 and 11/28/69, was fortunate to capture the Rolling Stones at the peak of their powers. By the time the Stones reached the east coast, they had played over a dozen shows and were musically tight and commanding. By all accounts from fans and critics alike who followed the 1969 tour, the Madison Square Garden shows were arguably the best performed shows of the tour.

Furthermore, the continued release and wide spread availability of bootleg audience tapes that has proliferated on various social media platforms from the 1969 tour still captivates and attracts not only established, but also newer fans, and is a testament to how sought after and popular (even after 50 years) these shows remain. In fact, as these (unadulterated) recordings continue to surface and are heard by a mass audience of music consumers, the more favorable they are viewed.

Get Yer Ya Yas Out-considered to be one of the finest live records-per fans and music critics alike-understandably, was meant to capture the Rolling Stones in their most favorable light, but in retrospect (when comparing these commercially released performances to raw tapes that have commonly circulated), unfortunately suffers from working too hard to be the perfect live document- it tends to go a little overboard- adding too much polish and sheen to the mix via numerous post production overdubs and editing. It is no wonder that many Stones aficionados actually prefer the widely popular bootleg recording that became “Liver Than You’ll Ever Be”, simply because it features a raw and un-doctored performance from the 1969 tour-warts and all. In fact, legend has it that Ya Yas was released to counter sales of Liver.

We in the Stones fan-base community have longed to hear all three MSG shows (minus the excessive vocal/instrumental overdubs & extraneous editing) released in excellent quality in order to experience a true representation of being in concert with the Rolling Stones! Why release all three shows-given minor variability in the setlists? Based upon hearing available bootleg tapes of these shows, it is clear that the Rolling Stones played brilliantly at all three performances- each particular show highlighting & capturing unique, distinctive, signature musical performances that were not readily available on the original Ya Yas release.

Finally, it has been reported that the Maysle brothers had professionally shot video of these concerts at Madison Square that had not been included in the Gimme Shelter documentary. Please consider this: At this point in time, there has never been a commercially released video of a complete concert from one of the Rolling Stones best tours! What an amazing, historical and visually entertaining document that would be. This addition would undoubtedly make this package a stellar and sought-after release!

In conclusion, what a better time to honor the 60th anniversary of the Rolling Stones as a working band by releasing the Madison Square Garden shows in their entirety when the band was playing at its zenith. Please consider this request as we strongly believe that there is a sizeable market of fans who not only appreciate great quality music from the 1960’s, but are astute enough to appreciate how vital and powerful the Rolling Stones as group were when they returned to the American concert stage in 1969. We, in the Stones community feel that the time is well overdue for these shows to be released in great quality (in their entirety) for all fans to hear!

Edited 13 time(s). Last edit at 2022-02-20 19:21 by Sighunt.

Re: Draft letter requesting MSG 1969 re-issue, please read
Posted by: mickijaggeroo ()
Date: February 19, 2022 17:19


Nordic Stones Vikings

Re: Draft letter requesting MSG 1969 re-issue, please read
Posted by: thegroove ()
Date: February 19, 2022 17:38

Very well-written.Go for it!

Re: Draft letter requesting MSG 1969 re-issue, please read
Posted by: BlueTurns2Grey ()
Date: February 19, 2022 17:42

I totally agree. Well done.

Re: Draft letter requesting MSG 1969 re-issue, please read
Posted by: riccardo99 ()
Date: February 19, 2022 18:30

Excellent, as a PS I would ask them also NOT to bother with different versions (Japan market included) but maybe that's asking too much.

Re: Draft letter requesting MSG 1969 re-issue, please read
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: February 19, 2022 18:49

Well-done, Sighunt!

Re: Draft letter requesting MSG 1969 re-issue, please read
Posted by: NICOS ()
Date: February 19, 2022 19:12

Great written sigunt.......

I would change the best tour in "one of" the best tours otherwise they might be think they never did beter after '69

At this point in time, there has never been a commercially released video of a complete concert from the Rolling Stones.............. best tour.


Re: Draft letter requesting MSG 1969 re-issue, please read
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: February 19, 2022 19:22

Great written sigunt.......

I would change the best tour in "one of" the best tours otherwise they might be think they never did beter after '69

At this point in time, there has never been a commercially released video of a complete concert from the Rolling Stones.............. best tour.

Nicos- I follow your logic. I certainly DO feel the 69 tour was one of their best (if not the best) tour, but at the same time, if I puff it up too much, I could end up offending someone reading this who has the power to say "no". Thanks and good call!

Re: Draft letter requesting MSG 1969 re-issue, please read
Posted by: NICOS ()
Date: February 19, 2022 19:31

Great written sigunt.......

I would change the best tour in "one of" the best tours otherwise they might be think they never did beter after '69

At this point in time, there has never been a commercially released video of a complete concert from the Rolling Stones.............. best tour.

Nicos- I follow your logic. I certainly DO feel the 69 tour was one of their best (if not the best) tour, but at the same time, if I puff it up too much, I could end up offending someone reading this who has the power to say "no". Thanks and good call!

thumbs up


Re: Draft letter requesting MSG 1969 re-issue, please read
Posted by: deardoctortake1 ()
Date: February 19, 2022 20:04

The Maysles unreleased MSG 69 footage was fun to see at the Shidoobee event in 2007. Good quality, color, decent fidelity, mostly one camera if I remember correctly. Maysles owned the rights. He tried to pitch it to the Stones for a future project, but it didn’t go anywhere.

Re: Draft letter requesting MSG 1969 re-issue, please read
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: February 19, 2022 20:11

The Maysles unreleased MSG 69 footage was fun to see at the Shidoobee event in 2007. Good quality, color, decent fidelity, mostly one camera if I remember correctly. Maysles owned the rights. He tried to pitch it to the Stones for a future project, but it didn’t go anywhere.

The $64,000 question: Is there enough footage to cobble together a complete concert?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-02-19 20:16 by Sighunt.

Re: Draft letter requesting MSG 1969 re-issue, please read
Posted by: deardoctortake1 ()
Date: February 19, 2022 20:33

Yes there’s enough for an almost full concert. Most footage was from 11/27. It sounded exactly like the vinyl bootleg Stoned MSG. My gut tells me this footage was the source of the bootleg LP.
Little Queenie was not shown, but that’s already available elsewhere. Other than that it was spliced as an almost complete show in actual running order.
Satisfaction and Live With Me were only bits , not complete. But Satisfaction is in the Gimme Shelter movie, but spliced from 2 shows apparently with one verse missing as you can see and hear in Gimme Shelter.

Re: Draft letter requesting MSG 1969 re-issue, please read
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: February 19, 2022 20:43

Yes there’s enough for an almost full concert. Most footage was from 11/27. It sounded exactly like the vinyl bootleg Stoned MSG. My gut tells me this footage was the source of the bootleg LP.
Little Queenie was not shown, but that’s already available elsewhere. Other than that it was spliced as an almost complete show in actual running order.
Satisfaction and Live With Me were only bits , not complete. But Satisfaction is in the Gimme Shelter movie, but spliced from 2 shows apparently with one verse missing as you can see and hear in Gimme Shelter.

Wait a second! So you're telling me you saw complete versions of Sympathy for the Devil and Midnight Rambler???

Re: Draft letter requesting MSG 1969 re-issue, please read
Posted by: deardoctortake1 ()
Date: February 19, 2022 20:53

I spoke to the producer on the night for details
Sympathy from 11/28 complete 4 verses

Rambler complete 11/27

Re: Draft letter requesting MSG 1969 re-issue, please read
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: February 19, 2022 21:15

I spoke to the producer on the night for details
Sympathy from 11/28 complete 4 verses

Rambler complete 11/27

All I got to say is "Wow!"

Re: Draft letter requesting MSG 1969 re-issue, please read
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: February 19, 2022 23:27

Looks good. I fear it will fall on deaf (from listening to the real MSG tapes too loud) though. You all will probably have to wait until the estates get involved. Pretty sure I'm not going to be around by then.

Re: Draft letter requesting MSG 1969 re-issue, please read
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: February 20, 2022 04:54

Looks good. I fear it will fall on deaf (from listening to the real MSG tapes too loud) though. You all will probably have to wait until the estates get involved. Pretty sure I'm not going to be around by then.

Chuck, this is precisely why I want to push for this release. Before I leave this Earth, I would like to hear/see/hold in my hands a nice box set of what I consider to be the holy grail of great recordings by my favorite band.

I am going to re-iterate something I posted in 2007 when I was pitching the Ya Yas Project on this very fan-site: None of the audio and video treasures from the vaults that we as Stones fans cherish will just magically appear just by willing them to. Although I cannot guarantee anything, I truly believe that if enough Stones enthusiasts make a concerted effort to let Abkco and the Stones organization know what we as consumers want, that would make more of an impact than simply doing nothing. Unfortunately as I learned back in 2007/2008, it does takes a little hard work and effort. As the saying goes: Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-02-20 05:05 by Sighunt.

Re: Draft letter requesting MSG 1969 re-issue, please read
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: February 20, 2022 05:20

I spoke to the producer on the night for details
Sympathy from 11/28 complete 4 verses

Rambler complete 11/27

All I got to say is "Wow!"

wow indeed

having that and whatever extra footage they can piece together would be a dream come true

also well said sighunt hope they go for it

Re: Draft letter requesting MSG 1969 re-issue, please read
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: February 20, 2022 05:25

Looks good. I fear it will fall on deaf (from listening to the real MSG tapes too loud) though. You all will probably have to wait until the estates get involved. Pretty sure I'm not going to be around by then.

Chuck, this is precisely why I want to push for this release. Before I leave this Earth, I would like to hear/see/hold in my hands a nice box set of what I consider to be the holy grail of great recordings by my favorite band.

I am going to re-iterate something I posted in 2007 when I was pitching the Ya Yas Project on this very fan-site: None of the audio and video treasures from the vaults that we as Stones fans cherish will just magically appear just by willing them to. Although I cannot guarantee anything, I truly believe that if enough Stones enthusiasts make a concerted effort to let Abkco and the Stones organization know what we as consumers want, that would make more of an impact than simply doing nothing. Unfortunately as I learned back in 2007/2008, it does takes a little hard work and effort. As the saying goes: Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

hopefully if they go for this it will sell well and they'll be more receptive to something like this again in the future

maybe we can come together and try this once a year more then that might be pushing our luck

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