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Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Date: August 26, 2021 16:15


"The greatest tribute his bandmates could pay him would be to declare that they’re done. I just hope they have that much class. No man deserved it more."

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: Mick2014 ()
Date: August 26, 2021 16:17

let the stones roll. They need a satisfied end. Next year the last tour. 60 years of Rolling Stones. Europe Tour and the last 3 Concerts in London.
Yes Charly was the engine, but he wish, that the Stones play next year.

Stones Forever

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: August 26, 2021 16:32

The Sicilian
People that know I'm a fan have been reaching out to talk about Charlie Watts and the Stones and get a measure on my thoughts. I've been clear to say that I really think they should cancel the mini tour out of respect for Charlie and because of COVID issues. Put it off until next year and take time to reflect and see how it feels after the holidays. It's the right thing to do IMO. The music world is watching to see how they react. You can bet on it.

I will say that a couple people have told me that if the Stones are out there playing in a couple weeks then it disrespects Charlie and his family and proves they are only in it for the money, especially with the outrageous ticket prices being charged even for "cheap seats."

As to motives, do you yourself share the viewpoint in bold, set forth in this special context? Or are you only a witness over remarks listened to?
what else is it about if not for the money and spare me the speculation as too "that's what he would have wanted " because none of us know and none of us can speak for him and if it's for the money -shame and so crass and bottom line disrespectful to his memory . As if money is the only thing that matters , which is for working class slobs like we are not multi millionaires that the Glimmers are . They have a lifetime money making machine in merchandise and music . Do the right thing !

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: August 26, 2021 16:34

Due to contractual obligations, they are obligated to tour. I think it would be hurting the fans to once again postpone and/or cancel. There may be some casual fans who were on the fence who now want to go to these concerts because of a sense of urgency to see the Rolling Stones as "this could be the last time?" On an emotional or moral level, it may be the right thing to do to cancel out of respect to Charlie, but the Stones juggernaut has long been a giant business enterprise-with calculated business decisions trumping what we die hard fans may sentimentally want.

To the "average" fan (including many people I have talked to over the years that know I am a Stones fan), Mick Jagger and Keith Richards ARE the Rolling Stones. They may have heard the name of Charlie Watts, but know nothing about him. We on this board may disagree with the Stones continuing to tour because we are more die hards who know their history and all their nuisances. It matters to us. But sadly, we have come to a point where big rock bands can still go out and tour and call themselves The Who, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Quiet Riot, etc despite personnel changes.

This is all a matter of personal preference and taste. There are people I have met in my lifetime who think the Stones ceased to exist after Brian Jones died, or when Mick Taylor or Bill Wyman left. When I last saw the Stones in Buffalo in 2015, I felt something was missing musically because Bobby Keys (who in my mind was an integral member) wasn't there to perform Can't You Hear Me Knocking or Brown Sugar! So, one man's meat is another man's poison.

Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling? Fortunately, that is not my decision. That is up to Mick, Keith, and Ronnie. If they feel they still have something to give to the public (and provided they are still healthy enough to do so), who the hell am I to dictate what they should or shouldn't do?

I am grateful as hell that these guys have lasted as long as they have. Everyday they have been around is a gift....

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2021-08-26 17:52 by Sighunt.

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: SKILLS ()
Date: August 26, 2021 16:43

I just had a mate suggest to me a reasonable drummer to step up, a fella named Ringo and he's got this mate that plays Bass and sings a bit.

Now that in Hyde Park next Summer, count me in

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: wavelength ()
Date: August 26, 2021 16:43

They are reaping what they sowed; blinded by ambition, hubris, ego and self-deception MJ probably being the driving force. The dyed hair and shiny clothes do not mask the reality of what they have become. An ageing wax museum music show. The audience are not clamoring for a song from Steel Wheels but going crazy to the opening riff of Satisfaction or HTW.

They should have quit decades ago. How can anyone claim that their playing is as good as it was in the seventies or the shows better. KR can hardly play the intro to Gimme Shelter, he has zero stage presence. Just stands there. RW guitar playing is indecipherable and he can no longer solo. Arguably MJ can still sing and perform but he lacks conviction. Charlie Watts drumming was never technically complex and so he managed to keep a steady hand through the years. It is all just about selling memories of what they used to be, being onstage and getting accolades: look at us, we are legends, we are in invincible.

There are several incarnations of the RS but When the band loses a longstanding, founding member at this very late stage it clearly signals the end and makes it glaringly obvious that the time has already run-out. They should have bowed out gracefully while they were still ahead of the game.

I don't think it is about the cash per se. It is about some insatiable need to be in the spotlight and being caught in a a corporate machine whose logic is to perpetually increase market share and generate revenues.

The show must go on. Really? Anyone remember how BB King's last shows played out? They are clearly in a lose-lose situation. Continue as if Charlie Watts was disposable, going through the motions by playing in half-filled venues with half the fans thinking that they are a greedy callous insensitive bunch. Or, cancel planned tours and appearances and their legacy will be one of a band that flamed out due to delusion.

They should really face reality, show some contrition and humility.
" Charlie is not just a drummer, he is the Rolling Stones drummer. We can't imagine the band without him. We are cancelling the tours but will do a very limited number of concerts in his honour: 3 nights in New York City and 3 night in London. We hope Bill Wyman, Mick Taylor and some of our other friends (Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton) will join us for guest appeareances. Thanks everyone for the incredible rockin' 58 years. It's been a gas. Love the Rolling Stones."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-08-26 16:57 by wavelength.

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: GerardHennessy ()
Date: August 26, 2021 16:46

Yes it is. In fact long past the time. Sadly the band has been little more than a greatest hits-type human jukebox for a long long time. But will they go on? Yes, they probably will. Not because it is the dignified or respectful thing to do, but because the current version of The Stones lives in some kind of parallel universe where performing on autopilot is what they do. And ever decreasing attendances, albeit still sizeable, roll up to view the spectacle.

We can continue to tell ourselves it is 'in tribute to Charlie' We can convince ourselves, somehow, that it is 'what he would have wanted' We can even postulate that Keith, Mick and Charlie are 'the only people who have the right to decide' as if those of us who are also emotional stakeholders in the band are impertinent to suggest an alternative. And we can try to make ourselves feel better about it all by saying consideration should be given to calling themselves something else (The Glimmer Twins - as if Ronnie does not matter) so that the name is respected.

All of this notwithstanding, what is most likely to happen? My guess is that very little, if anything, will change. Apart from the standard of performance and the degree of authenticity. It will, good people, be 'business as usual' This tour will be completed. The 60th birthday tour will also be set up and completed. And, Heaven help us, other dates will be set up in South America, Australia, and God knows where else. And they also will be completed. Sadly, others may suffer ill health, the vagaries of advancing years, or even death, but THE SHOW WILL GO ON. At this stage I think only when Mick Jagger decides to stop will the entire sad debacle stop. Will that be because of money? The craving perform? The need for attention? Or a complete lack of perspective? Only he knows the answer.

What I do know is there are many many appropriate ways in which The Stones, as an institution can remain in existence. Sorting out the musical legacy. Curating the material in the vaults. Maybe even bringing together the two separate parts of their story in one coherent, complete narrative. And there are umpteen different ways in which Mick, Keith and Charlie can continue to perform, together and separately on occasion. Just not as a pale shadow of what once was, but no longer, the best band in the world.

I have no doubt there will be little agreement with what I have said here. I will be put firmly in my place because I don't understand 'that performance is everything'. And Charlie can be replaced, just like many other bands simply drafted in another competent musician. Dear oh dear. As if that is all it takes.

I wonder how long it will be before some marketing executive comes up with the bright idea of merging video footage of The Stones in their prime with some kind of live performance. Maybe Mick could phone in from somewhere on a video link and duet with his younger self, and Keith also, while he riffs with himself on one or other of the warhorses we are long since fed up with hearing? And don't think it won't ever happen good people. Now that The Stones are stitched into umpteen marketing contracts, the opportunities presented by modern technology will be way beyond the capacity of financial people to resist. These decisions will NOT be made by the band themselves, or what is left of it. It will be made in a boardroom somewhere by people who know nothing about the band, its history or its fans.

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: Testify ()
Date: August 26, 2021 16:48


"The greatest tribute his bandmates could pay him would be to declare that they’re done. I just hope they have that much class. No man deserved it more."
As I wrote in the other discussion, I think the Stones would have ended regardless.
Maybe they would have made some dates for the 60th, but nothing more ... however I always find it bad to judge the behavior of others in these circumstances. It is not true that it is a lack of respect if they continued, as it is not true that it would be the best tribute, they knew Charlie, we don't, they know what Charlie would have wanted.
Ours are just expectations from fans, friendship and respect are quite another thing.
Anyway, I think both Mick and Keith will honor their commitments and then maybe they will release the new album, Charlie's latest work and they will dedicate it to him, maybe adding a surprise dedicated to him.

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: Witness ()
Date: August 26, 2021 16:51

The Sicilian
People that know I'm a fan have been reaching out to talk about Charlie Watts and the Stones and get a measure on my thoughts. I've been clear to say that I really think they should cancel the mini tour out of respect for Charlie and because of COVID issues. Put it off until next year and take time to reflect and see how it feels after the holidays. It's the right thing to do IMO. The music world is watching to see how they react. You can bet on it.

I will say that a couple people have told me that if the Stones are out there playing in a couple weeks then it disrespects Charlie and his family and proves they are only in it for the money, especially with the outrageous ticket prices being charged even for "cheap seats."

As to motives, do you yourself share the viewpoint in bold, set forth in this special context? Or are you only a witness over remarks listened to?
what else is it about if not for the money and spare me the speculation as too "that's what he would have wanted " because none of us know and none of us can speak for him and if it's for the money -shame and so crass and bottom line disrespectful to his memory . As if money is the only thing that matters , which is for working class slobs like we are not multi millionaires that the Glimmers are . They have a lifetime money making machine in merchandise and music . Do the right thing !

I tried to give a simplistic answer on Page 4 of this thread, 26 August 02:53. Even to me as a complete nobody, money is not everything that matters to myself. Then I guess it is that way even for persons that really are somebody. Why do you keep on insisting that other people shall follow your will? Let them decide for themselves! It is their lives, not yours, not mine!

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: GerardHennessy ()
Date: August 26, 2021 16:57

The Sicilian
People that know I'm a fan have been reaching out to talk about Charlie Watts and the Stones and get a measure on my thoughts. I've been clear to say that I really think they should cancel the mini tour out of respect for Charlie and because of COVID issues. Put it off until next year and take time to reflect and see how it feels after the holidays. It's the right thing to do IMO. The music world is watching to see how they react. You can bet on it.

I will say that a couple people have told me that if the Stones are out there playing in a couple weeks then it disrespects Charlie and his family and proves they are only in it for the money, especially with the outrageous ticket prices being charged even for "cheap seats."

As to motives, do you yourself share the viewpoint in bold, set forth in this special context? Or are you only a witness over remarks listened to?
what else is it about if not for the money and spare me the speculation as too "that's what he would have wanted " because none of us know and none of us can speak for him and if it's for the money -shame and so crass and bottom line disrespectful to his memory . As if money is the only thing that matters , which is for working class slobs like we are not multi millionaires that the Glimmers are . They have a lifetime money making machine in merchandise and music . Do the right thing !

I tried to give a simplistic answer on Page 4 of this thread, 26 August 02:53. Even to me as a complete nobody, money is not everything that matters to myself. Then I guess it is that way even for persons that really are somebody. Why do you keep on insisting that other people shall follow your will? Let them decide for themselves! It is their lives, not yours, not mine!

Well said Greek. Spot on my friend. Yes indeed - do the right thing. Zeppelin did just that. They walked away from everything and said 'Without Bonzo it just does not matter anymore'

That's respect!

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: retired_dog ()
Date: August 26, 2021 17:00

If anything, I think it's disrespectful, even presumptuous, to tell the band what to do now, in particular in an authoritative way like "they should/have to/must do this or that" like some here obviously feel entitled to do just because they're fans since oh so long.

The band is free, free to do whatever they want, any old time.

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: wavelength ()
Date: August 26, 2021 17:08

It has been one decades long ego trip for Mick Jagger. When he couldn't make it on his own solo he fell back into the Rolling Stones fold. They guy is so self-centered and full of himself, He lives in the MJ bubble. KR goes into it in his book. I don't think he knows how to express empathy. When Bowie died the only thing he could think of saying when interviewed is something to the effect that he had fun times partying with him. Nothing about Bowie's work or his incredible talent. To express something to this effect might somehow diminish his own status. It had to be about MJ. And that is what is going to motivate him in the future: me, my fame and my fortune. He could be interesting and had some authenticity and sincerity in the sixties and seventies but he has become a robot.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2021-08-26 17:12 by wavelength.

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: Silver Dagger ()
Date: August 26, 2021 17:18

Retire the band name, please. But by all means Mick, Keith and Ronnie could go on under their own names with guests and that could open up a whole new dimension to their music, with solo material brought in too.

My bet is that they will announce one massive gig in London next July with Bill and Mick Taylor joining them as well as other special guests. It will be a celebration of everything the band did while paying tribute to Charlie and hopefully also Brian.

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: Woz ()
Date: August 26, 2021 17:19


"The greatest tribute his bandmates could pay him would be to declare that they’re done. I just hope they have that much class. No man deserved it more."

Life is for the living, the greatest tribute they could pay is to keep on rolling.

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: August 26, 2021 17:22

It has been one decades long ego trip for Mick Jagger. When he couldn't make it on his own solo he fell back into the Rolling Stones fold. They guy is so self-centered and full of himself, He lives in the MJ bubble. KR goes into it in his book. I don't think he knows how to express empathy. When Bowie died the only thing he could think of saying when interviewed is something to the effect that he had fun times partying with him. Nothing about Bowie's work or his incredible talent. To express something to this effect might somehow diminish his own status. It had to be about MJ. And that is what is going to motivate him in the future: me, my fame and my fortune. He could be interesting and had some authenticity and sincerity in the sixties and seventies but he has become a robot.

My my my. Who pissed in your coffee?


Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: August 26, 2021 17:24

It has been one decades long ego trip for Mick Jagger. When he couldn't make it on his own solo he fell back into the Rolling Stones fold. They guy is so self-centered and full of himself, He lives in the MJ bubble. KR goes into it in his book. I don't think he knows how to express empathy. When Bowie died the only thing he could think of saying when interviewed is something to the effect that he had fun times partying with him. Nothing about Bowie's work or his incredible talent. To express something to this effect might somehow diminish his own status. It had to be about MJ. And that is what is going to motivate him in the future: me, my fame and my fortune. He could be interesting and had some authenticity and sincerity in the sixties and seventies but he has become a robot.

Speaking of "not being able to express empathy".
What an assholic thing to think, much less type out.

Taking Jagger hating to a new low at a time when he just lost likely his best friend on the planet.
Pisss off.

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: August 26, 2021 17:26

is this some sort of poll that we're then submitting the results to Mick & Keith?

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: Taylor1 ()
Date: August 26, 2021 17:27

Keith and Mick are musicians. They should continue to play until they decide its over. Mayb e that will be when they die. Of course they are not musically the same band live they were from 1962 to 1999.They in my opinion
peaked as a live band in 1972 - 1973,and other great tours followed.But they can still give joy to people who want to hear them. They have been for almost a quarter of a century an oldies act. They have not created much new music in the studio and of that , almost none of it comes close to what they did on the Big 4 albums. Mick tried to be more adventurous, but Keith held him back by not wanting to do anything but recycled music.Mick wasnt able to pull it off by himself. But they are musicians and musicians play all their lives

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: windmelody ()
Date: August 26, 2021 17:29

They could get their children and grandchildren involved with the option of inheriting a position in the band. This would have a major benefit: The Rolling Stones for many further generations to come.

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: August 26, 2021 17:35


They could get their children and grandchildren involved with the option of inheriting a position in the band.

Sons of the Beatles and Daughters of the Stones ? winking smiley


Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Date: August 26, 2021 17:43

What concerns me is the proverbial second shoe that could drop. I lost my dad this summer to non-small cell lung cancer after several years battle.
Ronnie Wood had my dad's same surgery. Ronnie had chemo/radiation this summer unknown until recently. That is scary. I wish him all the best but mortality is rapidly catching up to our favorite band.



Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: windmelody ()
Date: August 26, 2021 17:46

What concerns me is the proverbial second shoe that could drop. I lost my dad this summer to non-small cell lung cancer after several years battle.
Ronnie Wood had my dad's same surgery. Ronnie had chemo/radiation this summer unknown until recently. That is scary. I wish him all the best but mortality is rapidly catching up to our favorite band.

Sorry for your loss.

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Date: August 26, 2021 17:53

Sorry to hear that, MidnightDevilRambler.

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: August 26, 2021 18:05

What concerns me is the proverbial second shoe that could drop. I lost my dad this summer to non-small cell lung cancer after several years battle.
Ronnie Wood had my dad's same surgery. Ronnie had chemo/radiation this summer unknown until recently. That is scary. I wish him all the best but mortality is rapidly catching up to our favorite band.

Sorry to hear of your loss.

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: GerardHennessy ()
Date: August 26, 2021 18:10

It has been one decades long ego trip for Mick Jagger. When he couldn't make it on his own solo he fell back into the Rolling Stones fold. They guy is so self-centered and full of himself, He lives in the MJ bubble. KR goes into it in his book. I don't think he knows how to express empathy. When Bowie died the only thing he could think of saying when interviewed is something to the effect that he had fun times partying with him. Nothing about Bowie's work or his incredible talent. To express something to this effect might somehow diminish his own status. It had to be about MJ. And that is what is going to motivate him in the future: me, my fame and my fortune. He could be interesting and had some authenticity and sincerity in the sixties and seventies but he has become a robot.

My my my. Who pissed in your coffee?

I don't think anyone did interfere with the coffee. The man is making a very valid series of points. I honestly doubt there will be any kind of PROPER dedication to Charlie on any of the so-called 'tribute' concerts. The Stones don't DO emotion. Or real feeling. That would get in the way of the performance.

And please can we park the 'stop disrespecting Mick, Keith and Ronnie' stuff that is being proclaimed when anyone expresses a view about stopping. We are FANS and we have every right to say what we think. Just as those who disagree with us have exactly the same right too. Surely after the time, money, love and affection we have given to the band over so many years our views should count for SOMETHING.

One other thing. I've seen one or two comments about Charlie being Mick's 'best friend' News to me, and it is something I very much doubt. Mick Jagger is a businessman, with the detachment of one such. While I have no doubt he is sad at Charlie's passing I doubt he will be cut up about it. The facts suggest Mick is already working on a damage-limitation exercise designed to keep the show on the road.

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: Bungo ()
Date: August 26, 2021 18:49

I like this thread. It's a really good group therapy session.

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: August 26, 2021 19:04

They are reaping what they sowed; blinded by ambition, hubris, ego and self-deception MJ probably being the driving force. The dyed hair and shiny clothes do not mask the reality of what they have become. An ageing wax museum music show. The audience are not clamoring for a song from Steel Wheels but going crazy to the opening riff of Satisfaction or HTW.

They should have quit decades ago. How can anyone claim that their playing is as good as it was in the seventies or the shows better. KR can hardly play the intro to Gimme Shelter, he has zero stage presence. Just stands there. RW guitar playing is indecipherable and he can no longer solo. Arguably MJ can still sing and perform but he lacks conviction. Charlie Watts drumming was never technically complex and so he managed to keep a steady hand through the years. It is all just about selling memories of what they used to be, being onstage and getting accolades: look at us, we are legends, we are in invincible.

There are several incarnations of the RS but When the band loses a longstanding, founding member at this very late stage it clearly signals the end and makes it glaringly obvious that the time has already run-out. They should have bowed out gracefully while they were still ahead of the game.

I don't think it is about the cash per se. It is about some insatiable need to be in the spotlight and being caught in a a corporate machine whose logic is to perpetually increase market share and generate revenues.

The show must go on. Really? Anyone remember how BB King's last shows played out?
They are clearly in a lose-lose situation. Continue as if Charlie Watts was disposable, going through the motions by playing in half-filled venues with half the fans thinking that they are a greedy callous insensitive bunch. Or, cancel planned tours and appearances and their legacy will be one of a band that flamed out due to delusion.

They should really face reality, show some contrition and humility.
" Charlie is not just a drummer, he is the Rolling Stones drummer. We can't imagine the band without him. We are cancelling the tours but will do a very limited number of concerts in his honour: 3 nights in New York City and 3 night in London. We hope Bill Wyman, Mick Taylor and some of our other friends (Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton) will join us for guest appeareances. Thanks everyone for the incredible rockin' 58 years. It's been a gas. Love the Rolling Stones."

I have meticulously read just about all the posts on this thread. but I have to say that your post, in particular, affected me most profoundly, simply because you conveyed (and very eloquently I might add), some very sad observations that one would have a hard time arguing with.

I personally would have liked to see the Stones bow out after the conclusion of the Steel Wheels tour, simply because in my estimation, that was the last time I felt that as a group, they were playing at their best. I felt even stronger about it when Bill left, as he and Charlie, in my estimation, WERE the ace rhythm section for this band. I felt as time went on, they became more of a parody of themselves (and their musical abilities declining), even though I would still see them on subsequent tours.

However, there are friends of mine (both younger and older) who did not see the Stones during their prime years who caught them on the Voodoo Lounge, Licks Tour, and even more recently in the US in 2013 and 2015 who thought the shows they saw were the greatest things since slice bread-bragging to their friends how they witnessed the best rock show they ever saw!

So, who's to say? It's like beauty, in the eye of the beholder...

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: Witness ()
Date: August 26, 2021 19:17

It has been one decades long ego trip for Mick Jagger. When he couldn't make it on his own solo he fell back into the Rolling Stones fold. They guy is so self-centered and full of himself, He lives in the MJ bubble. KR goes into it in his book. I don't think he knows how to express empathy. When Bowie died the only thing he could think of saying when interviewed is something to the effect that he had fun times partying with him. Nothing about Bowie's work or his incredible talent. To express something to this effect might somehow diminish his own status. It had to be about MJ. And that is what is going to motivate him in the future: me, my fame and my fortune. He could be interesting and had some authenticity and sincerity in the sixties and seventies but he has become a robot.

My my my. Who pissed in your coffee?

I don't think anyone did interfere with the coffee. The man is making a very valid series of points. I honestly doubt there will be any kind of PROPER dedication to Charlie on any of the so-called 'tribute' concerts. The Stones don't DO emotion. Or real feeling. That would get in the way of the performance.

And please can we park the 'stop disrespecting Mick, Keith and Ronnie' stuff that is being proclaimed when anyone expresses a view about stopping. We are FANS and we have every right to say what we think. Just as those who disagree with us have exactly the same right too. Surely after the time, money, love and affection we have given to the band over so many years our views should count for SOMETHING.

One other thing. I've seen one or two comments about Charlie being Mick's 'best friend' News to me, and it is something I very much doubt. Mick Jagger is a businessman, with the detachment of one such. While I have no doubt he is sad at Charlie's passing I doubt he will be cut up about it. The facts suggest Mick is already working on a damage-limitation exercise designed to keep the show on the road.

I took a look at your not so long postal history, GerardHennessy, to see where you came from in attitudes. It is quite remarkable how aware you were at outset of the difficulties presented to the Stones by the reception to their music, both as to creating new music and as to playing non-warhorses during concerts. In posts in late 2019 you were also tolerant towards the band's compromises.

Those posts stand in sharp contrast to your current posts. Now there has been a sharp change in tone during a quite short period. I find it quite puzzling.

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: Rollin92 ()
Date: August 26, 2021 19:29

If the Stones do some London gigs next year as a celebration of Charlie I don’t think they’ll be inviting Bill or Mick

Re: Is it time for the Stones to stop rolling?
Posted by: GerardHennessy ()
Date: August 26, 2021 19:38

It has been one decades long ego trip for Mick Jagger. When he couldn't make it on his own solo he fell back into the Rolling Stones fold. They guy is so self-centered and full of himself, He lives in the MJ bubble. KR goes into it in his book. I don't think he knows how to express empathy. When Bowie died the only thing he could think of saying when interviewed is something to the effect that he had fun times partying with him. Nothing about Bowie's work or his incredible talent. To express something to this effect might somehow diminish his own status. It had to be about MJ. And that is what is going to motivate him in the future: me, my fame and my fortune. He could be interesting and had some authenticity and sincerity in the sixties and seventies but he has become a robot.

My my my. Who pissed in your coffee?

I don't think anyone did interfere with the coffee. The man is making a very valid series of points. I honestly doubt there will be any kind of PROPER dedication to Charlie on any of the so-called 'tribute' concerts. The Stones don't DO emotion. Or real feeling. That would get in the way of the performance.

And please can we park the 'stop disrespecting Mick, Keith and Ronnie' stuff that is being proclaimed when anyone expresses a view about stopping. We are FANS and we have every right to say what we think. Just as those who disagree with us have exactly the same right too. Surely after the time, money, love and affection we have given to the band over so many years our views should count for SOMETHING.

One other thing. I've seen one or two comments about Charlie being Mick's 'best friend' News to me, and it is something I very much doubt. Mick Jagger is a businessman, with the detachment of one such. While I have no doubt he is sad at Charlie's passing I doubt he will be cut up about it. The facts suggest Mick is already working on a damage-limitation exercise designed to keep the show on the road.

I took a look at your not so long postal history, GerardHennessy, to see where you came from in attitudes. It is quite remarkable how aware you were at outset of the difficulties presented to the Stones by the reception to their music, both as to creating new music and as to playing non-warhorses during concerts. In posts in late 2019 you were also tolerant towards the band's compromises.

Those posts stand in sharp contrast to your current posts. Now there has been a sharp change in tone during a quite short period. I find it quite puzzling.

Good Heavens! I never thought my postings warranted anything like the degree of analysis you have given them. Believe me, they don't. I'm a Stones fan. No more and no less. Just another opinionated old ex-rocker with time on his hands and a keyboard at the ready.

Clearly I have committed the cardinal sin of changing my mind about certain things. Oh dear! I did not realise I was required to remain rigidly affixed to the view I held a couple of years ago. I'll let you into a secret, at my age I become more intolerant, impatient and tetchy with every passing week.Maybe even every hour.Ask my family. They will tell you I now get annoyed by almost everything. And 2019 is like half a lifetime ago...

Might I suggest you unpuzzle your brain and devote your undoubted abilities to something deserving of them. The views, changing or otherwise, of a 70 year old Stones fan are way below your pay grade my friend - and I do hope you don't mind me referring to you as such. Keep on loving The Stones. You in your way. And I in mine...

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