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Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: April 16, 2021 13:22

Vaccines are available for everyone over age 16 in Washington state now. Of course, trying to get an appointment is mayhem. Glad I was able to get started a month ago. Getting second shot on Saturday.

Same here in California, and same here about getting started - one down, one to go. thumbs up. I don't think it's been that hard here for people who want the vaccine to get it - at least up until today anyways.
There was a possibility I was going to have to miss my second shot appointment for next Saturday at CVS, so I jumped on line and was easily able to get a backup appointment for the following Tuesday at the same CVS.
Turns out I can keep original appointment, so canceled plan B thus opening it up for whoever may need it. I heard on the news radio today that CA is leading the way in the US as far as actual number of vaccines being administered so far, even more than many countries, but not sure of the actual percentage of population that has received it. Big state, large population, and the vaccination process is kicking in to another gear with over 16 year olds now being eligible.

here in Louisiana only 50% of people are saying they plan to get the vaccine, and there is more supply than demand. A lot of the population have been listening to the wrong people, frankly, and I sometimes despair of our ever getting rid of this.

Unfortunate that there is no vaccine for stupid. Just saying....

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: terraplane ()
Date: April 16, 2021 13:38

I think it's that people don't like to be coerced.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: April 16, 2021 13:56


a) knew of the side-effects and lied/covered-up...which is really bad

b) didn't know of the side-effects, yet still pushed the "it's the science" angle....which is also bad.

and if the gov't (or businesses) are contemplating Vaccine Passports, that is essentially forcing people to take a vaccine that might kill them, no matter how small the chances....

that's not good for optics either.

.....and, hence, now we'll have more Vaccine Resistance as a result and the anti-Vaxxers will have another argument to throw around...

c) In the study groups zero people had the clotting side effect(s)
Which is the correct answer, and when people (women) did, the CDC put a pause on the distribution (which happens frequently as part of their process).

Unless trying to bolster the anti-vax argument, this should theoretically instill confidence in the process, as that's how it's designed to work.

No one is talking about "forcing" anyone to take the vaccine. Don't want to show proof to go to the concert or board an airplane etc? Don't go. If it were to happen, it would very likely be "proof of vax or a negative test done within x hours before.." So, for those unwilling, they could still go, but have to submit to a test. Seems reasonable.

I see your point.

However, my point was/is Fauci and Brix and Everybody said "trust the science...the vax is 100% safe" they have to change that...

which looks bad...

telling people "trust me" and turning out to be wrong NEVER looks good, no matter how small your error or how it came about...'s simply bad optics...nothing more, nothing less.

as for Vax Passports....if it were only as simple as "concerts and airplanes" then "yes" your plan seems very reasonable (to me)...I don't agree with it, but I feel it is reasonable.

However, concerts and airplanes are, IMO, not even close to the place to start the discussion...

What's the plan for Public Transport, upon which millions and millions rely?

What about supermarkets and food-stores?

Gov't Mandated "No Vax, No Entry" in these places would be essentially forcing millions to get the vaccine....or essentially forcing them to pay for rapid-tests every day.

("essentially" was the operative word I used - ie. "indirectly" forcing by implementing widespread and possibly insurmountable restrictions, like cutting off access to public transport)

my point on this was that there are a LOT of situations that turns this issue into a legal minefield, irrespective of one's opinion on the issue...

pay your taxes....but, you can't ride taxpayer-funded, public-transport unless you get a vaccine that might kill you?

Hmmm....I dunno....Better Call Saul!!

Sorry, do not recall Fauci giving a 100% absolute abouth anything. A 1 in 1 million means it is proven to be 99.9999% safe.

What is wrong my mandating people get vaccination to be allowed to do certain things. Children are required to get measles vaccines to attend school, people are mandated to not have a blood alcohol level above .08% to drive and there are many other examples for public safety. These are generally the same people refusing to wear masks as it violates their rights. How come the same people who are against being forced to get vaccinated have no problem forcing a woman to continue an unwanted pregnancy even in the cases of rape and incest? Riddle me that one?
Exactly as they know better than a Woman and want tell Woman what to do but at the same time are resistant to following societal guidance on how to stay safe for the sake of everyone including themselves . Here at work we have a even split of deniers and believers and the deniers are masked and have there Clorox wipes and Lysol wipes and clean to the point of obsession yet they refuse to get the shot . One guy is such a germaphobe and is wicked paranoid of his own shadow and goes to every kind of Doctor for a pimple or his teeth or his therapist , yet won't take the vaccine because he doesn't have his elevator going to the top floor.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Date: April 16, 2021 14:31

I think it's that people don't like to be coerced.

Are people being coerced in some states to take the vaccine?

Over here you're free to say no.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-04-16 14:34 by DandelionPowderman.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: April 16, 2021 14:44

I think it's that people don't like to be coerced.

Are people being coerced in some states to take the vaccine?

Over here you're free to say no.

No coercion that I've seen or heard of in any states.
Encouraged, yes. Coerced, no.

Assuming that the possibility of not being able to go to an event, or board a plane etc without vax proof is where the notion of coercion is coming from,
but no.. completely free to say no here as well.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: terraplane ()
Date: April 16, 2021 14:54

I think it's that people don't like to be coerced.

Are people being coerced in some states to take the vaccine?

Over here you're free to say no.

I am not in the U.S. but I don't think the Government can legally mandate it there. I mean coerce in the sense of social pressure - people trying to exert their will over others. Mass media doesn't help only inflames the situation (just my observation).

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: April 16, 2021 17:02

I think it's that people don't like to be coerced.

Are people being coerced in some states to take the vaccine?

Over here you're free to say no.

No coercion that I've seen or heard of in any states.
Encouraged, yes. Coerced, no.

Assuming that the possibility of not being able to go to an event, or board a plane etc without vax proof is where the notion of coercion is coming from,
but no.. completely free to say no here as well.
Yes , but it's a private enterprise not a government operation . Yes the government makes the laws , but it's run by corporations that have to err on the side of caution .

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bv ()
Date: April 16, 2021 18:13

It is quite common that governments do make laws, that is the difference in modern democratic countries, and anarchy. If there is a law against murder, i.e. you shall not kill other people, then that law is valid both on public ground, as well as say at private concert venues.

Some think that covid-19 laws are some sort of different from other laws. They are not. The covid-19 laws are made by governments in order to save lives.

As for vaccine, I am sure there will be a requirement within few months, at least in EU, saying people with either vaccine, or antibodies following covid-19, may have a covid-19 certificate, meaning this certificate will give certain advantages.

Those who prefer to stay outside the society rules may of course find a cave or a place where they can enjoy their freedom of not being immune to covid-19.


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: April 16, 2021 18:44

I think it's that people don't like to be coerced.

Where I live in California, I see loads of encouragement everywhere - from signs on pharmacies, grocery stores, billboards, etc, and daily reminders from news anchors both locally and nationally to get your vaccine!
Whie most of it is well intentioned, some of it is bordering on pressure, which could eventually lead to a form of coercion - maybe not by the government, but by the general population who have been vaccinated.
I happily and voluntarily opted for the vaccine, but I know quite a few who refuse - some Democrat, some Republican, and some completely apolitical. Some are skeptical, while some simply dont like being told what to do.
Just yesterday I mentioned to an acquaintance near where I work I'm "one down, one to go" with the vaccine, and he replied something like "you're letting the government force that shit in your system"? lol, what a jerkoff.
All I could do was shrug, but the troubling part is his wife is a nurse, and she hasn't received the vaccination either due to hesitancy. They both have always seemed level-headed, but it makes you wonder how many other "level-headed" people feel the same way they do....

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-04-16 18:49 by Hairball.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: April 16, 2021 20:23

I think it's that people don't like to be coerced.

Where I live in California, I see loads of encouragement everywhere - from signs on pharmacies, grocery stores, billboards, etc, and daily reminders from news anchors both locally and nationally to get your vaccine!
Whie most of it is well intentioned, some of it is bordering on pressure, which could eventually lead to a form of coercion - maybe not by the government, but by the general population who have been vaccinated.
I happily and voluntarily opted for the vaccine, but I know quite a few who refuse - some Democrat, some Republican, and some completely apolitical. Some are skeptical, while some simply dont like being told what to do.
Just yesterday I mentioned to an acquaintance near where I work I'm "one down, one to go" with the vaccine, and he replied something like "you're letting the government force that shit in your system"? lol, what a jerkoff.
All I could do was shrug, but the troubling part is his wife is a nurse, and she hasn't received the vaccination either due to hesitancy. They both have always seemed level-headed, but it makes you wonder how many other "level-headed" people feel the same way they do....

Just proves you can't fix stupid. I just find it ironic the correlation between Covid is just like the flu, masks don't work and shouldn't be requires and the vaccines are bad. Seems to me this is a form of de-evolution. Now is when we have a real world example of Darwin's law.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: April 16, 2021 21:25

I think it's that people don't like to be coerced.

Where I live in California, I see loads of encouragement everywhere - from signs on pharmacies, grocery stores, billboards, etc, and daily reminders from news anchors both locally and nationally to get your vaccine!
Whie most of it is well intentioned, some of it is bordering on pressure, which could eventually lead to a form of coercion - maybe not by the government, but by the general population who have been vaccinated.
I happily and voluntarily opted for the vaccine, but I know quite a few who refuse - some Democrat, some Republican, and some completely apolitical. Some are skeptical, while some simply dont like being told what to do.
Just yesterday I mentioned to an acquaintance near where I work I'm "one down, one to go" with the vaccine, and he replied something like "you're letting the government force that shit in your system"? lol, what a jerkoff.
All I could do was shrug, but the troubling part is his wife is a nurse, and she hasn't received the vaccination either due to hesitancy. They both have always seemed level-headed, but it makes you wonder how many other "level-headed" people feel the same way they do....

Just proves you can't fix stupid. I just find it ironic the correlation between Covid is just like the flu, masks don't work and shouldn't be requires and the vaccines are bad. Seems to me this is a form of de-evolution. Now is when we have a real world example of Darwin's law.
Sad but true .

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: JadedFaded ()
Date: April 16, 2021 23:29

I was coerced into getting the the coronavirus!

I find it quite unbelievable how so many people are refusing the vaccine because of “personal liberty.” Makes no rational sense to refuse something that is for the benefit of themselves, their families, their friends, their country and the world. I have some relatives that are refusing. I think (hope) that as more and more people get vaccinated they may change their minds. Right now, the only actual coercion is peer pressure.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Rokyfan ()
Date: April 17, 2021 00:23

I gladly took the Pfizer vaccine. But I get that there are many people who are skeptical, for many reasons. Sure there are the crazies who think there's a chip going in with the vaccine. But there are also people who question how they got the vaccine so quickly after being told it would take years. There are people who don't take vaccines generally.

Some people are skeptical of everything reported in the media today. Some people would say with good reason.

Like I said, I gladly took the vaccine, I think I'm better off with it than without. But I am not willing to write off people who are skeptical at this point as nuts.

Maybe some people equate being called "stupid" with coercion. Not so unreasonable, is it?

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: terraplane ()
Date: April 17, 2021 00:57

I gladly took the Pfizer vaccine. But I get that there are many people who are skeptical, for many reasons. Sure there are the crazies who think there's a chip going in with the vaccine. But there are also people who question how they got the vaccine so quickly after being told it would take years. There are people who don't take vaccines generally.

Some people are skeptical of everything reported in the media today. Some people would say with good reason.

Like I said, I gladly took the vaccine, I think I'm better off with it than without. But I am not willing to write off people who are skeptical at this point as nuts.

Maybe some people equate being called "stupid" with coercion. Not so unreasonable, is it?

Yes, psychological pressure. People have a need for self determination. Calling them 'stupid' is reductive - doesn't achieve anything.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-04-17 00:59 by terraplane.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: April 17, 2021 01:02

So, judging from an NYT article, it seems that immunocompromised people like me who take certain drugs don't respond to the coronavirus vaccines. (Which also explains why I had no reactions to the jabs.) This sucks rather a lot, but I've signed up for a registry which provides information and antibody tests.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: April 17, 2021 01:06

I was coerced into getting the the coronavirus!

I find it quite unbelievable how so many people are refusing the vaccine because of “personal liberty.” Makes no rational sense to refuse something that is for the benefit of themselves, their families, their friends, their country and the world. I have some relatives that are refusing. I think (hope) that as more and more people get vaccinated they may change their minds. Right now, the only actual coercion is peer pressure.

They also do not like helmets when riding a motorcycle. This is the evidence how dumb it is. []

In both situations it is life versus liberty for many people.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: triceratops ()
Date: April 17, 2021 02:05

I read only once that 40% of Americans will be refusing the vaccinations. Also these vaccines only seem to be effective for 9 months or so. As new Cov19 variants come down the pike the vaccine formulas will be upgraded to cover them. With a 9 month protection life you can look forward to getting Cov19 (and Cov 20-21-22-23??) booster shots each year. Like a hamster racing around in a circular treadmill cage.

In the US we have Mexican cartels that have been issuing/selling forged IDs for 30 years. I see them getting into the forged papers/cards Cov-vaccination business. Though if valid and unique QR codes are a must on your vaccine passports, then perhaps this will make Cov19 forgeries impossible for the cartels.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-04-17 02:06 by triceratops.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: April 17, 2021 03:04

This is a bit alarming to read, and makes it difficult to see any light at the end of any tunnel...seems to still be a bit foggy and dark.
As long as that corona shit's floating around in the air anywhere around the globe, seems there's still a risk on some level.

Covid infection rate is approaching highest level ever, WHO chief warns
Published Fri, Apr 16 20215:56 AM EDT
Updated Fri, Apr 16 20211:33 PM EDT


Key Points
- "The number of new cases per week has nearly doubled over the past two months", WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said.
- "Globally, our message to all people in all countries remains the same. We all have a role to play in ending the pandemic,” he said.

LONDON — The head of the World Health Organization said Friday that an alarming rise in Covid cases has pushed global infections toward their highest level in the pandemic. “Around the world, cases and deaths are continuing to increase at worrying rates,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a briefing focused on Papua New Guinea and the western Pacific. “Globally, the number of new cases per week has nearly doubled over the past two months. This is approaching the highest rate of infection that we have seen so far during the pandemic,” he continued. “Some countries that had previously avoided widespread transmission are now seeing steep increases in infections,” Tedros said, citing Papua New Guinea as one example.

Tedros said the United Nations health agency will continue to assess the evolution of the coronavirus crisis and “adjust advice accordingly.” Under international health regulations, Tedros said, WHO’s emergency committee convened on Thursday, and he expects to receive their advice on Monday. “Globally, our message to all people in all countries remains the same. We all have a role to play in ending the pandemic,” he said.
More than 139 million Covid cases have been reported worldwide, with 2.9 million deaths, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. The WHO declared the coronavirus a global pandemic on March 11, 2020.

Tedros has previously said that one of the WHO’s main priorities is to increase the ambition of COVAX, an initiative working for global equitable access to Covid vaccines, to help all countries end the pandemic.
The COVAX plan was expected to deliver almost 100 million vaccines to people by the end of March, but it has distributed only some 38 million doses. The WHO has said it hopes the initiative will be able to catch up in coming months but has condemned what it describes as a “shocking imbalance” in the distribution of vaccines between high- and low-income countries. The health agency has also criticized countries that have sought their own vaccine deals outside of the COVAX initiative for political or commercial reasons. At the start of the year, Tedros warned that the world was on the brink of a “catastrophic moral failure” over vaccine inequality. He said a “me-first approach” to vaccines would leave the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people at risk, adding the approach was “self-defeating” since it would encourage hoarding and likely prolong the health crisis.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-04-17 03:05 by Hairball.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: April 17, 2021 03:07

This will be new Covid-19 vaccines. There is no such this as Covid-20, 21, 22 etc. The Moderna CEO said in an interview that they are looking at combining a Covid vaccine with an influenza vaccine given once a year. Any objections to that will eventually result in illness. Personally I have been getting a flu vaccine for about 10 years. Haven't had the flu since. Prior to that was once every three years or so and was never fun.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bleedingman ()
Date: April 17, 2021 04:02

This will be new Covid-19 vaccines. There is no such this as Covid-20, 21, 22 etc. The Moderna CEO said in an interview that they are looking at combining a Covid vaccine with an influenza vaccine given once a year. Any objections to that will eventually result in illness. Personally I have been getting a flu vaccine for about 10 years. Haven't had the flu since. Prior to that was once every three years or so and was never fun.

I've only had one flu vaccine and, guess what? I got a terrible case of the flu. Never got another vaccine, never got the flu again.

Let's pray that there is never a "Covid-20, etc." But there are, and will be variants:

"Those in vaccine trials continue to be monitored by developers and regulatory bodies around the world to determine how immunity wanes over time. Currently, only a tiny percentage of those vaccinated have become re-infected, however, if this number begins to grow, it would serve as a reason to administer booster shots.

The other concern, of course, is the emergence of new variants capable of evading a body's immune response. Studies are ongoing to uncover the extent to which the variants currently circulating are capable of doing this but, with more mutations expected as the virus replicates, there is enough reason to believe that vaccines may prove ineffective against new strains.

A recent survey of 77 epidemiologists from 28 countries conducted by the People's Vaccine Alliance revealed that two-thirds of them believed that it would take a year (or less) for new variants that render first-generation vaccines ineffective to emerge."


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: April 17, 2021 11:31

So, judging from an NYT article, it seems that immunocompromised people like me who take certain drugs don't respond to the coronavirus vaccines. (Which also explains why I had no reactions to the jabs.) This sucks rather a lot, but I've signed up for a registry which provides information and antibody tests.

I'm immunocompromised & Have to do monthly infusions & take some other exotic drugs daily. My doctor had me time the vaccsine so that I had the shots halfway between infusions. It was tricky but I was able to pull it off. Getting shot 2 of Moderna today.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: April 17, 2021 11:49

So, judging from an NYT article, it seems that immunocompromised people like me who take certain drugs don't respond to the coronavirus vaccines. (Which also explains why I had no reactions to the jabs.) This sucks rather a lot, but I've signed up for a registry which provides information and antibody tests.

I'm immunocompromised & Have to do monthly infusions & take some other exotic drugs daily. My doctor had me time the vaccsine so that I had the shots halfway between infusions. It was tricky but I was able to pull it off. Getting shot 2 of Moderna today.

Right now I'm just on the daily pills regimen so wasn't able to do any kind of finessing regarding timing, but glad it worked for you! Yay on getting shot 2!

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bleedingman ()
Date: April 17, 2021 23:02

I seldom agree with Bill Maher but he nails it this time:

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: April 17, 2021 23:25

What Bill calls "lies" were actually "unknowns" initially, surface spread, masks, etc.

The uneducated and/or those that are ant-vax, anti-government, anti-media, conspiracists to begin with, flock to these, at the time unknowns, like this make their case.
It does not.

With the exception of not wanting to create a mask shortage so medical personal would have them, I know of no other info that was intentionally false or misleading.
Just unknowns.

I was a very early proponent and user of masks regardless. Ordered them before the last administration ever issued a purchase order for any as a matter of fact, which is ridiculous as they knew of the airborne nature of the virus early.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-04-17 23:26 by MisterDDDD.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: April 18, 2021 01:45

This will be new Covid-19 vaccines. There is no such this as Covid-20, 21, 22 etc. The Moderna CEO said in an interview that they are looking at combining a Covid vaccine with an influenza vaccine given once a year. Any objections to that will eventually result in illness. Personally I have been getting a flu vaccine for about 10 years. Haven't had the flu since. Prior to that was once every three years or so and was never fun.

I've only had one flu vaccine and, guess what? I got a terrible case of the flu. Never got another vaccine, never got the flu again.

Let's pray that there is never a "Covid-20, etc." But there are, and will be variants:

"Those in vaccine trials continue to be monitored by developers and regulatory bodies around the world to determine how immunity wanes over time. Currently, only a tiny percentage of those vaccinated have become re-infected, however, if this number begins to grow, it would serve as a reason to administer booster shots.

The other concern, of course, is the emergence of new variants capable of evading a body's immune response. Studies are ongoing to uncover the extent to which the variants currently circulating are capable of doing this but, with more mutations expected as the virus replicates, there is enough reason to believe that vaccines may prove ineffective against new strains.

A recent survey of 77 epidemiologists from 28 countries conducted by the People's Vaccine Alliance revealed that two-thirds of them believed that it would take a year (or less) for new variants that render first-generation vaccines ineffective to emerge."


Covid-19 is named Covid-19 because the virus was isolated in 2019. It is 2021 so you are safe from Covid-20. confused smiley The booster shot the Moderna CEO was referring to was to work against the variants isolated in Brazil and South Africa amongst other that the current vaccine is less effective again. If they combine it with the flu vaccine it means most people only need to get to get one shot. If you think the flu vaccine gave you the flu do whatever floats your boat.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: April 18, 2021 13:01

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: April 18, 2021 22:33

Pretty big milestone hit in the US today.. half-down, half to go!

Half of US adults now have received at least 1 COVID shot

WASHINGTON (AP) — Half of all adults in the U.S. have received at least one COVID-19 shot, the government announced Sunday, marking another milestone in the nation’s largest-ever vaccination campaign but leaving more work to do to convince skeptical Americans to roll up their sleeves.

Almost 130 million people 18 or older have received at least one dose of a vaccine, or 50.4% of the total adult population, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported. Almost 84 million adults, or about 32.5% of the population, have been fully vaccinated.

In other developments, the nation's top infectious diseases expert indicated Sunday that the government will likely move to resume use of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine this week, possibly with restrictions or broader warnings after reports of some very rare blood clot cases.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Date: April 18, 2021 23:29

Pretty big milestone hit in the US today.. half-down, half to go!

Almost 84 million adults, or about 32.5% of the population, have been fully vaccinated.

I expect there are enough Stones fans within the 84 million to justify a fall tour!

On the 7th day God created The Rolling Stones

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: April 19, 2021 00:16


I expect there are enough Stones fans within the 84 million to justify a fall tour!

Even better... more than 75% of their base have gotten the jab winking smiley spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

75 percent of U.S. seniors now vaccinated; some states’ rates even higher
The United States has vaccinated more than 75% of its older adult population, according to the latest data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The new number reflects adults aged 65 or more years who have received at least one vaccine dose as of Monday. In the same age group, 55% have been fully vaccinated, the agency reported.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: April 19, 2021 01:41

Went to my local CVS this morning to pick up some aspirin, and noticed how calm it was since a couple of weeks ago when there were quite a few people there for the vaccine - including my wife and I.
Mentioned the quiet uncrowdedness to the lady sitting at a makeshift vaccination table waiting for people to check in for their appointments, and she said it's been surprisingly quiet the last few days
with plenty of appointments avaialable, but not many have been signing up. Thought for sure it would be crazy crowded with the new batch of eligibility lowered down to 16 and over last week, but no.
Next stop was Vons next door for some groceries, and I mentioned the uncrowdedness at CVS to the young check out guy who looked about 25...he said he's not getting it yet, and most of his friends aren't either.
To paraphrase, he said "we wear our masks, social distance, and dont feel the need to get a vaccine right now"...ugh...nothing I could do but smile and shrug as I'm not about to start preaching in a grocery store checkout line, or anywhere else for that matter. Freedom of choice I guess, but just a small glimpse of the hesitancy and/or lack of urgency towards the vaccine. As for my wife and I, next week for shot #2 can't come fast enough!

And coincidentally, now just seeing this lengthy article published today on CNN - seems demand is slowing in many places across the US:

Covid-19 vaccine demand is slowing in parts of the US. Now an uphill battle starts to get more shots into arms
By Christina Maxouris, CNN
Updated 5:37 PM ET, Sun April 18, 2021

"The ones that either are unsure or on the fence about the vaccine,
don't have enough information or are just plain outright...
not interested in the vaccine for other reasons."

When health officials in Ohio's Mercer County opened their first Covid-19 vaccine drive-thru clinic in January, available slots filled up instantly, and more than 500 people were vaccinated in a single day.
Nearly three months later, with plenty of vaccine supply on hand and eligibility open to all residents 16 and older, officials struggled to fill appointments, said Kristy Fryman, the emergency response coordinator and public information officer for the Mercer County Health District. About 264 people received their first dose at the district's clinic earlier this month -- roughly half the number of people who were signing up at the start of the rollout.
"It's very concerning," she said. The rural county is home to roughly 41,000 people and earlier in the pandemic had the highest Covid-19 case rate in the state, Fryman said. "We don't want to go backwards," she added.

Demand has dropped off so much, the health district decided to end mass vaccination clinics for first doses and instead, transition to smaller clinics that require fewer resources and volunteers. But it's not just that hub that's seen a slowing demand: other vaccine providers in the area are reporting the same pattern, Fryman said. Roughly 27% of the county's residents have started their vaccinations, according to Ohio's Covid-19 vaccine dashboard. "People in rural areas tend to have an attitude of being self-sufficient, especially among the younger population," Fryman said. "We've also heard people are waiting to get the vaccine because they're wanting to know the side effects down the road from it. And then another comment would be that the vaccine is just too new."

In nearby Paulding County, a rural community that's "all villages" and home to less than 19,000 people, the health department's emergency response coordinator has seen a similar trajectory. Just weeks ago, the department would sign up several hundred people on its Covid-19 vaccine wait lists. Now, "we do not have a wait list," Bill Edwards said. Roughly 29% of the county's population have started their Covid-19 vaccination, state data shows.
And it's not just in Ohio. Pharmacies in one part of Louisiana say Covid-19 vaccine demand has "completely fallen off." Georgia officials announced recently they were shutting down a mass vaccination site due to low demand. Tennessee leaders said late last month they were opening eligibility following low numbers of vaccinations in rural areas. Parts of Texas have also seen declining demand.

"We're reaching the point where we're getting to the hard audiences," said Lori Tremmel Freeman, CEO of the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO). "The ones that either are unsure or on the fence about the vaccine, don't have enough information or are just plain outright... not interested in the vaccine for other reasons."
Experts, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, estimate somewhere between 70-85% of the country needs to be immune to the virus -- either through inoculation or previous infection -- to suppress its spread. But the US is nowhere near those levels yet and the slowing demand -- especially now that eligibility has opened up -- means getting there might be a taller task than some local officials expected.

MORE: > Vaccination

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-04-19 01:42 by Hairball.

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