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Cristiano Radtke
Amazing photos by Peter Kaminski can be seen here: []
If this wasn’t the best show I’ve seen, it was damn close! The setlist wasn’t strong but the performances were, and Keith especially seemed on his game. Very pleased!
Getting in there...another matter completely! Memories of Paris 1 last year. We had queued up for Pit B forever, on the east side of the Stadium, and were about to be let in, and they looked at our tickets, which said “Concerts West...” at the top. Security tried to tell us we had to use the west gate. I had to explain Concerts West is a promotor, a corporate entity, not a direction. We’d still be trying to get in... training? Has anyone wver considered it? The mind boggles...
My God, all these people complaining about the SMU intro. He had to crank his volume up then miss hit a chord. After that the song took off. You could watch a true Live performance by any band and you will see a bum note, bad chord.
Really enjoyed the show, even though we weren’t in the pit. First show I’ve seen since DesertTrip and they were 100% better. They really are enjoying themselves and they sounded tight. It’s the most I’ve enjoyed the warhorses in decades. Only down side was no SFM. Here’s the 12min version of Rambler, a highlight as always. Had a great time in Edinburgh, beautiful city! Had a tear in my eye as they took their final bow, wondering if this would be the last time I see them live, but assuming continued good health I see no reason they will stop.
Think the band has maybe 5 more years in them.
One love
Since Keith has abandoned The Worst and Slipping Away, no more latter day original tunes in the set - kind of sad.
The most recent original tune is Start Me Up, and unfortunately it gets butchered...
Pity over the last decade that they dropped songs like You Got Me Rocking, Rock And A Hard Place, I Go Wild, Love Is Strong , Sad Sad Sad, and Saint Of Me, good later day songs that work well live that could be second generation Warhorses by now had they kept them going to audiences over the years.
Thankfully YGMR has been dropped during No Filter '17/'18 so far... ( beside Amsterdam '17 if I remember correctly ).
Admittedly its many years since they did justice to that one, been playing Voodoo Lounge in my car lately and its holding up well, love it more now then when it was released and YGMR sounds Rocking in the Studio.
Great pictures everyone, great atmosphere , looking forward to the youtube clips and reviews tomorrow.
I'm off to Wales, lets hope Cardiff can sing as well as Edinburgh.