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Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: February 12, 2019 17:43

It's been made important by the anticipation as much as anything .

I suspect that there may, for a while now, have been a little bit of a feeling in the camp that, after all this pissing about, it had better be good. ...and that it might be a little embarrassing if it isn't.

So they're now maybe thinking [over thinking ?] about it more than they usually would.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-02-12 17:49 by Spud.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: February 12, 2019 17:52

For me personally it's no big deal how great or otherwise the material is...

...I just want hear the wonderful noise they make again.

Re: New Stones album for 2019
Posted by: Maindefender ()
Date: February 12, 2019 18:02

Rocky Dijon
What went through my head about meetings was that Universal would be meeting with them to listen to the tracks they've laid down since last Fall. If it was a mutual decision that they should take time and make it the best they could, look at what we've had:

Blows my mind that Universal would have any involvement other than to give it a casual listen. Studio execs. giving opinions, that's the making of a fantastic Rock n' Roll song similar to the Clash's Complete Control. Hell, cover Complete Control!!

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: jlowe ()
Date: February 12, 2019 18:21

Yes, it surprises me too that Universal Execs would be that concerned about the progress, or lack of it regarding The Stones album.

In their latter career The Beatles seemed to have very little involvement with EMI, they had Apple of course but I'm sure that wasnt a factor. And of course The Beatles and Paul continued to have a long professional relationship with EMI long after the groups break up. They had meetings of course, contract renewals and royalty rates. And later on, numerous lawsuits.

As far as I am aware Universal is merely their Distributor and I assume manufactures the product. Maybe a bit of marketing also.It's an Agreement by licence. The Stones hold the copyrights and can easily go elsewhere. They pay their own recording costs, presumably.

The Beatles in contrast were on a long term contract and their record company controlled the recording copyrights...which is still the case today.
Much to Macca's chagrin of course. Recording companies held all the aces in the old days.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: February 12, 2019 18:38

The Beatles were part of the record business. It's been run as an industry for a very long time. Ahmet and Atlantic still felt like the record business for the Stones, but Ahmet was still hands on - just not to the level of Clive Davis. When they signed with CBS under Yetnikoff, they now had to contend with mandatory use of outside producers, a minimum of two singles fully promoted with music videos for every release whether a studio album, a live album, or a compilation. Freedom was traded for hefty advances. Virgin and Universal operate in a similar fashion. The Stones still have more autonomy than most artists. To suggest Atlantic, EMI, CBS/Sony, Virgin, Universal are just a distributor is not accurate. They pay for packaging and promotion. They push product they expect to sell. They don't say "just do whatever you like, we're happy with anything." Executives have always listened to mixes, made suggestions like "you should add a string section" or "this needs more work." At the end of the day, the band controls their copyrights and publishing, but otherwise it's no different than any other artist working for a major label. It is a business about making money.

Re: New Stones album for 2019
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: February 12, 2019 18:39

“Meetings.” Wow. One used to call it recording, or rehearsals, or being in the studio. Maybe they should bring their lawyers to these meetings, in some conference room, to help negotiate the direction of the album. Or maybe Mick is just so Hollywood these days that he talks in terms of meetings. Cracks me up.

Sounds a bit detached and sterilized, and whatever the reason for these "meetings", hopefully something results from it vs. back to the drawing board.
It all sound contrived, calculated, overly thought out, but when there's two head chefs in the kitchen (Keith and Mick), trying to make one cohesive meal must get a bit complicated.
Keith wants to serve the fans a good old fashioned steaming hot Shepherds Pie with HP sauce and a pint of ale, while Mick wants to serve tarragon infused seared Ahi tuna sprinkled with rose petals and caviar along with a glass of champagne. Sounds impossible to have a cohesive meal considering this, and then they have to take into account of what the bigwigs (Universal) actually want from them. It might be best if they could scrap the entire menu (and forget about all the expectations) and simply get back to their roots - something they can both agree on - maybe something as simple as Fish'n'Chips or a full English breakfast.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: Rokyfan ()
Date: February 12, 2019 18:44

The Stones are a corporation as well as a band. There are matters that the four of them decide, whether it has to do with recordings or many other things. There is nothing unusual about them having a meeting, no reason for anyone to have any basis to know what they discuss(ed) at any meeting, only a handful of people who think that they know what the Stones are doing, or what they should be doing.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: February 12, 2019 18:50

Rocky Dijon
....Selfishly, I'd rather have had more Stones albums and solo albums than Stones tours, but that's not reality.

Me too ...and reality now is that if they stop touring for very long, they won't start again . So we must enjoy it whilst we can.

there you have it. they are going on momentum at the moment and will 'never stop' because if they do now, it's done.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-02-12 18:50 by treaclefingers.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: February 12, 2019 18:52

The Stones are a corporation as well as a band. There are matters that the four of them decide, whether it has to do with recordings or many other things. There is nothing unusual about them having a meeting, no reason for anyone to have any basis to know what they discuss(ed) at any meeting, only a handful of people who think that they know what the Stones are doing, or what they should be doing.

Might be a meeting, where they will tour next year..

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: February 12, 2019 18:58

no reason for anyone to have any basis to know what they discuss(ed) at any meeting, only a handful of people who think that they know what the Stones are doing, or what they should be doing.

Why would you bother coming here and posting in this thread if the thought of people sharing information or speculating irritates you? What else do you expect to find here? If you want solid news only, Bjornulf's News page is the place to go.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-02-12 19:00 by Rocky Dijon.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: mg72 ()
Date: February 12, 2019 19:03

Which first?
Guns N Roses?

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: February 12, 2019 19:17

Which first?
Guns N Roses?

None of the above.

My votes on Neil Young (very prolific no matter the quality), then followed by The Who who are currently working under a magnifying glass for the entire world to witness - surely they won't hit a wall!
Might see a new single from the Stones prior to the tour, and I really hope so, but based on everything that's been documented (including direct quotes from the band), well....hard to be optimistic for a complete album anytime soon meaning 2019.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-02-12 19:18 by Hairball.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: jlowe ()
Date: February 12, 2019 19:24

Might seem a silly question, but if The Who can record and release an album this year, then why can't The Stones...who we are led to believe have been working on it for a couple of years at least.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: February 12, 2019 19:34

No, its not a silly question. You are quite right.
i think the answer lies in Too Big Egos within the Stones my friend. Too Big Egos.
and inspiration anymore...

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: February 12, 2019 19:36

Might seem a silly question, but if The Who can record and release an album this year, then why can't The Stones...who we are led to believe have been working on it for a couple of years at least.

The wall....some people deny it exists...
Don Was's quote might have been a reference to just one song, but the fact it was even mentioned is telling.
And then there was the Keith "classic Stones" vs. Mick "contemporay/experimental" quotes...seems they can't agree on much.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: February 12, 2019 20:52

Virtually any artist, whether an author, songwriter, actor, et al., would tell you that at some point in the process they hit a wall. Part of the process, really.

To take one line that the context of isn't really known and read more into it is silly. But some will take the line and write a fictional story out of it, until they..hopefully, hit a wall.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: February 12, 2019 21:06

Virtually any artist, whether an author, songwriter, actor, et al. will tell you that hitting a wall does not happen during every process of creation - it happens occasionally but definitely not always.
Many times an artist can get in a zone where everything is right in the world - similar to Michael Jordan when he would get in his zone nailing baskets with practically ever ball he threw in the air.
Clearly this has not been the case with the Stones for a variety of reasons - clashing egos and differing ideas being at the forefront.

Whatever the case, hope they haven't hit it again since then, and hopefully won't hit it from here on out - good luck and smooth sailing to the Stones - most fans have has been waiting 14 years. And some fans have waited much longer for an album of quality. Hoping for the best, and hope they can break out of their very long slump.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-02-12 21:08 by Hairball.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: February 12, 2019 21:12

The flames crackled as they merged with the smoke and made the old wizard's face glisten in their light. "There is an invisible wall...," he spoke. The weary travelers leaned forward to hear him better. "The wall divides the good Twin from the bad Twin. The good Twin seeks to keep the tribe pure. He craves not riches or glory. He loves only the pure. We are like him. The bad Twin seeks to enslave the tribe in his pursuit for immortality."

The youngest traveler's brows furrowed, "O wise one, doesn't the good Twin desire immortality for the tribe as much as the bad Twin? Shouldn't we follow both Twins for it has always been the Twins in harmony leading the tribe? Some say there is no wall, that it was only a symbol of the differences between them."

The old wizard shrieked and appeared to be lifted off the ground whilst his limbs shook with an uncontrollable fit.

"The wall is real. The wall is how we separate the tribe into the elite who follow the good from those we despise who refuse to condemn the bad. There is no harmony or balance. There is no peace, only discord and chaos and endless chatter."

The youngest traveler shook his head, sadly.

"This is madness. This tribe used to be a good place for many moons and many generations. Now it is a terrible web...a net that captures only bad talk and anger. I don't wish to be a part of this any more unless we can find harmony and joy like we once knew."

The old wizard's eyes became black slits glowing in the light of the fire.

"Devour him," he commanded.

The others did his bidding.

Here endeth The IORRian Chronicles.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: CJFP ()
Date: February 12, 2019 21:21

What the hell was that?

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: TeddyB1018 ()
Date: February 12, 2019 21:34

Some nice writing, and barely disguised metaphor.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: CJFP ()
Date: February 12, 2019 21:42

Some nice writing, and barely disguised metaphor.
I stand correected.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: retired_dog ()
Date: February 12, 2019 21:49

bye bye johnny
(Mick: ) "We’re working on a new Rolling Stones album. I have meetings about it this week.”

Let me return to this once again. Seems like I'm not the only one who found the word "meeting" odd in this context, so I'm wondering: could it be that Mick was in fact referring to business meetings with some company execs (or maybe cover artists) or the like? I have no clue if there is someone/something/somewhere in LA that might be relevant in this respect?

That was my first thought, too. In the music business, "meeting" is always used in the strict sense of "business meeting", not recording sessions or the like. A business meeting could mean anything around the album - meeting with cover artist, meeting with record company execs, but not the recording of the album, the creation of the actual music itself. I also cannot see why Jagger would change a lifelong common expression.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: Gaetzi ()
Date: February 12, 2019 21:54

tour vs a new album...

We'll see what they come up with but I'm a live music junkie. As much as I'd love to see the Stones do one really good last album, Stones shows since 2012 have taken me some amazing spots around the globe. If I had to choose, I'm thankful the band is still on the road, performing at a higher level then most us would have thought possible. I'm really thankful they've kept the show on the road!

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: February 12, 2019 21:57

bye bye johnny
(Mick: ) "We’re working on a new Rolling Stones album. I have meetings about it this week.”

Let me return to this once again. Seems like I'm not the only one who found the word "meeting" odd in this context, so I'm wondering: could it be that Mick was in fact referring to business meetings with some company execs (or maybe cover artists) or the like? I have no clue if there is someone/something/somewhere in LA that might be relevant in this respect?

That was my first thought, too. In the music business, "meeting" is always used in the strict sense of "business meeting", not recording sessions or the like. A business meeting could mean anything around the album - meeting with cover artist, meeting with record company execs, but not the recording of the album, the creation of the actual music itself. I also cannot see why Jagger would change a lifelong common expression.

Like i meeting where to tour next year.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-02-12 21:57 by runrudolph.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: drewmaster ()
Date: February 12, 2019 22:05

Some nice writing, and barely disguised metaphor.

Very nice, indeed. Did you write that yourself, Rocky, or if you didn't, where is it from?


Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: retired_dog ()
Date: February 12, 2019 22:20

Some nice writing, and barely disguised metaphor.

Barely disguised only for those in the know... Reminds me of those poetic "The Story so far: ..." short stories on some old SODD vinyl bootlegs...

My gut feeling is that if Mick and Keith had communication problems again and "it's wall after wall and it's frustrating for all concerned", they would not be recording at all, not at their age. What for? But I understand that this "Mick vs. Keith"-thingy is good for people like keithsman, for having something to chew on.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: mg72 ()
Date: February 12, 2019 22:45

Do we know anything about WHAT they've recorded from this time they've been spending in LA? Basic recording? Overdubs? What?

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: Rokyfan ()
Date: February 12, 2019 22:48

Rocky Dijon
no reason for anyone to have any basis to know what they discuss(ed) at any meeting, only a handful of people who think that they know what the Stones are doing, or what they should be doing.

Why would you bother coming here and posting in this thread if the thought of people sharing information or speculating irritates you? What else do you expect to find here? If you want solid news only, Bjornulf's News page is the place to go.
Why do you think it irritates me? I was just responding to posts that thought a meeting was unusual, having followed the band for decades and knowing that they often get together for meetings, business or otherwise, as you know also.

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: CJFP ()
Date: February 12, 2019 23:56

Re: New Stones album for 2019?
Posted by: CJFP ()
Date: February 12, 2019 23:56

Theodora back home? Could they be done with the recording part of the album?

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