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My soundtrack to the wild summer of '78. Yes, some girls, indeed! Love very tune on this record except for Miss You, which is just "ok" in my book. Man, the memories....they're a great thing to have!
Given their recent releases few would have bet the Stones could release so vital an album in the era of punk and disco. Maybe the reason that it hasn't aged well in comparison to other 70's Stones' albums, is because it was so of its time.
Given their recent releases few would have bet the Stones could release so vital an album in the era of punk and disco. Maybe the reason that it hasn't aged well in comparison to other 70's Stones' albums, is because it was so of its time.
But it has. Even the Stones seem to think so
Some Girls sounds much fresher and relevant to me than ....
It was their great return to form. David Marsh did a shitty review in Rolling Stone Magazine, and then Jann Wenner wrote a retract probably to please Jagger, but pretty much universally loved by the critics and the public when it came out. It's a great album, but I probably listen to this less then most others now. Side 2 of TATTOO YOU leaves me crying every time since its so goooood. But when you were a 16 year old boy starting to play with the ladies back in the summer of 1978, nothing beat SOME GIRLS. WBCN in Boston used to play it in its entirety, and I remember being on Cape Cod that summer and magic happened and it happened to Some Girls.
It was their great return to form. David Marsh did a shitty review in Rolling Stone Magazine, and then Jann Wenner wrote a retract probably to please Jagger, but pretty much universally loved by the critics and the public when it came out. It's a great album, but I probably listen to this less then most others now. Side 2 of TATTOO YOU leaves me crying every time since its so goooood. But when you were a 16 year old boy starting to play with the ladies back in the summer of 1978, nothing beat SOME GIRLS. WBCN in Boston used to play it in its entirety, and I remember being on Cape Cod that summer and magic happened and it happened to Some Girls.
that's hilarious, i did not know that.
david marsh's rolling stone record guide helped me find lots of great artists i never would have, i will remember it fondly, despite the stain on his reputation that he panned Some Girls and they had to retract his review! LOL.