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Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: Bliss ()
Date: August 1, 2015 21:10

Good quote but you wonder about Keiths grasp of the real world in his comment about making serious money.
In 1971 he, with Mick got a huge payment for back publishing royalties and by then they had already aquired a property portfolio which most peopke could only dream about.
The rent for his villa in France was high by anyones standards and his lifestyle was hardly one who was "broke".

Yes, and according to Greenfield, Rupert's south of France tax exile strategy didn't result in any savings at all, because they had to pay so many bribes, fines and legal fees due to all the trouble they got into at Nellcote.

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: alieb ()
Date: August 1, 2015 21:10

Books unfortunately about the Stones are written by "wannabe Stones inner circle", but in fact are no more than journalists who are slightly more ambitious and more intellectual. I read a book on Keef ( treacle hates that term ) by Spanish Tony ( not an intellectual but equally ambitions ) that completely took the soul out of Keith. And i don't believe it to be a true indication of the man. So please, books on the Stones, keep them for the library..

Spanish Tony was still closer to the inner circle than Phillip Norman.

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: August 1, 2015 21:30

Books unfortunately about the Stones are written by "wannabe Stones inner circle", but in fact are no more than journalists who are slightly more ambitious and more intellectual. I read a book on Keef ( treacle hates that term ) by Spanish Tony ( not an intellectual but equally ambitions ) that completely took the soul out of Keith. And i don't believe it to be a true indication of the man. So please, books on the Stones, keep them for the library..

Spanish Tony was still closer to the inner circle than Phillip Norman.

Totally agreed but he was a desperate wannabe
Not many on here will know this , you cant get it on the internet, but i have a good memory, although as you have maybe noticed, i have no short term memory.
It goes like this, Keith put magnum gun to Spanish Tony ( Tony Sanchez ) head and gave him 8 good reasons for him not to write and publish the book . This was like in The News Of The world or something years ago.

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: Bliss ()
Date: August 1, 2015 21:46

Tony spent a long time with Keith and the Stones, nearly 10 years. He knew all of Keith's secrets, he did a lot of dreadful things on Keith's behalf, and even tried to get Tony to kill someone. But as he said in the interview posted recently, Keith cut Tony loose, leaving him to cope alone with his massive drug addiction. Hard to say if Tony's book was payback for Keith's betrayals through the years, or simply because it was all he had left to sell.

I have a strong feeling that Keith's continuing financial support of Anita, as well as being recognition for his old lover and the mother of three of his children, is an insurance policy that her memoirs of their life togther will never see the light of day.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-08-01 21:46 by Bliss.

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: August 1, 2015 21:57

Tony spent a long time with Keith and the Stones, nearly 10 years. He knew all of Keith's secrets, he did a lot of dreadful things on Keith's behalf, and even tried to get Tony to kill someone. But as he said in the interview posted recently, Keith cut Tony loose, leaving him to cope alone with his massive drug addiction. Hard to say if Tony's book was payback for Keith's betrayals through the years, or simply because it was all he had left to sell.

I have a strong feeling that Keith's continuing financial support of Anita, as well as being recognition for his old lover and the mother of three of his children, is an insurance policy that her memoirs of their life togther will never see the light of day.

I know, i did read the book, but if you have read it you would know Keith was not as bad as that. Or was he , we will never know. You only have Tony s word for it, and he is dead. Conspiracy anyone

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: August 1, 2015 22:09

Have you noticed the true shit never hits the fan until they die.
Hold me to this. I think Keith is a pussy cat who likes the bad boy image. He never mistreated a woman or a girl, and was never a problem in drink or drugs to anyone but himself. I said it before and i say it again there is no dirt to dish on Keith.
But he loves people to think he is this rebel without a cause, truth be told its a myth created by the man himself. I know it.
But as i say, when other members of the group pass away there might be revelations that may or not be true about them.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-08-01 23:07 by keefriffhards.

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: August 1, 2015 22:30

Tony spent a long time with Keith and the Stones, nearly 10 years. He knew all of Keith's secrets, he did a lot of dreadful things on Keith's behalf, and even tried to get Tony to kill someone. But as he said in the interview posted recently, Keith cut Tony loose, leaving him to cope alone with his massive drug addiction. Hard to say if Tony's book was payback for Keith's betrayals through the years, or simply because it was all he had left to sell.

I have a strong feeling that Keith's continuing financial support of Anita, as well as being recognition for his old lover and the mother of three of his children, is an insurance policy that her memoirs of their life togther will never see the light of day.

Bliss with all due respect my dear, I think Tony's book was indeed a bit sensationalized and his stories all a bit exaggerated in order to please the publisher and increase sales. Not doubt some of Keith's drug behaviors were probably a bit selfish , but that's the nature of addiction. Especially heroin addiction and Keith was as big a mess as anyone.

But I truly don't believe his support and generosity towards Anita has anything to do with keeping her gagged. Not only has Keith pretty much taken away the sensational nature of his wild days by telling about them himself, Anita probably has enough guilt and shame about her own role in the secret events of those days that she has no desire to relive it all by telling her story. I truly think Keith supports her because of the love they once had and because she is the mother of his children.

I do believe Anita could tell quite an interesting tale even without all the events which might paint Keith in an unfavorable light and unfortunately it doesn't look like that will happen. She has mentioned that all the publishers that have approached her wanted nothing but dirt, I hope some publisher with a bit more integrity see's that there is much more to the Anita story that would be very marketable.

Now if Mick was sending her money I might have a different view. winking smiley

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: Bliss ()
Date: August 1, 2015 23:15

Everyone always wants to believe the best of Keith, and it's easy to see why - as well as being a super-nova among stars, he's friendly, funny, witty, charming, and relaxed. What's not to love?

But even he admitted the truth of what Spanish Tony had written....and I would bet pounds to sixpence that there was much more that Tony held back.

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: Turner68 ()
Date: August 1, 2015 23:18

Everyone always wants to believe the best of Keith, and it's easy to see why - as well as being a super-nova among stars, he's friendly, funny, witty, charming, and relaxed. What's not to love?

But even he admitted the truth of what Spanish Tony had written....and I would bet pounds to sixpence that there was much more that Tony held back.

his whole persona is based on being a bad boy. it's part of the myth. the friendly/funny/witty/charming bit is relatively new. as with most people, the truth i'm sure lies in the middle.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-08-02 00:36 by Turner68.

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: Bliss ()
Date: August 1, 2015 23:46

>>the funny/witty/charming bit is relatively new.

Not true. Keith was giving great interviews decades ago in Rolling Stone. A journalist said he was the best interview in rock'n'roll. Mick is the one who has opened up a lot more in the past few years.

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: August 1, 2015 23:54


I have a strong feeling that Keith's continuing financial support of Anita, as well as being recognition for his old lover and the mother of three of his children, is an insurance policy that her memoirs of their life togther will never see the light of day.

Me I feel that's part of the old-fashioned Keef : "you're the Mum of my children. Though we were never married I'll protect you, love you and support you till the day I die". thumbs up

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: Turner68 ()
Date: August 1, 2015 23:54

>>the funny/witty/charming bit is relatively new.

Not true. Keith was giving great interviews decades ago in Rolling Stone. A journalist said he was the best interview in rock'n'roll. Mick is the one who has opened up a lot more in the past few years.

decades ago is relatively new. it's all relative.

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: Bliss ()
Date: August 2, 2015 00:06

Is an interview done at Nellcote in 1971 early enough?

Robert Greenfield interviews Keith Richards

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-08-02 00:06 by Bliss.

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: Turner68 ()
Date: August 2, 2015 00:34

Is an interview done at Nellcote in 1971 early enough?

Robert Greenfield interviews Keith Richards

we must be talking about something different. he is very much in bad boy mode here:

-"Never carry chicks. Pick it up there or drop it. No room, man."
-"No, no, it ended up with us tryin' to electrocute him."
- "Which is one reason I swung my guitar at Harold Pendleton's head at the Marquee thing, because he was the kingpin behind all that"
- "I really, literally, got myself thrown out of school. "
- "I'd rather the Mafia than Decca"


the "nice" keith who talks about growing lemons and being a grandfather is relatively new.

now, if your point is that he was always an interesting interview, then i totally agree!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-08-02 00:47 by Turner68.

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: August 2, 2015 00:47

Well Keith was far too shy do give a good interview until he learned to be more relaxed in his skin. This would be about 81' . He always had great things to say but learned how to say them with panache and jenesequa later in life.
However sometimes he can still sound awkward and embarrassing, but not recently, he seems to be very relaxed and fluent even when sober now lol

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: Turner68 ()
Date: August 2, 2015 00:49

Well Keith was far too shy do give a good interview until he learned to be more relaxed in his skin. This would be about 81' . He always had great things to say but learned how to say them with panache and jenesequa later in life.
However sometimes he can still sound awkward and embarrassing, but not recently, he seems to be very relaxed and fluent even when sober now lol

i found most of this interviews interesting, even in the beginning when he was, as you say, very shy... you can see him holding back, not wanting to say anything, and then blurting out something funny, true, and blunt...

i'm just saying that he had a bad boy persona before his more recent "friendly nice guy" routine. i'm surprised that there is any debate about it to be honest.

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: Bliss ()
Date: August 2, 2015 00:54

That does tie in with my original point, that Keith was certainly capable of the treachery Spanish Tony described.

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: Turner68 ()
Date: August 2, 2015 00:58

That does tie in with my original point, that Keith was certainly capable of the treachery Spanish Tony described.

yes, i agreed with that point.

what i didn't agree with was what you said about everyone wanting to believe the best about keith because he portrays himself as such a good guy. i think he's been pretty honest about what he is and what he isn't.

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: August 2, 2015 01:03

Well Keith was far too shy do give a good interview until he learned to be more relaxed in his skin. This would be about 81' . He always had great things to say but learned how to say them with panache and jenesequa later in life.
However sometimes he can still sound awkward and embarrassing, but not recently, he seems to be very relaxed and fluent even when sober now lol

i found most of this interviews interesting, even in the beginning when he was, as you say, very shy... you can see him holding back, not wanting to say anything, and then blurting out something funny, true, and blunt...

i'm just saying that he had a bad boy persona before his more recent "friendly nice guy" routine. i'm surprised that there is any debate about it to be honest.

I think it was said by many who new him, before the Keith we see today, that Keith was very funny, entertaining and knowledgeable off camera.
Then his whole persona changed about 81' to 83' he suddenly became the opposite of shy. He was very direct and had this larger than life manner about him.
Its why i find him fascinating, he has multiple persona's.
He seems to appeal to everyone from the junkie on the street to ex presidents.

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: Bliss ()
Date: August 2, 2015 01:07

Yes, that is the modern Keith. Every interview gong back at least 10 years is a great one and we see the interviewer is thrilled. We see lots of photo shoots of Keith the family man. The bad old Keith is just image now, but people forget what was really behind it, someone quite ruthless and selfish.

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: Turner68 ()
Date: August 2, 2015 01:08

Well Keith was far too shy do give a good interview until he learned to be more relaxed in his skin. This would be about 81' . He always had great things to say but learned how to say them with panache and jenesequa later in life.
However sometimes he can still sound awkward and embarrassing, but not recently, he seems to be very relaxed and fluent even when sober now lol

i found most of this interviews interesting, even in the beginning when he was, as you say, very shy... you can see him holding back, not wanting to say anything, and then blurting out something funny, true, and blunt...

i'm just saying that he had a bad boy persona before his more recent "friendly nice guy" routine. i'm surprised that there is any debate about it to be honest.

I think it was said by many who new him, before the Keith we see today, that Keith was very funny, entertaining and knowledgeable off camera.
Then his whole persona changed about 81' to 83' he suddenly became the opposite of shy. He was very direct and had this larger than life manner about him.
Its why i find him fascinating, he has multiple persona's.
He seems to appeal to everyone from the junkie on the street to ex presidents.

do you think it was patti's influence on him? or kicking heroin? or both... he had 2 big life changes around that time.

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: August 2, 2015 01:31

Well Keith was far too shy do give a good interview until he learned to be more relaxed in his skin. This would be about 81' . He always had great things to say but learned how to say them with panache and jenesequa later in life.
However sometimes he can still sound awkward and embarrassing, but not recently, he seems to be very relaxed and fluent even when sober now lol

i found most of this interviews interesting, even in the beginning when he was, as you say, very shy... you can see him holding back, not wanting to say anything, and then blurting out something funny, true, and blunt...

i'm just saying that he had a bad boy persona before his more recent "friendly nice guy" routine. i'm surprised that there is any debate about it to be honest.

I think it was said by many who new him, before the Keith we see today, that Keith was very funny, entertaining and knowledgeable off camera.
Then his whole persona changed about 81' to 83' he suddenly became the opposite of shy. He was very direct and had this larger than life manner about him.
Its why i find him fascinating, he has multiple persona's.
He seems to appeal to everyone from the junkie on the street to ex presidents.

do you think it was patti's influence on him? or kicking heroin? or both... he had 2 big life changes around that time.

I think keith lives on the ledge over the edge.
Its a miracle we still have him, but its not by design.
He is a very lucky man with a very strong constitution.
I also think that like Ronnie, they are born survivors, and they certainly know a good woman when they see one. ( Ronnie's recent wife has saved him from ruin )
I remember Keith saying that when he first dated Patti her Flat created a haven for him to escape the craziness of living up to be keith Richards.
He did not really have much of a family until he met her, all he had was the Stones.
Yes turner i think she made all the difference in the world to him surviving Heroin and everything else.

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: Bliss ()
Date: August 2, 2015 01:37

Well Keith was far too shy do give a good interview until he learned to be more relaxed in his skin. This would be about 81' . He always had great things to say but learned how to say them with panache and jenesequa later in life.
However sometimes he can still sound awkward and embarrassing, but not recently, he seems to be very relaxed and fluent even when sober now lol

i found most of this interviews interesting, even in the beginning when he was, as you say, very shy... you can see him holding back, not wanting to say anything, and then blurting out something funny, true, and blunt...

i'm just saying that he had a bad boy persona before his more recent "friendly nice guy" routine. i'm surprised that there is any debate about it to be honest.

I think it was said by many who new him, before the Keith we see today, that Keith was very funny, entertaining and knowledgeable off camera.
Then his whole persona changed about 81' to 83' he suddenly became the opposite of shy. He was very direct and had this larger than life manner about him.
Its why i find him fascinating, he has multiple persona's.
He seems to appeal to everyone from the junkie on the street to ex presidents.

do you think it was patti's influence on him? or kicking heroin? or both... he had 2 big life changes around that time.

Personally - and this is just a guess - I think it was getting away from Anita. They were both junkie outlaws together, they had been through so much, they had so many reasons to be angry and bitter and mistrustful. Patti was altogether different. Although she could party like Keith, it came from a very different place. She has only ever given a few interviews, but I have never read anything negative from her. She has a huge family; they are very central to her life and from the start, she pulled Keith and her kids into it. I think Patti stabilised Keith and that led to him opening up and relaxing.

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: August 2, 2015 01:53

Well Keith was far too shy do give a good interview until he learned to be more relaxed in his skin. This would be about 81' . He always had great things to say but learned how to say them with panache and jenesequa later in life.
However sometimes he can still sound awkward and embarrassing, but not recently, he seems to be very relaxed and fluent even when sober now lol

i found most of this interviews interesting, even in the beginning when he was, as you say, very shy... you can see him holding back, not wanting to say anything, and then blurting out something funny, true, and blunt...

i'm just saying that he had a bad boy persona before his more recent "friendly nice guy" routine. i'm surprised that there is any debate about it to be honest.

I think it was said by many who new him, before the Keith we see today, that Keith was very funny, entertaining and knowledgeable off camera.
Then his whole persona changed about 81' to 83' he suddenly became the opposite of shy. He was very direct and had this larger than life manner about him.
Its why i find him fascinating, he has multiple persona's.
He seems to appeal to everyone from the junkie on the street to ex presidents.

do you think it was patti's influence on him? or kicking heroin? or both... he had 2 big life changes around that time.

Personally - and this is just a guess - I think it was getting away from Anita. They were both junkie outlaws together, they had been through so much, they had so many reasons to be angry and bitter and mistrustful. Patti was altogether different. Although she could party like Keith, it came from a very different place. She has only ever given a few interviews, but I have never read anything negative from her. She has a huge family; they are very central to her life and from the start, she pulled Keith and her kids into it. I think Patti stabilised Keith and that led to him opening up and relaxing.

yeah a case of i love you but i can't live with you. As for keiths continuing support for Anita, why on earth would he not look after her. He is loyal and has a kind heart. He certainly can afford to take care of Anita.
Just how bad keith has been will remain untold. But everything about the man, even as a junkie rings straightforward and true. I mean i don't think he has it in him to be evil or sadistic, he certainly loves woman in a very human way.
He most certainly understands the opposite sex.
I honestly think that a hot temper and a childish carefree attitude towards drugs were his only sins.

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: August 2, 2015 02:06

Personally - and this is just a guess - I think it was getting away from Anita. They were both junkie outlaws together, they had been through so much, they had so many reasons to be angry and bitter and mistrustful. Patti was altogether different. Although she could party like Keith, it came from a very different place. She has only ever given a few interviews, but I have never read anything negative from her. She has a huge family; they are very central to her life and from the start, she pulled Keith and her kids into it. I think Patti stabilised Keith and that led to him opening up and relaxing.

Ha! Well Bliss you are certainly consistent in your anti-Anita sentiment. I can personally testify however that Patti was delightful to be around and good for Keith in 1983. It's a good thing he met her after his dance with heroin though or we might be telling a very different story, not that Patti would likely have stuck around but if she did she would probably have been drawn into the lifestyle just like Anita was. Keith truly called the shots and led the way from what I saw, everybody including Patti catered to him at some level.

I personally think Keith's change around 1983 had everything to do with him getting off heroin, the nature of that drug and the amount of it he was taking would turn anyone into a zombie....of course getting off it affected him in drastically visible ways. In addition, the way he replaced it with copious amounts of alcohol made him seem more outgoing and less reserved. The guy was basically a total alcoholic for many years to come, may still be for all we's just a good thing he's a happy drunk and not a mean one.

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: Bliss ()
Date: August 2, 2015 08:47

Well, NL, I guess you didn't see this post

What amazes me is Anita's rehabilitation, going back about 20 years. It's true that apparently she has been financially supported by Keith straight through, and never had to support herself, but after their r'ship ended, in the 80s she had a terrible series of misfortunes - she was prosecuted for something in London, had a broken hip, has/had hepatitis C. The Scott Cantrell death left a long shadow over her reputation. Yet in the 90s, she turned her life around, cleaned herself up, lost a lot of weight, studied fashion design at St Martins which is very prestigious and competitive for entry. She has a huge number of celebrity friends who seem to be very loyal to her. Although I have only seen one photo of her with Angela (at her wedding), Anita is apparently close to Marlon. Patti has included her in the family circle. I can't recall a single interview where she hasn't sounded controlled and very lucid.


Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: August 2, 2015 20:38

Well, NL, I guess you didn't see this post

What amazes me is Anita's rehabilitation, going back about 20 years. It's true that apparently she has been financially supported by Keith straight through, and never had to support herself, but after their r'ship ended, in the 80s she had a terrible series of misfortunes - she was prosecuted for something in London, had a broken hip, has/had hepatitis C. The Scott Cantrell death left a long shadow over her reputation. Yet in the 90s, she turned her life around, cleaned herself up, lost a lot of weight, studied fashion design at St Martins which is very prestigious and competitive for entry. She has a huge number of celebrity friends who seem to be very loyal to her. Although I have only seen one photo of her with Angela (at her wedding), Anita is apparently close to Marlon. Patti has included her in the family circle. I can't recall a single interview where she hasn't sounded controlled and very lucid.


Not sure what this has to do with the thread title, but its clear to see that Anita has cleaned up her act just recently. Not as far back as the 90's though.
I have seen her very out of it an a couple of Late night TV things. She looked and sounded about as rehabilitated as me.
She Is a survivor, No question about it.
She is looking great for her age recently.
I'm pleased that she has her fashion interests, what a unique dresser she was and still is. Also i think when Keith looked so cool in the late 60's and 70's lots the clothes he wore were Anita's, or Anita's choosing.
Good luck to her, the original Rock Chic smoking smiley
Kate Moss loves her, i believe they are close mates..

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: jlowe ()
Date: August 2, 2015 22:50

Kate Moss! Now thats a steadying influence, not.

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: keefriffhards ()
Date: August 2, 2015 22:59

Kate Moss! Now thats a steadying influence, not.

Well Ronnie said that Kate is very supportive and forceful in preventing him drinking on a few occasions.

Re: Mick taking control
Posted by: jlowe ()
Date: August 2, 2015 23:02

Kate Moss! Now thats a steadying influence, not.

Well Ronnie said that Kate is very supportive and forceful in preventing him drinking on a few occasions.

Well, she probably steals his drink.
Wise woman,rarely gives any interviewsand certainly is not part of the TV chat show circuit.Keep the mistique.

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