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Where's Mick Taylors book BTW!!??
Posted by: slakka ()
Date: November 19, 2019 04:38

If theres a Stones point of view we need, good god its him no?

Re: Where's Mick Taylors book BTW!!??
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: November 19, 2019 08:26

That is curious. Even when he really needed the money he didn't write any kind of expose. I doubt he signed a NDA.

Re: Where's Mick Taylors book BTW!!??
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: November 19, 2019 10:17

Probably couldn't be bothered.

Not the most motivated individual on the planet is he.

[ and I mean no malice by that... It's fault I've always exhibited myself]

Puzzling in a way though ...he could have made a bob or two .

Perhaps I'm being unfair.

Maybe he was just afraid to be honest... and didn't want produce a load of drivel instead .

Re: Where's Mick Taylors book BTW!!??
Date: November 19, 2019 12:23

There are a few interesting chapters in Rosie's book...

Re: Where's Mick Taylors book BTW!!??
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: November 19, 2019 13:14

It would be a good read , and he could dish dirt on the Twins , but I don't think he has any motivation and who knows maybe he is on some type of salary/pension ?

Re: Where's Mick Taylors book BTW!!??
Posted by: jlowe ()
Date: November 19, 2019 14:05

There are a few interesting chapters in Rosie's book...

Which book is that?

Actually there are many people who have been in the Stones orbit who haven't written a book, these include:

- Anita Pallenberg
- Bianca Jagger
- Alan Dunn
- Don Was
- Michael Cohl
- Astrid Lundstrom
- Shirley Arnold

Plus others no longer with us: Alan Klein, Ian Stewart, Eric Easton.
Not forgetting Mick and Charlie of course.
They will all have different reasons for not putting pen to paper. Am sure all have been offered deals...with the help of a ghost writer, of course.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: November 19, 2019 14:32

Mick's feelings about writing his memoirs [or not] are well documented.

As for Charlie ...he probably couldn't see much of a book about 55 years of "hanging around and getting bored."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-11-19 14:41 by Spud.

Re: Where's Mick Taylors book BTW!!??
Date: November 19, 2019 14:37

There are a few interesting chapters in Rosie's book...

Which book is that?

Actually there are many people who have been in the Stones orbit who haven't written a book, these include:

- Anita Pallenberg
- Bianca Jagger
- Alan Dunn
- Don Was
- Michael Cohl
- Astrid Lundstrom
- Shirley Arnold

Plus others no longer with us: Alan Klein, Ian Stewart, Eric Easton.
Not forgetting Mick and Charlie of course.
They will all have different reasons for not putting pen to paper. Am sure all have been offered deals...with the help of a ghost writer, of course.

Some chapters are online. Can't recall the title, but I know that TheflyingDutchman has the link somewhere...

Re: Where's Mick Taylors book BTW!!??
Posted by: slakka ()
Date: November 20, 2019 02:18

There are a few interesting chapters in Rosie's book...

Whats Rosie's book???

Re: Where's Mick Taylors book BTW!!??
Date: November 20, 2019 13:30

There are a few interesting chapters in Rosie's book...

Whats Rosie's book???

His first wife, Rose Millar's book.

Re: Where's Mick Taylors book BTW!!??
Date: November 22, 2019 01:36

There are a few interesting chapters in Rosie's book...

Which book is that?

Actually there are many people who have been in the Stones orbit who haven't written a book, these include:

- Anita Pallenberg
- Bianca Jagger
- Alan Dunn
- Don Was
- Michael Cohl
- Astrid Lundstrom
- Shirley Arnold

Plus others no longer with us: Alan Klein, Ian Stewart, Eric Easton.
Not forgetting Mick and Charlie of course.
They will all have different reasons for not putting pen to paper. Am sure all have been offered deals...with the help of a ghost writer, of course.

Some chapters are online. Can't recall the title, but I know that TheflyingDutchman has the link somewhere...

She didn't write a book. Some stuff about Taylor's relationship with her in the early 7-tees are online. Nothing exceptional. I got a brief but to the point answer from her after inquiring. I think she's an intelligent woman. Let it be.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-11-22 01:55 by TheflyingDutchman.

Re: Where's Mick Taylors book BTW!!??
Posted by: blivet ()
Date: November 22, 2019 02:42

There are a few interesting chapters in Rosie's book...

Which book is that?

Actually there are many people who have been in the Stones orbit who haven't written a book, these include:

- Anita Pallenberg
- Bianca Jagger
- Alan Dunn
- Don Was
- Michael Cohl
- Astrid Lundstrom
- Shirley Arnold

Plus others no longer with us: Alan Klein, Ian Stewart, Eric Easton.
Not forgetting Mick and Charlie of course.
They will all have different reasons for not putting pen to paper. Am sure all have been offered deals...with the help of a ghost writer, of course.

If I recall right, Astrid contributed to Stone Alone. That's probably as much as she has to say about her life with the Stones.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: OpenG ()
Date: December 23, 2019 20:12


Always get a kick watching this Arlen Roth and Mick Taylor - Arlene does his best to get MT to open up about his playing.

Re: Where's Mick Taylors book BTW!!??
Posted by: mtaylor ()
Date: December 23, 2019 20:51

There are a few interesting chapters in Rosie's book...

Which book is that?

Actually there are many people who have been in the Stones orbit who haven't written a book, these include:

- Anita Pallenberg
- Bianca Jagger
- Alan Dunn
- Don Was
- Michael Cohl
- Astrid Lundstrom
- Shirley Arnold

Plus others no longer with us: Alan Klein, Ian Stewart, Eric Easton.
Not forgetting Mick and Charlie of course.
They will all have different reasons for not putting pen to paper. Am sure all have been offered deals...with the help of a ghost writer, of course.

If I recall right, Astrid contributed to Stone Alone. That's probably as much as she has to say about her life with the Stones.

What about Jimmy Miller - the most important one - did he write / contribute to a book? (his influence from BB to GHS tells it all - without him - how would Stones have progressed from TSMR - a long thread / discussion in itself - more relevant than asking about George Martin and Stones!!)

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: Taylor1 ()
Date: December 28, 2019 20:25

On the Dead Flowers outtake,from Sticky Fingers Deluxe,you can hear Taylor playing single note runs which sound like the guitar runs on Waiting on a Friend

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: OpenG ()
Date: December 28, 2019 21:42

: Taylor1 ()
Date: December 28, 2019 20:25

On the Dead Flowers outtake,from Sticky Fingers Deluxe,you can hear Taylor playing single note runs which sound like the guitar runs on Waiting on a Friend.

I close my eyes and those single guitar runs without the bends sounds like mimicking the sax solo more on WOAF. LOL.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Date: December 28, 2019 22:12

Which guitar runs on WOAF?

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: Taylor1 ()
Date: December 28, 2019 23:07

Throughout the song you can here little scale runs

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Date: December 28, 2019 23:13

Those runs / chord arpeggios are also very much audible from Keith on the 1981 live versions.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: TravelinMan ()
Date: December 30, 2019 03:42

What did Taylor play on Waiting on a Friend in KC in 1981?

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Date: December 30, 2019 18:19

What did Taylor play on Waiting on a Friend in KC in 1981?

I made a compilation of Taylor’s playing a few years ago. Don't remember anything specific of WOAF, though, but check it out.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-12-30 18:20 by DandelionPowderman.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: TravelinMan ()
Date: December 31, 2019 17:44

I think I just heard a bluesy lick by him. I’ll have to revisit that performance and listen to the song. He problem just turned his volume down and played rhythm cuz the saxman was all over the place.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-12-31 17:45 by TravelinMan.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Date: December 31, 2019 18:35

I think I just heard a bluesy lick by him. I’ll have to revisit that performance and listen to the song. He problem just turned his volume down and played rhythm cuz the saxman was all over the place.

He turned it up during BOB, so anything is possible smiling smiley

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: TravelinMan ()
Date: December 31, 2019 18:56

I think I just heard a bluesy lick by him. I’ll have to revisit that performance and listen to the song. He problem just turned his volume down and played rhythm cuz the saxman was all over the place.

He turned it up during BOB, so anything is possible smiling smiley

That’s where he plays a riff throughout right?

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Date: December 31, 2019 18:58

I think I just heard a bluesy lick by him. I’ll have to revisit that performance and listen to the song. He problem just turned his volume down and played rhythm cuz the saxman was all over the place.

He turned it up during BOB, so anything is possible smiling smiley

That’s where he plays a riff throughout right?

Kind of a single string motif, yes.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: TravelinMan ()
Date: December 31, 2019 19:59

I listened to the live Waiting on a Friend and I don’t really hear Taylor. Maybe a few runs here and there. Wood plays some stuff at some point too.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: OpenG ()
Date: December 31, 2019 20:55

e: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now... new
Posted by: DandelionPowderman ()
Date: December 30, 2019 18:19

What did Taylor play on Waiting on a Friend in KC in 1981?

I made a compilation of Taylor’s playing a few years ago. Don't remember anything specific of WOAF, though, but check it out.


Thanks great listen, on the boot I always had to advance the boot until I got Taylor.LOL

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: S.T.P ()
Date: January 31, 2020 21:23

What's the deal with Micks solo albums not being on Spotify with the exception of the first one? Would love to have Stranger in this town and a Stones Throw there as well...

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Date: January 31, 2020 21:43

What's the deal with Micks solo albums not being on Spotify with the exception of the first one? Would love to have Stranger in this town and a Stones Throw there as well...

There were a couple of other live albums there earlier, but they just vanished.

I don't know about the others. Different and minor labels.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: S.T.P ()
Date: January 31, 2020 23:20

Yeah, too bad. Saw him in concert in both Bergen and Notodden, and I made a tape recording of his Bergen performance wich was very good. Used to listen to it a lot, but it vanished after I moved. I know the Norwegian broadcast also made a soundboard recording of that show. Would have been awesome to get to hear it once again.

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