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Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: jlowe ()
Date: April 5, 2016 16:46

Does anyone know where Mick resides these days, if not the U K?
Unless he signed a gagging order, he should write his autobiography (or do as Keith did and get someone to assist). Lesser known artists have had their books published, am sure it would attract some interest.
Even Brian Jones's girlfriends get their stories published.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: Somethinelse ()
Date: April 5, 2016 18:03

MT was invited but did not RSVP and it's not him writing those comments on his FB page.

That's not true, Beast.
And it is quite challenging to respond to an invitation that was not sent.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-04-05 19:39 by Somethinelse.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: Somethinelse ()
Date: April 5, 2016 18:07

I think the stones team were sad that MT did not reply to the invitation and come and there has been all this FB fuss.

It seems pretty clear he was invited at the same time as everyone else.

EJM: They really did not invite him.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: Somethinelse ()
Date: April 5, 2016 18:31

The invitation was sent to Taylor by the Stones off before they did their gig in Cuba. Why Taylor didn't make it to go there, I don't know. The FB message is incorrect.

May I ask where you are getting this from, TY ? Was it an invitation sent by messenger pigeon from Havana ?

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: swimtothemoon ()
Date: April 5, 2016 18:35

Mick Taylor should aprove all that is written on his Facebook page otherwise
it is assumed to be his views. Hopefully the press will not get a hold of this
and the next thing you know it's in Rolling Stone or CNN. This may lessen the
chances of him performing with the band in the future. Maybe his people will
rethink these comments and edit or remove them. Anyway, I wish the best for Mick

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: Somethinelse ()
Date: April 5, 2016 19:00

Mick Taylor should aprove all that is written on his Facebook page otherwise
it is assumed to be his views.

Mick Taylor is allowed to ask a question or even express his feelings on his own Facebook page. Why should his people censor his views ?

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: Testify ()
Date: April 5, 2016 19:04

One thing I can not understand, Mick T. is to be invited? I believe that everyone has taken for granted that there was, if anything, the invitation is only a formality!
And 'an exhibition dedicated to the RS so even in Taylor, I do not understand this his cry on every time.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: hockenheim95 ()
Date: April 5, 2016 20:07

Mick Taylor should aprove all that is written on his Facebook page otherwise
it is assumed to be his views.

Mick Taylor is allowed to ask a question or even express his feelings on his own Facebook page. Why should his people censor his views ?

@Somethinelse: Are you the one posting for MT on Facebook?

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: CloudCat ()
Date: April 5, 2016 20:21

Mick Taylor should aprove all that is written on his Facebook page otherwise
it is assumed to be his views.

Mick Taylor is allowed to ask a question or even express his feelings on his own Facebook page. Why should his people censor his views ?

@Somethinelse: Are you the one posting for MT on Facebook?

winking smiley

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: April 5, 2016 20:21

Mick Taylor should aprove all that is written on his Facebook page otherwise
it is assumed to be his views.

Mick Taylor is allowed to ask a question or even express his feelings on his own Facebook page. Why should his people censor his views ?

The suggestion is that MT should approve what appears on his page, not that anyone should "censor" him.
The point is that whoever is posting this stuff is making MT seem very petty, and he should tell them to stop.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: Somethinelse ()
Date: April 5, 2016 20:50

Mick Taylor is certainly not a petty person. Have you considered he may be thoroughly fed up with the shabby treatment he's been given for ages ? This includes getting stonewalled by their office.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: April 5, 2016 21:02

i love Mick Taylor to death,i had the chance to talk to him for about 45 minutes once and he's the coolest, most laid back person you'll ever meet.

i doubt he's writing this stuff,it's probably some girlfriend or lame "manager" type speaking for him.

Mick doesnt seem like the type of person to let anything bother him so it seems odd that he would be moaning about this minor Stones project.

right now it looks like that Seinfeld episode where the guy quits his job and then realises what a mistake he made so he just shows up for work the next day like nothing happened-his boss says"i thought you quit?" ,no i didnt quit,whatya mean quit?

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: Testify ()
Date: April 5, 2016 21:05

... Okay but these things must solve elsewhere, otherwise it becomes talkative. The Stones have had much to Taylor, but Taylor has been so from the Stones. Perhaps today if M. Taylor had not entered the RS would be a stranger guitarist and we would not be here talking about it, then the recriminations are made in court.Sorry for my English

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: Captainchaos ()
Date: April 5, 2016 21:32

His argument is that if they are are showing photographs with him in them and making money off photographs with him in them then he should be invited. I don't really have a problem with that. If in addition, they are denying him royalties then I can see why he would be upset.

Exactly - add in 35 years of getting shafted with money you know you are legally entitled to, and still getting shafted with that.

Then asked to continue on new tour (then it being widely reported the reason is mainly due to insurance as Richards backup)

Then factor in your own Facebook pages getting taken over by the Stones and widely reported with no permission, resulting in you having to create a new fan page of yourself.

Some poeple remain at the top by being cut throat, ruthless, opportune, exploitive, diseatful, misleading..

Yeah I'd be pretty p1ssed too

Empty handed gestures like, yeah well we've got you on tour so you shouldnt get what your due. seriously?!? anyone thinkn someone wouldnt be p1ssed at this, come on...

Fully symapthise with him. The issue isnt leaving, its the unabated shafting and lack of consideration. crappy shark behaviour..

but hey i do love their music and the mythology theyv created

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: HMS ()
Date: April 5, 2016 21:33

This may lessen the
chances of him performing with the band in the future.

His chances to perform again with the Stones are zero anyway. He was just a gimmick on recent tours but the Stones finally got tired of carrying him around.

I have heard that he got paid off when he left in the 70s and that had included future royalties as well. He accepted that and now he wants to rewrite history because he is obviously broke. That´s what I heard of.

I dont think the Stones like MT and MT does not like the Stones.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: Olly ()
Date: April 5, 2016 22:08

lem motlow
...right now it looks like that Seinfeld episode where the guy quits his job and then realises what a mistake he made so he just shows up for work the next day like nothing happened-his boss says"i thought you quit?" ,no i didnt quit,whatya mean quit?




Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: April 5, 2016 22:46

It can't be that simple if not why would they have kept on paying him royalties until they signed with CBS and someone apparently figured there was a loophole that let them cut him off. He did say in that interview that he should have sent lawyers instead of complaining...

As for the "invitation" was it maybe a case of him expecting to be flown in by the Stones office (he said he didn't live in the UK)?

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Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: DoomandGloom ()
Date: April 5, 2016 22:50

The never ending saga of Mick Taylor.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: erad ()
Date: April 5, 2016 23:06

Mick Taylor made the right decision for him at the time by quitting. Supposedly part of the reason he quit was to get away from the drug culture of the Stones. It is easy in retrospect to say it was the wrong decision but if he is still alive because of the decision then it was the correct one for him at that time.

Right or wrong decision, it doesnt matter. The Stones had dropped him anyway, as their musical direction was about to change.

No one in the world can imagine the albums SG & ER with Taylor as lead guitarist. His playing is melodious and kind of mellow, but the Stones picked up punk influences. That would never have succeeded with Taylor. Ronnie brought back the roughness they needed and more - he knew the ancient form of weaving, Mick Taylor never did know anything about weaving, he is a soloist who always wanted to stretch out more than the Stones would let him. Ronnie isnt keen on playing 7-minute-solos, he loves interplay and interaction, he is a natural born weaver, exactly what a group like the Stones need.

No one can image MT playing on Undercover or Dirty Work, he was good for the music the Stones made in the early 70s but definitely the wrong guy for everything after 1975!

I implore to check out 'I Got the Blues' if you think Mick Taylor cannot play alongside someone else without having to play a solo, also numerous live cuts from the early 70s come to mine. Midnight Rambler from Brussels in '73 comes to mine, the interplay with keith is some of the best work the Stones ever did imo. One of my favourites though is 'Hillside Blues', that features some excellent 'weaving'.

Also, I struggle to imagine albums like Undercover and Dirty Work leaving their mark on contemporary modern music whereas like Exile and Sticky Fingers have their place sealed in the history books imo. Undercover and Dirty Work are without a doubt two of their weakest ever albums. I think even the band would agree with that.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: Socrates1 ()
Date: April 5, 2016 23:28

Why did he leave the band? Nobody asked him to leave.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: erad ()
Date: April 5, 2016 23:34

Why did he leave the band? Nobody asked him to leave.
The general consensus is that he did it in large part for his health, he was surrounded by addicts and excess and was turning into one himself. He might not be here today if he had stayed in the band. Artistic reasons also no doubt played a factor, with Taylor getting bored of the musical limitations of the band but I think that the main factor was for health reasons.

The cheerleaders are really out in force regarding the subject matter of this thread, so soon to lay the blame at Mick Taylors feet. Their darlings couldn't possibly be vindictive!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-04-05 23:36 by erad.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: Socrates1 ()
Date: April 5, 2016 23:42

At some point in life, no matter who we are, we have to accept that all the problems we have are our own doing. We have to blame ourselves. I love Mick Taylor's guitar playing. Everybody does. He's Mick Taylor. But him complaining about the Stones? He left. It's his own doing. He quit the band. Everybody else got through the hard times.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: swimtothemoon ()
Date: April 5, 2016 23:57

with sssoul
Mick Taylor should aprove all that is written on his Facebook page otherwise
it is assumed to be his views.

Mick Taylor is allowed to ask a question or even express his feelings on his own Facebook page. Why should his people censor his views ?

The suggestion is that MT should approve what appears on his page, not that anyone should "censor" him.
The point is that whoever is posting this stuff is making MT seem very petty, and he should tell them to stop.

Yes thanks sssoul if somone is indeed writing for Mick T on his Facebook page
then Mick T should aprove the content. Because as the info and views are published on his page the world assumes this to be Mick Taylor's approved news.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: Olly ()
Date: April 6, 2016 00:16

Why is there an assumption that someone other than Taylor is posting? What evidence is this view based on?

Which Team of Marketing Consultants and Administration Assistants do people think Mick Taylor, with his 11,302 Facebook likes, has at his disposal?

It is logical to assume Taylor runs the page himself, unless there is evidence to the contrary.



Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Date: April 6, 2016 00:26

Apparently, Taylor doesn't regularly post on his site, but this time he did.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: marianna ()
Date: April 6, 2016 01:05

He has a live in girlfriend of several years, who has given interviews to the press herself. She was in a Stones tribute band. She would seem more likely to want to see this show than Mick. Why would Taylor want to be reminded of a time when he was young, thin, and a little bit better looking than he is now? He hasn't aged that well compared to his younger self. It would seem like something he might even want to avoid. Maybe GF thinks she's trying to be helpful. In any case, it's MT's problem. No sense in piling on, whether it's him posting, or not doing anything to stop the GF from posting. He has bigger problems than the Facebook page.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: April 6, 2016 01:18

Shut up and play your guitar!

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: DoomandGloom ()
Date: April 6, 2016 01:49

If indeed he took a full payout when he left then that chunk of money really had to sting the band at the time when they were struggling personally. There is probably some resentment since they had to pay out when they were vulnerable. Taylor it appears expected the whole thing to collapse when he quit, in hindsight a selfish move towards a band that put him in the spotlight of the world. If they did indeed owe him money he would sue, his actions say they owe him nothing and he should remain a gentleman. IMO they have tried to help him but Wood's comments about MT's instability are the biggest discrace in a long time in Stones land.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2016-04-06 01:52 by DoomandGloom.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: April 6, 2016 02:22

lem motlow
...right now it looks like that Seinfeld episode where the guy quits his job and then realises what a mistake he made so he just shows up for work the next day like nothing happened-his boss says"i thought you quit?" ,no i didnt quit,whatya mean quit?


ah ha ha thats it! the funny thing is seinfeld co-creator larry david actually did that in real life once when he was at,i think saturday night live. and got away with it,they let him stay!

i think the reason alot of us doubt it's Mick posting this is because we've followed him for years and he never acted this way before,it's just not in his charactor to complain about something so minor.
performance royalties and such are actually a big deal,you're talking money there and even mentioning that had to be dragged out of him by interviewers over the years.making an issue of an invite to an exhibition? that just seems really odd for the Mick we've seen over all this time.

by the way-he's been friends with ronnie since before either of them were in the stones.what did ronnie say about him?

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Date: April 6, 2016 11:15

His Majesty

Shut up and play your guitar!

grinning smiley

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