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Re: So no Mick Taylor this time out...?
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: March 31, 2015 22:14

I remember Keno sharing some pretty vital/exclusive info last year saying he couldn't say what was that about, Taylor too or was it Mick ? Need to jog my memory.

Found it : []

"They could not answer the question as to why MT isn't playing on any of the songs that he recorded with them, both are totally in the dark with this and agree it makes zero sense as to why..... but..... I was told one last thing from my most trusted insider. He told me there was something he could not tell me about as to something that is going down that would make more sense as to why MT is being limited right now. "

"Something" that was limiting his role, worse this time if it's not allowing him to play at all !

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Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: March 31, 2015 22:18

<<I can only say that it isn't Jagger or any of the other Stones who don't want him back as a guest, and it isn't MT not wanting to be there, either.>>

Well, it seems there's a special--and secret--Chairman of the Board at Stones Inc. who ranks above Jagger et al and ultimately makes the final decisions. And all this time we thought Mick Jagger was the President and CEO.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: March 31, 2015 22:25

First, I appreciate the sentiments, and it's not my intent to make this about me...

But for this Rolling Stones fan (since 1972) it's simple: 3/5 of the band I love just isn't enough. To disinvite Mick Taylor (or "fire" him, or fail to invite him), while simultaneously celebrating perhaps their most successful Taylor-era album is an extra cruelty. I do not pretend to know why they have done this, nor do I pretend it is not their right to play with or not play with anyone they choose. I just find it incredibly cynical to celebrate this album, and at the same time spit in the face of one of the band members who made it great, and the serious longtime fans for which the music matters most. If this band - or the member(s) who make the key decisions - had any heart, they would realize the potential - not just for nostalgia - but for musical greatness - that could come from putting the best possible version of the Rolling Stones onstage. I also happen to think the way they treated Bill Wyman when he came back for a token two songs came from the same hard-hearted and cynical place that this decision to exclude Taylor came from.

I have supported this band with thousands of my dollars, my time, and my energy, and this is too much of a slap in the face to me, and likely many thousands like me. The only power I have to demonstrate my feelings is to stop the flow of dollars, energy, and time, and direct them to things that give me more pleasure. I know, it won't matter to them. The stadiums will still be full of people cheering a legend. And I don't begrudge anyone who finds the pleasure in this that I no longer can.

I have really enjoyed my time here: The discussions, even the debates with worthy and intelligent opponents. I have nothing but fond feelings. As to the Rolling Stones: That is an artist I now think of in the past tense. As John Lennon said after the breakup of The Beatles; "It's just a rock have all the old records if you want to reminisce." Indeed.

It would be sad to see you go, Tele. You're a good, long time poster who always have contributed to improve this board.

Obviously, I can't make you change your mind, but I hope you'll drop me an e-mail now and again.

Will do, DP, and thanks for the note. I always enjoyed our discussions and your insight and knowledge.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: palerider22 ()
Date: March 31, 2015 22:33

<<I can only say that it isn't Jagger or any of the other Stones who don't want him back as a guest, and it isn't MT not wanting to be there, either.>>

Well, it seems there's a special--and secret--Chairman of the Board at Stones Inc. who ranks above Jagger et al and ultimately makes the final decisions. And all this time we thought Mick Jagger was the President and CEO.

I'd just love to hear anyone's guess on what it is then because that statement by Keno makes no sense. Who could possibly be dictating to the Stones(!) on what they can or cannot do with their show!

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: March 31, 2015 22:33

duke richardson
this thread is titled 'Mick Taylor Talk'..etc..

yes that's what I'd like, for him to talk, to a good journalist..

or go ahead with a book..

well I'd rather hear him play..but wouldn't you like to read a good new interview with him?

Yes indeed! Been wanting that for quite some time. A book would be ideal, lots of stories about the Stones and the other great artists he's played with. Love to see it written from the heart, without reservations or holding seems we never get to really know Taylor from his interviews, his feelings are always in check and emotional content somewhat missing. And or course he would tell us about his return on the 14 on Fire Shows and the possible reason for his absence in 2015. According to that post by Keno, it's not the Stones...very strange and makes me think it must be health related or perhaps MT has fallen off the wagon? What else could it be? He does have a pretty established history of self-sabotage and the lack of MT solo dates this summer is a bit disconcerting. I do hope and pray he is well enough to continue to perform.

And speaking of books, I've always wanted to get one from Anita, the last holdout insider from the golden era with likely amazing and highly interesting stories...not that I would expect her to remember most of them but I'd bet she could still spin a good tale!

Unlike others here I'm not going to let the Taylor issue get under my skin, I am grateful and amazed the band is giving America another round of shows and re-releasing one of my favorite records, it's much better than the alternative of them not touring at all.


Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: Midnight Toker ()
Date: March 31, 2015 22:34

The look on MT' s face while on stage for his two songs on their last tour speaks volumes. He looked like a bored and depressed guy.Playing acoustic guitar on Satisfaction had to be embarrassing and painful.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: palerider22 ()
Date: March 31, 2015 22:41

duke richardson
this thread is titled 'Mick Taylor Talk'..etc..

yes that's what I'd like, for him to talk, to a good journalist..

or go ahead with a book..

well I'd rather hear him play..but wouldn't you like to read a good new interview with him?

...very strange and makes me think it must be health related or perhaps MT has fallen off the wagon? What else could it be?

Yeah, I thought of that...the only thing really...and I hope it's not the case.
We'd all be pretty sheepish. But he just played recently with Ronnie...I don't know...

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: March 31, 2015 23:40

duke richardson
this thread is titled 'Mick Taylor Talk'..etc..

yes that's what I'd like, for him to talk, to a good journalist..

or go ahead with a book..

well I'd rather hear him play..but wouldn't you like to read a good new interview with him?

...very strange and makes me think it must be health related or perhaps MT has fallen off the wagon? What else could it be?

Yeah, I thought of that...the only thing really...and I hope it's not the case.
We'd all be pretty sheepish. But he just played recently with Ronnie...I don't know...

Based on the post by Keno on that other site, I am somewhat relieved by the statement that it had nothing to do with Mick or any of the other Stones, and still somewhat anguished that there is another reason which could prevent the live collaboration from continuing. Hard to trust all these sources which claim to have inside information but are sworn to secrecy, it would be nice to have clear information that makes sense so we can put the issue to rest, and hopefully even feel good about it.

Perhaps people like 71Tele and Doom and Gloom would have no reason to blame the Stones ...obviously shows the problem of making assumptions without all the information.


Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: March 31, 2015 23:50

duke richardson
this thread is titled 'Mick Taylor Talk'..etc..

yes that's what I'd like, for him to talk, to a good journalist..

or go ahead with a book..

well I'd rather hear him play..but wouldn't you like to read a good new interview with him?

...very strange and makes me think it must be health related or perhaps MT has fallen off the wagon? What else could it be?

Yeah, I thought of that...the only thing really...and I hope it's not the case.
We'd all be pretty sheepish. But he just played recently with Ronnie...I don't know...

Based on the post by Keno on that other site, I am somewhat relieved by the statement that it had nothing to do with Mick or any of the other Stones, and still somewhat anguished that there is another reason which could prevent the live collaboration from continuing. Hard to trust all these sources which claim to have inside information but are sworn to secrecy, it would be nice to have clear information that makes sense so we can put the issue to rest, and hopefully even feel good about it.

Perhaps people like 71Tele and Doom and Gloom would have no reason to blame the Stones ...obviously shows the problem of making assumptions without all the information.


No assumptions and not blaming. Just not interested in the product.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: Stoneburst ()
Date: March 31, 2015 23:55

<<I can only say that it isn't Jagger or any of the other Stones who don't want him back as a guest, and it isn't MT not wanting to be there, either.>>

Well, it seems there's a special--and secret--Chairman of the Board at Stones Inc. who ranks above Jagger et al and ultimately makes the final decisions. And all this time we thought Mick Jagger was the President and CEO.

I'd just love to hear anyone's guess on what it is then because that statement by Keno makes no sense. Who could possibly be dictating to the Stones(!) on what they can or cannot do with their show!

Chuck? (I'm kidding. Mostly.)

My feeling - for whatever it's worth - is that whatever Keno was referring to last year is not the same as whatever he's referring to this time. Last year, he made it very clear that Jagger, and Jagger alone, was calling the shots on Taylor's involvement on a concert-by-concert basis, he just couldn't say why that was. So, it sounds like Jagger and the others wanted to prolong that situation but something else got in the way. I wouldn't read much into a lack of Taylor solo dates: his periods of high-profile activity tend to be followed by periods of not doing very much. I've also never bought the health issues narrative, but that's just based on my own observations (I also refuse to believe that they can have Keith and Ronnie insured for their tours, but not MT).

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: March 31, 2015 23:55

<<I can only say that it isn't Jagger or any of the other Stones who don't want him back as a guest, and it isn't MT not wanting to be there, either.>>

Well, it seems there's a special--and secret--Chairman of the Board at Stones Inc. who ranks above Jagger et al and ultimately makes the final decisions. And all this time we thought Mick Jagger was the President and CEO.

I'd just love to hear anyone's guess on what it is then because that statement by Keno makes no sense. Who could possibly be dictating to the Stones(!) on what they can or cannot do with their show!

At this point the only leverage I can imagine is : "if you bring Taylor there's no tour" from AEG. Now how it would come down to this after 30+ shows with no (visible) problems is...perplexing, to say the least!

The fact that RS made zero mention of Taylor in their pretty lengthy preview of the tour speaks for itself and probably means no one's going to ask Mick or Keith why Taylor isn't around. So yes, maybe we'll have to wait for a book by Taylor down the road...

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: skytrench ()
Date: April 1, 2015 00:01

Who decided that MT was only going to play on 1/2 tracks during the recent tour?

Not the Stones themselves? Seems farfetched that they could not have used him more if they wanted to, even if there was an insurance issue due to a health situation.

Money situation? Not wanting to split the spoils? Seems like the most likely cause if you ask me.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: bathsheba ()
Date: April 1, 2015 00:08

Keno says "what's up with MT". It seems IMHO that the inference in his latest post is that MT is unwell, and of course hope he's not. But what else would stop him if he wanted to play and the they wanted him to play? The real reason might be more prosaic - not clouds of bad feeling at all.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: DoomandGloom ()
Date: April 1, 2015 00:36

duke richardson
this thread is titled 'Mick Taylor Talk'..etc..

yes that's what I'd like, for him to talk, to a good journalist..

or go ahead with a book..

well I'd rather hear him play..but wouldn't you like to read a good new interview with him?

...very strange and makes me think it must be health related or perhaps MT has fallen off the wagon? What else could it be?

Yeah, I thought of that...the only thing really...and I hope it's not the case.
We'd all be pretty sheepish. But he just played recently with Ronnie...I don't know...

Based on the post by Keno on that other site, I am somewhat relieved by the statement that it had nothing to do with Mick or any of the other Stones, and still somewhat anguished that there is another reason which could prevent the live collaboration from continuing. Hard to trust all these sources which claim to have inside information but are sworn to secrecy, it would be nice to have clear information that makes sense so we can put the issue to rest, and hopefully even feel good about it.

Perhaps people like 71Tele and Doom and Gloom would have no reason to blame the Stones ...obviously shows the problem of making assumptions without all the information.

My reason for taking a break has little to do with Taylor although I think it's silly. Warhol will spin in his grave this SF tour. Even NASCAR has filed a protest, this is a dark day for a band that once spearheaded the sexual revolution.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: alimente ()
Date: April 1, 2015 00:38

What if MT made enough cash since 2012 to enable him to act in the same way as Wyman did: "No thanks - not for two songs per show!"?

And even if MT was invited, who says that he would have played on all Sticky Fingers-songs if indeed they are planning to play the entire album, at least at certain shows?

Speaking of Keno - I find it rather suspicious to go public repeatedly with "I know something, but am not allowed to spread the information" - news. If one is not allowed to spread certain information, why publicly claiming that one has this information at all? In doing so, he serves no other than himself in making himself an "interesting figure".

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: Keefy ()
Date: April 1, 2015 00:42

So is there any official word as to if Mick Taylor is on or off the tour???confused smiley

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: April 1, 2015 00:44

What if MT made enough cash since 2012 to enable him to act in the same way as Wyman did: "No thanks - not for two songs per show!"?

And even if MT was invited, who says that he would have played on all Sticky Fingers-songs if indeed they are planning to play the entire album, at least at certain shows?

Speaking of Keno - I find it rather suspicious to go public repeatedly with "I know something, but am not allowed to spread the information" - news. If one is not allowed to spread certain information, why publicly claiming that one has this information at all? In doing so, he serves no other than himself in making himself an "interesting figure".

yeah the quote was very annoying, but Keno is legit. Something else is going on in the background, maybe a medical issue, maybe an unknown legal issue?

I hope it isn't medical, and whatever it is sorts itself out.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: straycatblues73 ()
Date: April 1, 2015 00:55

Midnight Toker
The look on MT' s face while on stage for his two songs on their last tour speaks volumes. He looked like a bored and depressed guy.Playing acoustic guitar on Satisfaction had to be embarrassing and painful.

A player like mick taylor could never get into the swing of it in one song and one at the end , thats why .

And tele , you made the post of this millenium saying that with mick t the stones were dangerous again! Thanks , spot on ! nail on the head ! Oh the anticipation to that first show and the youtube vids . . Remember those days .

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: April 1, 2015 01:02

Midnight Toker
The look on MT' s face while on stage for his two songs on their last tour speaks volumes. He looked like a bored and depressed guy.Playing acoustic guitar on Satisfaction had to be embarrassing and painful.

A player like mick taylor could never get into the swing of it in one song and one at the end , thats why .

And tele , you made the post of this millenium saying that with mick t the stones were dangerous again! Thanks , spot on ! nail on the head ! Oh the anticipation to that first show and the youtube vids . . Remember those days .

Thanks, mate. And I am glad I was able to experience one of those shows.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: mtaylor ()
Date: April 1, 2015 01:19

Right now updated on

Tour Information

Any One Having Seen Mick on his Recent Tours, Please write me with reviews so we can Post Them, Thanks

No current Tour date announcements yet, please check back!!

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: Gfmsoccer ()
Date: April 1, 2015 01:23

Midnight Toker
The look on MT' s face while on stage for his two songs on their last tour speaks volumes. He looked like a bored and depressed guy.Playing acoustic guitar on Satisfaction had to be embarrassing and painful.

A player like mick taylor could never get into the swing of it in one song and one at the end , thats why .

And tele , you made the post of this millenium saying that with mick t the stones were dangerous again! Thanks , spot on ! nail on the head ! Oh the anticipation to that first show and the youtube vids . . Remember those days .
if he didn't like the 2 song gig, why did he agree to rejoin the band for the same thing in 2014, after he did it on 50 & Counting?

Thanks, mate. And I am glad I was able to experience one of those shows.

Re: So no Mick Taylor this time out...?
Date: April 1, 2015 01:29

[] - make of this what you will, I guess. Hard to see how Keno's claim here squares with Chacal's statements about MJ's lawyer. Who knows.

Keno is legit (if at times a grumpy old man).

There is something else at play. If the decision not to include him defies all logic given all the available information, then perhaps there is additional information we don't have.

So we need to can the hysteria a bit about MT's lack of inclusion, and hope it gets sorted out.

Yeah, it doesn't change my low level of excitement about a SF tour w/o him, but I guess I'll lay off MJ til I hear differently. Keno's always had good info regarding Taylor's involvement, or lack thereof.

Interesting but what the heck could it be that's preventing Taylor from being invited if both the Stones and Taylor are up for it? A third party? AEG? The insurance companies? Doctor Evil ?

I remember Keno sharing some pretty vital/exclusive info last year saying he couldn't say what was that about, Taylor too or was it Mick ? Need to jog my memory.

Was it something about Hyde Park?

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: shortfatfanny ()
Date: April 1, 2015 01:38

Tour announcement and Sticky Fingers box set...not the worst day in Stones history.Concerning MT,I watched the Düsseldorf show '14 and I am grateful and happy having seen him playing live with the Stones.First and probably last time for me.Nonetheless I don't get the hysteria about him not been invited to the upcoming tour for whatever reason I don't feel the need to speculate about.I understand a certain disappointment,the drama made about it I still don't get.

Re: So no Mick Taylor this time out...?
Posted by: Stoneburst ()
Date: April 1, 2015 01:43

[] - make of this what you will, I guess. Hard to see how Keno's claim here squares with Chacal's statements about MJ's lawyer. Who knows.

Keno is legit (if at times a grumpy old man).

There is something else at play. If the decision not to include him defies all logic given all the available information, then perhaps there is additional information we don't have.

So we need to can the hysteria a bit about MT's lack of inclusion, and hope it gets sorted out.

Yeah, it doesn't change my low level of excitement about a SF tour w/o him, but I guess I'll lay off MJ til I hear differently. Keno's always had good info regarding Taylor's involvement, or lack thereof.

Interesting but what the heck could it be that's preventing Taylor from being invited if both the Stones and Taylor are up for it? A third party? AEG? The insurance companies? Doctor Evil ?

I remember Keno sharing some pretty vital/exclusive info last year saying he couldn't say what was that about, Taylor too or was it Mick ? Need to jog my memory.

Was it something about Hyde Park?

No, that was something that briefly popped up here, wasn't it? The Keno thing from last year is at the top of this page.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: gripweed ()
Date: April 1, 2015 02:09

Right now updated on

Tour Information

Any One Having Seen Mick on his Recent Tours, Please write me with reviews so we can Post Them, Thanks

No current Tour date announcements yet, please check back!!
That "update"was posted some time back, BEFORE all of this came down...

Re: So no Mick Taylor this time out...?
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: April 1, 2015 02:24

[] - make of this what you will, I guess. Hard to see how Keno's claim here squares with Chacal's statements about MJ's lawyer. Who knows.

Well it's April 1 here now. Who will believe it was God himself forbidding the Stones and Taylor to join forces during the next SF-tour? Not me.

Re: So no Mick Taylor this time out...?
Posted by: alimente ()
Date: April 1, 2015 03:55

[] - make of this what you will, I guess. Hard to see how Keno's claim here squares with Chacal's statements about MJ's lawyer. Who knows.

Well it's April 1 here now. Who will believe it was God himself forbidding the Stones and Taylor to join forces during the next SF-tour? Not me.

Same here, Kleerie. "If there's a will, there's a way". Only health issues could prevent MT from participating if indeed he and the band agreed to do it. Then again, it's also possible that both parties were willing to do it initially, but could not reach an agreement concerning the exact terms (amount of money, number of songs to play each night etc.). Either health or that.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: April 1, 2015 05:02

Imagine Ronnie coming out blazing away with Taylor feel and dexterity, really pushing himself on a few tunes and pulling it a great nod to his old friend who originally played on the tunes. It might take a little work but man I'd love to see it happen. I mean Ronnie learned a crap load of tunes in a hurry for the 1975 tour, he's probably still capable of putting that kind of effort into a Taylor-esque mini-tribute. The looks on Mick and Keith's faces if he tried something different like that would be worth the price of admission.


Re: So no Mick Taylor this time out...?
Posted by: Chacal ()
Date: April 1, 2015 07:39

Same here, Kleerie. "If there's a will, there's a way". Only health issues could prevent MT from participating if indeed he and the band agreed to do it. Then again, it's also possible that both parties were willing to do it initially, but could not reach an agreement concerning the exact terms (amount of money, number of songs to play each night etc.). Either health or that.

It's neither of those things.
They simply ditched him, before there was any talk about the terms.

There are no health issues preventing Taylor from playing with the Stones.
I have no idea where Keno gets his info, but it's third hand at best and he seems to be clutching at straws.

Re: So no Mick Taylor this time out...?
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: April 1, 2015 09:36

There are no health issues preventing Taylor from playing with the Stones.
I have no idea where Keno gets his info, but it's third hand at best and he seems to be clutching at straws.

If you have no idea where he get's his info how can you possible know it's third hand at best? confused smiley


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