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The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: bv ()
Date: March 26, 2014 21:49

The purpose of IORR is to make relevant information about The Rolling Stones available to fans all over the world. There are times when people do not understand what is relevand, what is private, what is offensive, what is ok. Some times, may be one time per week, I have to ban a person on the forum, i.e. I am removing the posting access. This means they can no longer publish unmoderated on IORR. What does it take to get banned? Is the IORR editor a kiss ass moron why play the Stones like a kid? Or is he a grown up man with a family of five grandchildren who are perfectly capable of mamking up his own mind in a free world?

There are tens of thousands of people who post on IORR, and there are more than two million people who visit every year. Every time I do allow 50 new people to post on IORR. And like I said, may be one time per week one have to go. It is not a big worry for me, I do it for free, it is an extra service I do to people who care, and who respect me. People who do not respect me as a person as an editor - sorry - there is not space for you on IORR.

Some seem to think that people who are banned are treated badly. Most of the times a banned person has been reported more than one time. In the case of one person last week, I got something like 30 individual reports in just one day. Clearly offending. These persons do still tell other people on IORR that they did nothing wrong, they did not offend, they were as nice as Mother Theresa, they did only use thir right of the freedom to speak out.

I will give some examples. Normally I never comment on people banned. And this thread will be closen soon, very soon. Please do not start any campaigns or offensive threads or start defening these people below. I have taken the nicest examples. There are hundreds a lot lot worse examples, with words and text from people that I would never reproduce. People who say they will eliminate me and so on. Not to be taken seriously, but they are not nice. So I delete.

Ask yourself this question, and replace my name BV or Mick with your own name. Is it ok to write such about a person you do not know, anonymous, in the public?

Finally, people who are banned have some times been drunk when they have been posting, or very emotional. Then all they need to do is to send me an e-mail saying sorry, it will not happen again. Most people come back, but if they do not say sorry, I dio not need their offensive posts here on IORR.


Re: Tucson new
Posted by: SPellegrino
Date: March 26, 2014 12:03
... The Stones must be giving BV great acces at the Oslo show and other European dates.
... Ever since the European leg got announced he's been dumping posts and contributors.

Re: OT: Winter Olympics - Sochi 2014 new
Posted by: seitan
Date: February 4, 2014 15:50
... it's very hard to say nice things about Norwegians being spineless cowards,
... ignorant and stupid herd of non-thinkin brainless consumers.

Re: Tasteless Discussions and Comments new
Posted by: TRS
Date: March 20, 2014 02:19
... Shut up you whiny vaginas!!!its a forum ...
... BV u should be ashamed of all the needless censorship and
... Banning long time contributiorS lame lamevlame lame lame lame!
... Keith would be ashamed ... BV must have tiny dodger syndrome

Forum: Tell Me
Subject: Interesting blind item. Mick and L'wren???
Author: CindyC
Date: 2014-03-13 14:01
... She is a C list celebrity but is A list in her own little corner
... of the celebrity world. Her boyfriend is a permanent A lister ...
... They used to be inseparable. Now they are not only separated but
... he is having his way with groupies and celebrities and
... other people taller than him.

Forum: Tell Me
Subject: Re: Keiths House Bombed ??
Author: 21stcenturystones
Date: 2013-10-13 07:31
... I thought the communist that runs this site
... told us not to talk about stuff like this?

Re: OT - Leonard Cohen in Prague and Vienna review new
Posted by: paulm (
Date: July 31, 2013 15:11
... Great pix, but I'm just focusing on the gals.
... Is he boning them? I don't see wedding rings on either...


I get many of these every day. Most of them are deleted before you see them. That is the IORR policy.


Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: Monkeytonkman ()
Date: March 26, 2014 21:55

Yup. and no F@$#in' swearing either


Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: Jos ()
Date: March 26, 2014 22:03

I agree considering the above posts. However, you just deleted my post as well, where I referred to none of the other Stones apparently present at the funeral of L'wren vis a vis the thread subject, i.e. will the Stones reunite. I wasnt rude in any way and this seems to me a genuine point / question. So, I was actually taken aback by that action.

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: 199763 ()
Date: March 26, 2014 22:08

Thanks Bjornulf, for all your work!

I would like to take this occasion to thank u soo much for your passion, and for this unique space!

I really owe u time.


Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: paulm ()
Date: March 26, 2014 22:12

BV, I'm sorry for posting that inappropriate comment that you've shown. I broke Rule #1, not to post when drunk—I've broken that rule a few times.

Thank you for supporting a great, informative community all these years.

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: March 26, 2014 22:15

Swearing is not needed on forums .

I hate it.

Mild stuff that we all use at some time or other is O.K. and lets our feelings out at times.

All the strong continual stuff ,over and over,is no good and shows that an individual can't express themselves in a friendly manner.

The rules are there and just abide by them .

It's fair enough to me . thumbs up

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: bv ()
Date: March 26, 2014 22:22

I do not want any posts about these subjects on IORR:

- The funeral - it was private
- The Air Plane Crash - it is off topic and nobody likes air plane crashes

Should be very simple and not really rocket science. Especially since I have said it 100 times, I mean about off topic and private matters. Read my comment in the sticky here.

Thank you.


Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: tomcasagranda ()
Date: March 26, 2014 22:29


To be honest I think you do a wonderful job, and to allow people to comment on a subject of great sensitivity, i.e the loss of a long-term romantic partner under the most tragic of circumstances, on a site primarily devoted to rock music, mainly one band, shows some really good judicious editing.

I have commented on some things, albeit not on IORR, in an emotive bad mood: it normally wears off, however, when I go on Iorr, and I start thinking about the music I listen to.

I do get disappointed when people use it as a forum to slag famous personae off for not being as there were 40 odd years' ago. Time moves on, and so do we, hopefully: I think comments about the Webb Sisters, the ladies who sing backing vocals for Leonard Cohen, are deeply insulting, and detract from the music they make.

Here's an example of how narrow-mindedness can blind people from enjoying art forms. Five years ago I didn't like Elton John, as I hated all these pictures of Elton, whether it be with hair weaves, dressed as Mozart, Mickey Mouse etc. I thought that any person who dressed like that was rubbish. At the same time I bought a Willie Nelson album entitled "The Great Divide", and found a song written by Bernie Taupin on it. I liked the song, and consequently began to buy Elton John's earlier music, plus a few of his recent albums. If you, thus, become bigoted you close your eyes from what is around you.

Comments about private lives, and perceived images, make IORR, thus, an ineffective horrible forum. Comments about whether Keith can still play, or not, due to perceived ailments are also upsetting, but do have a realistic tinge to them if presented sympathetically.

Keep up the good work, BV !!

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: March 26, 2014 22:51

this is a quote of quote with 3 question marks in the subject
the original piece quoted? i find it rubbish
am i offended by the quoter? no

Subject: Interesting blind item. Mick and L'wren???
Author: CindyC
Date: 2014-03-13 14:01
... She is a C list celebrity but is A list in her own little corner
... of the celebrity world. Her boyfriend is a permanent A lister ...
... They used to be inseparable. Now they are not only separated but
... he is having his way with groupies and celebrities and
... other people taller than him.

this is not a campaign, just an opinion because you ask DO YOU THINK THESE KIND OF POSTS ARE NICE TO A PERSON?

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: Stoneburst ()
Date: March 26, 2014 23:07

this is a quote of quote with 3 question marks in the subject
the original piece quoted? i find it rubbish
am i offended by the quoter? no

Subject: Interesting blind item. Mick and L'wren???
Author: CindyC
Date: 2014-03-13 14:01
... She is a C list celebrity but is A list in her own little corner
... of the celebrity world. Her boyfriend is a permanent A lister ...
... They used to be inseparable. Now they are not only separated but
... he is having his way with groupies and celebrities and
... other people taller than him.

this is not a campaign, just an opinion because you ask DO YOU THINK THESE KIND OF POSTS ARE NICE TO A PERSON?


Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: March 26, 2014 23:18

The rules on this board are simple and easy. I never had a problem with them.
Bjornulf, thanks for all the work you put into this board.

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: March 26, 2014 23:37

Some of these examples provided a good laugh, thanks!

That "blind" post was a bit of a shock I must say, obviously even more so in hindsight, but in case some reading this post don't know it, it's not what got this poster banned AFAIK, rather the fact that she was "all over the place" after the tragedy and didn't accept requests (I assume) to tone it down and stop starting new topics.

Speaking from experience, no forum admin/owner bans members lightly because forums only exist to share a passion with other people. Unfortunately when people insist all of a sudden (possibly after a receiving a "reminder", yeah, no one likes that) they're entitled to say and do whatever they please in the name of "free speech" it can't work. I for one fully trust bv's judgement in these matters, based on what I've seen here and the little time I've had the chance to spend with him, he's a great guy, really! Needless to say that without IORR it would be a lot less fun being a Stones fan and I for one would have missed out on a lot of great interaction, info and tips, so a big and genuine thanks !

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-26 23:39 by gotdablouse.

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: ThankGod ()
Date: March 26, 2014 23:42

this is a quote of quote with 3 question marks in the subject
the original piece quoted? i find it rubbish
am i offended by the quoter? no

Subject: Interesting blind item. Mick and L'wren???
Author: CindyC
Date: 2014-03-13 14:01
... She is a C list celebrity but is A list in her own little corner
... of the celebrity world. Her boyfriend is a permanent A lister ...
... They used to be inseparable. Now they are not only separated but
... he is having his way with groupies and celebrities and
... other people taller than him.

this is not a campaign, just an opinion because you ask DO YOU THINK THESE KIND OF POSTS ARE NICE TO A PERSON?

Why would you pick out this quote bv? This was a direct quote from a magazine article. These were not the words of CindyC

Bring Back CindyC

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: Cristiano Radtke ()
Date: March 26, 2014 23:49

Rolling Hansie
The rules on this board are simple and easy. I never had a problem with them.
Bjornulf, thanks for all the work you put into this board.

I second that. My opinion is: you shouldn't do on internet what you wouldn't do at home or anywhere else. But this is me, and I think it's a shame some people can't understand the written and unwritten rules here, that are simple and easy, like Rolling Hansie wrote above.

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: Sipuncula ()
Date: March 26, 2014 23:59

So what did StonesTod do?

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: IrisC ()
Date: March 27, 2014 00:01

I enjoy the information you provide on almost a daily basis of my favorite band. Dont stop

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: Torres ()
Date: March 27, 2014 00:01

We lost StonesTod a long time ago for some stupid reason and the forum became poorer for that in my opinion. BV had his reason and it's the way it is.

These teenage campaigns to bring back banned members are so ridiculous. Grown up men and women concern is to have their little online friends back to a forum because they feel they were treated in an unfair way? Really?

When BV calls it a day and shuts the place for good, there will be a lot of people needding therapy here. And a life too.

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: TMONTANA ()
Date: March 27, 2014 00:16

Look BV,its is your place,and as such its your right to let in whoever you please,and nothing wrong with that,but when you ban very long time good contributors such as HB,ROPENI,etc,for the only reason,that they were expressing their beliefs,which were different from yours,is not right and you can justify it all you want,but its clear that lately your board has become nothing more than an advertising place for The Stones,and again nothing wrong with that,its your business,but at least be honest enough and admit to it........and since l will also be banned after this,wish you the best.....

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: March 27, 2014 00:31

Look BV,its is your place,and as such its your right to let in whoever you please,and nothing wrong with that,but when you ban very long time good contributors such as HB,ROPENI,etc,for the only reason,that they were expressing their beliefs,which were different from yours,is not right and you can justify it all you want,but its clear that lately your board has become nothing more than an advertising place for The Stones,and again nothing wrong with that,its your business,but at least be honest enough and admit to it........and since l will also be banned after this,wish you the best.....

How can you seriously write stuff like that, it's unfair and plain ridiculous. IORR is what it's always been, a place for fans to discuss the Stones, ask for help, help others, share their (non commercial) recordings, share tips, etc...Just ask the lucky forum members who got access to an unexpected presale for Oslo thanks to a post on IORR. A place where some people feel they are entitled to say and do whatever they like it isn't, what's so hard to understand about that?

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-27 00:37 by gotdablouse.

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: Deathgod ()
Date: March 27, 2014 01:12

I posted an article about Theodara on the Australian Today Show talking briefly about the funeral and about the forthcoming Australian dates.
I posted it in the Aussie show thread thinking it was relevant as us Aussies are hungry for reschedule show news.
It has been deleted or maybe moved.

I don't really care, just a bit confused.

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: March 27, 2014 01:25

We lost StonesTod a long time ago for some stupid reason and the forum became poorer for that in my opinion. BV had his reason and it's the way it is.

These teenage campaigns to bring back banned members are so ridiculous. Grown up men and women concern is to have their little online friends back to a forum because they feel they were treated in an unfair way? Really?

When BV calls it a day and shuts the place for good, there will be a lot of people needding therapy here. And a life too.

In my opinion this is not such a respectful post for the Iorr population, except, ironically, for StonesTod, who, alas, isn't part of the Iorr family anymore.

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: March 27, 2014 01:29

Look BV,its is your place,and as such its your right to let in whoever you please,and nothing wrong with that,but when you ban very long time good contributors such as HB,ROPENI,etc,for the only reason,that they were expressing their beliefs,which were different from yours,is not right and you can justify it all you want,but its clear that lately your board has become nothing more than an advertising place for The Stones,and again nothing wrong with that,its your business,but at least be honest enough and admit to it........and since l will also be banned after this,wish you the best.....

How can you seriously write stuff like that, it's unfair and plain ridiculous. IORR is what it's always been, a place for fans to discuss the Stones, ask for help, help others, share their (non commercial) recordings, share tips, etc...Just ask the lucky forum members who got access to an unexpected presale for Oslo thanks to a post on IORR. A place where some people feel they are entitled to say and do whatever they like it isn't, what's so hard to understand about that?

posts like TMONTANAs are completely out of line. Show a little respect and if you cannot, then take a deep breath and go out for a walk. (Breath though, at some point).

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: March 27, 2014 01:30

Cristiano Radtke
Rolling Hansie
The rules on this board are simple and easy. I never had a problem with them.
Bjornulf, thanks for all the work you put into this board.

I second that. My opinion is: you shouldn't do on internet what you wouldn't do at home or anywhere else. But this is me, and I think it's a shame some people can't understand the written and unwritten rules here, that are simple and easy, like Rolling Hansie wrote above.

I third the motion, and nice add on Cristiano.

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: March 27, 2014 01:38

Much gratitude, Bjornulf, for the time, effort and, doubtless, expense, of operating this site solo for so very long. It is more than a source of information, but a place to meet people who share the interest. I have always tried to think of this site as your living room - you have thrown the doors open to any who wish to enter, and you deserve the respect of all who do. Thank you.

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: March 27, 2014 01:38

Cristiano Radtke
Rolling Hansie
The rules on this board are simple and easy. I never had a problem with them.
Bjornulf, thanks for all the work you put into this board.

I second that. My opinion is: you shouldn't do on internet what you wouldn't do at home or anywhere else. But this is me, and I think it's a shame some people can't understand the written and unwritten rules here, that are simple and easy, like Rolling Hansie wrote above.

The rules may be simple and easy, like Hansie says, but the interpretation of them or, better said, their application to concrete posts isn't always unequivocal as history has shown. So also moderation isn't always simple and easy.

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: March 27, 2014 01:41

We lost StonesTod a long time ago for some stupid reason and the forum became poorer for that in my opinion. BV had his reason and it's the way it is.

These teenage campaigns to bring back banned members are so ridiculous. Grown up men and women concern is to have their little online friends back to a forum because they feel they were treated in an unfair way? Really?

When BV calls it a day and shuts the place for good, there will be a lot of people needding therapy here. And a life too.

For me it was a sad day when that happened as I did enjoy the repartee. I do understand that it annoyed some people, but everything was done in good humour, and obviously StonesTod had 8+ years of doing his schtick without too much interference.

I don't know what happened either, but I do recall that ST's posts got a fair bit more caustic in the week or two before he was banned, baiting BV quite a bit. Not sure what set ST off but it was pretty sudden and then it was over.

While I enjoy my time here and do a fair bit of joking around, hopefully it's all in good fun and not meant to be mean spirited. I never sensed that from StonesTod either but obviously something happened. Seeing how BV operates IORR I can see that he is fair, or tries to be fair. Doesn't mean he's perfect though, and I don't think we should be demanding that he is.

In fact, we shouldn't be 'demanding' anything.

Thanks for providing the forum BV...the vast majority of us, perhaps call us the silent majority appreciate being able to come here, whether posting or just lurking. It is an excellent FREE service, we should try and remember that.

The sense of entitlement some people have is unreal. Enjoy IORR for what it is.

....and I hope StonesTod still lurks here and will be back after whatever actually did happen is settled.

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: March 27, 2014 01:44

Cristiano Radtke
Rolling Hansie
The rules on this board are simple and easy. I never had a problem with them.
Bjornulf, thanks for all the work you put into this board.

I second that. My opinion is: you shouldn't do on internet what you wouldn't do at home or anywhere else. But this is me, and I think it's a shame some people can't understand the written and unwritten rules here, that are simple and easy, like Rolling Hansie wrote above.

The rules may be simple and easy, like Hansie says, but the interpretation of them or, better said, their application to concrete posts isn't always unequivocal as history has shown. So also moderation isn't always simple and easy.

We're just at the point of getting this to be more black and white and you're introducing interpretations that make it less kleer!

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: bleedingman ()
Date: March 27, 2014 01:45

This site enhances my daily, ongoing (for 51 years) Rolling Stones experience and for that I am grateful. House rules, like them or not, should be easy enough to follow if you want to be welcome. Thanks for all your efforts, bv.

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: March 27, 2014 01:50

Cristiano Radtke
Rolling Hansie
The rules on this board are simple and easy. I never had a problem with them.
Bjornulf, thanks for all the work you put into this board.

I second that. My opinion is: you shouldn't do on internet what you wouldn't do at home or anywhere else. But this is me, and I think it's a shame some people can't understand the written and unwritten rules here, that are simple and easy, like Rolling Hansie wrote above.

The rules may be simple and easy, like Hansie says, but the interpretation of them or, better said, their application to concrete posts isn't always unequivocal as history has shown. So also moderation isn't always simple and easy.

We're just at the point of getting this to be more black and white and you're introducing interpretations that make it less kleer!

Many things aren't black or white but something in between. Moderation is clearly one of them. Don't blame the messenger for being a bit ambivalent regarding his name. smiling smiley

Re: The purpose of IORR - and what it takes to get banned
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: March 27, 2014 01:53

Cristiano Radtke
Rolling Hansie
The rules on this board are simple and easy. I never had a problem with them.
Bjornulf, thanks for all the work you put into this board.

I second that. My opinion is: you shouldn't do on internet what you wouldn't do at home or anywhere else. But this is me, and I think it's a shame some people can't understand the written and unwritten rules here, that are simple and easy, like Rolling Hansie wrote above.

The rules may be simple and easy, like Hansie says, but the interpretation of them or, better said, their application to concrete posts isn't always unequivocal as history has shown. So also moderation isn't always simple and easy.

We're just at the point of getting this to be more black and white and you're introducing interpretations that make it less kleer!

Many things aren't black or white but something in between. Moderation is clearly one of them. Don't blame the messenger for being a bit ambivalent regarding his name. smiling smiley

Well I kleerly like your posts. Cheers to you! smileys with beer

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