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Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Rokyfan ()
Date: March 18, 2014 22:06

Yes, it's very likely that the photog did not know of the death when he took the photo. But, clearly having that info would not a make any photog refrain from taking a pic. That's what they do. There are pictures every day of people who have suffered tragedies. Press behavior in this regard is horrible. But it happens to everyone, not just Mick.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: rebelrebel ()
Date: March 18, 2014 22:06

Huh, so shocked last night to understand anything. The whole thing just came out of the blue. Now my mind starts to see the terrible scope and depth of this tragedy. But this thread is dedicated - as I think it should be - to the memory of this beautiful, talented lady, Ms. Scott and wishing all the power and strenght to the people for whom she was a big part in their lives. I only know about her thanks to her boyfriend, but I always liked her - she was so elegant, classy, ethernal, different, personal-looking, independent, strong and seemingly a great partner to him - she looked like making the 'wandering spirit' settled down, relaxed, satisfied, having found his match, soul-mate. I didn't like the rather regular bashing, mostly doing with her not very ordinary chick-type looks. some Stones fans addressed to her (especially during the early days), but I guess that is the cost of being related to someone that 'belongs to the world'.

I say now what I forget to say last night:

RIP L'Wren.

- Doxa

thumbs up

Well said.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: FreejackPL ()
Date: March 18, 2014 22:08


Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: desertblues68 ()
Date: March 18, 2014 22:41

To me she was the woman who had everything. She beautiful, elegant, intelligent, did a job she truly loved and had him the man whose poster was ony bedroom wall as a teenager. But we do not ever really know what is inside the mind of another human being. A tragic loss. RIP

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: andrewt ()
Date: March 18, 2014 22:42

Weird how many fans pretend to be some kind of volontary PR agents against other fans who dare speculate about what just happened to one of the most celebrated persons ever. We all understand this is horrible to Mick and her family and friends.

I was thinking the same thing Mr Carpet...this place is loaded with volunteers...we need order

Time to call in the deputies to deal with the volunteers.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Wuudy ()
Date: March 18, 2014 22:52

I woke up in Sydney this morning reading the news of the postponement in the paper and Jaggers heartfelt message. I was suppose to go to the Sydney show and the Hanger Rock show with my girlfriend and two friends. They kept asking me yesterday if the show would go on or likely be cancelled. For some reason I kept thinking that they would cancel Perth and Adelaide but, trooper that Jagger is, but continue with the rest of the tour. This feeling was purely based on stuff like him going on stage after his dad passed away even though I thought it would be more than understandable if they would cancel.
I felt so much sympathy for Jagger when I read his message. We never see him open up this much.
I can not describe how much I was looking forward this concert, especially because my girlfriend and friends had never seen them before, but this makes you realise how insignificant fun stuff like going to concerts can be when there are many people like L'Wren Scott who struggle so much in life that they would take their own...
We're still going to Melbourne for the weekend and just have a lovely weekend down there and we're looking forward to the stones coming back to Australia, whenever Jagger feels ready for it.


Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Dreamer ()
Date: March 18, 2014 22:55

I woke up in Sydney this morning reading the news of the postponement in the paper and Jaggers heartfelt message. I was suppose to go to the Sydney show and the Hanger Rock show with my girlfriend and two friends. They kept asking me yesterday if the show would go on or likely be cancelled. For some reason I kept thinking that they would cancel Perth and Adelaide but, trooper that Jagger is, but continue with the rest of the tour. This feeling was purely based on stuff like him going on stage after his dad passed away even though I thought it would be more than understandable if they would cancel.
I felt so much sympathy for Jagger when I read his message. We never see him open up this much.
I can not describe how much I was looking forward this concert, especially because my girlfriend and friends had never seen them before, but this makes you realise how insignificant fun stuff like going to concerts can be when there are many people like L'Wren Scott who struggle so much in life that they would take their own...
We're still going to Melbourne for the weekend and just have a lovely weekend down there and we're looking forward to the stones coming back to Australia, whenever Jagger feels ready for it.

So good to read your post. Hope you have a great weekend!

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: March 18, 2014 22:56

thumbs up

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: March 18, 2014 23:03

I woke up in Sydney this morning reading the news of the postponement in the paper and Jaggers heartfelt message. I was suppose to go to the Sydney show and the Hanger Rock show with my girlfriend and two friends. They kept asking me yesterday if the show would go on or likely be cancelled. For some reason I kept thinking that they would cancel Perth and Adelaide but, trooper that Jagger is, but continue with the rest of the tour. This feeling was purely based on stuff like him going on stage after his dad passed away even though I thought it would be more than understandable if they would cancel.
I felt so much sympathy for Jagger when I read his message. We never see him open up this much.
I can not describe how much I was looking forward this concert, especially because my girlfriend and friends had never seen them before, but this makes you realise how insignificant fun stuff like going to concerts can be when there are many people like L'Wren Scott who struggle so much in life that they would take their own...
We're still going to Melbourne for the weekend and just have a lovely weekend down there and we're looking forward to the stones coming back to Australia, whenever Jagger feels ready for it.

So good to read your post. Hope you have a great weekend!

Yes... Nice post. Hope you all have a great weekend.


Re: L'Wren Scott dead...? :- (
Posted by: brownsugar86 ()
Date: March 18, 2014 23:13

For those of you that remember the 2006 show at the MGM in Las Vegas the night Mick's father passed away -- Mick's singing of Streets of Love - probably one of the most poignant moments in my life. And his bandmates literally holding him up at the end of the show. - "and they are full of tears".

Godspeed L'Wren

Anyone know if there's footage of that show online?

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: frtg55 ()
Date: March 18, 2014 23:15

I'm so sad about this! My best wishes to all family-members!
I'm with you, Mick!

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: March 18, 2014 23:18

I woke up in Sydney this morning reading the news of the postponement in the paper and Jaggers heartfelt message. I was suppose to go to the Sydney show and the Hanger Rock show with my girlfriend and two friends. They kept asking me yesterday if the show would go on or likely be cancelled. For some reason I kept thinking that they would cancel Perth and Adelaide but, trooper that Jagger is, but continue with the rest of the tour. This feeling was purely based on stuff like him going on stage after his dad passed away even though I thought it would be more than understandable if they would cancel.
I felt so much sympathy for Jagger when I read his message. We never see him open up this much.
I can not describe how much I was looking forward this concert, especially because my girlfriend and friends had never seen them before, but this makes you realise how insignificant fun stuff like going to concerts can be when there are many people like L'Wren Scott who struggle so much in life that they would take their own...
We're still going to Melbourne for the weekend and just have a lovely weekend down there and we're looking forward to the stones coming back to Australia, whenever Jagger feels ready for it.

So good to read your post. Hope you have a great weekend!

Yes... Nice post. Hope you all have a great weekend.


I feel the same...thanks wuudy

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Jon Lasaa ()
Date: March 18, 2014 23:33

Hi all.

A tragic loss.
very, very sad news.

Best wishes to Mick, family and friends.

Requiescat in pace.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: michaelsavage ()
Date: March 18, 2014 23:36

The Stones did the right thing!

this is the first time i agree with you.

Unfortunate that you just cannot resist even in this terrible time. Please....stop. Not appropriate.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: paulm ()
Date: March 18, 2014 23:46

Condolences are in order here.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-21 15:41 by paulm.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: March 18, 2014 23:46

always liked l'wren -she was amazing and perfect for mick, a long tall beautiful woman with amazing style.
her clothes were seen on red carpets around the world,worn by movie stars as well as the first lady of the united states,she was a major league talent.

the things she designed for mick to wear onstage were next level rockstar clothes.the first thing i thought of when i saw mick onstage lately was "man,she outdid herself with that one" just total badass.

anyone who cares at all about the rolling stones will miss seeing our frontman with that big smile on his face and that long lean dark beauty towering over him.

this is a very,very sad time.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: stupidguy2 ()
Date: March 19, 2014 00:05

Jeez, paulmm,
that's cynical. W
Whatever 'legalizing', 'damage control' is going on, the man just lost someone who was dear to him. That overshadows everything.
he's a guy who's partner just killed herself.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: CindyC ()
Date: March 19, 2014 00:07

lem motlow
always liked l'wren

Can you please stop making this about you and what you like? No one cares who you like so f*ck off.

in response to lem's earlier post to me on another thread...

Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: March 18, 2014 04:57PM

will you please stop trying to make this about you and your stupid gossip mongering and just fck off.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: HighwireC ()
Date: March 19, 2014 00:11

lem motlow
always liked l'wren

Can you please stop making this about you and what you like? No one cares who you like so f*ck off.

in response to lem's earlier post to me on another thread...

Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: March 18, 2014 04:57PM

will you please stop trying to make this about you and your stupid gossip mongering and just fck off.

Cindy, you'll need a doctor, immediately. Go, please, go.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: CindyC ()
Date: March 19, 2014 00:12

why because I don't run with my tail between my legs when someone insults me and tells me to @#$%& off?

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: HighwireC ()
Date: March 19, 2014 00:14

why because I don't run with my tail between my legs when someone insults me and tells me to @#$%& off?

Do read your own posts, please.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: MockJigger ()
Date: March 19, 2014 00:15

I always liked L,Wren.
She was very, very tall, and some of the outfits we all brought her were astoundingly spectacular.
But a lot of his other ex-girlfriends were/still are exceedingly tall and dressed very expensively.

So sometimes it must be really hard to choose a favourite, or just pick one.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-19 00:16 by MockJigger.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: CindyC ()
Date: March 19, 2014 00:17

I have, and I reread your other one several times and found it very amusing that you felt the need to write it. As though your opinion is going to change how I feel after so many others tried and failed. While you're judging me, you should think about your over inflated ego. It's sad really.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Rokyfan ()
Date: March 19, 2014 00:22

MJ's quick, formal response on his website surely reflects some of his inner anguish, but I also think some of the wording is legal-ese, as in damage control, as in preventive measure to deflect potential civil suits. Before I get flamed, step outside the emotional and consider the implications: this is big business.

Guys, did you see MJ's beach pic in Oz? Dude was happy. The polar opposite was going on with Ms. Scott. Has someone ever dumped you, and while you're crying, they're smiling, moving on with life, partying with friends, happy to finally let you go? Feels great doesn't it? And have you been on the other side, and been wary of the ex who is acting unstable, obsessed?

Wouldn't be surprised if L'Wren saw that beach pic that morning.

About the money, her condo alone was valued at about the debt owed. Clean slate.

Her former housekeeper said how much L'Wren wanted to be rich and famous. Well she got all that, but lost herself, and to what? Being broken hearted about being dumped by a known philanderer who has a parade of children and abandoned relationships in his wake? Really? Take your life for that?

Like many, I bought into the image of L'Wren being this tall, strong, smart, successful woman who perhaps was a lil' more intelligent than Jerry Hall. Goes to show how much we know. Nothing.

This story is so disturbing. For me it's casting a shadow on part of the Stones...for the moment, I could give a rat's ass about seeing MJ sing in Oz or anywhere else. Give it a rest for a while.

In a way, I feel bad for Keith & Co. too. They're old now, and statistically, these could be some of the last opportunities for the world's greatest rock n' roll band.

Peace out people.

I think there is much, much wisdom in what you write, except for the part about legal damage control, which is not what I think is driving him. I think this is devastating to Mick, not made easier for him by the fact that he had ended it with her, but probably made more difficult by that fact, if it is true which it sure seems like it was. Yes, she was alone on Mustique looking at Mick's tweeted pics. 50 and counting, Glastonbury, etc. she was the one tweeting the pics with Mick in them. I know mick is a hard professional but he is a human being and he is the one who has to live with this.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: duffydawg ()
Date: March 19, 2014 00:23

They call this the Rock and Roll Lifestyle for a reason. There is a downside to all this. Mick is clearly one of the best front singer in rock history, yet I wouldn't want my daughters anywhere near involvement with these guys. They run at a whole different level and I am sure relationships are secondary to the Band and their pursuit of immortality. Narcissism at its zenith.

People can reconcile it however they wish, but falling in love with any of these guys is like having your personal life in a rodeo. Women generally want marriage, generally want stability. Good luck with that.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: March 19, 2014 00:24

Weird how many fans pretend to be some kind of volontary PR agents against other fans who dare speculate about what just happened to one of the most celebrated persons ever. We all understand this is horrible to Mick and her family and friends.

I was thinking the same thing Mr Carpet...this place is loaded with volunteers...we need order

Time to call in the deputies to deal with the volunteers.

I volunteer!!


Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: EG1964 ()
Date: March 19, 2014 01:27

Like everyone here, I have been following this sad tragedy. Listening to Stone's songs of love today.As I listen, I am reminded of all the times that were hard for me,and how the love and support given by others meant so much.However, in the private times I always pour a glass of scotch,kick back and listen to the Stones and reflect. Many of these songs have such meaning to me ( like you all I am sure ) and helped me digest the event or events in a soft meaningfull way. I am just so saddened for Mick, I wish I could return the favor and put into words and melody something that in his private moment could bring the peace, he/they brought to me in time of need.Also,to see the respect on this board and the love shown makes me proud to be a Stones fan and a member here.A Stones family,while like a family opinions may differ.. when the chips are down,if the boys hurt we hurt.. together.It's amazing just how much they really mean to us,so much more than just Just wanted to express.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: paulm ()
Date: March 19, 2014 02:26

Jeez, paulmm,
that's cynical. W
Whatever 'legalizing', 'damage control' is going on, the man just lost someone who was dear to him. That overshadows everything.
he's a guy who's partner just killed herself.

MJ must be experiencing great anguish. But don't kid yourself about potential implications that the media might fuel given the very recent break-up. MJ is in no way responsible for someone else's mental state. But you know as well as I do that if the media develops the narrative that L'Wren ended her life because MJ dumped her, that takes on a different aspect with potential implications—you can fill in the blanks. I feel that some wording was legalese, and that is taking nothing away from the genuine anguish the man must be experiencing on several levels.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: duffydawg ()
Date: March 19, 2014 02:35

This is actually more unfortunate and a sadder situation then only letting Mick Taylor play on 3 songs. Horrible - just horrible.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: CindyC ()
Date: March 19, 2014 02:39

This is actually more unfortunate and a sadder situation then only letting Mick Taylor play on 3 songs. Horrible - just horrible.

wow - I know you're joking, but even I'm offended by this.

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