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Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Eintracht ()
Date: March 18, 2014 11:11

Very sad story. God bless her's and Mick's family.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Father Ted ()
Date: March 18, 2014 11:27

Very sad news. My thoughts go out to Mick and L'Wren's families.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: MRROLLING ()
Date: March 18, 2014 11:37

Rest In Peace L'Wren.
My deepest condolences to Mick.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: swaymusik ()
Date: March 18, 2014 11:40

My thoughts go to Mick & to L'Wren's family.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: March 18, 2014 11:41

Huh, so shocked last night to understand anything. The whole thing just came out of the blue. Now my mind starts to see the terrible scope and depth of this tragedy. But this thread is dedicated - as I think it should be - to the memory of this beautiful, talented lady, Ms. Scott and wishing all the power and strenght to the people for whom she was a big part in their lives. I only know about her thanks to her boyfriend, but I always liked her - she was so elegant, classy, ethernal, different, personal-looking, independent, strong and seemingly a great partner to him - she looked like making the 'wandering spirit' settled down, relaxed, satisfied, having found his match, soul-mate. I didn't like the rather regular bashing, mostly doing with her not very ordinary chick-type looks. some Stones fans addressed to her (especially during the early days), but I guess that is the cost of being related to someone that 'belongs to the world'.

I say now what I forget to say last night:

RIP L'Wren.

- Doxa

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-18 11:48 by Doxa.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: marquess ()
Date: March 18, 2014 11:52

This is very sad.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: DECCA61 ()
Date: March 18, 2014 11:55

Dear Mick .... so sad .. so sorry for the both of you ... take care of yourself.


Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: fyp933 ()
Date: March 18, 2014 12:01

condolences to Mick Jagger, family and friends of L'Wren Scott

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Grison ()
Date: March 18, 2014 12:05

it feels very strange as I just received our travel dox and check-in dates for the flights from Switzerland to Adelaide. I am puzzled and sad. Time will tell.

Despite all that I feel deeply sorry for the families and Mick and hope he will decide what is the best for him.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: windmelody ()
Date: March 18, 2014 12:11

Very sad news, condolences to those who are concerned.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: tutu ()
Date: March 18, 2014 12:20

R.I.P. L'Wren Scott

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: BowieStone ()
Date: March 18, 2014 12:23


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-18 12:48 by BowieStone.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Neighbours ()
Date: March 18, 2014 12:24

I can't write in english I have on my heart. Mick, I grown with the rolling stones, you're like a brother. I whine with you and your girlsriend' s family.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: mongon ()
Date: March 18, 2014 12:24

so sad ..
hope Mick and her friends, people who are engaged stay firm and get better..

condolences to them ..

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: SPellegrino ()
Date: March 18, 2014 12:26

Although I have never met Ms Scott or Mr Jagger I wish to say how deeply saddened I am to here of her passing. I take comfort that Mr Jagger is with his friends at this horrible time and sincerely hope that the Jagger and Scott families find comfort and refuge with one another. May God rest the soul of L'Wren Scott.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Beast ()
Date: March 18, 2014 12:30

Yesterday I saw this sad news on IORR, I was heavily shocked and felt very sadly.

Now, coming back to this board, I'm shocked by so much uncaring speculations and bad rumours spread by fans. Unbelievable.

Sorely disappointed,

sad smiley


Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: March 18, 2014 12:56

Very sad story. God bless her's and Mick's family.


Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: copsnrobbers ()
Date: March 18, 2014 13:07

any anounmnets regarding services ?

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Scooby ()
Date: March 18, 2014 13:11

Am I alone in finding the speculation on this thread to be in poor taste?

A woman lost her life, please remember that.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: March 18, 2014 13:25

I write here about Mick because I get the impression from moderator's orders that this thread is dedicated to deal this 'matter' from all possible angles, as long they are done with a respect. If it does look unsuitable here - because I don't speak of L'Wren - please let me know people, and I'll find it another thread ('complaint' one I guess).

As far as Mick Jagger goes, what is also so tragical in this horrible event is that during his time with L'Wren Sir Mick finally seemed to get out of the tabloid crap he's been associated with all of his adult life. There weren't any longer nasty gossips reporting his doings here and there. The last time Jagger really was making negative headlines was his divorce with Jerry. Then Jagger got - rightly or not I don't know - all the hate and dispise from pseudo-feminist/ moralistic tabloid camp one could get. The only time since then that happened it was thanks to his band-mate to have fun of him negatively (todger-gate). Jagger simply haven't offered material any longer to make such news, and the tabloid scene have also accepted this 'new' Jagger. He has his reputation, we all know that, but what actually has happened have been damn positive to him. The aging rock star - and the one most protecting for his privacy - have been able to live his life, which also from an outset - the front to public sphere - looked relaxed and 'good'. The kids all around the world were singing "move like Jagger", and recognizing his iconist status, and the guy himself looked like making a peace with his own legendary past, and, you know, maturing up. It all has looked so great for Jagger in public.

But now all of that explodes in one big bang - maybe in biggest one ever. Not that this must be his biggest personal tragedy ever, damn sure the tabloid will have a field day. 'Yeah, that's our Jagger! We almost forget that one, but he's back!'And shit, there are all those biographers already busy editing their Jagger-books to add there a new final chapter to go along with the scandalous earlier ones, and after some boring ones. It is both his private and public life on flames here. As so much he has to do sorting out his personal pain and private life, he needs to deal with the public one too.

I don't think he, after all these years, deserved and deserves that. That looks so unjust. So damn wrong. I guess for the very first time ever I actually am feeling sorry for him, as crazy as it might sound. He is a human being, after all. That semi-god.

Or at least this all looks very disappointing to my eyes; weren't we all like wittnessing a kind of 'happy end' in all fronts here, the band, is members and their families and lives - even Ronnie finally sorted out, Taylor back onboard - everybody feeling happy and rightfully so. We all were so happy.

And then disaster like this happens. In the very private center of the whole Stones world. It is just so sad. So terribly sad.

- Doxa

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-18 13:33 by Doxa.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Limbostone ()
Date: March 18, 2014 13:31

I don't think that is an unsuitable contribution at all, Doxa. Well written, it's an honest expression of compassion.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: March 18, 2014 13:40

Nice post Doxa, it is terribly sad. Death happen all the time, but suicide is something different. I think that's why the press, at least the legitimate press, will be symapthetic to Mick. His children are older now and can and will surround him and protect him. The first thing I thought when I read the news yesterday was, thank God Lizzie is there with him.

Suicide leaves so many unanswered questions, you can drive yourself crazy trying to figure it out. But Mick is a hard worker and that is a blessing; work is the antidote to despair, to paraphrase Joan Baez. It will be hard, right now he is reeling, but Mick will get through it. He's a fighter.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: LuxuryStones ()
Date: March 18, 2014 13:42

This must be Jagger's worst nightmare. I wish him lots of power.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Loudei ()
Date: March 18, 2014 13:45

I don't understand why a man with 300 plus millions can't help out his woman with a couple of bucks.

People should stop spending more than they are making man.

Talented yes, Business woman - NOT.

RIP L Wren

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Niebla ()
Date: March 18, 2014 13:46

Really sad... shocked...

Mick, our hearts are with you

Condolences to her family and friends

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Papo ()
Date: March 18, 2014 13:50

That was very well written, Doxa.

As somebody not personally knowing the people that are affected by this tragedy I hesitated to even write my condolences here. As somebody who has had to deal with a friends suicide in 2004 (which still affects my friends and me up to today, although we've come to peace with it) my deepest sympathies go out to all affected, friends and family.

It's really, really sad and of course those concerts don't matter at all at this moment.
I hope the contracts allow the band and Mr Jagger to take as much time off as is needed.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: minorbyrd ()
Date: March 18, 2014 13:59

May be inappropriate on this forum, but just want to say that if there's anyone out there who's feeling bad & needs help to please talk to a doctor, friend, relative, helpline - Whatever's available in your area. It may help. I'm no counsellor or do-gooder, but it's been a sad day for IORR members

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: Caliblues ()
Date: March 18, 2014 14:00

Mick and The Stones have meant so many things to more than the 2nd half of my life so far and I pray and grieve for him and them. May God grant them and us all strength, perspective and perseverance!

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: bart-man ()
Date: March 18, 2014 14:00

I feel so sorry for Mick, L'Wren her family and all others who were close related to L'Wren. I wish everybody all the strength to carry on.

Re: R.I.P. L'Wren Scott :- (
Posted by: StonedInTokyo ()
Date: March 18, 2014 14:07

Or at least this all looks very disappointing to my eyes; weren't we all like wittnessing a kind of 'happy end' in all fronts here, the band, is members and their families and lives - even Ronnie finally sorted out, Taylor back onboard - everybody feeling happy and rightfully so. We all were so happy.

And then disaster like this happens. In the very private center of the whole Stones world. It is just so sad. So terribly sad.

Certainly the band as well as their fans were in the midst of celebrating a continuation of the band's 50 year journey. The show must go on because life
is for the living, but part of living is to mourn our losses along the way so
right now is no time for celebration.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-18 14:25 by StonedInTokyo.

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