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Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: October 20, 2012 05:12

Mick wil borrow a few lines from John Lennon for his banter with the audience at the upcoming shows:

"Those of you in the cheap seats clap your hands; the rest of you just rattle your jewelry!"

smiling smiley

There wont be much clapping, then!!

Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: superrevvy ()
Date: October 20, 2012 05:17

If you were a musician and had the choice of playing to a room full of deaf
people for no money or a room full of deaf people for a ton of money, which
would you choose?

Thought so.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-20 05:18 by superrevvy.

Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: October 20, 2012 05:17

Mick wil borrow a few lines from John Lennon for his banter with the audience at the upcoming shows:

"Those of you in the cheap seats clap your hands; the rest of you just rattle your jewelry!"

smiling smiley

There wont be much clapping, then!!

Isn't it 3 in the morning in Ireland...isn't it bedtime?!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-20 05:20 by treaclefingers.

Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: October 20, 2012 05:40

lem motlow
$95 and $114 is pretty reasonable for an act as big as the stones in 2012, i dont see what all the fuss is about.

there's no fuss...but there has been a fonz sighting...


Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: October 20, 2012 05:42

Is Gazza going? Myself I cannot afford 1000 bucks forget it, no one is worth that amount! I sure wont dish out 200 $ for a nose bleed seat, 100 yes, which by the way is what nb seats are here in Vancouver.

I don't think I'd go for the nosebleeds. I've done that a few times and pretty unsatisfying. As Will.I.Am once said to Mick Jagger, you can go big, or you can go home.

Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: Send It To me ()
Date: October 20, 2012 07:45

Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: johnnyguitar ()
Date: October 20, 2012 10:00

There could be a deeper psychological reason for these deliberately high ticket prices, you know? Perhaps Mick Jagger is trying to compensate for some anatomical criticism he received in Keith's book "Life". Looks like he is trying to prove something to the rest of the world. I'm not Sigmund Freud, but...

Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: Mathijs ()
Date: October 20, 2012 10:39

Speaking for myself, I'm not the least bit surprised. Just as they shouldn't be surprised to know that I haven't paid for one of their releases since I discovered torrents. What comes around goes around.

Exactly, what comes around...ticket prices have sky rocketed the last years mainly due to the artists and record companies loosing about all of their royalties income as nobody pays for music anymore but downloads it. In the 70's artist income would be something divided like 70% album sales, 20% touring and 10% radio play (mechanical rights), nowadays its 10% album sales, 60% touring and 30% mechanical rights.

It sure goes around.


Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: superrevvy ()
Date: October 20, 2012 10:54

Just as they shouldn't be surprised to know that I haven't paid for one of their releases since I discovered torrents.

ooooh, they're really missing out on your fifty cents. when they're getting to
pick your neighbor's pocket for a cool thou.

Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: Nasty Habits ()
Date: October 20, 2012 11:05

I haven't seen the Stones play in the UK since 2003, the key is to go abroad, much cheaper always paid peanuts for tickets and always got a really good position. I'm hoping they'll be some european dates next year as this is what I plan on doing again.

"I've got nasty habits I take tea at three"

Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: superrevvy ()
Date: October 20, 2012 11:06

hmm, what did I write here back in May?

"arena attendees @ average $950"

and that's almost exactly what it will be when you figure in the VIP packages
and tickets funneled to the secondary market

so why is everybody so shocked? if you were listening to revvy, its old news.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-20 11:10 by superrevvy.

Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: Honestman ()
Date: October 20, 2012 12:45

...and meanwhile...

winking smiley


Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: latvianinexile ()
Date: October 20, 2012 12:59

lem motlow

the ones for new york are $95 and $114.the vip tickets are $800 and something but thats not the majority of the seats.


Ticket Prices for Newark are: $95, $150, $250, $450 and $750 + fees.

For a $750 ticket you pay $63 in fees so you end up paying $813.

Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: October 20, 2012 13:33

It's more stomach churning that it's not really The Rolling Stones.

Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: Ket ()
Date: October 20, 2012 13:37

lem motlow

the ones for new york are $95 and $114.the vip tickets are $800 and something but thats not the majority of the seats.


Ticket Prices for Newark are: $95, $150, $250, $450 and $750 + fees.

For a $750 ticket you pay $63 in fees so you end up paying $813.

hmm a bit cheaper than London

Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: wolfi ()
Date: October 20, 2012 14:11

Imho it has always been clear that they could sell these shows at whatever price they ask - well, maybe not at 10 000 $, but still ...

So these shows are not for the fans but for the "Filthy Rich" who can easily afford them - and maybe brag about it.

So the really interesting question is:

Will they tour next year - for their fans and at reasonable prices ?

And (as I've said before) : Might they do a festival or even a free concert in Hyde Park and/or Central Park (surely there are similar places all around the world) as a kind of "Thank you" to their fans ?

If that happens, everybody shoul be ok - my only problem is that I fear they won't be able to do a tour, so they are going out with a whimper, not a bang ...

PS and a bit OT:

Some years ago there was areally pricey open air concert in Munich by Eric Clapton. The people sat on the Königsplatz drinking champagne, munching, talking at laughing, not really listening to the music ...

Eric got really angry - I think he even swore never to return. But he did accompanied by Steve Winwood and that was a fantastic concert (we were there standing! like all the others ...)

Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: schillid ()
Date: October 20, 2012 14:17


Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: Sighunt ()
Date: October 20, 2012 15:19


This is very sad. I probably will wait for the DVD set to come out after the tour is over so I can enjoy the Stones in the comfort of my home on my couch.

Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: October 20, 2012 15:50

It appears the main reason these shows sold out so quickly was the scalpers buying every available ticket in sight... And if people rebuy them at double-triple 10X the prices the scalpers paid... then next time we can expect for face value to also double or triple... why wouldnt they? If there are ka-billionaires willing to pay those prices then shouldnt that money should go to the band.?

The moral?
Get it while the getting is good... and that was last back in 1994

I may have seen my last live BIG MONEY show... I need to sit close, or I dont want to go.... and I dont have the excess money to pay 4 zillion dollars for a good view ticket... I have NEVER been "Just happy to be there... I would rather see it at home and watch on my HDTV than sit "in hell" (upstairs) at an arena and watch it on the big screens.... fk that nonsense.

Of course if I become a 1%er then scratch all of that....
When I become a ka-billionaire... I will be paying WHO CARES!!! too, to be front row AND pit.... and the back floor... I'd be running all around that place... dancing with beauties and bringing them back up front with me... it would be a blast!!!

WHAT? These millioniares are only buying one ticket?? LOL!!! PIKERS!!!
If they were any good they would own 5-10 seats/tickets all over the place!!!! in the pit... in the front row, to rest for a while... in the back... by the bar for a drink and up to the sky box, for the private party... then BACK TO THE PIT!!!... its only money.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-20 16:35 by Max'sKansasCity.

Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: 2000 LYFH ()
Date: October 20, 2012 16:42

Speaking for myself, I'm not the least bit surprised. Just as they shouldn't be surprised to know that I haven't paid for one of their releases since I discovered torrents. What comes around goes around.

Exactly, what comes around...ticket prices have sky rocketed the last years mainly due to the artists and record companies loosing about all of their royalties income as nobody pays for music anymore but downloads it. In the 70's artist income would be something divided like 70% album sales, 20% touring and 10% radio play (mechanical rights), nowadays its 10% album sales, 60% touring and 30% mechanical rights.

It sure goes around.


So Mathijs, has many record companies shut down over the last 10-15 years due to a decrease from 70% to 10%? And in general, has the concert promoters been able to capture any of this increase (20% to 60%) that the artists are now receiving or does it all just go to the artists?

Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: stupidguy2 ()
Date: October 20, 2012 17:56

Those who will go

Those who won't

The second photo has to be the funniest thing I've ever seen!!

Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: stupidguy2 ()
Date: October 20, 2012 17:59

lem motlow
they've been charging top dollar for their tickets for years,all this outrage is almost comical.-"they've gone to far this time" "i'm staying home,that'll show em"

i paid $300 apiece[face value] at the mgm in vegas in 1994.a friend of mine saw them in hawaii at a private show for pepsi cola bottlers,but NOW they've sold out and you guys have had enough?

not the quickest gathering of people i guess but the board seems to have at least finally realised that mick alone doesnt set the prices and keep most of the money, so thats some progress.

He-He....good post.

Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: ohcarol ()
Date: October 20, 2012 18:46

A 7-up might help

Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: Honestman ()
Date: October 20, 2012 21:08


Those who won't

The second photo has to be the funniest thing I've ever seen!![/quote]

Here's more about it for ya SG2

winking smiley


Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: Title5Take1 ()
Date: October 20, 2012 21:13

Man, I opened this thread thinking "It Literally Turns My Stomach" was the title of the next Stones single.

Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: Rip This ()
Date: October 20, 2012 21:25

So far I'm probably going to be in New York when the Stones are, and am not planning to go (as if anyone cares) and I could arrange for good tickets (actually the seats the people on the Stones list get in an arena are more "good" than "great"). But most all of them still have to pay the same $800 a ticket, as would I. I don't begrudge them but I don't have thousands of dollars in pocket change lying around either. It's not so much a qualitative judgement, as seeing it is more the point than expecting it be transformative, like it was in '69 or '72. I just am not moved enough to go for it. Maybe, as Max says, I'll cave but I figure just to watch the PPV, which is seeeing it in some form. I'm sure they'll be bootlegs of it for anyone who isn't able to get the feed.

my experience has always been that you have to pay the face value of the ticket. If you used your source there were no freebies...never implied never given.....the seats were still pretty damned good, 10 and 15 rows back off center.

Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: tatters ()
Date: October 20, 2012 21:33

"Mickey, Mickey, Mickey!"

Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: Monkeytonkman ()
Date: October 20, 2012 21:45


I just wanted to tell you how much I've appreciated your persepctive on the whole recent ticket situation. Since originally fniding Rocks off n IORR on the web I've always valued (though not alway agreed) with your views.

Its helped me a lot. I coulda stretched, n snagged a ticket. Up in the nosebleeds with warning for those with fear of heights. with the Brussels Affair deal. Now i really want that box set. I've spent the last twenty years of my life tracking down and completing the Stones LP releases, left to me by my dad when I was a kid.

Been trying to rationalise the purchase of tickets, has been a continual turmoil for the last week.

Haven't got one. And must admit feel pleased with myself for taking a personal moral stand. Though have a feeling I still might be making the train journey in November just to see whats shaking outside

anyway respect amigo


Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: caesar ()
Date: October 20, 2012 23:31

I still doubt any of these concerts will take place.
Why didn't they play for five long years?
It's spooky. It's like Michael Jackson torn out of his grave just before he died:

"These will be my final show performances in London. This will be it. This is it.
And when I say "This is it", it really means "this is it".
Because ..ehm..haha.....
I'll be,,,I'll be performing the songs my fans wanna hear..haha..this is it !
I mean this is really it. This is the final...this is the final curtain call. Okay?
And, uhm, I'll see you in November...and...I love you. I really do.
You have to know that: I love you so much.Really, from the bottom of omy heart.
This is it. And see you in November."

I don't think they'll appear on any stage. And if, it will be shameful and embarrassing for them and those you look.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-20 23:33 by caesar.

Re: it literally turns my stomach
Posted by: custom55 ()
Date: October 20, 2012 23:53

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