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The performance is pure Jagger, he's pretty much doing what he's always done. I thought it was great, it was him being the Mick Jagger the world has always known, and doing what Mick Jagger does best. I imagine the good reverend would be looking down fondly and nodding his head with 100 percent approval. Ten out of ten Sir Mick.
I Agree Beast +1 from you, +1 from Paul, +1 from me...., so so far we have +5 !!! (so let's round up even more !!! ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT !!) ") (the Math Genius)
-5, does that bring us back to even? I saw about thirty seconds of it, which was enough. It was exactly what I thought it would be. Mick's tired histrionics thrown on top of a dull, slick, American Idol-type production.
How can you people buy into him still. I just don't get it.
How can you people buy into him still. I just don't get it
Because he still delivers. Don't worry about not getting it, just leave it to those of us that do. It would seem there's still a few of us lurking here n' thar !!
Loadsa thangs I 'don't get' ... jazz, jazz fusion, rap, the Sex Pistols, how the f**k Queen Elton and Lady Furnish have ended up with a baby ... ?? Each to theirs I guess ??
Fair enough, pauly. But what frustrates me is that I use to get him. I use to think Mick was great, and still had something relevant to say in his performances. That he, and the Stones, were still the standard-bearers. Now I don't. And when I read all these raves, after seeing what I saw as nothing better than what you see on American Idol, I have to say something.
I watched the Dylan clip, and that I did get. I've never been a huge Dylan fan, but I enjoyed what he did way more than Jagger. No awards show performance is ever really that great. They can't be, it's a few minutes thrown in with a bunch of other stuff, all of which have little to do with each other. But I got Dylan, because he came out and just did his song. Without having to resort to running around like a retard, in a way that's no longer suits him.
The sloppy transition from the Avett Brothers, to Dylan just standing there, barely able to even sing, with all those musician's behind him, was ten times more exciting to me, than Jagger's slick, soulless, spastic attempt to try and be what he still thinks "Mick Jagger" should be.
I think everybody just got poster-ized
I watched the performance and I have to say, it's absolutely stunning. I had a feeling I didn't have for a logn time - I watched the clip and felt proud. Silly, I know - but I felt proud. That is "my" Mick Jagger out there making the people smile and dance, performing and moving as if he was 20-30 years younger. Awesome.
I think everybody just got poster-ized
So you made a poster of Mick to hang on yer bedroom wall. You are a true original.
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Hey Brue! Try to stick to the rules of this board, it will do you good in the longrun!
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You are a true dimwit when it comes to talking smack. Hey it beats that Elton John/George Michael duet you have hanging in yours, skippy you metrosexual moron.
This one bothers and you see it often: points are moot, not 'mute'.
Just trying to help.
Sarah Palin used the word 'mute' for 'moot' in a recent interview. Why Brue has such issues with me I don't understand but the she has issues (I think Brue is a female based on some posts I've seen). But if Brue wants to keep it up, that's fine. I'll play along. A Tom Petty song comes to mind.
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