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As Soloman said at the LA Licks gig - "The Crown Prince of Rock and Roll". Mick rocked the house like no one else can.
ineedadrinkyeah. it's nothing like a bunch of white guys from jolly ol' england playing the blues, right?Quote
black n blue
The wigger from detroit best rap crap
The SicilianQuote
Gee, thanks Sicilian! I know we who are out in the wild wilderness of the west don't have electricity or this whole tv thing. In fact, I'm on my computer via steam-powered generator. But at least let me know what Mick sang!!
Sicilian is just jealous cause he's been shoveling snow all month (or is it 2 months now?). Out here in LA it was 80 degrees and blue sky's yesterday (but we're so used to it that it almost get's boring.... then all the hot babes walk around with not too much on, it's all so hard to handle....)
All month? How about since November non stop. Anyways most of them are probably trannys
Naw man, no where near trannys.... dumb as f*ckin' rocks (I'll go with that one) but definitely not one tranny in the whole group - good comeback on that one my man ")
ready to hit the road again !
the highlight of the night for me was the fact that Mr. Hot Shot Insider aka. mitchflorida was wrong
Did not like it all. Jagger seemed a walking parody of himself. Oh my god, now i will bad things said to me. come on guys, this was a waste to see. running and shouting? let him act his age. Burke would not have liked it at all.
bye jeroen
I disagree. Why is he a 'parody' of himself. There's no 'parody' involved, all he's doing is actually being himself. The performance is pure Jagger, he's pretty much doing what he's always done. Perhaps you're of the opinion that he's simply too old now to be 'behaving' like that ? On the strength of THAT performance, I'd say absolutely NOT, I thought it was great, it was him being the Mick Jagger the world has always known, and doing what Mick Jagger does best. I imagine the good reverend would be looking down fondly and nodding his head with 100 percent approval. Ten out of ten Sir Mick.