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6 ***years ***ago
Quotemidimannz The wonderful Mr Gold has given permission for use of his photos on a not for profit DVD Excellent. I know Tom and he is indeed a gentleman and a great bloke so that does not surprise me. He also takes greats pictures and has been to most of the UK dates. Really looking forward to another of your wonderful productions which we all appreciate so much.
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
6 ***years ***ago
Interest in this show is definitely very much still alive! Many thanks for all your work on this and everything else midimannz
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
6 ***years ***ago
Yes and a very big thank you to CL from me too. All your efforts are hugely appreciated by so many and the quality of the recordings is fantastic!
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
6 ***years ***ago
Yes it is in demand my friend! Love all your remasters and this will be more special as I was at this great show! Many thanks again.
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
6 ***years ***ago
Huge thanks to all concerned!
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
6 ***years ***ago
Thanks to all concerned....yes an amazing turnaround which we all appreciate. It was a fantastic performance.
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
6 ***years ***ago
I can recommend the Sony HX90 as a fantastic compact camera for gig photography and it does high quality video as well.
Forum: Tell Me
10 ***years ***ago
Your work on these covers is, and will be, very much appreciated by many, so thanks!
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
10 ***years ***ago
Huge thanks my friend!
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
10 ***years ***ago
Yeah huge thanks for all your work.....very much appreciated.
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
10 ***years ***ago
Quotestonesmuziekfan QuoteJimmyShelter Isn't there an MPEG-4 version of the DVD in the copy in the Vault? Guess this must be the one EVSD 043-050 1975-07 Bonus Video & The 8cd are here Yes thanks as always to all for your help. I had already thanked jimmy offline for pointing me in the direction of the DVD which I found in the Vault! Cheers!
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
10 ***years ***ago
You can of course get the youtube clips on a DVD via MfG 64 (1) via this thread:
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10 ***years ***ago
Which is the best version of the 22 June MSG gig please?
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
10 ***years ***ago
Thanks falo....didnt know there was a dvd attached to it......must track that down somewhere. On my copy of the 8 disc set, as I said above, discs 1 and 2 are definitely the 13 July (the reference to being the last night being the key clue) does that make the discs 6-8 the 9 july show I wonder?
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
10 ***years ***ago
Thanks guys. I guess these tapes have been put out in so many forms its inevitable mistakes are going to get made by those less careful than they should be!
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
10 ***years ***ago
Thanks but I would seriously question whether the info on there is correct as it still states (as per the artwork) that cds 1 and 2 are from 9 July whereas I am certain they are from 13 July - Mick clearly says in this show it is their last night in LA and its the same as the offical release. Unless i have misread something?!
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
10 ***years ***ago
Apologies if this has been discussed previously but this particular release has confused me, and I'm guessing that its the artwork that is wrong. This is an 8 disc release in 2 sets of 4 discs. Set 1 is supposed to be 9 July (discs 1 and 2) and 12 July (3-4). Set 2 is supposed to be 11 July (disc 5) and 13 July (discs 6-8). It seems to clear to me that discs 1 and 2 are actually 13 July -
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
10 ***years ***ago
Excellent...many thanks for sharing this.
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
10 ***years ***ago
Thanks Marko...after a bit of research I found a DVD called What Makes the World Go Round featuring some songs from 26.6.82, which I have now downloaded from another blog site.
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
10 ***years ***ago
Re the sbd from 26.6.82 (a show I went to) do only 9 songs exist in sbd quality? And if its from TV, is there dvd in existence? I never knew any of this show made it onto TV! Thanks
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
10 ***years ***ago
Quoterovalle well what happened on my end with the we transfers was that all the files were named "fla" which didn't show as anything...I had to rename all files by adding a "c" and they immediately were recognized as flacs and I was able to play them...this was mentioned in another thread about these offerings...don't know anything about the file factory ones though
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
10 ***years ***ago
Thanks Eddie. Thats really odd because I did all that but they are all displayed as Flash Documents and not FLAC files which has never happened to me before. I will try it again from the filefactory links and see what happens.
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
10 ***years ***ago
Thanks for this one...but what exactly is a "flash document" which is what these files come out as. Not exactly sure what to do with them, let alone try and play them or burn them!
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
10 ***years ***ago
QuoteJimmyShelter The Mfg 43 VOB is uploaded, Japp will post the link when he has time. Hi Jimmy....any idea if the link has gone up anywhere yet or could you e-mail it to me? Thanks
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
10 ***years ***ago
QuoteGodxofxrock9 I used dvdfab got 1 dvd5 ready to go if anyone wants me to upload it Yes that would really make my day. Thanks to all you guys for all the work you put into these projects!
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
10 ***years ***ago
Yes indeed...its terrific. Its funny how for some time I never really listened to this tour and wasn't that into Love You Live for many years, but with the catalyst of LA Friday coming out (which is awesome) I have gone mad listening to this period again...and this is a great document of it, as is mfg-43.
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
10 ***years ***ago
Thanks for the VOB.....I'll keep an eye out for the link. As for mfg 54 I gave it a whirl in my burner and ignored the warning signs. Just had a quick flick through the disc and its looking good to me! I had wondered whether to take a flyer when I first saw the warning as all the files looked OK to me, but I just hadnt taken the plunge! So thanks for the tip off. Maybe we will never under
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
10 ***years ***ago
Aha, didnt know there was such a program! I will google that one tonight when I am home. Thanks for the tip!
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
10 ***years ***ago
QuoteJimmyShelter I'm uploading the MfG 43 - Disc 1 - VOB 4 to the stones vault at the moment as a fix for the set (will that do, or do you still need it on wetransfer?). I will also upload the MfG 54 Disc 2, but that will probably be tomorrow. Thats fabulous thanks. I can just download the VOB 4 and slot it in with my other files to burn disc one of that set. No need to wetransfer if you
Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
10 ***years ***ago
Thanks for this. Does this require a dual layer dvd? I have not seen a version yet that is a dvd5.
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