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Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: August 4, 2007 12:04

So many amateurish writers.
So many light-weight tabloids; never mind them -
Never mind Aftonbladet or Expressen,
cause they put Nunstedt and the sheer summer hoppers to
review this ancient, 'honoured' band.
They p*ss on our band; and we p*ss on their crap roll papers.

I have some respect of Anderberg thou.
I suspect he he is an off-spring from a well-known literate clan.

As I get it, Aftonbladet is the biggest in the country,
but I would sense the more impact from DN (Dagens Nyheter),
which is the greatest morning paper & a serious publication.

One one hand I believe they have spotted some thing from the
real world with this intoxication thing, one the other
most of these guys wouldnt sort an elephant's ass from a post box.
I highly doubt they could see if Keef is drunk or just himself
(or if that is the same).

We love you, guys & you know it! smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-08-04 12:05 by Baboon Bro.

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: Adi Tyler ()
Date: August 4, 2007 12:09

any Ronnie pics?

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: rooster ()
Date: August 4, 2007 12:09

alimente Wrote:
> rooster Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Try to be him when older and working!! You
> might
> > fall also!!
> Uuuuh, oooh, poor Keith, weep old and
> still has to work...uuuh, ooohhh!
> in reality its not about falling, its about being
> drunk as a skunk and showing disrespect for
> audience.

That thing about disrespect aint true man!!How can you say such a nasty thing!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-08-04 12:10 by rooster.

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: August 4, 2007 12:11

GP says: "Delivered with style" (headline)


STORSTILAT AV STONES (hard to translate) Precious by the Stones

"Välförtjänst arbetsseger" is a summary one could use in this
short but very positive review by Johan Lindqvist.
That means ~"A well-earnt hared-work victory".

(This is the local morning paper)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-08-04 12:11 by Baboon Bro.

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: svendborg ()
Date: August 4, 2007 12:28

Baboon Bro Wrote:
> So many amateurish writers.
> So many light-weight tabloids; never mind them -
> Never mind Aftonbladet or Expressen,
> cause they put Nunstedt and the sheer summer
> hoppers to
> review this ancient, 'honoured' band.
> They p*ss on our band; and we p*ss on their crap
> roll papers.

Come on...last year all the danish papers gave them 5 out of 6 stars....even those tabloid ones.
My point of view were...I hope all these reports from papers and FANS isn't that correct, otherwise I would be very disappointed.
For me it's quite okay that Keith is being a bit p*****, but when he's falling all over the place, it's disrespect.

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: Bärs ()
Date: August 4, 2007 12:50

svendborg Wrote:
> I wonder why there's been no reviews of the
> Helsinki on the review page yet?
> Is it because the thruth is too hard to handle?

There are several reviews about the concert in the reports and comments thread.

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: svendborg ()
Date: August 4, 2007 12:51

Bärs Wrote:
> svendborg Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I wonder why there's been no reviews of the
> > Helsinki on the review page yet?
> > Is it because the thruth is too hard to handle?
> There are several reviews about the concert in the
> reports and comments thread.

Yeah but none in the reviews section..just wonder

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: August 4, 2007 13:10

FrankM Wrote:
> Forgive my language but that reviewer sounds like
> a man with a paper ass-hole. Not even one hundred
> percent sure what that means but I have heard that
> phrase and it seems to fit that guy. Anyone who
> criticizes Jagger's performance is not being
> unbiased imo. It's one thing to criticize Richards
> but to then criticize Jagger and call him
> desperate is just plain silly.
> Jagger and Watts are at the top of their game so
> imo Keith would have to be god awful for a concert
> to get an overall bad review. It seems like that
> guy was just focused on the negatives and
> overlooked all the positives.

He was there. You weren't. How can you therefore describe ANY criticism of a show as "not being unbiased"? Surely you not being able to accept reading anything negative about a show you havent seen or heard is being biased ? He actually isnt criticising Jagger at all. He's saying he has an impossible job because, whilst hes still up to it, other band members quite clearly arent.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-08-04 13:21 by Gazza.

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: heralue ()
Date: August 4, 2007 13:25

This worthless idiot's at Aftonbladet and Expressen (Anders Nunstedt and Markus Larsson ) ggrrrrr, I really hate them.
Were they really at the same concert as me ????

RS was great !!!! All the people that I spoked to was very happy !!!
Love you, guys !!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-08-04 13:26 by heralue.

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: August 4, 2007 13:37

You'll see now when the concert goers wake up
(surprisingly late!), that the tabloid pens were wrong.

That Nunstedt character is a full-time basher.
How hard is it to jump & throw crap on a 60+ band?

What Svendborg writes might be right;
dont the tabloids rise things one tour, then put it down on next one?

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: svendborg ()
Date: August 4, 2007 13:43

Baboon Bro Wrote:

> What Svendborg writes might be right;
> dont the tabloids rise things one tour, then put
> it down on next one?

Not in Denmark, they've always got great reviews for the past 17 years, somtimes even 6 out of 6 stars. Well I'll know tomorrow for myself and monday morning, what the tabloids and other papers think.
I just want this concert to be another great experience :-)

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: alimente ()
Date: August 4, 2007 13:44

rooster Wrote:
> alimente Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > rooster Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Try to be him when older and working!! You
> > might
> > > fall also!!
> >
> >
> > Uuuuh, oooh, poor Keith, weep old and
> > still has to work...uuuh, ooohhh!
> >
> > in reality its not about falling, its about
> being
> > drunk as a skunk and showing disrespect for
> > audience.
> That thing about disrespect aint true man!!How can
> you say such a nasty thing!

ain't true??? if he indeed was drunk as a skunk and played shit because of that, its totally disrepect for audience, thats my opinion, and opinions cant be right or wrong and true or untrue!!! if your opinion is that behaviour like this is ok, its your opinion which is ok but its surely not my opinion. and how can opinions be nasty???

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: rooster ()
Date: August 4, 2007 13:46

Because Keith loves us!!

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: August 4, 2007 13:47

Baboon's own morning paper - Senska Dagbladet (SvD)

Bättre än väntat
Dan Backman tycker att det var en helt ok konsert - särskilt om det var för sista gången på svensk mark.
# Better than expected
DB thinks this positive on the concert


Rolling Stones har egentligen aldrig varit mer än ett hyfsat rockband med en handfull slitstarka låtar. Förtränger man ikonstatusen och den rockhistoriska betydelse de kommit att få, blundar för det groteskt gigantiska scenbygge de - med negativa miljökonsekvenser - forslar världen runt och bortser från den enorma publik de drar - 57.000 på Ullevi - så återstår inte mycket mer än ett gäng habilt rockande och närigt affärsdrivande sextioplussare.

Det är ingen nyhet, jag vet, men det skadar inte att då och då påminna om kontextens betydelse - inramningen, sammanhanget och presentationen - när de uråldriga rockelefanterna går upp på scenen.

Ett sketet litet rockband, javisst, men samtidigt med förmågan att, som i första hälften av konserten på Ullevi, förvandla sin riffiga
rockmusik till något som, faktiskt, kan motsvara sitt rykte som världsbäst.
# Intro-text sofar.

Från Start me up, som inleder konserten efter barnsligt pangande och dundrande, sitter jag faktiskt och gapar över den rockenergi som förmedlas av de små britterna på den groteskt överdimensionerade scen som byggts upp på Ullevi.
# From SMU and on, which iniiates the gig after childishly booming and thundering, I actually contemplates the rock energy which is delivered
by the tiny brits at the par grotesque-overdimensioned stage ---

Rough justice, Let it bleed och en handfull andra sånger ur den digra låtkatalogen framförs laddat och som om de faktiskt betydde något. Särskilt bra låter det om en lång och intensivt bluesrockande Midnight rambler. Det är inte mycket till låt, precis som mycket annat av det som skrivits av Jagger och Richard, men Mick Jagger, 64, Keith Richards, 63, Charlie Watts, 66, Ron Wood, 60, jobbar, med hjälp av något yngre musikaliska medhjälpare, upp ett extatiskt tryck, hämtat från rockmusikens urkällor, som faktiskt inte går att motstå.
# RJ, LIB and a handful of other songs from the massive back catalog
are performed in an elctrified way and like they acutally mean something.
A long and intense bluesrock-ish Midnight Rambler sounds particularly good.
Not much of a song in itself, like much else written by Jagger & Richards, but MJ, 64, KR, 63, CW, 66, RW, 60, work, with a little help from somewhat younger
comusicians, till a extatic pressure is created, fetched from the original sources of rock music, and which cant be resisted.

Det bästa är att det inte kommer av sig själv. Det märks at tgubbarna, trots så många konserter och år i branschen, fortfarande får jobba för att få till det rock'n'rolliga gunget.
# The best is that it doesnt just run. It is to be noticed that the geezers,
in spite of all the concerts and year in the buisiness, still gotta work
to reach that rock 'n roll-ish stomp.

Stones styrka har aldrig legat i de individuella medlemmarnas
musikaliska meriter, de har alltid varit tekniskt sett rätt knackiga,
istället ligger allt i det i positiv mening sliriga kollektiva samspelet. Ibland låter det för jävligt, men ibland ger slitet musiken ett liv och en nerv som många andra av rockens superstjärnor inte förmår skapa.
# More translations/interpretations later

Ungefär halvvägs in i den två timmar långa konserten, när mittenpartiet av scenen lösgörs och rullar ut till mitten av planen, tappar man dock tyvärr bort den inledande skärpan. Miss you, It´s only rock'n'roll, Satisfaction och Honky tonk women görs alla i rätt saggiga versioner. Det är lite sorgligt, då den lilla påvra scenen passar musiken mycket bättre än det superkitschiga och superfula scenbygge de har som huvudscen.

Först i den avslutande Jumping Jack Flash, innan det tradiga extranumret Brown sugar, rycker man upp sig och får till det där laddat kaotiska rocklarmet man vill åt, inte den trassliga härva som då och då uppstår, där inga riktigt synkar med varandra.

I sådana tragiska stunder är det basisten Darryl Jones som ser till att konserten rullar åt rätt håll, inte Charlie Watts. Mannen må vara en cool snubbe men någon bra trummis är han faktiskt inte, det är dagens sanning, även om många förnekar den.

Inför Ullevikonserten har mycket av förhandssnacket kretsat kring fyllot Keith Richards formsvacka. Glädjande nog är han i riktigt fin form, så fin form man kan vara i efter ett liv med droger till frukost, lunch och middag. Gitarrspelet är förstås kackigt men Richards ler, kramar om Jagger och Wood och springer ut till scenflanken. Han klarar till och med av att göra You got the silver och I wanna hold you utan att det blir pinsamt. Bara lite märkligt. Fast där Charlie Watts och Keith Richards inte riktigt håller måttet lyckas Mick Jagger och Ron Wood fortfarande imponera med taggad energi.

Jagger må vara urlöjlig i sitt hyperenergiska tuppande, men tycks fylla någon slags funktion som pådrivare inte bara av publiken utan även av gruppen. Jagger sjunger inte bara bra utan lyckas om och om igen veva upp det rostiga maskineriet med sin energi. Wood är mera anonym i sitt utspel men det råder ingen tvekan om att det är han som står för det feta, och för gruppens sound livsavgörande, gitarrspelet.

Så, hur ska man sammanfatta Ullevi 4 augusti 2007? Tja, nog var det bättre än väntat och skulle det visa sig att Bigger bang-turnénblir Rolling Stones sista så var det ett värdigt slut på svensk mark. Men det är väl ingen som på fullt allvar tror att gubbarna kan hålla sig från ännu en vända. Jaggers girighet och Richards besatthet vid att bevisa sin egen odödlighet kommer säkert få hit dem en gång till.

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: klypp ()
Date: August 4, 2007 13:56

heralue Wrote:
> This worthless idiot's at Aftonbladet and
> Expressen (Anders Nunstedt and Markus Larsson )
> ggrrrrr, I really hate them.
> Were they really at the same concert as me ????

This is all typical tabloid-stuff. They write it all before the concert and later just fill in a few blanks to make it appear they've been there.

Just bought Göteborgstidningen (shares it stuff with Expressen). It's Mick all over the front page and the headline: Thank you for the party!

And then you find all this crap inside.
Why don't they say that the show sucked on the frontpage?

Because they want to sell their shit to more than 50.000 people that simply had a great time!

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: Hasse78 ()
Date: August 4, 2007 14:34

I enjoyed the show.... and that´s all that matters. grinning smiley

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: arizojp ()
Date: August 4, 2007 15:46

Photos / Scanpix




Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: mickijaggeroo ()
Date: August 4, 2007 16:02

The boys were in excellent shape. No matter what the tabloids say.
The gig was excellent, Keith was out to show that it´s to soon too count him out.

Nordic Stones Vikings

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: Lorenz ()
Date: August 4, 2007 16:04

mickijaggeroo Wrote:
> The boys were in excellent shape. No matter what
> the tabloids say.
> The gig was excellent, Keith was out to show that
> it´s to soon too count him out.

Good to hear that from you, Vilhelm!

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: Adi Tyler ()
Date: August 4, 2007 16:16


thanks for the photos smiling smiley

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: skyhawk ()
Date: August 4, 2007 16:24

I was looking at this pictures:
Wasn't there a front of stage section in Gothenborg? Or is everything between the B-stage and the mainstage FOS?

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: rooster ()
Date: August 4, 2007 16:31

Cheers Jaghoo glad you had a good time!!

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: bumbum ()
Date: August 4, 2007 17:10

A quick question:

If Keith still is a heavy drinker (according to Gøteborg Expressen he was very drunk at the meeting before the concert), what about his wife Patti - is she also very much in to drinking?

If not - it must be a terrible marriage having a man drinking all the time.....

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: Haako ()
Date: August 4, 2007 17:11

My impressions from last night in Gothenburg. It was great!

But I went from the show with mixed emotions. I understand that many journalists have written poor reviews because much of what they say is true. But they are focusing on the negative parts and don't take into account that many other people have a very different experience of the show. If you are standing on the pitch close to the stage like I did, there is little risk that you walk out there disappointed. There's the energy and the intensity that might not be there up in the press section.

I liked to see that Jagger is still as energetic as ever. He wasn't spot on in the singing every time last night but it's always amazing to see him. His acting in Midnight Rambler, how great! And him directing his fellow musicians on stage is also fun to see. I also enjoyed that all the band seemed to be happy yesterday. I didn't notice that Keith was drunk, if he was it didn't bother me. Even Charlie was a big smile in the end when he enjoyed the crowd's ovations and he left the stage after the others.

Midnight Rambler was the clear no.1 yesterday. Never heard it as good. Sympathy for the devil was surprisingly a bit of a disappointment though.

I think this was the last time.

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: August 4, 2007 17:11

They can't see if he's drunk or not.
Question if is Patti can smiling smiley

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: rooster ()
Date: August 4, 2007 17:19

Could ya compare this gig with the 1982 gig?

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: Fan Since 1964 ()
Date: August 4, 2007 17:51


Just woke from the dream. Alive again after last nights Stones Bang.
Full of expectations I got to Gothenburg and visited
Park Lane to catch the mood at the preparty. (Thanx Wille for the party).
Parked the car underneath Ullevi and exited the parkinglot right outside Ullevi.
Immediately me and my friends caught the wibes in the air. Stones fever was rising!
My nephew (16 years old and a virgin to Stonesconcerts) bought a t-shirt.
Then off to Park Lane. Back at Ullevi in due time for gate opening.
Found a great spot to the right of the stage (Keith side).

From the start to the finish the band played excellent and Ronnie had at last got a place in the mix. At last we could hear him loud and clear. Finally he got the attention he so well deserves. And talking about the sound, the soundtechnicians must have been pretty proud about themselves last night. A crisp clear sound was bought to us. Best sound I've ever heard on a Stones concert.

This is the best concert I've been to. I really did think that about the concert in Stockholm in 2003 which was really good. My question was at that time "Can they make a better concert?" Well they did.

I've been emotional the last 10 days which I always get when I realize that there will be an end coming closer like a wall of bricks, hitting us smack right on the chin. No exception from last night we come closer to the final bow for every concert. But they gave us Satisfaction last night in many ways.

Thanx once again Mick, Keith, Ronnie and Charlie and to rest of the band.

Been Stoned since 1964 and still am!

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: bv ()
Date: August 4, 2007 17:54

Some of the Swedish journalists seems to have been at another show. May be they were in Helsinki and were so drunk on the ferry back that their report about their own dreams on the ferry were posted as what happened with the band in Gothenburg.


Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: Fan Since 1964 ()
Date: August 4, 2007 18:07

That is just what I thought about these journalists BV.
They were so drunk that they had to rely on the headline

"Alcohol scandal"!

But they are the scandal themselves.
With my experience from Stones concerts since way back I
must say that the Stones were better than ever and Keith
played well. Ronnie was up in the mix and at last one could hear
his excellent guitarplaying.

Been Stoned since 1964 and still am!

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: noughties ()
Date: August 4, 2007 19:09

How come many fans are young? (and with black T-shirts with the tongue?)

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