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Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: August 4, 2007 02:21



Links and one of them mentions

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: Sohoe ()
Date: August 4, 2007 03:27

Baboon Bro Wrote:
> Toots bashed by reviewer K Malmstedt.
> "Väääldigt lite reggae klarar av att transformeras
> till stora arenor."
> "veeery few reggae acts survives being transformed
> into large venues."
> Why do people say things?

Well I was there 5 row on Keith's side right at the b-stage rail, and I can only speak for myself, but I liked his set very much. Can't say how the people far behind reacted, but songs like Monkey Man, 54-46, Pressure Drop and the reggae treatment of Louie Louie should put anyone in a dancing mood.

Baboon Bro, It take it you didn't make it to Göteborg?

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: mjol ()
Date: August 4, 2007 03:37

noughties Wrote:
> What they play tonight show what they NOT are
> going to play in Oslo, and thankyou for that!!!!!
> I really will prefer "Can`t You Hear Me Knocking"
> to "Midnight Rambler", for one thing!!!!

Yes, let's pray for a more "special" set in Oslo, as they did (almost) the same set in Bergen last year.. smiling smiley

- mjOL

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: PiotrRSpl ()
Date: August 4, 2007 03:44

Sohoe - tell us more, tell us more ! smiling smiley smiling smiley smiling smiley

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: Sohoe ()
Date: August 4, 2007 04:14

First off the Maytals. Like I said before, since I'm a big reggae fan I liked his set a lot.

The Stones. It seemed like Keith wanted to 'redeem' himself after the reported Helsinki debacle. He seemed very focused throughout the night. That is pretty much the most important aspect of the Gothenburg gig.

Since it apparently have been normal for Keith to fvck up the opening riff to Brown Sugar he wisely waited until there was light on the stage. He even checked if his fingers were in the right fret. Hence he didn't fvck up the opening riff.

Best moments: Keith screaming 'I love it' at his guitar during JJF and Charlie's big happy smile during the final bow. In fact the whole band seemed happy during the whole show, a lot of smiles and laughs were exchanged on stage. Musical highlights: PIB, LIB and needless to say Rambler were IMO the best. JJF was great too

Mick forgot a whole verse of Tumblin' Dice, came in late on a verse during JJF, and Keith missed the start of his solo on Wanna Hold You. Another thing Keith got a mic for Let's Spend... but didn't provide any background vocals until the last chorus or so.

Sorry, but I'm too tired and maybe too drunk after drinking cold cold beer on Café in the center of Gothenburg for some time, to write a thoutough review. This what I wriote above is more or less my initial impression of the show.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-08-04 04:15 by Sohoe.

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: Sohoe ()
Date: August 4, 2007 04:17

Sophoe wrote: <thoutough>

LOL I can't even get the spelling correct. I of course meant: thorough

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: PiotrRSpl ()
Date: August 4, 2007 04:26

Sohoe - thank you for the first HOT report !
Seems like you really enjoyed it !

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: Sohoe ()
Date: August 4, 2007 04:27

Yeah I had a good time.

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: August 4, 2007 04:28

Still with our Brno magical mystery tour in fresh mind...
No, alas, Soe Bro´, didnt make it. Got fangs goin' in
some surroundings midways Göteborg & me, actually I went home northwards
during the Friday. had plans for Oslo, but reckon I wont make it.
What I hear about CYHMK expected there makes me feel
comforted & calmed relatively the fact I wont be there either.

I likes the Brno show but I aint sure I want to see more of this
mammoth insanity formula of a rock show. Less folks
& no dancing during Shelter or polished barbershop choirin' to Rambler.
Best ipressions from Brno: PIB, ADTL Rambler & Strong,
esp. with Jagger on the go on harmonica. And, of course, Silver.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-08-04 04:29 by Baboon Bro.

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: noughties ()
Date: August 4, 2007 04:58

Swedish journalists are telling the truth. What IS this? The Licks tour was better. What are they gonna do with keith, especially after the disastrous Helsinki gig?

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: August 4, 2007 05:00

What are they gonna...

It's a hype. He played better although shitloaded.
Or did I miss something?

What did they do back in the 70s?

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: noughties ()
Date: August 4, 2007 05:08

You have a point. I`m not sure the "Black and Blue tour" was any better. I saw The Stones in Munich summer `76.

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: August 4, 2007 05:15

My blog, borrowed pic from Rocks Off's glencar * []

* []

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: August 4, 2007 05:40

DNs Thomas Anderberg wrote this (eventual summaries # )

Rolling Stones, Ullevi, Göteborg
När fyrverkerierna och Keith Richards drar igång "Start Me Up" framstår Rolling Stones genast som vinnare. På planen och läktarna far publiken upp i ett glädjetjut, svaret på en uppdämd väntan som bara nödtorftigt stillats av förbandet, Toots and the Maytals.
# While SMU & the fireworks crack the Stones enter like winners.

Men det är inte givet att man går segrande igenom konserten. Rapporterna under sommaren har visat att den här turnén är en kamp mot klockan. Där den förra vändan, med spelningar på ömsom små, ömsom stora arenor, framstod som en logisk avslutning på en strålande karriär, ter sig detta varv runt jorden som en utmaning med slitna tändstift och läckande bränsletankar.
Keith Richards har missat intron, tappat greppet om solon, sjungit skralt och varit i stort behov av Ron Woods stöd för att få igång det gung som är Stones särmärke. Och med en läcka i rytmtanken har Mick Jagger också haft svårt att få till den tändande gnistan.
# With metaphors from the motor world he points out the prob's with missed intros etc

Och kanske gäller för Stones i dag det som brukar sägas om motorsport, nämligen att man drar till sig tre typer av åskådare. Dels de genuint intresserade, dels de som har ett speciellt intresse av enstaka stjärnor, och så de som lockas av möjligheten att få närvara vid en spännande olycka.
# And perhaps is the motorsport audience type criterias also valid for the Stones visitors; that they mainly attract thrre types visitors:
Those which are genuinely interested, those who have a particular interest of particular stars, and those which are attracted by the possibility
to be present at an exciting accident.

På scenen har Stones nästan alltid gjort sin musik rättvisa, och den ofrånkomliga kändisfaktorn har alltid länkats samman med skandalfaktorn, men den senare har med Richards olycksbenägenhet får allt större betydelse. Det går nu inte att dölja att ett dragplåster faktiskt består i att detta kan vara gruppens sista turné, i värsta fall sista konsert.
# Last concert?

Någon gång måste det ju faktiskt bli så. Mick Jaggers tanke att fortsätta gruppens spelningar utan Richards är ungefär lika välbetänkt som att byta inkråmet i en Porsche mot det man finner i en Honda. Trots att Richards nu är en skugga av den ha en gång var.
# Richards is a shadow of his former Self.

Osäkerheten beträffande framförandenas kvalitet kan å andra sidan inte helt beklagas, eftersom den motverkar den förutsägbarhet i repertoarvalet som betingas av arenasituationen. Varje försök att återvända till blues-, soul- och countrygrunderna innebär en risk att förlora massans intresse.
# The uncertainty considering the quality of the shows can, on the other hand,
not be totally griefed, since it contraproduct the predictability
on the repertoire choice whoch is limited by the arena situation. All atttempts to return to the blues-, soul- and the
country roots means a risque to lose the interest of the masses.

Ändå har man inte helt övergett de försök till repertoarutvidningar som präglade förra turnén. I några fall tänjer man en smula på materialet, som i "Ain't Too Proud to Beg", som får fräschör genom ett uppluckrat arrangemang där blåset blir en integrerad del snarare än bara dekoration. Hyllningen till förebilden James Brown i "I'll Go Crazy" är också ett roligt tillskott, om än stolpigt utförd, trots fina soloinsatser av Lisa Fischer och Bobby Keys.
# Sweet words here on ATPTB; where the brass sections sounds integrated.

"You Can't Always Get What You Want" förlorar däremot det mesta av sin själfullhet, trots det snygga körpartiet, och "Satisfaction" liksom "Paint it Black" störs av Richards svårt osynkade gitarr.

# Less soul in YCAGWYW; PIB is disturbed by Richards severely unsynced guitar.

Ändå och trots allt: när "Midnight Rambler" framförs, med suveräna munspelsinsatser av Jagger, som tar vid också då Richards inte får fart på sitt solo, är man ändå lycklig över att få vara med om den dynamik på gränslinjen mellan livsbesatt sexualitet och dödsbesatt rucklande som Rolling Stones varit världsbäst på, och som faktiskt får en extra dimension så här mot slutet av denna vindlande karriär.
# Nevertheless: When MR is performed, with gogerous harmonica efforts by Jagger, which starts when KR not gets his solo going, one is still happy to be there grasping the dynamics on the borderline between life-possessed sexuality
and death-possessed fiddlin' which RS have been the best in the world on,
and which, anyway, gets an extra dimension here and now against the end of this windling career.

Kanske är det en idé att föreviga några av de bästa spelningarna från den här turnén för att ha till hands att som alternativ smälla upp på stora bildskärmar om gruppen om några år skulle få den dumma idén att arrangera en ny turné. Nu fungerade det trots allt hyfsat, om än långt ifrån med den stjärnglans man förknippat med The Glimmer Twins.
# Maybe its an idea to document some of the best gigs from this tour to keep
as an alternative and put up on huge screens IF the group against all odds
would get struck by the stupid idea to arrange a new tour.
It did actually come out so-so, even if its far away from the
star quality you usually connect with the Glim Twins.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2007-08-04 05:44 by Baboon Bro.

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: August 4, 2007 05:46

[] Not too good,
some seen before.. Anyway, pics.

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: carlostones10 ()
Date: August 4, 2007 06:30

Stones... don´t stop ... never...never...never... thank you for everything, boys.

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: carlostones10 ()
Date: August 4, 2007 06:31

How many people were there in the concert????

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: TE ()
Date: August 4, 2007 08:16

Thanks for posting BB!
Very well written. It hurts but he is spot on.


Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: TE ()
Date: August 4, 2007 09:02

Roughly translated from []
(fast and without a spell checker...)

Jaggers work doesn't pay (** out of 5? 6? Swedes, help)
No, I am sorry. When the firework is gone I got this empty feeling and I am a bit sad.

BUT, first of all. Mick Jagger.
I don't know where to start. Most fit 64 yr old with an energy and (struggling translating this one) I "want-this-to-be-great" attitude.
That he is still hungry is just a plain miracle.
He is working his arse off (they used that word), from SMU to the end of BS.
It feels like the work is to cover up for the others.
He looks deperate at times. He got an impossible job after all.
This is not the strongest tour they have done. When you compear to 2003 and specially the final at Cirkus (Stockholm). This is (hmm, struggling) a sensation on the negative side.
Highlights and wow's are few. It is really only MR that deserves standing ovations and XXXX (didn't get that Swedish word, Baboon Bro, help. (busvisslingar))
During MR, Stones are back in their unique, mean mood.
The rifs from RW and KR are weaving together. CW drumming sounds like thunder, and the harmonica playing by Mick is fantastic.
A litle later they are sounding like amateurs during HTW. During the end of the song it sounds like they don't listen to each other any longer.
And the others, oh well.
To say at least, better in the past.

Best: MR
Worst: I wanna hold you.
Then follows a song by song
here []

Only strange one was I'll go crazy was slaughtered.
Not necesarry etc.

He gives IORR 1 star and says: shitty song and I hate it.

TD is working after a while.


Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: FrankM ()
Date: August 4, 2007 09:41

Forgive my language but that reviewer sounds like a man with a paper ass-hole. Not even one hundred percent sure what that means but I have heard that phrase and it seems to fit that guy. Anyone who criticizes Jagger's performance is not being unbiased imo. It's one thing to criticize Richards but to then criticize Jagger and call him desperate is just plain silly.

Jagger and Watts are at the top of their game so imo Keith would have to be god awful for a concert to get an overall bad review. It seems like that guy was just focused on the negatives and overlooked all the positives.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2007-08-04 09:45 by FrankM.

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: little queenie ()
Date: August 4, 2007 10:05

I think I have seen that look of desperation in Mick's face a couple of times. Hard to hear him called on it in public. I find it hard to believe they "slaughtered" I'll Go Crazy. No respect at all. But hey, maybe he saw them at the peak of their game. I bet he didn't even know (I)WHU. I feel bad that the band will hear about it. The author probably feels quite powerful. Is it a popular newspaper?

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: TE ()
Date: August 4, 2007 10:26

Little Queenie,

It's one of the 2 big ones. I normally like this one better than Expressen when I am in Sweden.
(Baboon Bro, wake up, we need you.)

Will have a look at the other big one soon. Have to work a bit first.

What I found strange was like you mentioned, "I'll go crazy".
The other thing was that he admitted to hate IORR.
Almost like sending me to write a review of a Spice Girls concert then?

On the other side...
Norway's biggest paper gave the Euro 07 opening night 5 on the dice. It wasn't terrible but that show had its share of f'ups. Keith fell there as well.
So, never trust them. (funny enought I was sitting at a 3 seater on the flight back from Brussels with that guy who gave them 5 out of 6). Didn't have the gut to ask him if he was there when he told me he sent back the story to the desk with 5 on the dice.)


Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: TE ()
Date: August 4, 2007 10:29

Oh my...
Front page at the expressen web now...
"Had to lean at Ron"

Will read and translate...



Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: TE ()
Date: August 4, 2007 10:42


What was supposed to be the Rockfest of the year ended as a scandal.
Keith was so obvious intoxicated and needed help to stand up straight.
He was clearly intoxicated said OT who was at the meet and greet.
Just before the show, OT was at the Meet and Greet. He was totally wasted (very drunk) and had to use Ronnie as support.
"Keith was leaning againt Ronnie, he couldn't stand up straight"
"I have seen him so many times - never like this, so very drunk".
"I don't have words for it, it was just so sad"

Ronnie did most of the guitar work in the beginning, Keith made lots of mistake, and when you looked at the close ups at the big screen it was obvious.

Satisfaction sounded "sour" (not real translation, stuck)
When he did You got the silver he pointed a gun to his head and said "what am I doing"

The rest of the story was about he is staying inside the hotel to avoid partying.

The story is written by the jerk who said Helsinki was the best this tour and that Keith was at his best. So... salt.


Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: JumpinJeppeFlash ()
Date: August 4, 2007 11:22

Well...Helsinki was much better than Gothenburg...but Keith played better yesterday!! He was much more drunk in Helsinki compared to Gothenburg...

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: svendborg ()
Date: August 4, 2007 11:40

I wonder why there's been no reviews of the Helsinki on the review page yet?
Is it because the thruth is too hard to handle?
If Keith really f***** up and were p***** then there ought to be reviews telling us that.
There's no reason not telling us when it was a lousy concert.
I'm going to the concert in Copenhagen and after all the bad reports during this years leg of the tour, I really fear the worst.
I saw them last year and enjoyed it 100%, they were still the greatest rock'n'roll band.
I'm sure that this will be the last time. If the reports are true, I don't see Mick going on tour with Keith again, not even for money.
I really hope all the negative reporting is prowen wrong tomorrow, I would hate that my final impression of this great band would be one of, they stayed in the game too long.

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: rooster ()
Date: August 4, 2007 11:47

All that shit.....i wish i was there last night....try to be Keith for one day!

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: TE ()
Date: August 4, 2007 11:49

Been him many times. At vacations, when I was young.


rooster Wrote:
> All that shit.....i wish i was there last
> night....try to be Keith for one day!

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: rooster ()
Date: August 4, 2007 11:52

Try to be him when older and working!! You might fall also!!

Re: Gothenburg reports and comments
Posted by: alimente ()
Date: August 4, 2007 12:00

rooster Wrote:
> Try to be him when older and working!! You might
> fall also!!

Uuuuh, oooh, poor Keith, weep old and still has to work...uuuh, ooohhh!

in reality its not about falling, its about being drunk as a skunk and showing disrespect for audience.

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