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Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Posted by: gstone ()
Date: June 29, 2007 13:47

It's not a good idea that people who have no medical training keep on giving him different diagnosis, based on that they've "been FOS twice ths summer"... That's utterly irresponsible. Keith's fine. But'he's 63, and sometimes drunk. He plays well, sings well and to those that is not enough for - perhaps seing Cirque de soleil is a good alternative. They're all acrobats...
I do agree with Piotr on this. Let's stop it right here.

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Posted by: goingmad ()
Date: June 29, 2007 13:49

Keith is my hero, but I was in Madrid, and it's true, he doesn't look healthy..., it's the truth, a lot of people said he was drunk, but he wasn't drunk.

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: June 29, 2007 13:50

"a lot of people said he was drunk, but he wasn't drunk."

Christ sake! Prove it!! How on earth do you know.....

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Posted by: gstone ()
Date: June 29, 2007 13:53

goingmad? How about WENT?

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Posted by: PiotrRSpl ()
Date: June 29, 2007 13:56

hey the man been through alot in the past
and he ain't 18 years old
although when he grabs a guitar he is more like a teenager,
so what do you expect him to be like?
it's 2007 -

or maybe a moustache made such a big difference on you?

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Posted by: goingmad ()
Date: June 29, 2007 13:56

It's just my opinion

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Posted by: alimente ()
Date: June 29, 2007 14:13

> Grrrrrr, it's just another chapter in the history
> we are seeing. As long as he is happy getting up
> there that's fine. If you don't like what he does
> when he's up there stay at home with your records
> (I'm sure you won't have got around to the idea of
> CD's yet) and make believe it's 1969.

good idea. I just listened to Love In Vain from Isle Of Wight, one of the recent famed gigs where he was supposed to be 'great'. if you really think that Keiths helpless noodling like this is great and fine and 'another chapter in the history' then its time for a reality check. the more I think about it the more I really believe its better to listen to records to keep the band and Keith in best memory (and one does not have to go back to 1969, Stripped version of Love In Vain was still great and even as late as in 2003 the band was able to deliver this song in truly majestic way (listen to Munich Olympic Hall recording).

I dont blame Keith, I blame the people who are responsible for sending him on tour in this condition for simply monetary and contractual reasons and thereby shitting on Stones' (and Keiths of course) legacy.

> Fkin stooopid debate.

just because you dont agree gives you no right to play the judge here and dismiss the whole debate. I think its stupid to neglect reality just because being a fan.

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Date: June 29, 2007 14:20

ablett Wrote:
> "he definitely looks pretty unhealthy"
> No shit Sherlock! KR looks unheathly......

if i were dubya, id label you a flip flopper. first its unacceptable to call keith unhealthy, now its bleedingly obvious. (something else is obvious now: you grope for whatever reason you can in order to attack me)

*and i'm just like that bird - singing just for you*

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Posted by: capsula ()
Date: June 29, 2007 14:30

Hello again,

I'm sorry to tell some of you that yes, I have "medical training" in geriatry & gerontology. Even if you haven't studied this kind of things, I'm sure that most of the people between 60 and 65 you know are in better shape than keith in these days. It's fine for me if you think that he is ok, I don't have a problem with that, and I'm not trying to insult anybody. Believe me, I don't spend the money in order to critizice a "poor old man". I spend the money in order to see the best r'n'r band, and I have seen a man that seems to suffer several physical disorders (in the same way, I have also seen a miracle of fitness called Jagger). With respect to gstone and Piotr, I'm also fine with their interesting points about cirque du soleil (I went to "alegria") and my ridiculous point. I would like to be blind as you are to the fact that keith has serious problems, but I'm not. So, enjoy as I will try to enjoy in El Ejido. I'm waiting for a miracle in order to see what others seems to have seen in this european leg, that is, Keith the rocker, although others have seen in other countries what I saw yesterday in Madrid. Let's see...

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Posted by: PiotrRSpl ()
Date: June 29, 2007 14:32

some people are living in time when Keith was on tour with the Stones in 1981 - muscular man, leopard type - but that was another chapter in his history.
Now is the other pirate.

If you love Keith you just love him. This is not "I like this, but I don't like that" kind of shit. You just love all not only chapters.

And damn - Keith is not sick. He is getting older. I can tell, I see a progress. Keith 2005, Keith 2006, Keith 2006 Europe, Keith 2006 USA, Keith 2007 Europe.

But he's been through a lot lately
don't remmeber that folks?

and this pseudo-medical diagnoses are just stupid.
you are not a doctor.

and a 'stroke' stories - are basically a load of bullshit.

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: June 29, 2007 14:34

Wow, amazing, 2 or 3 guys on here in TOTAL denial. So if you turn your head and close your eyes when the video of the 9/11 attack on the WTC is playing does that mean it didn't happen? Cause YOU didn't want to see it? Cause YOU didn't want to believe it? I've been hearing way too much about Keith's changes lately to not think he's either drinking like a fish or has some kind of health condition of the nervous system. The guy has been a Junkie, Drug user, Alcoholic, Heavy Smoker, for DECADES and you think his health isn't gonna start to fall apart at some point? Get real man, that's not the way life works, most have to pay one way or another, sooner or later. No one is happy here if he has some serious problem going on but to not face it like an adult is so typical. Lifes full of horrible bullshit and anything can happen to anybody so you guys better learn how to accept the bad in life. Got news for you, EVERYBODY gets a plateful of it - horrible life events - throughout the years AND if you think it ain't gonna happen to you THINK AGAIN......

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Date: June 29, 2007 14:35

HelterSkelter Wrote:
> Wow, amazing, 2 or 3 guys on here in TOTAL denial.

if you think only 2 or 3 are in denial, then youre in denial yourself!

*and i'm just like that bird - singing just for you*

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Posted by: sarahunwin ()
Date: June 29, 2007 14:36


Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Date: June 29, 2007 14:38

sarahunwin Wrote:

you just might have a future working for hallmark

*and i'm just like that bird - singing just for you*

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-06-29 14:38 by the singer not the bong.

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: June 29, 2007 14:44

Bongster, what are you attacking me for? I'm on YOUR SIDE you crazy Oregonian !! OK 4 or 5 are in total Denial, whatever. OBVIOUSLY all that hard living has caught up with Keith and now he's in the sunset of his years, don't count on another tour IMHO.... People wonder why Mick keeps putting out solo albums - wonder no more (he's planning for the future - pretty simple)

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Posted by: MartinB ()
Date: June 29, 2007 14:45

obviously, for some people, a true fan must be blind and deaf (and mute)...

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Date: June 29, 2007 14:47

HelterSkelter Wrote:
> Bongster, what are you attacking me for? I'm on
> YOUR SIDE you crazy Oregonian !! OK 4 or 5 are in
> total Denial, whatever. OBVIOUSLY all that hard
> living has caught up with Keith and now he's in
> the sunset of his years, don't count on another
> tour IMHO.... People wonder why Mick keeps putting
> out solo albums - wonder no more (he's planning
> for the future - pretty simple)

im not attackin' ya at all, brudda. i just think youre overly optimistic about the idiocy level on this board!

happy hour now. german beers a callin. have a good day!

*and i'm just like that bird - singing just for you*

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-06-29 14:47 by the singer not the bong.

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: June 29, 2007 14:51

OPTIMISTIC DUDE is my middle name Amigo, you know that - lol.....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-06-29 14:53 by HelterSkelter.

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Date: June 29, 2007 14:51

..come on`s alright to change opinions about keiths condition, and like always in life we have different opinions...but let`s just stop it...we shouldn`t open a new thread about that (same) topic after every single gig,`s really getting boaring

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Posted by: loochie ()
Date: June 29, 2007 14:54

well, nobody yell at me because I love Keith - he is god - and I am absolutely NOT bashing and whining. but -

you need to understand that keith is STILL CONVALESCING from his brain injury. (and he's a strong ox and also has excellent medical care, which is probably helping him out a lot. i imagine if he quit smokin and drinkin for a while it would help him out even more, but i guess that wouldn't be keith...). so all this erratic stuff about one day okay, one day brilliant, one day confused (sometimes within the same show) sort of makes sense. no, i ain't no doctor, but a good friend of mine (woman in her late 50s) has a history of brain-trauma (much worse than keith's and without great medical assistance - argh, not gonna get into all that... winking smiley so she's become kind of a well-read "expert" on the subject. actually one of her head injuries was exactly the same type as keith's. i think she's pretty okay and normal, but there are certain things she explains that she always has to struggle with. (i didn't know her before all the stuff happened so i can't really judge, because like i said, she seems basically alright to me.)
anywho, we love keith and some of us are kind of worried, but all we can really do is show him lots of support, even if he blows an intro or forgets some lyrics - and like a lot of people have pointed out, it certainly ain't the first time, and he certainly ain't the only one. i plan to stand (uh, sit i guess, if they force us to) in the front in rome and cheer him on and blow him some kisses if he looks my way smiling smiley well, i'm a girl ;-) and it sure as hell will not be out of "pity", 'cause that's not what i think at all - i bet he'll be great. Will also be sure to blow him a few kisses from with sssoul, sorry, ws, that's another older thread, but i did read that smiling smiley

hey plus keith's mum just died, give the guy a break.

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Posted by: johnarama ()
Date: June 29, 2007 15:09

I saw the Stones in Paris this month (my first Stones show), and I didn't notice anything wrong with him. Yeah I did think "wow, he looks old"...still the man outlived my dad by 10 years and is still up there kicking ass...So what if he forgets some parts up on stage, my drummer (a healthy 27 year old freak) forgets at least one song structure every time we play resulting in a train wreck... Keith and the boys are juggling around with dozens of different songs and never play the same setlist twice unlike most bands.

Leave Keith alone...even if it is their last tour...

Re: Keith
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: June 29, 2007 15:21

>> Will also be sure to blow him a few kisses from with sssoul <<

thanks my dear! it means a lot

those are real live human beings going out on that stage night after night -
all kinds of blessings & well-being & joy on Keith and all the Stones

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Posted by: ig ()
Date: June 29, 2007 15:31

Keith was fantastic in Lisbon, smiling, happy, showing his brilliant musicianship and personality on stage. He was not in such a good form last August in Porto.

In my opinion he is just getting older and we know that some people changed a lot from one year or month to another. For the first time I saw him open and close his hands more than once and balancing them as when we have some painful fingercuts. He is trying hard and we must apreciate his effort because he is doing the best he can, no doubt about it.

He was in front of me when he started the encore Brown Sugar with an outstanding riff but fews seconds later I noticed him talking to Daryl. The sound that was coming from his guitar seemed out of tune and he also seemed surprised with that. He continued because it's a live show at a high speed and there isn't much time to think about the mistakes. Or it was not a mistake?
Is there any problem with a specific guitar? Because these mistakes don't occur in all the songs. His sound on IORR was terrific, he played beautifully on No Expectations and I liked his solo on SFD. Why he is OK in some songs and not OK in the others?
How can we explain so many changes from song to song in a single show as it happened previously on this tour and in Madrid after such a good performance in Lisbon?

This irregularity is obvious. His hands, the fall, aging... I'm not going to bash him for that.

I'm teacher. I repeat and repeat the same things over and over. I never say the same thing as I said yesterday or 5,10, 20 years ago. And I do mistakes also. Without know why. It happens. And I recognize that I do them more often now than in the past. But I have developed other skills that I din't have in the past. That's why I don't judge him and don't analyze his performances with great detail. Is the feeling that counts, isn' it?

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Posted by: rknuth ()
Date: June 29, 2007 15:31

Nelson Wrote:
> He stands up on stage, ok? Stop this shitty
> threads.

Have you been there? Do you think all these reports are false?

Seems you are from a country where freedom of press and speech
is a foreign word. There actually people who want to know what's
going on.

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Date: June 29, 2007 15:38

rknuth Wrote:
> Nelson Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > He stands up on stage, ok? Stop this shitty
> > threads.
> Have you been there? Do you think all these
> reports are false?
> Seems you are from a country where freedom of
> press and speech
> is a foreign word. There actually people who want
> to know what's
> going on.

for sure peope wants to know whats going on....hence, everyone should go to the gigs making their own`s just a simple as that...

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Posted by: Wuudy ()
Date: June 29, 2007 15:40

This is getting out of hand as aspected. All Capsula and a lot of people here are trying to say is that there is a big differents betweeen the keith we saw in 2006 and the Keith we see on this tour. You just can't deny that! BUT, for a 63 year old man with the life he has had it is f*cking miracle he still alive and even playing on a stage. I see it this way, we were spoiled all those years because every other person would not be aible to do what he did in the same surcomstances that's why it comes as a "shock" to us that he has slipped a lot. Be thankfull that you have witnessed so many shows with an awesome Keith Richards if you don't like the "2007 version" or still enjoy it and take it as it comes! For me it is a mix of those two.


Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Posted by: Raoul Duke ()
Date: June 29, 2007 15:43

I had noticed that the "something is really wrong" crowd had been unusually silent after Lyon, Barcelona, and Lisbon. Do good shows not interest you much? Or are they conveniently ignored because they don't fit your conspiracy theories?

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Date: June 29, 2007 15:46

don't talk like that raoul.

i only judge the shows i went to. In Paris keith was fantastic. In madrid he wasn't. Nothing to do with a conspiracy

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Posted by: Doc ()
Date: June 29, 2007 15:47

loochie Wrote:
> > you need to understand that keith is STILL
> CONVALESCING from his brain injury.

He seemed in better shape last summer, a few weeks after his injury than this year.
Yet, he is not young, he's human, and he may have gotten something else, we don't know. I agree he has ups and downs this year.

I also share some people's opinion that this is the last time we see the Stones on stage. I ain't sure of course, but the probability is getting bigger every time they end a tour.

Re: Something is really wrong with Keith
Posted by: Bob05 ()
Date: June 29, 2007 15:54

Those among us denying that there is "something" wrong with our hero sure have difficulties in listening and watching correctly.

You do not have to be a doctor or neurologist to see and feel that Keith is far off his abilities (and usual behaviour) he showed us on past tours - your emotional intelligence should tell you that there is something severe that has happened to his state of health.

Moreover: Just compare, as someone here has said before, his "Sympathy" playing on the Live at the Max video to the majority of the ongoing concerts.

As I've said before, these days I would rather not see Keith on stage at all than seeing him in such a state because it's hurting.

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