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Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: andy js ()
Date: May 8, 2006 19:24

TooTough Wrote:
> Sorry, Keith, but now you are officially an
> @#$%&!
> I have to say it like it is. All this "get well
> soon" crap...
> I´m really pissed. 2 shows are gone including
> flight, hotels etc.

what kind of stupid nonsense is this ? you can't expect people to sit at home wrapped in cotton wool whilst on 'holiday'

accidents happen. and you are a twit!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-05-08 21:50 by andy js.

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: Lorenz ()
Date: May 8, 2006 19:28

Not to misunderstand me, I'm pissed at Keith but I don't blame him for everything now - he can do what he wants and is free to do so - he should be more careful, behave, etc. - but that's not quite Keith right? You can be angry at someone, have reason for it and still be a fan. And mainly I'm really angry because of the way the management handeled the situation. I am missing a lot of rather important presentations and exams at uni, it took me ages to convince my profs to give me different dates, etc. I mentioned the money I lost already. Now I simply can't change those things anymore - if they had told the truth from the very start, it would've helped me a lot.

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: MicksBrain ()
Date: May 8, 2006 19:31

Andy js...the is the third time Keith has hurt himself and f*cked up a tour...what does it take for you to stop worshipping the dude...he owes it to the fans shelling out millions to be a bit careful. Maybe DAD is gonna pay for your tickets so it doesn't matter to you...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-05-08 20:33 by MicksBrain.

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: T&A ()
Date: May 8, 2006 19:33

what's up with all the twattle talk today?

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: May 8, 2006 19:33

Complaining over Keith Richards for being wild & crazy
(and stretching for books in his library or
reeding them in a hamock) feels a little weird.

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: Raoul Duke ()
Date: May 8, 2006 19:43

I want to say, in the interest of full disclosure, that I have purchased tickets for the concert in Milano and perhaps might not be in such bad shape as those who were scheduled to attend the first 4 or 5 shows. So my impressions may be colored by that. That said, I find all the talk about Keith being stupid or irresponsible to be a bit ridiculous. True, this kind of accident would never happen to, say, Mick or Charlie, but it's frankly proposterous that Keith should put the fans' financial interests ahead of whatever it is he feels like doing when on vacation. The logical implication of that, of course, is that he should not have done any booze or drugs in the past - to make damn sure no concerts would ever be cancelled - or perhaps not have sex with so many women for fear of contracting an STD that might result in the postponement of a few shows. Come on, people. Stuff like this happens, especially in the case of a band like the Rolling Stones and someone like Keith, whose appeal and notoriety derives as much from his personality/behavior as it does from his ability to play the guitar. And when you buy those tickets, you know damn well that you are taking a chance. Bottom line is that you have every right to complain about lack of transparency, but you are pretty pathetic to believe someone will have to think about your paltry $400 before climbing a goddamn tree.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-05-08 19:47 by Raoul Duke.

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: May 8, 2006 19:43

Koen Wrote:
> They will probably wait with shows until the hair
> on his head has grown back ;-)

Well, lol, that wont happen.

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: salar ()
Date: May 8, 2006 19:48

country honk Wrote:
> Well, falling from a tree....
> He could also have been hit by a car on the
> street, or had a car accident, or whatever....
> He doesn't need to stop his life because of
> us.....

You are missing the point !!!
Of course health comes first and of course we all wish Keith should get well soon , BUT:

Keith is a hard core professional..if the Stones go on tour, than this means that all of the 4 band members have to behave in a careful way...keep minimalizing any risks..avoid any risks..trying not to get ill and all that we all know that all this logistical stuff for both sides is so important these days..for the Stones organization crew as well as for the fans( tickets,booking planes,hotels and so on)

The band gets checked by the doctors before the tour starts, insurance is involved..millions of dollars are moved...So, the first rule for each of the Stones, while touring should be:

" Be careful careful with yourself !!"

...dont be risky with sports, and all that things that can cause an injury and will lead to a worst case scenario which we do have now:

the tour has to be posponed.

Then they have 4 weeks of holiday before the tour will go on on the 2nd large market of the world: europe is ready and europe is waiting for the Stones...

Instead of recovering and having a cool time and maybe preparing some new songs, keith is walking like a monkey man on palm trees ?
I could not believe this sounds so ridicilous..what the @#$%& is Keith Richards, the 62 year old lead guitarist of the Stones, doing on a palm tree ???

This is not avoiding any risks..oh no..this is playing russian roulette with your health !!
Therefor I have to say:
Keith Richards behaved totaly irresponsible to his band fellows..and to all the fans.

Yes, I am summer plans are ruined by the foolish behaviour of Keith...yes, this @#$%& me up.

Anyway, a brain operation is an extremly serious and fragil get well soon, Keith !

Cusomewhere and sometime at the tour.


Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: phd ()
Date: May 8, 2006 19:49

Raoul Duke wrote :

> ...Keith, whose appeal and notoriety derives as much
> from his personality/behavior as it does from his
> ability to play the guitar.

I don't think you are right on this.

> And when you buy those tickets, you know damn well that you are taking a
> chance.

I think you are right on this.

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: bobcat ()
Date: May 8, 2006 19:56

I bought tickets to see Nirvana at the Brixton Academy in 1994....should I have known that I was "taking a chance"....???

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: andy js ()
Date: May 8, 2006 19:59

MicksBrain Wrote:
> You're the KING andy js you RULE ...the is
> the third time Keith has hurt himself and f*cked
> up a tour...what does it take for you to stop
> worshipping the dude, get off your kness in front
> of him...he owes it to the fans shelling out
> millions to be a bit careful. Maybe DAD is gonna
> pay for your tickets so it doesn't matter to
> you...

not only are you the twit, you also obviously have no life outside of your job. Keith is a musician by trade, therefore it is his job. when he's not 'working' are you seriously telling me he shouldn't be allowed to relax ?

its not like he's had some heroin assisted fall from a balcomy or something. he was climbing up a tree just like a million other people would do on their holidays

how or why is that wrong ?

i'd love to know!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-05-08 21:51 by andy js.

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: May 8, 2006 20:02

What the hell is the problem here. Keith is Keith and not some athlet. This fall is very typical of him.

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: Roadster32 ()
Date: May 8, 2006 20:04


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-05-08 20:48 by Roadster32.

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: andy js ()
Date: May 8, 2006 20:05

the problem is he shouldn't be out of his cotton wool protected box whilst on holiday incase he upsets the likes of micks brain or too tough

Keef should put his own life a very distant second to their's just incase it gets in the way of their plans. and we couldn't have that!

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: TooTough ()
Date: May 8, 2006 20:10

andy js Wrote:
> the problem is he shouldn't be out of his cotton
> wool protected box whilst on holiday incase he
> upsets the likes of micks brain or too tough
> Keef should put his own life a very distant second
> to their's just incase it gets in the way of their
> plans. and we couldn't have that!

You also seem to need a brain surgery. Don´t quote things
no one has said just to offend. read properly what I have written.

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: andy js ()
Date: May 8, 2006 20:12

i read ...

> Sorry, Keith, but now you are officially an
> @#$%&!

and that's enough for me to make my mind up thanks

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: jseb ()
Date: May 8, 2006 20:18

i hope the tree is OK, 'cause nobody here seems to take care of it !

Brussels, ? , Stade Roi Baudouin

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: 55 Rusty ()
Date: May 8, 2006 20:19

Wish you all the best Keith.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2006-05-08 20:33 by 55 Rusty.

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: micawber ()
Date: May 8, 2006 20:21

> Sorry, Keith, but now you are officially an
> @#$%&!

Because he isn't in his bed all day and all night between the tour dates?
I can't stand how awfully dumb some of us here are...

I love Keith because he always took some risk, if it was drugs, his opinions, what he thought and said about politics, morals, cobs, drugs, Elton John.

Keith always was in some kind of danger, and these days you convict him of climbing a tree???

Oh my god, you are a bunch of @#$%&, go home and @#$%& yourself.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-05-08 20:22 by micawber.

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: 55 Rusty ()
Date: May 8, 2006 20:28

55 Rusty Wrote:
> I don't think about if Tour dates were canceled or
> not.
> The main thing is Keith health.
> Wish you all the best Keith.

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: bv ()
Date: May 8, 2006 20:32

Some people seem to forget Keith is a human living person age 62 and not a machine. A medical situation is never predictable. When they postpone a tour three weeks before it is about to start then it means his condition was not as good as they hoped for one week ago. And it means they need at least a couple of weeks more to heal, afgter the planned tour start. Then all we can do is crossing our fingers and hope Keith will get back for a speedy recovery by early to mid June. By the way - ask yourself this question - are you most concerded about Keith and his well being or your own travel plans? I know many people have plans for travels and unfortunately those plans will now have to change, but that is life. The band is made up of human beings age 60+ and not machines.

PS. I will advice everyone to use the main threads on IORR for discussing these issues, this one about the tour changes and the one titled "Keith in hospital" about Keith hospital issues. I will mainly read and comment on these two threads, and I will delete any other thread that is simply a variation of these ones, without any real substance in the subject.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-05-08 20:44 by bv.

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: john r ()
Date: May 8, 2006 20:38

All the vitriol directed at Keith is understandable, if people are truly finacially strapped, or if its in fact pent up frustration, but really, Keith is one of the great rock 'n' roll artistes, an icon, a singular talent. As every one of us here MUST know, he's an ADDICT. I knew that when I was 12. In fact, I thought he (along w/ Bill Burroughs) was the coolest cat in the world when I was 14, & as Nick Kent writes so elequently in "Dark Stuff" knowing this about an artist and musician I admired, idolized, helped me feel better about choosing to embrace dope myself.
It's Keith's fault I became a junkie.
In fact, I'm still enraged that Charlie Parker had the nerve to die at 34, depriving me of a potentially BIGGER and even more astounding body of work.
And I'm still fuming about Hendrix, what a jerk, choking on his own vomit, how dare he? What a reckless idiot! And Don't get me started on all the $$$ spent on those Johnny Thunders shows I attended before finally giving up.
Keith Richards was reckless while inoxicated: what an 'idiot'? Everybody get a kick out of Sanchez' Up & Down? All those car wrecks...hmmmwhat if KR accidently kilt someone? "Uh Tony, I gotta go, you take care of this will you?"
Since when does artistic talent and stability, maturity etc go hand in hand?
And on a dif topic - anybody notice the last line of that BBC report?: Paraphrasing: 'It was stated that the RS' ABB tour would go ahead...starting in June. It was not confirmed that Richards would playing be at the first show.'

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-05-08 20:45 by john r.

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: andy js ()
Date: May 8, 2006 20:39

people say 'how many 62 year olds climb trees?'

i say, 'how many 62 year olds are mega rock stars living in a different world?'

Keef may be 62. but he's not the same 62 as my dad who's worked in a factory all his life. and therefore i wouldn't expect him to be of the same mindset/actions as my dad. if Keef was spotted down my local bingo hall with other 60+ gentlemen then i'd be worried

you have to put things into context

can you imagine the outrage if Mick had done his back in whilst taking a dance class ???


Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: bv ()
Date: May 8, 2006 20:46

If Keith wants to climb trees during a world tour then he should feel free to do so but I would assume it will be banned in the insurance contract for the next tour.


Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: May 8, 2006 20:47

Donnow what happened to Mickijaggeroo's thread;
but thank you for stating what one one hand already been stated
but still denied and questioned by many here -
that sofar only two dates in May has been postponed.

A hell of a rage for that imho.

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: May 8, 2006 21:03

>> that sofar only two dates in May has been postponed <<

well ... that's not my understanding; my understanding is that we're still waiting to hear what shows will be rescheduled,
and that the statement that the tour will resume in june doesn't imply that it'll resume on june 1st.

your health, Keith! be well

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: micawber ()
Date: May 8, 2006 21:07

Auf Bayerisch: Ihr spinnts doch alle...

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: T&A ()
Date: May 8, 2006 21:07

bv Wrote:
> If Keith wants to climb trees during a world tour
> then he should feel free to do so but I would
> assume it will be banned in the insurance contract
> for the next tour.

I can't believe that clause wasn't included in this tour's contract. Personally, if you all recall, I predicted both "Sway" and Keith falling out of a tree before the tour started....

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: micawber ()
Date: May 8, 2006 21:09

Ever heard of negative projections, ass?

P.S. sorry, forgot tits

Re: European tour postponed!
Posted by: tussler ()
Date: May 8, 2006 21:10

It could be me and it could be you. Shit happens. Sometimes you are on the wrong place to wrong time, sometimes you are lucky and sometimes you are unlucky. All of us have been in a situation where we have been close to an accident.No-one of us wish to live in a box just to protect ourselves and we all have done something we should not do. THAT IS A REAL LIFE.
Perheps a miss my concert, but could impossible be the most important in my life (but very close).
I wish the man good luck.

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