Gazza Wrote:
> 1cdog Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >>
> > If what you want is 6 or 7 new songs EVERY
> night
> > and those to be rarities then they need
> several
> > days between shows to rehearse those new
> tunes in
> > order to play them onstage. Not likely to
> happen
> > on a world tour.
> Huh? What do you think they do in the 5-6 weeks
> prior to a tour? Play cards?
> Let's be realistic. Have the
> > Stones in all of their touring history ever
> played
> > 6 or 7 new songs/rarites each night?
> yes..loads of times...I could rhyme them off if
> you want me to. How long have you got?
> >
> > By and large the
> > most negativity that I have seen/heard
> regarding
> > the ABB tour and the Licks tour tends to come
> from
> > folks that have not attended any of the
> shows.
> simply not true (and for those that havent
> attended the shows and are being negative - isnt
> it reasonable to assume that they didnt like what
> theyd read/heard about the shows early on and/or
> that they disliked the ticket prices etc and then
> CHOSE not to go simply BECAUSE it didnt excite
> them?)
> Personally, I doubt I could be as stubborn as that
> because I still think the shows are enjoyable
> enough and - if I play the game right - I can
> still afoord them, but I respect anyone who
> chooses to stay away on principle because it just
> doesnt move them anymore.
> Edited 1 times. Last edit at 03/07/06 15:44 by
> Gazza.
Gazza, geeez please read the post again. How the heck would you know or portend to know who I have talked to that has thrown off or put down the current tour? My comment was folks that "I have seen or heard."
It is everyone's right to like or dislike the set list. Me, I'm just happy that there is another tour and that I get to see them again.
And as for the guys playing cards during rehearsals.....maybe.....