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Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: January 31, 2025 19:53

Treacle, how DARE YOU have a different opinion - and age! - from 20 years ago. That's incredibly weak. Don't you see how much of a fool you've been?

One day you'll look in the mirror and say DAMN YOU, 20 YEARS AGO ME! and the world will breathe easier.

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: January 31, 2025 20:20

Okay, I try as well. I go to this trend game. First initial impression (for a year or so) and then its rating now.

1981: 5/5, now: 5/5

My first Stones album, and it still sounds as wonderful as it did back then. There've been some times when I thought that it probably is not that good as I think it is. Shit, it is even better!

1982: 1/5, now: 3/5

A huge disappontment after TATTOO YOU and compared to any album Stones I was familiar at the time (not that many, really). But it has grown on me (probably since the albums ever since been pretty subpar). Great musicianship and feel - although there is no focus or point in the album.

1983: 5/5, now: 2/5

My first brandnew studio album since becoming a fan. Sounded wonderful first. But its charm disappeared within a year or two. Nice band effort but pretty weak song material. It's flirting with new sounds sounds like a make-up thing, no substance.

1985: 4/5, now: 1/5

Sounded fresh back then, but like with UNDERCOVER it wasn't to last. Sounds pretty artificial and forced, but the last time the Stones at least tried to do something different. Probably this album tells why they are not that into something new. Old dogs and new tricks etc.

1989: 4/5, now: 3/5

Sounded much better than the two previous albums - best since TATTOO YOU for sure!grinning smiley - but its charm disappeared even quicker. But I have learned to appreciate it more lately (maybe 20 years ago I would have given 1/5). Mick and Keith showing that they can actually write songs. The sounds are so smooth-like late 80's. There was a time I hated that - but now that's nice nostalgia to me.

1994: 1/5, now: 1/5

A totally 'no-no' to me at the time. I thought they didn't even try to try - you know, be serious - any longer. Didn't feel any connection to it then and not now. 'Stones For Dummies' in my book.

1997: 1/5, now: 2/5

Sounded as boring and half-caked as VOODOO LOUNGE at first. I didn't even give it many listenings, to be honest. It took me many years until I started to notice its highlights, best individual songs since TATTOO YOU. Still damn uneven and a victim of CD era.

2005: 1/5, now: 1/5

VOODOO LOUNGE vol. 2 with lesser band feel and even weaker songs. I tried to get excited, but it was hopeless.

2016: 4/5, now 3/5

Totally hooked by first listening. "My Stones are back!" And the album just got better. Not that crazy for it any longer, but is a great album in its own terms. Less is more.

2023: 4/5, now: 4/5

Surprisingly great and compact album. Makes me wonder what the hec they were doing for decades if it can be this easy - you know, make a great album. Well, I guess if there is point and focus it is.

- Doxa

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2025-01-31 20:40 by Doxa.

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: January 31, 2025 22:04

Treacle, how DARE YOU have a different opinion - and age! - from 20 years ago. That's incredibly weak. Don't you see how much of a fool you've been?

One day you'll look in the mirror and say DAMN YOU, 20 YEARS AGO ME! and the world will breathe easier.

Indeed, it can also be a little daunting, even frightening, to have one's views evolve over time, through education and experience!

Much simpler to not evolve.

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: January 31, 2025 22:35

Doxa - I'm sure you know that Emotional Rescue was released before Tattoo You? June 1980 as opposed to August 1981 (TY).

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: February 1, 2025 00:02

Doxa - I'm sure you know that Emotional Rescue was released before Tattoo You? June 1980 as opposed to August 1981 (TY).

Yes, but my story with the Stones starts in 1981 with TATTOO YOU, so anything else prior or after is compared to that album. So EMOTIONAL RESCUE was basically a catalog album for me, just like EXILE, AFTERMATH or whatever. Something from history, old news. Actually I was almost shocked how different and weak and out of date it sounded compared to wonderful-sounding TATTOO YOU - that truely sounded brilliant and apt at that very moment! - and it was released just a year earlier! Anyway, it sounded also crap compared to SOME GIRLS. It went out of my head and taste basically. The whole album sounded like a joke or something. For example, to my young ears the title track was simply horrible - an awful disco track - and "All About You" sounded like VERY old people's night club music. Something for grandparents to enjoy or something... The world greatest rock and roll band - no shit, man! But nowadays those two cuts are my favourites from that album. And I am not a teenager boy exactly either...

- Doxa

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 2025-02-01 00:22 by Doxa.

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: straycatuk ()
Date: February 1, 2025 01:18

Tattoo You
Hackney Diamonds
Bridges to Babylon
Voodoo Lounge
Emotional Rescue
Bigger Bang
Dirty Work

sc uk

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: JordyLicks96 ()
Date: February 1, 2025 01:58

Tattoo You ***** (Tops)
Hackney Diamonds ***** (Whole Wide World)
Blue & Lonesome ****1/2 (Hoo Doo Blues)
Emotional Rescue **** (Summer Romance)
Voodoo Lounge ***1/2 (You Got Me Rocking)
Steel Wheels ***1/2 (Slipping Away)
A Bigger Bang ***1/2 (She Saw Me Coming)
Undercover *** (Too Tough)
Bridges To Babylon *** (Saint Of Me)
Dirty Work *** (Fight)

Overall I tried to rate the albums objectively as a whole. HACKNEY DIAMONDS is truly the best Stones album of the last 40 years. It doesn't suffer one bit from being too long. If VOODOO LOUNGE, BRIDGES TO BABYLON & A BIGGER BANG were cut by 3-4 songs, they'd be much higher on the list for me:


1. Love Is Strong
2. You Got Me Rocking
3. Sparks Will Fly
4. The Worst
5. New Faces
6. Out Of Tears
7. I Go Wild
8. Suck On The Jugular
9. Blinded By Rainbows
10. Baby Break It Down
11. Thru and Thru
12. Mean Disposition (CD/Digital Standard Track)


1. Flip The Switch
2. Anybody Seen My Baby?
3. Low Down
4. Already Over Me
5. Gunface
6. You Don't Have To Mean It
7. Out Of Control
8. Saint Of Me
9. Too Tight
10. How Can I Stop


1. Rough Justice
2. Let Me Down Slow
3. It Won't Take Long
4. Rain Fall Down
5. Streets Of Love
6. Back Of My Hand
7. She Saw Me Coming
8. This Place Is Empty
9. Oh No, Not You Again
10. Laugh, I Nearly Died
11. Driving Too Fast
12. Infamy

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2025-02-01 03:14 by JordyLicks96.

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: February 1, 2025 06:37

Treacle, how DARE YOU have a different opinion - and age! - from 20 years ago. That's incredibly weak. Don't you see how much of a fool you've been?

One day you'll look in the mirror and say DAMN YOU, 20 YEARS AGO ME! and the world will breathe easier.

Indeed, it can also be a little daunting, even frightening, to have one's views evolve over time, through education and experience!

Much simpler to not evolve.

So thee is agynst thy ancient ratings? Or does thee thyist wander through the seasons upon green and dying leaves of recent yonder?

Sow does thow not ingest thee originals!!!

Be gone with ye for the yee of not now having thost same!!!

You could've just said:

Upon further listening, BRIDGES is the most inventive - and certainly the last - album they've done since UNDERCOVER even though...

It's a great way to avoid typos.

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: Swayed1967 ()
Date: February 1, 2025 10:54

1 - Tattoo You (5) - No Use In Crying.
2 - Hackney Diamonds (4.5) - Sweet Sounds Of Heaven.
3 - Bridges To Babylon (4) - Out Of Control.
4 - Steel Wheels (3.5) - Almost Hear You Sigh.
5 - Voodoo Lounge (3.5) - I Go Wild.
6 - Undercover (3.5) - Undercover Of The Night.
7 - Blue & Lonesome (3) - Blue & Lonesome.
8 - Emotional Rescue (2) - Dance pt. 1.
9 - Dirty Work (2) - One Hit.

Finishing the list and I realize I forgot A Bigger Bang. It would go in between Undercover and Blue & Lonesome. 3 stars and the best track is Back Of My Hand.

Forgive me for revisiting this thread but do you still rank HD so highly? I only ask because 20 years ago when you were similarly asked to rank the best Stones records from 1978 to 2005 you gave A Bigger Bang five stars! But here we are some twenty years later and you can hardly remember the album exists. Do you have anything to say for yourself? Are you ashamed?

I apologize if it seems I'm singling you out but there are very few IORRers from twenty years ago still posting/breathing. But it may interest you and others to know that in that 2006 poll 54 people had ABB in their top 4 (and many even higher) while only 12 people recognized it for the big booger that it is. And yet in this more recent poll, ABB is treated like pond scum by the vast majority of posters.

Am I saying that in the future HD will be similarly trashed? You're damn right I am!

"Are you ashamed?" Ridiculous.

Yeah really, trolling someone because their taste has changed? And honestly, putting in the research to see what someone said 20 years ago seems (politely) a little intense.

If you were ‘polite’ you’d be thanking me – I’ve given your thread a new set of wings.

But it’s fascinating (to me at least) how your thread and the 2006 thread mirror each other so perfectly. Don’t you find my research interesting? Or is the fact that human beings are so drearily predictable too depressing to think about? At any rate, I’m not trolling Jumping Kent. He’s just another Rolling Stones fan like you and me. I'm focusing on trends.

Tell me - when Bridges to Babylon came out, did you give it 5 stars? 4?

I don't have a problem with your doing the research, sure that can be a bit of fun, but rather taking one persons reviews from 20 years ago, singling them out, and then asking whether they are "ashamed of themselves".

A reasonable person would suggest that's a bit much. As far as "reviving" my thread. WTF do I care?

You see, not very polite at all. Moreover, my self-righteous friend, you’ve misrepresented my words, and that’s not cool. I must tell you, Treacle, I detest moral smugness, especially from someone who blithely ignores the truth like you.

I have on two separate occasions explained to Jumping Kent that he is not being singled out – I quoted him only because he was one of the few posters who took part in both polls. Can you appreciate that? Also please try to appreciate the nuances of the English language. I didn’t write ‘Aren’t you ashamed?’ I wrote ‘Are you ashamed?’ There’s a big difference. Personally, I don’t think there’s need for any shame in this case – it’s only rock n' roll after all – but he and numerous others were proclaiming ABB, a record that today is almost universally panned, to be a masterpiece. It’s not inconceivable that he might feel a little foolish. So I asked. But apparently he still likes the album, though he now only awards it 3 stars instead of 5.

I have not enjoyed explaining myself like this.
No need to respond Treacle unless you wish to apologize profusely. Besides, Gaslight left you some more gibberish and I think you’re obliged to humor him.

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: February 1, 2025 15:23

1 - Tattoo You (5) - No Use In Crying.
2 - Hackney Diamonds (4.5) - Sweet Sounds Of Heaven.
3 - Bridges To Babylon (4) - Out Of Control.
4 - Steel Wheels (3.5) - Almost Hear You Sigh.
5 - Voodoo Lounge (3.5) - I Go Wild.
6 - Undercover (3.5) - Undercover Of The Night.
7 - Blue & Lonesome (3) - Blue & Lonesome.
8 - Emotional Rescue (2) - Dance pt. 1.
9 - Dirty Work (2) - One Hit.

Finishing the list and I realize I forgot A Bigger Bang. It would go in between Undercover and Blue & Lonesome. 3 stars and the best track is Back Of My Hand.

Forgive me for revisiting this thread but do you still rank HD so highly? I only ask because 20 years ago when you were similarly asked to rank the best Stones records from 1978 to 2005 you gave A Bigger Bang five stars! But here we are some twenty years later and you can hardly remember the album exists. Do you have anything to say for yourself? Are you ashamed?

I apologize if it seems I'm singling you out but there are very few IORRers from twenty years ago still posting/breathing. But it may interest you and others to know that in that 2006 poll 54 people had ABB in their top 4 (and many even higher) while only 12 people recognized it for the big booger that it is. And yet in this more recent poll, ABB is treated like pond scum by the vast majority of posters.

Am I saying that in the future HD will be similarly trashed? You're damn right I am!

"Are you ashamed?" Ridiculous.

Yeah really, trolling someone because their taste has changed? And honestly, putting in the research to see what someone said 20 years ago seems (politely) a little intense.

If you were ‘polite’ you’d be thanking me – I’ve given your thread a new set of wings.

But it’s fascinating (to me at least) how your thread and the 2006 thread mirror each other so perfectly. Don’t you find my research interesting? Or is the fact that human beings are so drearily predictable too depressing to think about? At any rate, I’m not trolling Jumping Kent. He’s just another Rolling Stones fan like you and me. I'm focusing on trends.

Tell me - when Bridges to Babylon came out, did you give it 5 stars? 4?

I don't have a problem with your doing the research, sure that can be a bit of fun, but rather taking one persons reviews from 20 years ago, singling them out, and then asking whether they are "ashamed of themselves".

A reasonable person would suggest that's a bit much. As far as "reviving" my thread. WTF do I care?

You see, not very polite at all. Moreover, my self-righteous friend, you’ve misrepresented my words, and that’s not cool. I must tell you, Treacle, I detest moral smugness, especially from someone who blithely ignores the truth like you.

I have on two separate occasions explained to Jumping Kent that he is not being singled out – I quoted him only because he was one of the few posters who took part in both polls. Can you appreciate that? Also please try to appreciate the nuances of the English language. I didn’t write ‘Aren’t you ashamed?’ I wrote ‘Are you ashamed?’ There’s a big difference. Personally, I don’t think there’s need for any shame in this case – it’s only rock n' roll after all – but he and numerous others were proclaiming ABB, a record that today is almost universally panned, to be a masterpiece. It’s not inconceivable that he might feel a little foolish. So I asked. But apparently he still likes the album, though he now only awards it 3 stars instead of 5.

I have not enjoyed explaining myself like this.
No need to respond Treacle unless you wish to apologize profusely. Besides, Gaslight left you some more gibberish and I think you’re obliged to humor him.

Methinks thou doth protest too much.

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: Mathijs ()
Date: February 2, 2025 14:18


1983: 5/5, now: 2/5

My first brandnew studio album since becoming a fan. Sounded wonderful first. But its charm disappeared within a year or two. Nice band effort but pretty weak song material. It's flirting with new sounds sounds like a make-up thing, no substance.



Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: February 2, 2025 16:38


1983: 5/5, now: 2/5

My first brandnew studio album since becoming a fan. Sounded wonderful first. But its charm disappeared within a year or two. Nice band effort but pretty weak song material. It's flirting with new sounds sounds like a make-up thing, no substance.



And my question of Doxa would be, what are the songs that had him change his opinion and drag this to such a low, or rather, "which songs did you previously enjoy now suck?".

Undercover Of The Night has to be a 4 or 5 star (5 for me), with the remainder 3s or 4s (Too Tough, All The Way Down, Pain of Love, She Was Hot all very strong 4s) except Wanna Hold You which for me is the weak link, maybe a 3 - but even that isn't a bad track. Even Too Much Blood is clever and has dark humour going for it.

I think there is a vibe throughout that holds all the material together very well.

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: SoulSurvivor1990 ()
Date: February 2, 2025 18:06

1. Tattoo You **** 1/2
2. Hackeny Diamonds **** 1/2
3. A Bigger Bang ****
4. Bridges to Babylon *** 1/2
5. Emotional Rescue ***
6. Vooodoo Lounge ***
7. Underover ***
8. Steel Wheels ***
9. Dirty Work * 1/2

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2025-02-02 18:07 by SoulSurvivor1990.

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: Jimmer ()
Date: February 3, 2025 07:22

1. Tattoo You ***** Worried About You
2. Hackney Diamonds ***** Whole Wide World
3. Undercover **** She Was Hot
4. Emotional Rescue **** Summer Romance
5. Voodoo Lounge **** New Faces
6. Blue and Lonesome **** Just Your Fool
7. Dirty Work *** One Hit (To The Body)
8. Bridges to Babylon *** Saint of Me
9. Steel Wheels *** Almost Hear You Sigh
10.A Bigger Bang *** Rough Justice

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: Swayed1967 ()
Date: February 3, 2025 10:09

After reading Doxa’s surprisingly dismissive opinion of Undercover I decided to reevaluate the album myself and to some degree I concur with him. I am thus sharing with you my new album rankings. Actually, they’re unchanged. I did, however, adjust UC’s score downward to 3.5. Side one is stellar. Undercover of the Night/She Was Hot is the best one-two punch of any Stones album since Sticky Fingers (Brown Sugar/Sway). The momentum is admittedly lost with ‘Tie You Up’ but Keith’s ‘Wanna Hold You’, while not the most ambitious song, is warm and infectious and so too is ‘Feel on Baby,’ especially with some weed. 4.5 for Side one. Unfortunately, the quality of songwriting on Side two is on a par with Dirty Work, even if the songs aren’t as annoying. 2.5

1. Emotional Rescue (5.0) Let Me Go
2. Tattoo You (5.0) Start Me Up
3. Undercover (3.5) Undercover of the Night
4. Voodoo Lounge (3) The Worst
5. Dirty Work (2.5) Sleep Tonite
6. Steel Wheels (2) Mixed Emojis
7. Bridges to Babylon (2) You Don’t Have to Mean It
8. Blue & Lonesome (2) Little Rain
9 HD (1.5) WWW
10.ABB (1) Rough Justice

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: GetYerAngie ()
Date: February 3, 2025 11:23

1-2.Hackney Diamonds 5,0 Coherent with stand out tracks A, GC, WWW and above all SSOH
1-2.Tattoo You 5,0 Coherent with stand out tracks S, side 2 (WAY,T,H)
3-4.Bridges to Babylon 4,0 Incoherent but with some stand out tracks SOM,OOC,ASMB
3-4.A Bigger Bang 4,0 Incoherent but with some stand out tracks RFD, IWTL, LIND
5.Emotional Rescue 3,5 Incoherent with a couple of stand out tracks ER,SITM
6.Voodoo Lounge 3,0 Incoherent with few stand out tracks OOT,LIS
7.Undercover 2,5 Coherent with one stand out track UOTN
8.Steel Wheels 2,0 Coherent but pale with no stand out tracks
9.Dirty Work 1,5 No good, except for the coverversion of HS,

I was (and is) surprised that Blue And Lonesome worked out so well, but I consider it a rehearsal album.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2025-02-03 13:54 by GetYerAngie.

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: liddas ()
Date: February 3, 2025 13:26

Okay, I try as well. I go to this trend game. First initial impression (for a year or so) and then its rating now.

- Doxa

As I am exactly the same age of Doxa, I gave a listen to these albums over the weekend to see how my now/then compares to his.



then 3/5, now: 4.5/5

Don't know when I first heard it, only remember I was at a friend's place and his big brother had it. Loved the cover art and Send it to me. At first was turned me off was Mick's falsetto on ER. Now I love it.


then 4, now: 5/5

At first listen i loved side A (save hang fire), couldn't stand side B, so for many years, TY was a one side album. First time I truly listened to it as a whole was after buying the CD. Remember feeling a fool for not getting it right away!


then 4,5 now: 5/5

Similar experience as TY: i used to love side A, not too excited by the last 3 tracks of side B. Still think that the last 3 tracks are not the best they have recorded, but they have grown on me. The rest of the LP is outstandingly outstanding!


then 4, now: 4,5

This I am sure was the first Stones LP that I bought as soon as released. For many reasons, I loved it as a whole and still do. Only complaint is that it is too short. I get it that they wanted an "angry album", but those sessions produced some truly great slow numbers (invitation and what am I gonna do with your love in particular) that - my personal taste - could have made it an even better album.


then 3, now: 4

My first Stones' CD. the time what I didn't like was the "modern" sound, plus Hat and Sad felt a little forced. It has grown, it is a very good album, but I don't feel for it too often.


then 3, now: 3,5

Remember the let down: my expectations were really high after Wondering and Offender. Every now and then I feel the urge to dig it out, but I don't know why. It is growing a little, I don't skip songs any more. But all in all, it is the Stones album that I like less.


then 4, now: 4

My opinion remains unchanged: always liked it as a whole, never "got" saint of me. A huge step forward compared to Wheels and Voodoo


then 4, now: 4

Again my overall opinion remains unchanged: always liked it as a whole. Still play it a lot. First album that truly suffers the lack of dynamics: why so loud!


then 4, now 4

Great selection of blues songs. Love the sound, save it is even louder than Bang.


Still haven't made my mind up yet. Sort of Steel Wheels part 2.

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: February 3, 2025 15:29



Still haven't made my mind up yet. Sort of Steel Wheels part 2.

Ahh...methinks it's the similarly slick & smooth production that makes you think that grinning smiley

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: liddas ()
Date: February 3, 2025 17:11



Still haven't made my mind up yet. Sort of Steel Wheels part 2.

Ahh...methinks it's the similarly slick & smooth production that makes you think that grinning smiley

That for sure!


Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: guitarbastard ()
Date: February 3, 2025 23:40

tattoo you - start me up
emotional rescue - shes so cold
undercover - undercover
dirty work - one hit
hackney diamonds - sweet sounds of heaven
voodoo lounge - love is strong
brigdes to babylon - out of control
a bigger bang - rough justice
blue and lonesome - blue and lonesome

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: Mathijs ()
Date: February 4, 2025 11:43

My revaluation:


1. ***** Tattoo You - Start Me Up
2. ***** Undercover - Undercover of the Night
3. **** Emotional Rescue - She's So Cold
4. ***1/2 Bridges To Babylon - How Can I Stop
5. *** Steel Wheels - Almost Hear You Sigh
6. *** A Bigger Bang - This Place is Empty
6. ** Dirty Work - Had it with You
2. ** Hackney Diamonds - Whole Wide World
8. * Blue & Lonesome - *
7. * Voodoo Lounge - *


1. ***** Tattoo You - Worried About You
2. ***** Undercover - She Was Hot
3. **** Emotional Rescue - She's So Cold
4. *** Bridges To Babylon - How Can I Stop
5. ** Steel Wheels - Almost Hear You Sigh
6. ** A Bigger Bang - This Place is Empty
2. ** Hackney Diamonds - Whole Wide World
6. * Dirty Work - Had it with You
7. * Voodoo Lounge - Mean Disposition
8. Blue & Lonesome - .


Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: Roll73 ()
Date: February 4, 2025 13:19

1. Tattoo You - Ain't no use in crying
2. Steel Wheels - Mixed Emotions
3. Emotional Rescue - She's So Cold
4. Bridges to Babylon - How can I stop
5. Undercover - Pretty Beat Up
6. Voodoo Lounge - Moon is up
7. Blue and Lonesome - Ride 'em on down
8. Hackney Diamonds - Live by the sword
9. Dirty Work - Sleep Tonight
10.Bigger Bang - Rough Justice

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: February 4, 2025 22:41


1983: 5/5, now: 2/5

My first brandnew studio album since becoming a fan. Sounded wonderful first. But its charm disappeared within a year or two. Nice band effort but pretty weak song material. It's flirting with new sounds sounds like a make-up thing, no substance.



And my question of Doxa would be, what are the songs that had him change his opinion and drag this to such a low, or rather, "which songs did you previously enjoy now suck?".

Undercover Of The Night has to be a 4 or 5 star (5 for me), with the remainder 3s or 4s (Too Tough, All The Way Down, Pain of Love, She Was Hot all very strong 4s) except Wanna Hold You which for me is the weak link, maybe a 3 - but even that isn't a bad track. Even Too Much Blood is clever and has dark humour going for it.

I think there is a vibe throughout that holds all the material together very well.

I regard to UNDERCOVER I think it is both the most discussed and most controversial album here at IORR. There are some fans that see it as a (hidden) masterpiece and some others as a major miss (a symptom of their mid-80's downhill). I guess some of that is to do with the generation of fans - its lovers are basically brand new fans from that period (There are probably many of them, and I am probably an exception among them)). For the rest it - coming prior or after - might be 'too 80's'. It is their worst doing album in Spotify, for example.

Anyway, I have mixed feelings about the album. There are lots of great things going on - like in any Stones album - but it just lacks something. The title track and "She Was Hot" are great songs, and I think the most adventurous track "Too Much Blood" works pretty well (probably the only song I like nowadays more now than back then). But the rest of it is just loose jams based on so-so riffs ("Tie You Up", Feel On Baby", "Pretty Beat Up", "All The Way Down") or just not-that-inspired song-writing ("Wanna Hold You", "Too Tough", "It Must Be Hell"). Yeah, some great musicianship but that doesn't compensate great song-writing and point (I guess I once thought it did until the illusion disappeared). I think it has run out of Pathe Marconi era magic and freshness. But that doesn't mean any of those are any weak songs. No, they are just fine, but, you know, this band can do better.

- Doxa

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2025-02-04 23:03 by Doxa.

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: Nankstone ()
Date: February 4, 2025 22:51

OK, after a few new and changed votes I updated again.
I couldn't count around 10 votes because there was no clear order, or only 4-9 albums were listed, not 10.

1. I've count only the clear ten album voters and vote's with a clear ranking
2. best album = 10 points ... last album per membercount = 1 point
3. counted the most recent votes from members who changed their minds

Here is the result after 49 votes:
01. Tattoo You --------- 451
02. Undercover --------- 308
03. Emotional Rescue ---- 305
04. Hackney Diamonds --- 301
05. Bridges To Babylon --- 276
06. Voodoo Lounge ------ 264
07. Steel Wheels -------- 259
08. Blue & Lonesome ---- 223
09. A Bigger Bang ------ 180
10. Dirty Work --------- 129

very close between 2nd - 4th place, but a very clear number 1 thumbs up

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: rbarnes00 ()
Date: February 5, 2025 01:07

Voodoo Lounge
Bridges to Babylon
Bigger Bang
Emotional Rescue
Hackney Diamonds
Blue and Lonesome
Steel Wheels
Tattoo You
Undercover/Dirty work

I started listening to the Stones in 1990 at age 11. Flashpoint was my first Stones album, then Sticky Fingers. Voodoo Lounge was the first album that was released after I had started listening to them. I first saw them in 1994 at Cleveland Stadium and had only heard Voodoo Lounge, Exile, Out of Our Heads and maybe a few other albums - at that time I got CDs from the local library.

As much as VL, Bridges, and ABB were part of my formative Stones years, for some reason I rediscovered Emotional Rescue during the Zip Code tour. I have always enjoyed SW (especially since discovering the Stones during that era). I really love HD but haven’t listened to it since seeing them in Cleveland last summer with a group of 10 friends, possibly the best concert experience ever. As classic as TY is, I rarely listen to it.

I can’t say I’ve ever listened to Undrcover or Dirty Work.

Ive probably listened to some concerts (Saitama 2006, Tokyo 1990 official release, voodoo lounge live official release, Flashpoint) more than anything on my list after Bigger Bang. Not that anything is better or worse than anything else, I just get into a groove with a particular album or concert and listen to it on repeat for years….

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: Chacho ()
Date: February 5, 2025 02:37

1. "Tatoo You"
2. "Emotional Rescue"
3. "Steel Wheels"
4. "Still Life"
5. "Blue and Lonesome"

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: February 5, 2025 06:16

Treacle, how DARE YOU have a different opinion - and age! - from 20 years ago. That's incredibly weak. Don't you see how much of a fool you've been?

One day you'll look in the mirror and say DAMN YOU, 20 YEARS AGO ME! and the world will breathe easier.

Indeed, it can also be a little daunting, even frightening, to have one's views evolve over time, through education and experience!

Much simpler to not evolve.

That person, Sway1967, is off their meds - or should be on them. Regardless, a mindless and addled mindset, full of fake rage. Angry because someone doesn't see in line with a hippy attitude - a stinky nasty way of life. An angry self centered gilt. For some reason beyond accepting. "Touched" is one way to put it.

Swayed1967 is damaged. Not enlightened.

Swayed1967 is can't you hear me off my rocker. A self indulgent black hole - beyond self center of ego laiden grudgement - a gravity of fakeness and wrongness that culls anything into a center of entire darkness. Spews an attitude of self righteousness that runs off on tangents that aren't culturally relevant, so stuck in the past, and has zero to do with The Rolling Stones, in any way, just a shit guzzling attitude on an Rolling Stones forum.

A negative contribution. Beyond the idiocy of 'a done deal', whoever that was, yet alone JumpinJackO'Lantern etc (probably the same person) and a couple others, the whole 'ride off into glory' bullshit.

Sway1967's self righteous bitch - BITCH - jagoff attitude - is an abomination to, for and of It's one thing to ride a wave of laughter about whatever but it's another to be a bitch.

That's Sway1967.

No pun intended.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2025-02-05 06:34 by GasLightStreet.

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: Swayed1967 ()
Date: February 5, 2025 10:25

Treacle, how DARE YOU have a different opinion - and age! - from 20 years ago. That's incredibly weak. Don't you see how much of a fool you've been?

One day you'll look in the mirror and say DAMN YOU, 20 YEARS AGO ME! and the world will breathe easier.

Indeed, it can also be a little daunting, even frightening, to have one's views evolve over time, through education and experience!

Much simpler to not evolve.

That person, Sway1967, is off their meds - or should be on them. Regardless, a mindless and addled mindset, full of fake rage. Angry because someone doesn't see in line with a hippy attitude - a stinky nasty way of life. An angry self centered gilt. For some reason beyond accepting. "Touched" is one way to put it.

Swayed1967 is damaged. Not enlightened.

Swayed1967 is can't you hear me off my rocker. A self indulgent black hole - beyond self center of ego laiden grudgement - a gravity of fakeness and wrongness that culls anything into a center of entire darkness. Spews an attitude of self righteousness that runs off on tangents that aren't culturally relevant, so stuck in the past, and has zero to do with The Rolling Stones, in any way, just a shit guzzling attitude on an Rolling Stones forum.

A negative contribution. Beyond the idiocy of 'a done deal', whoever that was, yet alone JumpinJackO'Lantern etc (probably the same person) and a couple others, the whole 'ride off into glory' bullshit.

Sway1967's self righteous bitch - BITCH - jagoff attitude - is an abomination to, for and of It's one thing to ride a wave of laughter about whatever but it's another to be a bitch.

That's Sway1967.

No pun intended.

Swayed1967’s confession: I’m off my meds. I’m mindless. I’m a stinky, angry hippie. I’m a black hole. I am gravity. I’m so complicated. I shit attitude but I’m not culturally relevant. I’m the same person as a couple of others. I am grudgement. I am woman. That’s me.

You, on the other hand, are evidently a retard.

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: Swayed1967 ()
Date: February 5, 2025 10:28

OK, after a few new and changed votes I updated again.
I couldn't count around 10 votes because there was no clear order, or only 4-9 albums were listed, not 10.

1. I've count only the clear ten album voters and vote's with a clear ranking
2. best album = 10 points ... last album per membercount = 1 point
3. counted the most recent votes from members who changed their minds

Here is the result after 49 votes:
01. Tattoo You --------- 451
02. Undercover --------- 308
03. Emotional Rescue ---- 305
04. Hackney Diamonds --- 301
05. Bridges To Babylon --- 276
06. Voodoo Lounge ------ 264
07. Steel Wheels -------- 259
08. Blue & Lonesome ---- 223
09. A Bigger Bang ------ 180
10. Dirty Work --------- 129

very close between 2nd - 4th place, but a very clear number 1 thumbs up

Thank you for that.
I hate to put a negative spin on it but HD really does seem destined to fall further in the rankings. With both BtB and VL making massive gains on it in such a short time it seems obvious to me that HD will eventually settle into 6th or 7th. I don’t see it going any lower than that but frankly I’m not sure it should be ranked above Dirty Work (I’m not sure BtB & VL should be ranked above DW for that matter either). Oh I understand the revulsion for DW – songs like ‘Back To Zero’ are so appallingly bad a barf bag should’ve been inserted in the album jacket. Most of the worst songs they’ve ever released are found on this album. So sure, I can’t really argue with anyone who puts it on the bottom. Still, there are five strong songs on DW that are better IMO than the best five songs of any subsequent album so on that basis I rank it higher than most.

Re: YOUR ranking/rating the albums since 1980
Posted by: matxil ()
Date: February 5, 2025 12:38


Oh I understand the revulsion for DW – songs like ‘Back To Zero’ are so appallingly bad a barf bag should’ve been inserted in the album jacket. Most of the worst songs they’ve ever released are found on this album. So sure, I can’t really argue with anyone who puts it on the bottom. Still, there are five strong songs on DW that are better IMO than the best five songs of any subsequent album so on that basis I rank it higher than most.

I said it earlier I think, but I don't mind repeating.
DW is like TSMR: 50% very very very bad, 50% much better.
Overall, I think TSMR has more absolutely great songs (at least 3, maybe 4).
With DW, it's 1 potentially great (if it weren't for the bad production), 2 good ones and 1 that also potentially could be great but suffers even more from bad production.

VL on the other hand, like HD, like SW doesn't have very bad songs on it, not many very good songs (or none) either, so they end up being boring.
ABB is equally mediocre but it has also 2 absolutely terrible songs on it.
So, it's hard to compare the albums.

Maybe one should make a list of albums and a list of best songs of those albums.

1. Tattoo You
2. Emotional Rescue or Undercover
3. Undercover of Emotional Rescue
4. Steel Wheels
5. Bridges to Babylon
6. Blue & Lonesome
7. Hackney Diamonds
8. Voodoo Lounge
9. A Bigger Bang
10. Dirty Work

Songs from those albums (but only one for each album):
1. Slave - (TY)
2. She's So Cold - (ER)
3. Tie You Up (Pain of Love) - (U)
4. Thief In The Night - (BtB )
5. One Hit - (DW)
6. Little Rain - (B & L)
7. Slipping Away - (SW)
8. Love Is Strong - (VL)
9. Laugh, I Nearly Died - (ABB )
10. Driving Me Too Hard - (HD)

This way, DW ends up surprisingly high in the list.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2025-02-05 12:40 by matxil.

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