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Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: peoplewitheyes ()
Date: December 14, 2024 11:01

I agree about the bass playing on HD. Sadly, Daryll just seems to chug along on the root notes (perhaps as demanded by MJ or KR). HD features much more melodic, rhythmically interesting baselines, which had been a crucial feature of Bill-era Stones.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Swayed1967 ()
Date: December 14, 2024 16:46

What makes HD stand out to me in regard to, eh, 1989 onward, since it's not very many albums in comparison to 1964-1983, is the depth of the album in its place. Like SOME GIRLS it has a country song that takes, rather than just sits there, as well as a nice variance throughout the rest of the album, whatever you want to call it, genres or stylings.

Where as BRIDGES was them attempting to be modern, at times, it sounds really good compared to VOODOO or BANG, with VOODOO sounding flat and BANG sounding overcooked. HD has that same element that BRIDGES has only with much better songs, which is probably why people have liked HD so much.

Good analysis

Really? To me it's just more of his incoherent rambling.
What does 'the depth of the album in its place' mean?

What does 'it has a country song that takes, rather than just sits there' mean?

What does 'Where as Bridges was them attempting to be modern, at times' mean?

Voodoo sounds 'flat?' I'm assuming you agree with that so what does it mean? Is it the flattest sounding Stones album in your opinion or are there others that I should know about?

Ask yourself why you praise such drivel.

Such drivel.

Your response, Sway1967, waffles on cognitive dissonance.

You're not able - or are purposely choosing not to - understand what I said, which, forgive me for saying such a thing, "incoherent rambling" is an


You don't like it.

I respect that. I respect "drivel".

Perhaps you're a bit stuck in the past? I don't really know. Maybe 1967 reveals?

I'm am totally at open arms upon receiving otherwise and learning - iorr knows, in places, all too well, that I am an @#$%& about DIRTY WORK.

You clearly missed the point. So I will respond, with your whatever in italics:

To me it's just more of his incoherent rambling.
What does 'the depth of the album in its place' mean?

In absolute regard to its (the album alone) existence in place of The Rolling Stones' discography. There's absolutely zero about that that is "incoherent rambling". It's specific. I'm sorry you couldn't understand that aspect. I thought I was clear.

What does 'it has a country song that takes, rather than just sits there' mean?

If you can't get that I don't know what else to tell you. But I will help: Faraway Eyes was (is) cheeky, at the time, but since then is great silly. Dreamy Skies is, from what I can tell, from the heart.

Big difference.

What does 'Where as Bridges was them attempting to be modern, at times' mean?

If you can't understand that there's nothing to say.

Voodoo sounds 'flat?' I'm assuming you agree with that so what does it mean? Is it the flattest sounding Stones album in your opinion or are there others that I should know about?

VOODOO is a waffle or pancake: not much to it. It indeed sounds flat. The only other album that comes close to that sound is, bizarrely, BLACK AND BLUE, which, given its clarity, is a rather flat sounding album. The beauty is it's more clear.

My "incoherent rambling" is entertaining and baffling. Without going too into it, perhaps get another opinion, say, by Dandelion. There may be an understanding that you could find a way to appreciate. More so of purpose than taste, because, as the saying goes, "there's no accounting for taste".

If you choose to stay on your view, fine. Consider anything I say to be "incoherent rambling" and don't bother. Or do. And deal with other.

I've been whatever about whatever and have been told, in whatever ways, and have found otherwise because of... we're all humans. No opinion is better. No opinion is better. There are no trophies for opinions.

No reason to act like people are getting trophies. We're all "just saying" except, unlike that saying, we back it up, regardless of taste, and not empty unreasoning and lies.

I suppose you fancy yourself creative, a poet or entertainer of sorts, but that response was drearily predictable.
You get called on your verbal diarrhea so you double down on it. Even worse, you try to shrug off 17,000 posts of self-indulgent nonsense as just another guy offering his opinion.

You’re a selfish SOB. Show this forum a little respect and take the time to express yourself in a coherent manner…Please.
It’s not too much to ask. I shouldn’t have to ask.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: December 14, 2024 17:24

I wonder if Darryl wasn't really available, or if it was just a happy coincidence? This is the best bass on a Stones album since Steel Wheels. Even Andrew Watt's playing is better on their albums than they've had in decades. I wonder if they'll buckle under and use Darryl if they put out another album. That would make me sad, because the bass was really 'there' on Hackney Diamonds. It got the emotional underpinning their records have sorely missed since Bill walked away.

I think it depends on what they themselves think of the bass playing on HD. I don't think they would have a problem changing it up, they lost their long-time producer, several back up singers, and anyone ever remember Blondie?

With that said I think most of the new album is already baked, if we're to believe Mick. Which if all recorded at mostly the same time might indicate that Darryl wouldn't be on it, or mostly not again so you may in fact get your wish.

From memory I think there's a second Wyman track recorded, so we may see that too.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: December 14, 2024 23:08

What makes HD stand out to me in regard to, eh, 1989 onward, since it's not very many albums in comparison to 1964-1983, is the depth of the album in its place. Like SOME GIRLS it has a country song that takes, rather than just sits there, as well as a nice variance throughout the rest of the album, whatever you want to call it, genres or stylings.

Where as BRIDGES was them attempting to be modern, at times, it sounds really good compared to VOODOO or BANG, with VOODOO sounding flat and BANG sounding overcooked. HD has that same element that BRIDGES has only with much better songs, which is probably why people have liked HD so much.

Good analysis

Really? To me it's just more of his incoherent rambling.
What does 'the depth of the album in its place' mean?

What does 'it has a country song that takes, rather than just sits there' mean?

What does 'Where as Bridges was them attempting to be modern, at times' mean?

Voodoo sounds 'flat?' I'm assuming you agree with that so what does it mean? Is it the flattest sounding Stones album in your opinion or are there others that I should know about?

Ask yourself why you praise such drivel.

Such drivel.

Your response, Sway1967, waffles on cognitive dissonance.

You're not able - or are purposely choosing not to - understand what I said, which, forgive me for saying such a thing, "incoherent rambling" is an


You don't like it.

I respect that. I respect "drivel".

Perhaps you're a bit stuck in the past? I don't really know. Maybe 1967 reveals?

I'm am totally at open arms upon receiving otherwise and learning - iorr knows, in places, all too well, that I am an @#$%& about DIRTY WORK.

You clearly missed the point. So I will respond, with your whatever in italics:

To me it's just more of his incoherent rambling.
What does 'the depth of the album in its place' mean?

In absolute regard to its (the album alone) existence in place of The Rolling Stones' discography. There's absolutely zero about that that is "incoherent rambling". It's specific. I'm sorry you couldn't understand that aspect. I thought I was clear.

What does 'it has a country song that takes, rather than just sits there' mean?

If you can't get that I don't know what else to tell you. But I will help: Faraway Eyes was (is) cheeky, at the time, but since then is great silly. Dreamy Skies is, from what I can tell, from the heart.

Big difference.

What does 'Where as Bridges was them attempting to be modern, at times' mean?

If you can't understand that there's nothing to say.

Voodoo sounds 'flat?' I'm assuming you agree with that so what does it mean? Is it the flattest sounding Stones album in your opinion or are there others that I should know about?

VOODOO is a waffle or pancake: not much to it. It indeed sounds flat. The only other album that comes close to that sound is, bizarrely, BLACK AND BLUE, which, given its clarity, is a rather flat sounding album. The beauty is it's more clear.

My "incoherent rambling" is entertaining and baffling. Without going too into it, perhaps get another opinion, say, by Dandelion. There may be an understanding that you could find a way to appreciate. More so of purpose than taste, because, as the saying goes, "there's no accounting for taste".

If you choose to stay on your view, fine. Consider anything I say to be "incoherent rambling" and don't bother. Or do. And deal with other.

I've been whatever about whatever and have been told, in whatever ways, and have found otherwise because of... we're all humans. No opinion is better. No opinion is better. There are no trophies for opinions.

No reason to act like people are getting trophies. We're all "just saying" except, unlike that saying, we back it up, regardless of taste, and not empty unreasoning and lies.

I suppose you fancy yourself creative, a poet or entertainer of sorts, but that response was drearily predictable.
You get called on your verbal diarrhea so you double down on it. Even worse, you try to shrug off 17,000 posts of self-indulgent nonsense as just another guy offering his opinion.

You’re a selfish SOB. Show this forum a little respect and take the time to express yourself in a coherent manner…Please.
It’s not too much to ask. I shouldn’t have to ask.

All because you don't understand what "a country song that takes" means. What I said is 100% coherent and certainly isn't "verbal diarrhea". Your cognition is your issue.

You don't have to respond to an opinion. Yet you did - you went out of your way as if it was an insult to you. Respect for this forum? Your projection is showing.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: bonddm ()
Date: December 24, 2024 09:29

CD/Blu-ray version currently $50.42 (AUD) on the Aussie Amazon.


Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: artedm ()
Date: February 3, 2025 01:01


Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: mariano ()
Date: February 3, 2025 01:01

hot smiley

Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: Blueranger ()
Date: February 3, 2025 01:03

Absolutely well deserved! It is their best album in over 40 years!

Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: tumbled ()
Date: February 3, 2025 01:05

The best of the best and greatness never dies!! Woo hoo

Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: February 3, 2025 01:12

Who will accept the award on their behalf? The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man?

Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: TW2019 ()
Date: February 3, 2025 01:13

Wow this is great. Well deserved, amazing album

Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: Blueranger ()
Date: February 3, 2025 01:40

FYI: Andrew Watt accepted the award on The Stones’ behalf.
- By the way: The Beatles won for Best Rock Performance with Now And Then.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2025-02-03 01:46 by Blueranger.

Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: Sockers56 ()
Date: February 3, 2025 02:10

The Grammy's will be on this evening from 8:00-11:30 pm. Does anyone know about when in the broadcast, the "Best Rock Album"will be announced? I know they won already but would like to see the award when it's televised.

Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: stargroover ()
Date: February 3, 2025 02:20

Great news for the Rolling Stones and Beatles!

Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: Blueranger ()
Date: February 3, 2025 02:23

The Grammy's will be on this evening from 8:00-11:30 pm. Does anyone know about when in the broadcast, the "Best Rock Album"will be announced? I know they won already but would like to see the award when it's televised.

I don’t know. I grabbed the live event on Youtube.
If you use the marker, The Stones thing appears at around “-1:30” (what’s left of the show).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2025-02-03 02:29 by Blueranger.

Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: Sockers56 ()
Date: February 3, 2025 02:26

Thank you!

Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: TKinOH ()
Date: February 3, 2025 03:13

Great to hear!

Such a solid effort from The Stones! And cheers to Andrew Watt!

Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Date: February 3, 2025 03:56

Well deserved!

On the 7th day God created The Rolling Stones

Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: February 3, 2025 04:15

Woo hoo!

New all blue vinyl edition coming out next!!!??

Ha ha!


Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: perkmo ()
Date: February 3, 2025 05:55



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2025-02-03 06:04 by perkmo.

Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: JadedFaded ()
Date: February 3, 2025 06:25

Congratulations to the Stones!

Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: February 3, 2025 07:05


Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: angee ()
Date: February 3, 2025 07:12

Thx, Rockee! spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

~"Love is Strong"~

Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: February 3, 2025 07:14

Anytime AngeeBabeeeee .... X


Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: February 3, 2025 08:02

Group Hug!

Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: tiffanyblu ()
Date: February 3, 2025 08:08

Well deserved!

Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: kowalski ()
Date: February 3, 2025 08:13

Congratulations to the band and their new ptoducer !
But why an album released in 2023 gets a grammy for best album in 2025 ?

Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: HardRiffin ()
Date: February 3, 2025 09:04

Congrats to Andy and the band smileys with beer

Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: ProfessorWolf ()
Date: February 3, 2025 09:25

whoo hoo!grinning smiley

Re: Hackney Diamonds wins Grammy!
Posted by: mickschix ()
Date: February 3, 2025 09:48

The acceptance for winning Best Rock Album was NOT SHOWN during the live telecast! What a PISSER! Not one word was said about the Stones winning a Grammy! What a frigging show! They'd rather show rappers winning awards for crap that doesn't even qualify to be called music!There were some great moments during the show, like Alicia Keyes' speech about inclusion and the best part was Taylor Swift came up EMPTY! No awards! YIPPEE!

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