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Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: wickerman ()
Date: April 13, 2023 12:59

Assuming it is hard to book stadiums in the US for the Fall, do you think they will consider plan B and proceed with Europe? It worked really well with 2017 itinerary - so why not repeating the successful patern? cool smiley

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Date: April 13, 2023 13:06

Assuming it is hard to book stadiums in the US for the Fall, do you think they will consider plan B and proceed with Europe? It worked really well with 2017 itinerary - so why not repeating the successful patern? cool smiley

Well everything points to a fall reshedule. Plans can change, sure, but there has not been an indication or hint they will do anything else than the US at this moment. As far as I know.

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: April 13, 2023 13:20


Assuming it is hard to book stadiums in the US for the Fall, do you think they will consider plan B and proceed with Europe?

An alternative (if US in Fall doesn't work) could also be South America in Feb/Mar 2024. Or Asia/Oceania.

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: caschimann ()
Date: April 13, 2023 13:42

After 61 years of highly successful performances by The Rolling Stones, some fans do still think they know better how to do the live acts...

Again: I never said a bad word about one of the gigs I saw in 41 years.
I hate moaning. I HATE the "by 2.34 into JJF Ronnie made a mistake"-stuff. etc.
But the thing I am talking about is not the gig itself it is the import moment they come on stage.
Which simply should be done in a better way.

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Date: April 13, 2023 13:53

How can «Ladies and gentlemen – The Rolling Stones» be bettered?

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: April 13, 2023 13:53

After 61 years of highly successful performances by The Rolling Stones, some fans do still think they know better how to do the live acts...

Again: I never said a bad word about one of the gigs I saw in 41 years.
I hate moaning. I HATE the "by 2.34 into JJF Ronnie made a mistake"-stuff. etc.
But the thing I am talking about is not the gig itself it is the import moment they come on stage.
Which simply should be done in a better way.

I saw a hybrid B2B/NS show in Portland where whilst Keith was center stage Mick just appeared 10 feet away from me. I was seated at the rear corner of the stage in the first row. Hard to top that.

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: ribbelchips ()
Date: April 13, 2023 14:46

How can «Ladies and gentlemen – The Rolling Stones» be bettered?

"Ladies and gentlemen: The Greatest Rock 'n Roll Band in the World, Would you welcome please... The Rrrrooollliing Stooooonessss"

Of simply without any real announcement. An intro movie or some fireworks like during the Voodoo Lounge and Bridges to Babylon tours....

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: VoodooLounge13 ()
Date: April 13, 2023 17:09

I didn’t know it was Matt Clifford doing the introduction. I thoroughly enjoy it as well. It’s one of the best things to ever hear!!!

He does it with Mick's mic then hands it off to him

I didn't know that either. However unimportant this detail is, I'd say, why not skip that introduction anyway, it's not like the audience are unaware of which band they're going to see. Many bands don't have an introduction, they have some intro tape thingy and simply start to play. In my experience a spoken announcement somehow takes away the excitement a bit.

Now see I have a completely DIFFERENT take on that!!! Whilst I did enjoy the intro to the NS tour, and the intro to the Zip Code tour, B2B too, there is nothing like hearing, Laaaaaaaaaaaaadies and Gentlemen.....The Rolling Stones!!!!

It genuinely gives me goose bumps every damn time!!! And actually on some of the above mentioned tours didn't they still get announced? At least for the Zip Code tour??

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: NashvilleBlues ()
Date: April 13, 2023 17:25

...Now it just a boring cliche, just like those stupid 'Kings of This or That' The Americans seem to love. The Stones, classy English Gentlemen, do not need to call themselves with that. Let the others do...

- Doxa

Being knighted and being called sir (not American things) are acts of humbleness, right? C'mon now, stop with the trash talk. No need to slam entire countries/continents.

Those funny English knighthoods and Sirs are official recognitions and titles. Like someone is titled as Doctor of Philosophy or the President of the United States. One can wonder anyway how much humbliness has relevance for having any of those titles or not (or if any of those institutions have a point). But the point is that those titles are not based on someone liking someone so much that he or she decides to call someone, say, King of Pop or King of Rock (by the way, why there needs to be so many Kings in the country that once time ago was such wise that get rid of the whole Royal institution) or The Greatest Rock and Roll Band in the World despite there might be even a huge crowd thinking alike. So probably if the Stones would be so title-eager and take the official route, they could call themselves, say, Rock and Hall of Famers... (hahaha).

- Doxa

Being knighted and being liked kind of go hand-in-hand, right? Why would they knight someone who isn't liked by many?

Accepting a knighthood is not humble. My main point: Don't trash a whole country. Be classy, like you say your countrymen are.

Strange claims. If I understand right the British give those titles (knighthoods) as awards for achieving something that is valuable to British life. It used to be war-related, but for ages it has been also contributions in diplomacy, education, science, arts, sports, charity of whatever. So there are Sirs and Dames from different areas of life. And no, it is not a recognitions of 'being liked' or 'popular', but that of achieving something noteworthy in one's field. Probably for pop stars, by definition, a'la Sir Paul and Sir Mick, being relatively popular/liked belongs to the picture for having achieved something. But I don't know what, say, in the case of scientists means being 'liked' or 'popular'.

That of being 'not humble' if one receives such a honour from one's country? So, for example, Dr. Alexander Fleming, who discovered penicillin and made many other biomedical discoveries is somehow 'non-humble' for accepting his knighthood for his contributions? I guess that is not that different than accepting a Nobel Prize for one's achievements.

I guess the long historical package and certain semantical connotations might make these Knights sound even comical for non-British ears (and for some of them as well, especially if one has Keef-like anti-establishment sentiments), but basically similar honours and recognitions by different titles/medals etc. are given all over the world, about in each country I guess. You know, doing something worthy for your country or something. Isn't there in USA such as things like Presidential Medal of Freedom, National Medal of Arts, etc.? But the humble people over there do not accept such awards?

Trashing a whole country? With that casual, innocent remark stating pretty much the obvious? Oh, c'mon. You cannot be that serious or sensitive, can you? But seemingly you have no problems in bashing other country's institutions. And citizen too. Besides, if you didn't see the irony in me calling The Stones "classy English Gentlemen", you probably missed a lot in my not-that-serious post. A bit of humor makes life easier, right?

Lastly, I am from Finland. Nothing to do with Britain or with its ancient (and sorry Brittons here, a bit dated-sounding) institutions.

Now this is tour-talk! grinning smiley

Sorry BV, I stop this OT here...

- Doxa

Fair enough. No hard feelings. Some things get lost in print that would not get lost in person. Peace and love!

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: snoopy2 ()
Date: April 13, 2023 17:34

Damn Snoopy,The Shoals Theater, Enjoy! Patterson Hood, Mike Cooley, and Jason Isbell released really good double live cd recorded at the Shoals Theater.

Ya a solid album, good venue too, intimate.. As far as Mr. Leavell of course I'll ask about the album & tour, and of course I won't get any inside info but will try smiling smiley

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: jshidoob ()
Date: April 13, 2023 17:52

Interesting that Mick hasn't posted on any social media platforms since 2/8/23. Hopefully everything is ok and it is just a minor foot/ankle issue that some have referenced.

Anyone hearing any rumblings regarding a fall tour announcement in June?

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: April 13, 2023 17:54

Chuck Leavell playing here May 27 (Shoals Theater, Florence).. Caught his show here last time and he rocks a small venue, and easier to meet and chat with.. Reach out if you might show!

Snoopy, where can I find some info about this show (or others)? I live in Georgia. Chuck's site doesn't have any info.


Elmo AKA Scotty

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: Christiaan ()
Date: April 13, 2023 18:28

Oooh my god, are we now so far gone, that we discuss about an annouchment and if it is good or no good??? hot smiley

It’s not about 10 seconds of the whole concert. It isn’t relevant!! At least it isn’t to me!!

I don’t care if they are introduced or not. Many tours there was no annouchment at all. I just come to see and hear my Heroes, The Rolling Stones.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-04-13 20:54 by Christiaan.

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: Christiaan ()
Date: April 13, 2023 18:32

After 61 years of highly successful performances by The Rolling Stones, some fans do still think they know better how to do the live acts...

Everything all right in the Critics section? As Mick would ask probably ( El Mocambo spinning smiley sticking its tongue out smiling bouncing smiley)

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: April 13, 2023 18:35

Elmo Lewis

where can I find some info about this show

Chuck Leavell, 24-May-2023 - [] .

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Date: April 13, 2023 19:24

Interesting that Mick hasn't posted on any social media platforms since 2/8/23. Hopefully everything is ok and it is just a minor foot/ankle issue that some have referenced.

Anyone hearing any rumblings regarding a fall tour announcement in June?

The 'album cover'-post was more recent than that. A couple weeks ago, if memory serves.

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: snoopy2 ()
Date: April 13, 2023 19:33

Elmo Lewis

where can I find some info about this show

Chuck Leavell, 24-May-2023 - [] .

Think that date is incorrect.. My tickets and the marquee now show May 27th.. Yes. Elmo, go to Shoals Theater site, can choose your seat etc

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: April 13, 2023 19:45


Think that date is incorrect..

Yeah, the Theatre itself says 24th while the Ticket site says 27th .... but there're currently no further infos about this event.

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: StonedRambler ()
Date: April 13, 2023 21:39

The announcement is legendary by now. I couldn't imagine a Rolling Stones concert without it anymore.

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: April 13, 2023 22:09

How can «Ladies and gentlemen – The Rolling Stones» be bettered?

"Ladies and gentlemen: The Greatest Rock 'n Roll Band in the World, Would you welcome please... The Rrrrooollliing Stooooonessss"

Of simply without any real announcement. An intro movie or some fireworks like during the Voodoo Lounge and Bridges to Babylon tours....

How about something like, "We're sorry for the delay, is everybody ready...for the next band?"

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: April 13, 2023 23:48

...Now it just a boring cliche, just like those stupid 'Kings of This or That' The Americans seem to love. The Stones, classy English Gentlemen, do not need to call themselves with that. Let the others do...

- Doxa

Being knighted and being called sir (not American things) are acts of humbleness, right? C'mon now, stop with the trash talk. No need to slam entire countries/continents.

Those funny English knighthoods and Sirs are official recognitions and titles. Like someone is titled as Doctor of Philosophy or the President of the United States. One can wonder anyway how much humbliness has relevance for having any of those titles or not (or if any of those institutions have a point). But the point is that those titles are not based on someone liking someone so much that he or she decides to call someone, say, King of Pop or King of Rock (by the way, why there needs to be so many Kings in the country that once time ago was such wise that get rid of the whole Royal institution) or The Greatest Rock and Roll Band in the World despite there might be even a huge crowd thinking alike. So probably if the Stones would be so title-eager and take the official route, they could call themselves, say, Rock and Hall of Famers... (hahaha).

- Doxa

Being knighted and being liked kind of go hand-in-hand, right? Why would they knight someone who isn't liked by many?

Accepting a knighthood is not humble. My main point: Don't trash a whole country. Be classy, like you say your countrymen are.

Strange claims. If I understand right the British give those titles (knighthoods) as awards for achieving something that is valuable to British life. It used to be war-related, but for ages it has been also contributions in diplomacy, education, science, arts, sports, charity of whatever. So there are Sirs and Dames from different areas of life. And no, it is not a recognitions of 'being liked' or 'popular', but that of achieving something noteworthy in one's field. Probably for pop stars, by definition, a'la Sir Paul and Sir Mick, being relatively popular/liked belongs to the picture for having achieved something. But I don't know what, say, in the case of scientists means being 'liked' or 'popular'.

That of being 'not humble' if one receives such a honour from one's country? So, for example, Dr. Alexander Fleming, who discovered penicillin and made many other biomedical discoveries is somehow 'non-humble' for accepting his knighthood for his contributions? I guess that is not that different than accepting a Nobel Prize for one's achievements.

I guess the long historical package and certain semantical connotations might make these Knights sound even comical for non-British ears (and for some of them as well, especially if one has Keef-like anti-establishment sentiments), but basically similar honours and recognitions by different titles/medals etc. are given all over the world, about in each country I guess. You know, doing something worthy for your country or something. Isn't there in USA such as things like Presidential Medal of Freedom, National Medal of Arts, etc.? But the humble people over there do not accept such awards?

Trashing a whole country? With that casual, innocent remark stating pretty much the obvious? Oh, c'mon. You cannot be that serious or sensitive, can you? But seemingly you have no problems in bashing other country's institutions. And citizen too. Besides, if you didn't see the irony in me calling The Stones "classy English Gentlemen", you probably missed a lot in my not-that-serious post. A bit of humor makes life easier, right?

Lastly, I am from Finland. Nothing to do with Britain or with its ancient (and sorry Brittons here, a bit dated-sounding) institutions.

Now this is tour-talk! grinning smiley

Sorry BV, I stop this OT here...

- Doxa

Fair enough. No hard feelings. Some things get lost in print that would not get lost in person. Peace and love!

Cheers! I appreciate your words. Indeed. Peace and Love!

- Doxa

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: April 13, 2023 23:53

Thanks, Irix and snoopy2

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: schwonek ()
Date: April 14, 2023 00:11

Interesting that Mick hasn't posted on any social media platforms since 2/8/23. Hopefully everything is ok and it is just a minor foot/ankle issue that some have referenced.

Well. He posted once in September, once in October, once in November - I don't think he does much on social once the tour is over. And some of them were "just" about people passing. So I wouldnt worry.

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: GeirGG ()
Date: April 14, 2023 00:12

Maybe announcement discussions should be in another thread? It is getting a bit tedious, and a big disappointment every time one hopes for actual tour rumors.

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: More Hot Rocks ()
Date: April 14, 2023 04:22

A few months from now people will be complaining about the choice of songs from the new album they played live.

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: Dalgtor ()
Date: April 14, 2023 06:24

I have thought that the simple, humble and funnily formal introduction, "Ladies and Gentlemen.. The Rolling Stones!" is as spot on and cool as it can be.

Actually that of introducing them now as 'the greatest rock and roll band in the world" would just sound so corny and cheap. No class. When Cutler uttered those famous words, that was a controversial, ballsy and arrogant claim, since there was also a band called The Beatles still around. It had a point and like the band setting themselves a challenge they knew they were going to meet. Now it just a boring cliche, just like those stupid 'Kings of This or That' The Americans seem to love. The Stones, classy English Gentlemen, do not need to call themselves with that. Let the others do...

- Doxa

I agree. I think it's perfect for them.

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: Dalgtor ()
Date: April 14, 2023 06:26

Maybe announcement discussions should be in another thread? It is getting a bit tedious, and a big disappointment every time one hopes for actual tour rumors.

Also agree with this.

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Date: April 14, 2023 08:03

40x5 Tributo Bar are fan members who probably have access to insider info on the Stones plans. The Bar is pointing that new tour should start in September []

Probably we'll hear more info soon. My guess is that we can expect the announcement by mid-May/early June if the tour starts on early September

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2023-04-14 08:15 by DiegoGlimmerStones.

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: April 14, 2023 08:32

September - like the good old days when every Stones tour began in September (or late August) in the States and was followed up by a Euro tour in the summer thereon.
Usually they released a new album at the same time. Maybe that's the order this time around also - except the Euro tour though...

Re: Stones tour plans 2023
Date: April 14, 2023 10:37

September - like the good old days when every Stones tour began in September (or late August) in the States and was followed up by a Euro tour in the summer thereon.
Usually they released a new album at the same time. Maybe that's the order this time around also - except the Euro tour though...

Let's see...

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