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I totally agree. On this show Keith and Ronnie play more like the guitar trading Keith and MT used to do. It's a much more defined lead and rythm approach. Ronnie really get the opporunity to shine and he does. In the end of JJF he play on full capasity and shows how great he really is. Its funky and bluesy and his right hand just flows perfect. I never tend to get nerdy about his playing, but on this release I find myself going back and repeating the best licks and trye to incorporate to my own playing. -And one more thing: the mix has the guitars way up front!! Thank you Ronnie and the Rolling StonesQuote
...The band once again confirms that they are at their best when they focus on the blues...
Best Live release ever. Hot Stuff grooves as hell!!!...
Thank you Rolling Stones.
Not trying to rain on anyone's parade, but I think the sound on this release is disappointing for all the reasons one might anticipate these days: brickwalled, compressed, fake reverb added. It's like Bob Clearmountain is trying to appeal to today's youth audience that is used to music being overly processed and polished.
I'm baffled by comments from IORR folks who say they actually like the mixes here better than the far more live sounding El Mocambo mixes on Love You Live.
No it’s not.Brusses1973 and LA 1975 and Get Yer Ya Ya’s Out and Altlantic City 1989 and otherscould claim that they are the best.Quote
Best Live release ever. Hot Stuff grooves as hell!!! Hand of fate is outstanding. Charlie's on fire, Ronnie's shining all over the place, Bill kills it (listen carefully to the bass lines, a real joy). Only one thing, I prefer Keith Buck up vocals than Billy's. Miss the back up vocals from Keith specially on "Let's spend the night together" and "Luxury". Another thing, the keyboard lines at the begginig of Luxury is the worst thing Billy Preston has done in his entire career. Ja ja ja.
Really love the mistakes here, the false endings, the song structure struggle, Mick giving up with the falsetto in "Worried", that cocaine voice... (the Bill bassline in this one is awesome). Pure Stones at his best, raw, dirty, rock'n'roll.
If there was any doubt, not for me, once again, they prove that they are the best Rock'n'roll band in history. This time they prove it 45 years later.
Thank you Rolling Stones.
You got it right.And if there were a recording from the 1972 American tour or the 1973Pacific/ Australian show that had as good a mix and sound as what Clearmountain got on El Mocambo it would be awesomeQuote
Mocambo goes on Mt.(bums) Rushmore with Ya Ya, Leeds, Brussels, LA Friday. No need to say one is better than the other IMO.
Still would love HQ LA ‘73 and Toads Place
Amazing.....................all I'd like now is Knebworth and a complete '76 tour show and I'll be well pleased.
Taylor1No it’s not.Brusses1973 and LA 1975 and Get Yer Ya Ya’s Out and Altlantic City 1989 and otherscould claim that they are the best.Quote
Best Live release ever. Hot Stuff grooves as hell!!! Hand of fate is outstanding. Charlie's on fire, Ronnie's shining all over the place, Bill kills it (listen carefully to the bass lines, a real joy). Only one thing, I prefer Keith Buck up vocals than Billy's. Miss the back up vocals from Keith specially on "Let's spend the night together" and "Luxury". Another thing, the keyboard lines at the begginig of Luxury is the worst thing Billy Preston has done in his entire career. Ja ja ja.
Really love the mistakes here, the false endings, the song structure struggle, Mick giving up with the falsetto in "Worried", that cocaine voice... (the Bill bassline in this one is awesome). Pure Stones at his best, raw, dirty, rock'n'roll.
If there was any doubt, not for me, once again, they prove that they are the best Rock'n'roll band in history. This time they prove it 45 years later.
Thank you Rolling Stones.
Amazing.....................all I'd like now is Knebworth and a complete '76 tour show and I'll be well pleased.
Knebworth wasn't the easiest gig for them as they had to follow a smoking hot Lynyrd Skynyrd. Those boys came to play! Ronnie pushed the guitar players out on the tongue of the stage which they had been forbidden to trod upon. They were all good but the late Steve Gaines in particular was outstanding. So sad. He had just joined the band at that point & he never got to live long in his bright future. I would like to see the Stones set, too. & you know the film exists as the whole Skynyrd set came out on video last year.
Elmo Lewis
A question: Has Hey Negrita ever been played live?
Amazing.....................all I'd like now is Knebworth and a complete '76 tour show and I'll be well pleased.
Knebworth wasn't the easiest gig for them as they had to follow a smoking hot Lynyrd Skynyrd. Those boys came to play! Ronnie pushed the guitar players out on the tongue of the stage which they had been forbidden to trod upon. They were all good but the late Steve Gaines in particular was outstanding. So sad. He had just joined the band at that point & he never got to live long in his bright future. I would like to see the Stones set, too. & you know the film exists as the whole Skynyrd set came out on video last year.
Elmo LewisQuote
Amazing.....................all I'd like now is Knebworth and a complete '76 tour show and I'll be well pleased.
Knebworth wasn't the easiest gig for them as they had to follow a smoking hot Lynyrd Skynyrd. Those boys came to play! Ronnie pushed the guitar players out on the tongue of the stage which they had been forbidden to trod upon. They were all good but the late Steve Gaines in particular was outstanding. So sad. He had just joined the band at that point & he never got to live long in his bright future. I would like to see the Stones set, too. & you know the film exists as the whole Skynyrd set came out on video last year.
I had seen Skynyrd on August 1, 1976 and young Steve Gaines was indeed a rising star. A band with as well known a lead singer as RVZ let him sing lead on a couple of songs on Street Survivors and Allen and Gary had both picked up their game after playing with Steve. A tragedy on so many levels.
Interestingly (or not), while they've left in the between song banter from LYL from the 5/3/77, the actual band intros are missing so either they come from another night or (more likely) they just edited them out. The 'Alright Margaret' shout out to Mrs Trudeau just before 'around & around' on LYL has also been omitted!
What?It is not their best show ever. It is a great show , but so is Brussels 1973. The Midnight Rambler,Gimme Shelter You Can't Always Get What You Want and Street Fighting Man from Brussels are as great as anything on this El Mocambo release. And there is stuff on London Roundhouse , LA 1975 and Atlantic City 1989 that are as great as anything here. I would say El Mocambo has the best live performances of Tumbling Dice, Hand of Fate , Hot Stuff, Route 66,Rip This Joint I have heard them play. But there are some weaker, still good tracks. Luxury , Fool To Cry and Dance Little Sister are not as good as the album cuts. And Clearmountain did an incredible job of getting everything to be balanced and sound great. Let him do that with a 1972 show and see what you have .Quote
Taylor1No it’s not.Brusses1973 and LA 1975 and Get Yer Ya Ya’s Out and Altlantic City 1989 and otherscould claim that they are the best.Quote
Best Live release ever. Hot Stuff grooves as hell!!! Hand of fate is outstanding. Charlie's on fire, Ronnie's shining all over the place, Bill kills it (listen carefully to the bass lines, a real joy). Only one thing, I prefer Keith Buck up vocals than Billy's. Miss the back up vocals from Keith specially on "Let's spend the night together" and "Luxury". Another thing, the keyboard lines at the begginig of Luxury is the worst thing Billy Preston has done in his entire career. Ja ja ja.
Really love the mistakes here, the false endings, the song structure struggle, Mick giving up with the falsetto in "Worried", that cocaine voice... (the Bill bassline in this one is awesome). Pure Stones at his best, raw, dirty, rock'n'roll.
If there was any doubt, not for me, once again, they prove that they are the best Rock'n'roll band in history. This time they prove it 45 years later.
Thank you Rolling Stones.
What did you edit? It's still full of mistakes.
Taylor1What?It is not their best show ever. It is a great show , but so is Brussels 1973. The Midnight Rambler,Gimme Shelter You Can't Always Get What You Want and Street Fighting Man from Brussels are as great as anything on this El Mocambo release. And there is stuff on London Roundhouse , LA 1975 and Atlantic City 1989 that are as great as anything here. I would say El Mocambo has the best live performances of Tumbling Dice, Hand of Fate , Hot Stuff, Route 66,Rip This Joint I have heard them play. But there are some weaker, still good tracks. Luxury , Fool To Cry and Dance Little Sister are not as good as the album cuts. And Clearmountain did an incredible job of getting everything to be balanced and sound great. Let him do that with a 1972 show and see what you have .Quote
Taylor1No it’s not.Brusses1973 and LA 1975 and Get Yer Ya Ya’s Out and Altlantic City 1989 and otherscould claim that they are the best.Quote
Best Live release ever. Hot Stuff grooves as hell!!! Hand of fate is outstanding. Charlie's on fire, Ronnie's shining all over the place, Bill kills it (listen carefully to the bass lines, a real joy). Only one thing, I prefer Keith Buck up vocals than Billy's. Miss the back up vocals from Keith specially on "Let's spend the night together" and "Luxury". Another thing, the keyboard lines at the begginig of Luxury is the worst thing Billy Preston has done in his entire career. Ja ja ja.
Really love the mistakes here, the false endings, the song structure struggle, Mick giving up with the falsetto in "Worried", that cocaine voice... (the Bill bassline in this one is awesome). Pure Stones at his best, raw, dirty, rock'n'roll.
If there was any doubt, not for me, once again, they prove that they are the best Rock'n'roll band in history. This time they prove it 45 years later.
Thank you Rolling Stones.
What did you edit? It's still full of mistakes.