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Re: It's a Lie
Posted by: More Hot Rocks ()
Date: March 16, 2022 05:20

The Allman Brothers carried on for another 45 years after Duane’s death and 20 after Betts was fired.
Like those great big bands and jazz bands of the 40’s and 50’s members came and went. Those bands were sent to many direction to explore. The world changes and evolves it is not stagnant. This is one reason The Stones are the best

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-03-16 05:21 by More Hot Rocks.

Re: It's a Lie
Posted by: Paddy ()
Date: March 16, 2022 06:40

I'm sure people were saying the same when they continued on with Mick Taylor too.. They will carry on.

Those people were right grinning smiley

Re: It's a Lie
Posted by: Paddy ()
Date: March 16, 2022 06:45

Cristiano Radtke
The time will come when many of us will miss even being able to disagree with the point of the post.

This is the sad truth, and they may have continued after Charlie, but it’s done once any of the remaining go. Any Stones gig now is amongst the last.

Re: It's a Lie
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: March 16, 2022 09:04

More Hot Rocks
The Allman Brothers carried on for another 45 years after Duane’s death and 20 after Betts was fired.
Like those great big bands and jazz bands of the 40’s and 50’s members came and went. Those bands were sent to many direction to explore. The world changes and evolves it is not stagnant. This is one reason The Stones are the best

As someone who saw the Allman Brothers with Duane, it was never the same. It was never the great band it was with Duane again. No one ever came along of his caliber to replace him. Yes, band members came and went from Basie and Ellington, but never Basie or Ellingtons. There are bands carrying on with their name but nobody cares.

It was bad enough when Bill quit. Charlie's death is kind of the final nail. Steve's a good rock drummer. I'll have to hear what he sounds like in the studio with them.

Re: Charlie Watts Dies at 80
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: March 16, 2022 22:13

Every time I see this thread pop up, I'm thrown back to August last year.Sometimes still cannot believe it.

I know exactly what you mean. Feel exactly the same

Yep. Still sort of unbelievable.

Yes, and when the Stones plays live without him, it really hits home how much he is missed.

I haven't seen them without him yet. It's going to be hard to get used to. For me the moment it hit home were the photos of the 1st final bow last year with just the 3 of them left. It just didn't feel right. I'm less enthusiastic about this tour than any previous I've attended, but I still plan to make it to all 3 UK shows + just maybe one abroad. All LD if poss. It will be tinged with sadness for sure.

It definitely didn't feel right, and it's definitely not the same.
I managed to see two shows nearby in L.A. last October (LD's for both), and while they were good fun, they were more than enough for that mini-tour.
If they ever make it back to the States - specifically to the SoCal area, I might see them again, but the enthusiasm is definitely far from what it used to be.
Have a good time at the three shows you attend - thumbs up - if I was attending just one, Liverpool would probably be my top pick as my wife and I have friends and family nearby in Chester.

Ta thumbs up. I remember you saying your missus is English. I've never been to Liverpool and I'm 55 next month! Even if my LD turns out to be a dud, I get to see Liverpool for the 1st time. It's the Social with other fans and force of habit that keeps me going.

Re: It's a Lie
Posted by: Four Stone Walls ()
Date: March 17, 2022 23:58

Well, it's not disappointment or disapproval.

They appear to want to carry on as if it's business as usual.

And that's just it - business.

A few choice venues in their old country and home town to cap it off would have been perfect.

With the two other members and a suitable sixties vintage Brit drummer.

So glad we got the Fully Finished release last year + their lasting parting shot.


I do believe ..... (clickbait subject - real subject "Charlie missed")
Posted by: Four Stone Walls ()
Date: March 18, 2022 00:09

I'd o believe that a recent post I made criticizing their continuing to tour without Charlie, as if it were business as usual, has been removed.

If so, disgraceful.

Hope not - Freedom of speech.

No good will come from touring without Charlie.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-03-18 09:33 by bv.

Re: I do believe .....
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: March 18, 2022 00:11

Four Stone Walls

I'd o believe that a recent post I made criticizing their continuing to tour without Charlie, as if it were business as usual, has been removed.

No, it was just merged into another thread - [] .

Re: I do believe .....
Posted by: hockenheim95 ()
Date: March 18, 2022 00:11

It has been merged into the Charlie thread

Re: I do believe .....
Posted by: NilsHolgersson ()
Date: March 18, 2022 00:26

Think about your future
Stop living in the past
Time's not standing still
So stop looking through those tinted glasses

Re: I do believe .....
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: March 18, 2022 00:27

Only wet babies like change ........


Re: I do believe .....
Posted by: NICOS ()
Date: March 18, 2022 00:42

Four Stone Walls
I'd o believe that a recent post I made criticizing their continuing to tour without Charlie, as if it were business as usual, has been removed.

If so, disgraceful.

Hope not - Freedom of speech.

No good will come from touring without Charlie.


I understand your frustration ....glad it's only removed to on other thread...................


Re: I do believe .....
Posted by: Four Stone Walls ()
Date: March 18, 2022 01:32

It has been merged into the Charlie thread

Good (that no totalcensorship) Thanks

Re: I do believe .....
Posted by: Four Stone Walls ()
Date: March 18, 2022 01:44

Think about your future
Stop living in the past
Time's not standing still
So stop looking through those tinted glasses

Odd thing to say.

The Stones have not moved into the future - they retread the past because there is such an uncritical demand from people who want to relive their pasts.

I think it is a very suitable time to bow out. And to look to the future indeed.

Re: I do believe .....
Posted by: Four Stone Walls ()
Date: March 18, 2022 01:49

Four Stone Walls
I'd o believe that a recent post I made criticizing their continuing to tour without Charlie, as if it were business as usual, has been removed.

If so, disgraceful.

Hope not - Freedom of speech.

No good will come from touring without Charlie.


I understand your frustration ....glad it's only removed to on other thread...................

Not frustrated. Too much life to live.

Charlie has gone. It's not the Stones without him. Nor can/will it be.

Enough said really.


Eddy Meadows

Re: I do believe .....
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: March 18, 2022 01:50

Four Stone Walls
Think about your future
Stop living in the past
Time's not standing still
So stop looking through those tinted glasses

Odd thing to say.

The Stones have not moved into the future - they retread the past because there is such an uncritical demand from people who want to relive their pasts.

I think it is a very suitable time to bow out. And to look to the future indeed.

Well, as we're talking about free speech, I feel more comfortable in saying you are totally completely sapping my strength man.

Re: I do believe .....
Posted by: bv ()
Date: March 18, 2022 09:32

Four Stone Walls
I'd o believe that a recent post I made criticizing their continuing to tour without Charlie, as if it were business as usual, has been removed.

If so, disgraceful.

Hope not - Freedom of speech.

No good will come from touring without Charlie.


First of all you make meaningless "click bait" headlines like "I do believe". What kind of subject is that?

Secondly you want to start a new discussion about Charlie not being on the tour. It belongs to the current Charlie thread.

Thirdly you make another post, rather than searching for your own posts. Then you would have found out that your first post is still here, never deleted, just merged into another thread, because of a clickbait subject, and because it is a ongoing discussion with a current thread.


Re: Charlie Watts Dies at 80
Posted by: steadyrollinman ()
Date: March 18, 2022 13:27

The sheer amount of people that were happy today to get a ticket to see the band playing live - for the first or for the one hundredth time - might be a sign of why they should keep doing this.

And Charlie will always be there with the fans, in every song and on every beat.

Re: I do believe .....
Posted by: saintmick ()
Date: March 18, 2022 17:06


I don't know your age, but I assume you're an old adult like most of us. It means by now every cell in your body has replaced the original ones. I assume you don't live in the parents house anymore, your face is different now, your body, your way of thinking, your car, your job, your knowledge, your clothes, your sofa, your taste of food, friends, wife/girfriends, even the look in your eyes must have been changed by now....

Still you claim to be "Eddy"???

What I mean to say is that change is the only stable factor in life.
If you reject change, you reject life.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-03-18 17:07 by saintmick.

Re: I do believe .....
Posted by: StonedRambler ()
Date: March 18, 2022 18:04


I don't know your age, but I assume you're an old adult like most of us. It means by now every cell in your body has replaced the original ones. I assume you don't live in the parents house anymore, your face is different now, your body, your way of thinking, your car, your job, your knowledge, your clothes, your sofa, your taste of food, friends, wife/girfriends, even the look in your eyes must have been changed by now....

Still you claim to be "Eddy"???

What I mean to say is that change is the only stable factor in life.
If you reject change, you reject life.

Wow that's deep stuff, Marco. But I don't know how much it has anything to do with change to go to the same show over and over again, for decades... Most of us are doing that because it's some constant in this ever changing world and life. Change would rather mean putting the Stones aside and going to as many new bands as possible. Still we are all here at this same old board and going to the same old tour this year. And honestly I like it. After those two and half crazy years going to the same old Stones show with the same old warhorses is something I'm really looking forward to.

Re: I do believe .....
Posted by: NilsHolgersson ()
Date: March 18, 2022 21:29

Four Stone Walls
Four Stone Walls
I'd o believe that a recent post I made criticizing their continuing to tour without Charlie, as if it were business as usual, has been removed.

If so, disgraceful.

Hope not - Freedom of speech.

No good will come from touring without Charlie.


I understand your frustration ....glad it's only removed to on other thread...................

Not frustrated. Too much life to live.

Charlie has gone. It's not the Stones without him. Nor can/will it be.

Enough said really.


Eddy Meadows

I think you should go to all the concerts of the SIXTY tour and wear this:

Re: Charlie Watts Dies at 80
Posted by: GJV ()
Date: March 18, 2022 21:34

That IS a cool shirt! No question about it.

Re: Charlie Watts Dies at 80
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: March 18, 2022 21:37

Great shirt.thumbs up

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Charlie Watts Dies at 80
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: March 18, 2022 21:38

Great shirt.thumbs up

It would be even better if they added Bill,Brian & Mick T winking smiley

Re: Charlie Watts Dies at 80
Posted by: NilsHolgersson ()
Date: March 18, 2022 21:43


Re: Charlie Watts Dies at 80
Posted by: doitywoik ()
Date: March 18, 2022 22:16



(maybe yet a few more)

We don't want to waste available space on the tee, no? winking smiley

Re: Charlie Watts Dies at 80
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: March 18, 2022 22:21



(maybe yet a few more)

We don't want to waste available space on the tee, no? winking smiley

Just narrow it down to the only original surviving members:


Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Charlie Watts Dies at 80
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: March 18, 2022 22:51

The heading of this depresses me every time it pops back up. Sigh. The only good thing, if you can call it that, is now I'll have to listen closer to Charlie's playing. I did the same with Bill once he left.

Re: Charlie Watts Dies at 80
Posted by: RaahenTiikeri ()
Date: March 18, 2022 22:57

Stoner are very important constant thing In grazy world.

Re: Charlie Watts Dies at 80
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: March 18, 2022 23:59

oh kaye ....


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