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Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: May 9, 2020 18:20

"I heard it from someone I know".... So, now hearsay is facts here? Please...

I mentioned it earlier in the thread. The person I know is a doctor working on a vaccine for COVID-19.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: May 9, 2020 18:23

Okay, GLS. Fine.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: May 9, 2020 18:43

Okay, GLS. Fine.

LOL it's not a biased opinion. I wouldn't share it if I didn't think it was credible. I shared it more so because it's someone working on something who is quite alarmed by what it's done - this girl is hardly ever home - while what seems a majority of the US is more concerned about being offended to being asked to wear a mask and pounding their liberty or die! chests to go back to crowding things up to, hopefully, spread the virus so we can all have herd immunity.

That last bit was just a tad sarcastic... but it has some truth to it: it's still being viewed as nothing worse than "the" flu.

The US has gone miles up in the sky while jumping the shark.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: May 9, 2020 18:57

Two White House coronavirus cases raise question of if anyone is really safe

WASHINGTON — In his eagerness to reopen the country, President Donald Trump faces the challenge of convincing Americans that it would be safe to go back to the workplace. But the past few days have demonstrated that even his own workplace may not be safe from the coronavirus.

Vice President Mike Pence’s press secretary tested positive for the virus Friday, forcing a delay in the departure of Air Force Two while a half-dozen other members of his staff were taken off the plane for further testing. That came only a day after word that one of the president’s own military valets had been infected.

All of which raised an obvious question: If it is so hard to maintain a healthy environment at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., the most famous office address in the world, where staff members are tested regularly, some as often as every day, then how can businesses across the country without anywhere near as much access to the same resources establish a safe space for their workers?

It was also reported last night (I can't find link now) that 31 secret service agents tested positive and 61 on quarantine.

The White House is now like a meat packing plant except the meat packing employees are compelled to work without proper precautions but in White House they do it voluntarily.

The big difference is everyone being tested often and there is contact tracing.

Is that fair?

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: May 9, 2020 19:04

^^^^^^ Let them eat swabs.....

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: kovach ()
Date: May 9, 2020 19:09

For what it's worth I wear a dual-cartridge respirator mask similar to the one pictured and eye protection goggles over my glasses and some Dollar Store gloves. My mask protects me.

There is not a good air seal at the top of the bridge of my nose so I take a small amount of toilet paper and wet it and it place it to form a good air seal. I haven't seen anyone on the street with something similar when I go out once a week. It seems to me these days that very few people are even wearing surgical masks on the street which I find worrisome.

Good luck finding any of those right now.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bv ()
Date: May 9, 2020 19:30

The corona virus will be around for years, until there is significant immunity in the population. There are two ways to get immunity:

- Getting the covid-19 disease seems to give immunity for some time
- A covid-19 vaccine will give immunity

In Norway right now we have may be 1% of the population with immunity, due to the lockdown. In Sweden there is a slightly larger number with immunity, may be 3%. Still, in order to get herd immunity, you need may be 70% or more immunity in the population. Covid-19 immunity might take 3-4 years in Norway, and other countries with similar lockdown, while Sweden might get immunity in 1-2 years.

Either way, the corona virus is airborne. It will be around and spread as long as people are close. We need to do proper rules of virus control for a long time. The level of lockdown will be defined by how serious the situation is in each area. The elderly, nursing homes, and others people with health issues, need to be protected. Hospitals need to have capacity, both for corona patients, as well as for all other normal activity.

We will need a lot of control, testing and tracing for may be 1-2 years still. Those who think we may open up completely this summer does not understand how the virus is working, and what damage the virus may do, both to people's health, and to the economy.

Follow the facts. Ignore political sales talk.


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: May 9, 2020 20:05

If you want to support musicians and make good use of the Stones logo : []

Fake ... and illegal!!!!

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: May 9, 2020 20:28

Hmmm... this is interesting. Before anyone gets tooooo excited, they’re looking at the non-psychotropic CBD’s possible anti-inflammatory properties as a treatment. Interesting to see how they are approaching this virus, trying to find a treatment to address some of the effects.

Cannabis shows promise blocking coronavirus infection: Alberta researcher
Author of the article: Bill Kaufmann

Cannabis extracts are showing potential in making people more resistant to the novel coronavirus, says an Alberta researcher leading a study.

After sifting through 400 cannabis strains, researchers at the University of Lethbridge are concentrating on about a dozen that show promising results in ensuring less fertile ground for the potentially lethal virus to take root, said biological scientist Dr. Igor Kovalchuk.

“A number of them have reduced the number of these (virus) receptors by 73 per cent, the chance of it getting in is much lower,” said Kovalchuk.

“If they can reduce the number of receptors, there’s much less chance of getting infected.”

Employing cannabis sativa strains over the past three months, the researcher said the effective balance between cannabis components THC and CBD — the latter more typically associated with medical use — is still unclear in blocking the novel coronavirus.

This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below.
Article content continued
“It will take a long time to find what the active ingredient is — there may be many,” said Kovalchuk, whose Pathway RX is owned partly by Olds-based licensed cannabis producer Sundial Growers and partnered with Alberta cannabis researcher Swysh.

But it’s generally the anti-inflammatory properties of high-CBD content that have shown most promise, he added.

“We focus more on the higher CBD because people can take higher doses and not be impaired,” said Kovalchuk.

The study under Health Canada licence using artificial human 3-D tissue models has been seeking ways to hinder the highly contagious novel coronavirus from finding a host in the lungs, intestines, and oral cavity.

If successful, the work could find practical medical use in the form of mouth wash, gargle, inhalants or gel caps, said Kovalchuk.

“It would be cheaper for people and have a lot less side-effects,” he said.

But the absence of clinical trials remains a barrier, and funding from an increasingly cash-strapped cannabis industry isn’t there to fuel that, said Kovalchuk.

“We have clinicians who are willing to work with us but for a lot of companies in the cannabis business, it’s significant cash that they can’t afford,” he said.

The scientist emphasized the findings wouldn’t lead to a vaccine — something “less specific and precise” but nonetheless another possible weapon against COVID-19.

“The extracts of our most successful and novel high CBD C sativa lines, pending further investigation, may become a useful and safe addition to the treatment of COVID-19 as an adjunct therapy,” said Kovalchuk.

“Given the current dire and rapidly evolving epidemiological situation, every possible therapeutic opportunity and avenue must be considered.”

Israeli researchers have begun clinical trials of CBD as a treatment to repair cells damaged by COVID-19 by using its anti-inflammatory abilities.

It’s thought CBD could enhance the traditional effect of steroids in such treatment of patients in life-threatening condition and also bolster the immune system.

It’s the kind of research and his own that deserves government support in Canada, whose federal government has pledged $1.1 billion in funding for COVID-19 research said the U of L scientist.

“Our work could have a huge influence — there aren’t many drugs that have the potential of reducing infection by 70 to 80 per cent,” he said.


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: May 9, 2020 21:05

Cannabis is similar to duct tape as there's over a million uses for it.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Date: May 9, 2020 21:26

Cannabis is similar to duct tape as there's over a million uses for it.

Lol. If it only made hair grow

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: May 9, 2020 21:28

If you want to support musicians and make good use of the Stones logo : []

Fake ... and illegal!!!!

Wrong... and incorrect!!!!! spinning smiley sticking its tongue out


Partnered with MusiCares, sold through Bravado, 100% net proceeds to the charity.
Same as they did with the Stones MusiCares teeshirt, which then also became available through Stones official site.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: May 9, 2020 21:42

Either way, the corona virus is airborne

There is no proof for the virus to be airborne (as far I know). It's likely to infect through droplets though. Via coughing and other bodily tramsmissions. Instead another term is used: Aerosol.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: May 9, 2020 21:49

Either way, the corona virus is airborne

There is no proof for the virus to be airborne (as far I know). It's likely to infect through droplets though. Via coughing and other bodily tramsmissions. Instead another term is used: Aerosol.

It's a SARS virus. It's respiratory, which is probably being confused for "airborne".

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: May 9, 2020 22:12

One-Third of All U.S.
Coronavirus Deaths Are Nursing
Home Residents or Workers

At least 25,600 residents and workers have died from the coronavirus at nursing homes and other long-term care facilities for older adults in the United States, according to a New York Times database. The virus so far has infected more than 143,000 at some 7,500 facilities.


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Date: May 9, 2020 22:22

Based on that map. “ I might be moving to Montana soon “

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Date: May 9, 2020 22:33

Based on that map. “ I might be moving to Montana soon “

thumbs up


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: May 9, 2020 22:44

Based on that map. “ I might be moving to Montana soon “

You can become a dental floss tycoon! (obscure Frank Zappa reference)

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: stickyfingers101 ()
Date: May 10, 2020 00:26

Hmmm... this is interesting. Before anyone gets tooooo excited, they’re looking at the non-psychotropic CBD’s possible anti-inflammatory properties as a treatment. Interesting to see how they are approaching this virus, trying to find a treatment to address some of the effects.

Cannabis shows promise blocking coronavirus infection: Alberta researcher
Author of the article: Bill Kaufmann

Cannabis extracts are showing potential in making people more resistant to the novel coronavirus, says an Alberta researcher leading a study.

After sifting through 400 cannabis strains, researchers at the University of Lethbridge are concentrating on about a dozen that show promising results in ensuring less fertile ground for the potentially lethal virus to take root, said biological scientist Dr. Igor Kovalchuk.

“A number of them have reduced the number of these (virus) receptors by 73 per cent, the chance of it getting in is much lower,” said Kovalchuk.

“If they can reduce the number of receptors, there’s much less chance of getting infected.”

Employing cannabis sativa strains over the past three months, the researcher said the effective balance between cannabis components THC and CBD — the latter more typically associated with medical use — is still unclear in blocking the novel coronavirus.

This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below.
Article content continued
“It will take a long time to find what the active ingredient is — there may be many,” said Kovalchuk, whose Pathway RX is owned partly by Olds-based licensed cannabis producer Sundial Growers and partnered with Alberta cannabis researcher Swysh.

But it’s generally the anti-inflammatory properties of high-CBD content that have shown most promise, he added.

“We focus more on the higher CBD because people can take higher doses and not be impaired,” said Kovalchuk.

The study under Health Canada licence using artificial human 3-D tissue models has been seeking ways to hinder the highly contagious novel coronavirus from finding a host in the lungs, intestines, and oral cavity.

If successful, the work could find practical medical use in the form of mouth wash, gargle, inhalants or gel caps, said Kovalchuk.

“It would be cheaper for people and have a lot less side-effects,” he said.

But the absence of clinical trials remains a barrier, and funding from an increasingly cash-strapped cannabis industry isn’t there to fuel that, said Kovalchuk.

“We have clinicians who are willing to work with us but for a lot of companies in the cannabis business, it’s significant cash that they can’t afford,” he said.

The scientist emphasized the findings wouldn’t lead to a vaccine — something “less specific and precise” but nonetheless another possible weapon against COVID-19.

“The extracts of our most successful and novel high CBD C sativa lines, pending further investigation, may become a useful and safe addition to the treatment of COVID-19 as an adjunct therapy,” said Kovalchuk.

“Given the current dire and rapidly evolving epidemiological situation, every possible therapeutic opportunity and avenue must be considered.”

Israeli researchers have begun clinical trials of CBD as a treatment to repair cells damaged by COVID-19 by using its anti-inflammatory abilities.

It’s thought CBD could enhance the traditional effect of steroids in such treatment of patients in life-threatening condition and also bolster the immune system.

It’s the kind of research and his own that deserves government support in Canada, whose federal government has pledged $1.1 billion in funding for COVID-19 research said the U of L scientist.

“Our work could have a huge influence — there aren’t many drugs that have the potential of reducing infection by 70 to 80 per cent,” he said.


good thing the Weed Stores are closed as "non-essential"...

liquor stores still open, though....step right up for booze, cigs and lottery tickets!

Your Government at Work.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: May 10, 2020 00:58

Hmmm... this is interesting. Before anyone gets tooooo excited, they’re looking at the non-psychotropic CBD’s possible anti-inflammatory properties as a treatment. Interesting to see how they are approaching this virus, trying to find a treatment to address some of the effects.

Cannabis shows promise blocking coronavirus infection: Alberta researcher
Author of the article: Bill Kaufmann

Cannabis extracts are showing potential in making people more resistant to the novel coronavirus, says an Alberta researcher leading a study.

After sifting through 400 cannabis strains, researchers at the University of Lethbridge are concentrating on about a dozen that show promising results in ensuring less fertile ground for the potentially lethal virus to take root, said biological scientist Dr. Igor Kovalchuk.

“A number of them have reduced the number of these (virus) receptors by 73 per cent, the chance of it getting in is much lower,” said Kovalchuk.

“If they can reduce the number of receptors, there’s much less chance of getting infected.”

Employing cannabis sativa strains over the past three months, the researcher said the effective balance between cannabis components THC and CBD — the latter more typically associated with medical use — is still unclear in blocking the novel coronavirus.

This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below.
Article content continued
“It will take a long time to find what the active ingredient is — there may be many,” said Kovalchuk, whose Pathway RX is owned partly by Olds-based licensed cannabis producer Sundial Growers and partnered with Alberta cannabis researcher Swysh.

But it’s generally the anti-inflammatory properties of high-CBD content that have shown most promise, he added.

“We focus more on the higher CBD because people can take higher doses and not be impaired,” said Kovalchuk.

The study under Health Canada licence using artificial human 3-D tissue models has been seeking ways to hinder the highly contagious novel coronavirus from finding a host in the lungs, intestines, and oral cavity.

If successful, the work could find practical medical use in the form of mouth wash, gargle, inhalants or gel caps, said Kovalchuk.

“It would be cheaper for people and have a lot less side-effects,” he said.

But the absence of clinical trials remains a barrier, and funding from an increasingly cash-strapped cannabis industry isn’t there to fuel that, said Kovalchuk.

“We have clinicians who are willing to work with us but for a lot of companies in the cannabis business, it’s significant cash that they can’t afford,” he said.

The scientist emphasized the findings wouldn’t lead to a vaccine — something “less specific and precise” but nonetheless another possible weapon against COVID-19.

“The extracts of our most successful and novel high CBD C sativa lines, pending further investigation, may become a useful and safe addition to the treatment of COVID-19 as an adjunct therapy,” said Kovalchuk.

“Given the current dire and rapidly evolving epidemiological situation, every possible therapeutic opportunity and avenue must be considered.”

Israeli researchers have begun clinical trials of CBD as a treatment to repair cells damaged by COVID-19 by using its anti-inflammatory abilities.

It’s thought CBD could enhance the traditional effect of steroids in such treatment of patients in life-threatening condition and also bolster the immune system.

It’s the kind of research and his own that deserves government support in Canada, whose federal government has pledged $1.1 billion in funding for COVID-19 research said the U of L scientist.

“Our work could have a huge influence — there aren’t many drugs that have the potential of reducing infection by 70 to 80 per cent,” he said.


good thing the Weed Stores are closed as "non-essential"...

liquor stores still open, though....step right up for booze, cigs and lottery tickets!

Your Government at Work.

Not in California. They deliver too.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: May 10, 2020 01:08

Cannabis is similar to duct tape as there's over a million uses for it.

“Duct tape - the handyman‘s secret weapon. If the women don’t find you handsome, at least they’ll find you handy!” Red Green.

(It’s a Canuck thing. And believe it or was reeeeeeeally funny. grinning smiley )

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: DGA35 ()
Date: May 10, 2020 02:27

Well the US unfortunately just hit 80000 deaths with a total number of cases at 1,346,717 so still around 2000 per day since my last update early last week. At the current rate, they'll hit 100,000 in 10 more days.
Total worldwide is now 4,010,000 with 278,000 deaths

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: curt ()
Date: May 10, 2020 03:01

Based on that map. “ I might be moving to Montana soon “

thumbs up


Easy transition from sod bustin' to cowboy...

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: May 10, 2020 05:18

From Billboard published May 6th:

Here Are All the Major Music Events Canceled Due to Coronavirus (Updating)

Billboard has compiled an ongoing list of major concerts and events that have been postponed or canceled due to the outbreak.


Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: MileHigh ()
Date: May 10, 2020 05:24

Hmmm... this is interesting. Before anyone gets tooooo excited, they’re looking at the non-psychotropic CBD’s possible anti-inflammatory properties as a treatment. Interesting to see how they are approaching this virus, trying to find a treatment to address some of the effects.

Cannabis shows promise blocking coronavirus infection: Alberta researcher

But I laid around a bit
Then I had another hit
Then I rolled myself a bauma
Then I thought about my mama
Then I fooled around, played around
Jacked around a while and then

I got stoned and I missed it
I got stoned and I missed it
I got stoned and it rolled right by
I got stoned and I missed it
I got stoned and I missed it
I got stoned oh me oh my

- Dr. Hook & the Medicine Show

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: May 10, 2020 05:47

Well the US unfortunately just hit 80000 deaths with a total number of cases at 1,346,717 so still around 2000 per day since my last update early last week. At the current rate, they'll hit 100,000 in 10 more days.
Total worldwide is now 4,010,000 with 278,000 deaths

I wouldn't call this wining. It is now over 10,000 deaths per week and NY is flat or dropping. Opening up means next few weeks will be the social experiment.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: DGA35 ()
Date: May 10, 2020 06:21

Well the US unfortunately just hit 80000 deaths with a total number of cases at 1,346,717 so still around 2000 per day since my last update early last week. At the current rate, they'll hit 100,000 in 10 more days.
Total worldwide is now 4,010,000 with 278,000 deaths

I wouldn't call this wining. It is now over 10,000 deaths per week and NY is flat or dropping. Opening up means next few weeks will be the social experiment.

Definitely not winning. Not going up but not flattening either. Again, we'll see how things go now that a number of states start to open up. Here in Canada, things are starting to ease up, too. Our numbers are still about half per capita of the states, with 68000 cases and 4600 deaths. Ontario is still seeing quite a few cases and deaths, mostly in long term care facilities.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: shattered ()
Date: May 10, 2020 08:13

Cannabis is similar to duct tape as there's over a million uses for it.

“Duct tape - the handyman‘s secret weapon. If the women don’t find you handsome, at least they’ll find you handy!” Red Green.

(It’s a Canuck thing. And believe it or was reeeeeeeally funny. grinning smiley )

I am a man,
I can change,
Only if I have to,
I guess.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: curt ()
Date: May 10, 2020 10:44

In the early days of the pandemic, the U.S. government turned down an offer to manufacture millions of N95 masks in America

It was Jan. 22, a day after the first case of covid-19 was detected in the United States, and orders were pouring into Michael Bowen’s company outside Fort Worth, some from as far away as Hong Kong.

Bowen’s medical supply company, Prestige Ameritech, could ramp up production to make an additional 1.7 million N95 masks a week. He viewed the shrinking domestic production of medical masks as a national security issue, though, and he wanted to give the federal government first dibs.

“We still have four like-new N95 manufacturing lines,” Bowen wrote that day in an email to top administrators in the Department of Health and Human Services. “Reactivating these machines would be very difficult and very expensive but could be achieved in a dire situation.”

But communications over several days with senior agency officials — including Robert Kadlec, the assistant secretary for preparedness and emergency response — left Bowen with the clear impression that there was little immediate interest in his offer.

“I don’t believe we as an government are anywhere near answering those questions for you yet,” Laura Wolf, director of the agency’s Division of Critical Infrastructure Protection, responded that same day.

“We are the last major domestic mask company,” he wrote on Jan. 23. “My phones are ringing now, so I don’t ‘need’ government business. I’m just letting you know that I can help you preserve our infrastructure if things ever get really bad. I’m a patriot first, businessman second.”

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bv ()
Date: May 10, 2020 13:48

The corona virus is airborne

The current "novel" corona virus - sars-cov-2 - is indeed airborne. Even if the main way of transmission is through droplets, within just 2-3 feet i.e. one meter or so within a sick person, the smaller droplets may hang around in the air indoor, transmit through aircondition, or other ways of air transportation. The longer you stay close to a sick person with covid-19, the more the chance is of you catching the virus.

Outdoor you are quite safe if you keep 1 m (3 ft) away from others. Indoor you need more distance, and the longer you stay close to others, the more distance you need. The infection rate is all about time, distance and how "packed with virus" the transmitting person is. It is important to understand that "super-spreaders" may not feel sick, but they may still spread a lot of virus. There are now many known cases of airborne spread within a room, I will just give reference to a few of these here.

In a restaurant, if the tables are sorted out close to the air conditioner, you may get infected within 2-4 meters i.e. 6-12 ft of a sick person. If you sing in a choir, attend a funeral, or stay in a crowd, like mardi gras, a football crowd, or similar, the corona virus will be in the air, and it will spread to more than 50% of the people in the crowd close say up to 4m i.e. 12 ft from the sick person.

There are lots of cases with examples of this, but so far no scientifically proven reports. In theory, these people may have touched the same door handle in the toilets, or the same ketchup bottle at the hot dog sales, there might be other reasons, but after four months of the virus being active this year, all over the would, enough cases are telling us you should not stay indoor in a restaurant or a office environment, too close to a sick person. Further, you do never know who is sick. A person being sick may feel and show absolutely no symptoms. The term "close" is may be 3-4 m i.e. 9-12 ft. For 5-10 minutes, statistically it is safe within 2 m i.e. 6ft, but if you work all day with a person being sick, within 4-5 m i.e. 12-15 ft, there is a big chance you will get the virus.

FHI Norway: Systematic reviews conclude that viruses that resembles SARS-CoV-2, i.e. SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, are likely to transmit through a combination of different transmission paths. Currently available evidence suggests this is the case also for SARS-CoV2. The virus seems to transmit between closely related individuals, but indirect transmission through inanimate surfaces (fomites) may also occur. It is very challenging, however, to acquire evidence regarding the relative importance of different transmission paths. People in close relations and people staying in close proximity to each other are likely to be exposed to multiple potential ways of transmission.

Nature: “In the mind of scientists working on this, there’s absolutely no doubt that the virus spreads in the air,” says aerosol scientist Lidia Morawska at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia. “This is a no-brainer.”


Airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2: The world should face the reality ( ScienceDirect, Volume 139, June 2020)

Is the coronavirus airborne? Experts can’t agree (Nature 2 April 2020)

2 dead from coronavirus, 45 ill after March choir rehearsal (CNN 2 April 2020)

How two funerals helped turn one small Georgia city into a hotspot for coronavirus (CNN 3 April 2020)

How Coronavirus Infected Some, but Not All, in a Restaurant (New York Times April 20, 2020)

This picture shows how 9 people in a restaurant got the coronavirus thanks to the placement of an air conditioning unit (Business Insider April 22, 2020)

COVID-19-EPIDEMIC : Contact based transmission of SARS-CoV-2 – a rapid review (FHI Norway memo - April 2020)

Airborne disease (Wikipedia)

Science Direct: Larger droplets with viral content deposit close to the emission point (droplet transmission), while smaller can travel meters or tens of meters long distances in the air indoors (aerosol transmission).

New York Times: A diagram of the arrangement of a restaurant’s tables and air conditioning airflow at site of an outbreak of coronavirus in Guangzhou, China. Red circles indicate the seating of future case-patients; the yellow-filled red circle indicates the index case, or first-documented, patient. Credit: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2020-05-10 13:54 by bv.

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