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Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: NICOS ()
Date: April 8, 2020 00:19

We are learning more about the corona virus disease covid-19 every week every month now. There are in fact 200 or more countries/areas in the world now with different approaches. Some are slow, some are fast. Some are small, like Iceland, some are large, like China, India and USA. Some live by a democratic rule set, others have authoritative rules and regulations.

By learning, acting and making the best out of what we all do experience, I am sure we will get through this virus nightmare in a great way. Sure we will have 12-18 months of exceptional life, probably way into 2021, but our leaders and our experts will find ways to contain and control the virus, so that we can keep the economy and our lives going without too much damage. I don't think we will have any sports, music or cultural crowds 50+ any place any time this year, and holiday travel may be history for a while, but this is not the end of the world.

When people and countries stop fighting about who to blame and what went wrong, but rather work and cooperate with solutions, also globally, not just thinking of themselves, then I am sure we will see many great new innovations in the time to come.

Your completely right if "one"or 100 countries is/are to blame of the quick spreading it's globalizing and that's is what we have to deal in the future.............can you imaging what would have happen when Ebola started in one of the MEGA cities of this planet

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Kerryann ()
Date: April 8, 2020 00:42

In a show of leadership seldom demonstrated, Jacinda Ardern, PM of New Zealand responded to concerns expressed by children by signing a proclamation declaring the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy to be essential workers. Full props to her for realizing that kids need this kind of assurance or normalcy during a crisis, and not being afraid to sweat the small stuff to deliver that assurance. (Oh, they’re also flattening the curve like crazy... this is in addition to the big stuff, not instead of it...)


She is a real leader--I've admired her ever since seeing her handling of the mosque killings.

Yes our NZ prime minister certainly is very good at self promotion. There were calls to shut our border weeks before she did but she was hell bent on having a one year memorial for the mosque shooting with all the bigwigs from the world media in attendance first. She was even promoting crowd gatherings and hand shaking. In the end she was forced to cancel the commemoration one day before it was due to take place due to pressure from the people to ban large gatherings and shut the border, but still managed some media coverage of her dressed in a headscarve. Being an Island if we had acted when we should have we likely wouldn't be in lockdown now with the economic carnage it is causing. Vast majority of our cases came from travellers. So yea, great prime minister whos main ambition is a seat on the UN and will do anything to get there. We need more substance than hugs and fairytales.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: April 8, 2020 03:54

In a show of leadership seldom demonstrated, Jacinda Ardern, PM of New Zealand responded to concerns expressed by children by signing a proclamation declaring the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy to be essential workers. Full props to her for realizing that kids need this kind of assurance or normalcy during a crisis, and not being afraid to sweat the small stuff to deliver that assurance. (Oh, they’re also flattening the curve like crazy... this is in addition to the big stuff, not instead of it...)


She is a real leader--I've admired her ever since seeing her handling of the mosque killings.

Yes our NZ prime minister certainly is very good at self promotion. There were calls to shut our border weeks before she did but she was hell bent on having a one year memorial for the mosque shooting with all the bigwigs from the world media in attendance first. She was even promoting crowd gatherings and hand shaking. In the end she was forced to cancel the commemoration one day before it was due to take place due to pressure from the people to ban large gatherings and shut the border, but still managed some media coverage of her dressed in a headscarve. Being an Island if we had acted when we should have we likely wouldn't be in lockdown now with the economic carnage it is causing. Vast majority of our cases came from travellers. So yea, great prime minister whos main ambition is a seat on the UN and will do anything to get there. We need more substance than hugs and fairytales.

I stand corrected but I still admire her handling of the mosque killings.

All the best to everyone in your island nation.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Kerryann ()
Date: April 8, 2020 04:04

In a show of leadership seldom demonstrated, Jacinda Ardern, PM of New Zealand responded to concerns expressed by children by signing a proclamation declaring the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy to be essential workers. Full props to her for realizing that kids need this kind of assurance or normalcy during a crisis, and not being afraid to sweat the small stuff to deliver that assurance. (Oh, they’re also flattening the curve like crazy... this is in addition to the big stuff, not instead of it...)


She is a real leader--I've admired her ever since seeing her handling of the mosque killings.

Yes our NZ prime minister certainly is very good at self promotion. There were calls to shut our border weeks before she did but she was hell bent on having a one year memorial for the mosque shooting with all the bigwigs from the world media in attendance first. She was even promoting crowd gatherings and hand shaking. In the end she was forced to cancel the commemoration one day before it was due to take place due to pressure from the people to ban large gatherings and shut the border, but still managed some media coverage of her dressed in a headscarve. Being an Island if we had acted when we should have we likely wouldn't be in lockdown now with the economic carnage it is causing. Vast majority of our cases came from travellers. So yea, great prime minister whos main ambition is a seat on the UN and will do anything to get there. We need more substance than hugs and fairytales.

I stand corrected but I still admire her handling of the mosque killings.

All the best to everyone in your island nation.

Thanks Aqua, funny how things aren't always the way they look on the outside. All the best to you too.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: April 8, 2020 08:20

Rod you can just hit EDIT and delete your post .....

As the song goes ........ Clean Up Your Own Back Yard


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: curt ()
Date: April 8, 2020 09:16

'Strike again': US scientist predicts coronavirus return in fall

1 Apr 2020

But Dr Anthony Fauci says if the virus does re-emerge, it would not be a repeat of the major crisis the US faces now.

Coronavirus will likely "strike again" in the fall in the United States, according to the top American scientist tackling the disease.

Dr Anthony Fauci, who is spearheading the White House Coronavirus Task Force, said he expects COVID-19 will reappear in a second wave in the October-November period.

It would not be the first time a virus reappeared in the fall. The H1N1 outbreak in 2009 struck twice in the US, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

After initially peaking in May and June, a second wave of H1N1 hit again in late October. In August 2010, the World Health Organization finally announced the pandemic was over.

But Fauci said if coronavirus does re-emerge, it would not be a repeat of the major crisis the country is in now.

First, the US's ability to "test, identify, isolate and contact trace will have significantly improved", Fauci said.

In addition, several clinical trials for potential COVID-19 treatments are under way, he said, adding he hopes at least one will be available by fall. There are also multiple vaccine candidates, one of which is "on track".

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-04-08 09:17 by curt.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bv ()
Date: April 8, 2020 11:21

Whist people in some countries seem to be preparing exit strategies on the belief that their 'peak' has passed, spare a thought for Singapore who were one of the first countries affected by the virus. They have not gone into full lockout but early on put in some very practical measures eg travel restrictions.
BUT check the figures of new daily cases:
From 16 March:
Fortunately the figure for Deaths is at 6. The city has a good health system (if you can afford the cover). Obviously...and I hope this applies everywhere.. ones individual finances are not a factor.

So, they recorded their highest figure last Sunday (120).
Only four of those infected have had recent travel history.

I would be wary in putting to much store by some of the predictions. The latest figure for deaths in the UK is a range from 7000 to 20000. Hedge betting analysis is the new norm.

Singapore are very good at testing, tracking people testing positive, and then isolating everyone they were in touch with. That way they may keep the reproduction rate very low.

The virus will never go away. The challenge is to keep it down so that it does not stress the hospital systems and get into the places where old people live at care homes.


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: April 8, 2020 11:54

Speaking of Singapore, there's a documentary on how they fought the virus here


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: mikey C ()
Date: April 8, 2020 11:59

Here in The Czech Republic....They just extended the Quarantine to April 30th...They have taken very good measures here from the start and it's working...Everyone wear's a mask and the large majority of the people are staying home....You can go for walk's,Jogging,Biking,shopping but no more then 2 people....Alcohol sales are up 30% Which is a lot for a country that does drink a lot....Stay safe Everyone.....Sad to hear of John Prine Passing...Peace

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bv ()
Date: April 8, 2020 12:09

Singapore are taking immediate action as they see new coronavirus cases are coming in from abroad. They do not trust people to self-quarantine:

SINGAPORE - From 11.59pm on Thursday (April 9), all travellers returning to Singapore from overseas will have to serve their 14-day stay-home notice (SHN) at dedicated facilities instead of in their homes.

The Ministry of Health announced on Wednesday that the rule has now been extended to all Singaporeans, permanent residents and long-term pass holders regardless of the country they are coming from.

All returnees are transported straight from the airport to the hotels. There, they have their own rooms and toilets, and all meals are provided, so that they can be isolated from others.

Coronavirus: All returning travellers to serve stay-home notice at dedicated facilities (The Straits Times Singapore - 08-Apr-2020)


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: CaptainCorella ()
Date: April 8, 2020 12:16

Singapore are taking immediate action as they see new coronavirus cases are coming in from abroad. They do not trust people to self-quarantine:

SINGAPORE - From 11.59pm on Thursday (April 9), all travellers returning to Singapore from overseas will have to serve their 14-day stay-home notice (SHN) at dedicated facilities instead of in their homes.

The Ministry of Health announced on Wednesday that the rule has now been extended to all Singaporeans, permanent residents and long-term pass holders regardless of the country they are coming from.

All returnees are transported straight from the airport to the hotels. There, they have their own rooms and toilets, and all meals are provided, so that they can be isolated from others.

Coronavirus: All returning travellers to serve stay-home notice at dedicated facilities (The Straits Times Singapore - 08-Apr-2020)

In Australia we've been doing exactly this for coming up to 2 weeks.

But. Beware. It's not unmitigated good news.

There's not a lot of difference between a Cruise Ship (refer Ruby Princess) and a modern hotel with small rooms, sealed windows and recirculated air!

Captain Corella

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bv ()
Date: April 8, 2020 12:19

Cruise ships:

For some years now I have been thinking about how bad cruise ships are.

First of all they do pollute a lot, we see them in our clean fjords, running on oil, leaving thick smoke into our fresh air. The same happens all over the world.

Secondly, they have may be 1,000 to 4,000 people, and they dump all these people into small nice little villages turned into tourist traps during a few hours daytime. If you have ever been to Nassau Bahamas, after 5pm, when the cruise ships have left, or Flåm, Norway, or any other cruise port, then you see how small cities are damaged, changed into shopping villages closed at 5pm.

Thirdly, they all live in a closed environment, with buffet meals, where salmonella and all sorts of other virus have perfect conditions to spread. Such a dangerous way to handle food, and such a health trap when virus appear.

Still, the reason why I talk about cruise ships now, is the fact that they are corona virus traps. I do still wonder why people boarded cruise ships mid March, long time after many countries had gone into lockdown.

The travel industry will suffer a lot, from this virus crisis, for sure, but the cruise industry should have been banned long time ago, in my opinion, due to environmental reasons. Now the virus will get the cruise ship industry out of business.

This is just one of many cruise ships stranded now, with many sick people:

Passengers to be evacuated from Antarctic cruise ship after almost 60% test positive for coronavirus (CNN - April 8, 2020)

The Greg Mortimer, a cruise liner operated by Australia's Aurora Expeditions, departed March 15 on a voyage to Antarctica and South Georgia. Since the beginning of April, however, the ship has been stuck off the coast of Uruguay, after authorities refused to allow passengers to disembark due to the risk of coronavirus.

Of the 217 people on board, 128 passengers and crew have now tested positive for the virus.

Six passengers requiring specialized care have been transferred to medical facilities in Montevideo -- a video posted online by the Uruguayan navy showed them being transferred from ship to ship wearing full protective gear.

Passengers from European and American who have tested positive for coronavirus, however, will have to remain on board until they have a negative test result, after which they may be able to depart via Brazil, Aurora said.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2020-04-08 12:23 by bv.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Stone601 ()
Date: April 8, 2020 13:09

I will never tire of repeating, although some politicians have made wrong choices towards the population,
that the only way to decrease and defeat this pandemic is


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bv ()
Date: April 8, 2020 13:24

They did just say this on CNN:

The estimated number of deaths from covid-19 in USA of 240,000 people was based on a calculation where 50% of the population did NOT comply with the STAY AT HOME recommendation. If a lot more than just 50% stay at home then the number will be lower, may be even lower than 100,000.


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: jlowe ()
Date: April 8, 2020 13:36

Whilst Governments are mulling over Exit strategies, the private sector are making plans of their own.
UK holiday and flights operator Jet 2 have a announced they plan to recommence business from mid June.
I personally wouldn't put any money on it.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: April 8, 2020 14:05

mikey C
Here in The Czech Republic....They just extended the Quarantine to April 30th...They have taken very good measures here from the start and it's working...Everyone wear's a mask and the large majority of the people are staying home....You can go for walk's,Jogging,Biking,shopping but no more then 2 people....Alcohol sales are up 30% Which is a lot for a country that does drink a lot....Stay safe Everyone.....Sad to hear of John Prine Passing...Peace

Hi Mikey. We actually met all squashed onto a tram in Prague after the gig in '18.
It must be strange to see your fine city with no tourists in sight anywhere when it's usually packed with them. Glad to hear the measures seem to be working. Here in the UK we've probably not reached the worst yet and our Prime Minister is infected and still in ICU in a London hospital.

I understand that Czechia (does anyone there actually call it that yet?) was already the biggest beer drinker per capita in the World! No wonder though. Czech beer is well regarded and very popular elsewhere.smileys with beer

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-04-08 14:20 by grzegorz67.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bv ()
Date: April 8, 2020 14:11

Whilst Governments are mulling over Exit strategies, the private sector are making plans of their own.
UK holiday and flights operator Jet 2 have a announced they plan to recommence business from mid June.
I personally wouldn't put any money on it.

I don't think I will fly anywhere this year. Sorry to say so, but the airline industry will take a terrible economical blow this year. It is hard to keep 2 meters i.e. 6 feet distance on an airplane, or on an airport.

Also, who would fly to a holiday resort in the Canary Islands, having a buffet breakfast with may be 100 people you don't know, all touching the same plates, hanging around in the crammed bars, drinking beers and coctails from a bartender who might have the virus?

I don't think people will travel for fun this year. May be next year, if there is a vaccine at some point.


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: April 8, 2020 15:00

Administration going after W.H.O.

I want none of my tax money going to these Chinese backing thugs.


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bv ()
Date: April 8, 2020 15:15

Chris Fountain
Administration going after W.H.O.

I want none of my tax money going to these Chinese backing thugs.


Do we really want these fights about the White House actions here on IORR?
Do you really want me to spend time deleting posts like "I love the president" and "I hate the president" here every day?

May be it is time to supplement the Fox News report with these?

Remember there are always two sides of a coin.

Chaos rocks Trump White House on virus' most tragic day (CNN - April 8, 2020)

Timeline: Trump’s Response To The Coronavirus Outbreak | NBC News NOW (NBC - Mar 31, 2020)


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: April 8, 2020 15:51

Unfortunately, My post was misinterpreted Again I feel at this time my tax money could be of better use than supporting an organization involved in a possible cover-up. As more facts are revealed, it is apparent that the Chinese were not forthcoming in their news. The WHO provided insufficient oversight.

Why is President Trump always brought up? I never mentioned his name.This is no time for politics - I'm tired of folks hating President Trump. If anyone can do a better job then run for office.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: April 8, 2020 16:06

Chris Fountain
Unfortunately, My post was misinterpreted Again I feel at this time my tax money could be of better use than supporting an organization involved in a possible cover-up. As more facts are revealed, it is apparent that the Chinese were not forthcoming in their news. The WHO provided insufficient oversight.

Why is President Trump always brought up? I never mentioned his name.This is no time for politics - I'm tired of folks hating President Trump. If anyone can do a better job then run for office.

You said Administration in your post...I wonder what Administration you were maybe referring to then? I'm tired of the US president or a synonym for, constantly being brought up here.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bv ()
Date: April 8, 2020 16:07

Chris Fountain
Unfortunately, My post was misinterpreted Again I feel at this time my tax money could be of better use than supporting an organization involved in a possible cover-up. As more facts are revealed, it is apparent that the Chinese were not forthcoming in their news. The WHO provided insufficient oversight.

Why is President Trump always brought up? I never mentioned his name.This is no time for politics - I'm tired of folks hating President Trump. If anyone can do a better job then run for office.

Well you say "Administration going after W.H.O.", some 12 hours after the US President said he would go after WHO... Did I miss out on something here? Do you talk about another "administration"?


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: April 8, 2020 16:20

OK - Then what administration should control my expenditure of tax money on corrupt organizations such as the W.H.O. ? I don't see the EU doing anything about oversight - i can only reference those in power at current moment.

The point of my post, and yall know it, was that I do not want my tax money going to the W.H.O. because I think they colluded with China to cover up the Virus which causes death.

So you have to ask yourself - What is more important, the symptom or cause?

We should all know by now what ,whom, and where the cause originated. Come-on-

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bv ()
Date: April 8, 2020 16:38

Chris Fountain
OK - Then what administration should control my expenditure of tax money on corrupt organizations such as the W.H.O. ? I don't see the EU doing anything about oversight - i can only reference those in power at current moment.

The point of my post, and yall know it, was that I do not want my tax money going to the W.H.O. because I think they colluded with China to cover up the Virus which causes death.

So you have to ask yourself - What is more important, the symptom or cause?

We should all know by now what ,whom, and where the cause originated. Come-on-

This is clearly a political post. You are not happy with how your tax money is spent. Fair enough, but we can not take that discussion here, right?

Also, you state some highly disturbing false information about "corrupt organizations". No documentation. Again a political statement.


About WHO

WHO began when our Constitution came into force on 7 April 1948 – a date we now celebrate every year as World Health Day.

Working with 194 Member States, across six regions, and from more than 150 offices, WHO staff are united in a shared commitment to achieve better health for everyone, everywhere.

Together we strive to combat diseases – communicable diseases like influenza and HIV, and noncommunicable diseases like cancer and heart disease.

We help mothers and children survive and thrive so they can look forward to a healthy old age. We ensure the safety of the air people breathe, the food they eat, the water they drink – and the medicines and vaccines they need.

We are now more than 7000 people working in 150 country offices, in six regional offices and at our headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

Our primary role is to direct and coordinate international health within the United Nations system.

Tax Money:

Some people understand that tax money is needed to run a country. Others do not want to pay tax. What your tax money is going into is a political matter. That is why there are elections. You may vote, but you can NOT start political discussions on who to vote for here.


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: April 8, 2020 16:42

Cruise ships:

For some years now I have been thinking about how bad cruise ships are.

First of all they do pollute a lot, we see them in our clean fjords, running on oil, leaving thick smoke into our fresh air. The same happens all over the world.

Secondly, they have may be 1,000 to 4,000 people, and they dump all these people into small nice little villages turned into tourist traps during a few hours daytime. If you have ever been to Nassau Bahamas, after 5pm, when the cruise ships have left, or Flåm, Norway, or any other cruise port, then you see how small cities are damaged, changed into shopping villages closed at 5pm.

Thirdly, they all live in a closed environment, with buffet meals, where salmonella and all sorts of other virus have perfect conditions to spread. Such a dangerous way to handle food, and such a health trap when virus appear.

Still, the reason why I talk about cruise ships now, is the fact that they are corona virus traps. I do still wonder why people boarded cruise ships mid March, long time after many countries had gone into lockdown.

The travel industry will suffer a lot, from this virus crisis, for sure, but the cruise industry should have been banned long time ago, in my opinion, due to environmental reasons. Now the virus will get the cruise ship industry out of business.

This is just one of many cruise ships stranded now, with many sick people:

Passengers to be evacuated from Antarctic cruise ship after almost 60% test positive for coronavirus (CNN - April 8, 2020)

The Greg Mortimer, a cruise liner operated by Australia's Aurora Expeditions, departed March 15 on a voyage to Antarctica and South Georgia. Since the beginning of April, however, the ship has been stuck off the coast of Uruguay, after authorities refused to allow passengers to disembark due to the risk of coronavirus.

Of the 217 people on board, 128 passengers and crew have now tested positive for the virus.

Six passengers requiring specialized care have been transferred to medical facilities in Montevideo -- a video posted online by the Uruguayan navy showed them being transferred from ship to ship wearing full protective gear.

Passengers from European and American who have tested positive for coronavirus, however, will have to remain on board until they have a negative test result, after which they may be able to depart via Brazil, Aurora said.
Is the Hurtigruten service still running in Norway?

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: wonderboy ()
Date: April 8, 2020 17:00

I don't think I've commented on this in about a month. But I've been relieved that the doomsday predictions have not come true.
- The new estimates is that we'll see between 58,000 and 100,000 deaths in the United States. In other words, a really bad flu season.
- The most affected are those in their 70s and with underlying symptoms. Young people are largely not affected.
- Governments all over the world failed by trusting China.
- Governments failed by not closing their borders. Italy didn't want to affect tourism. Business elites didn't want to stay at home. Ireland was too polite to turn away Italian tourists arriving in Dublin to flee the lockdown. Political correctness mean the U.S. allowed Chinese-Americans to return home to care for loved ones and then return here.
- I learned about Farr's Law, which is that every epidemic has a natural rise and fall in the shape of a Bell Curve. In the early days we were sold on this idea of exponential growth, which I believe scientists knew was a lie from the beginning. Why did they tell it?
- The virus comes through like a wave. It finds the vulnerable. After four to five weeks, it starts to abate.
- Politicians in the U.S. have used the crisis to enrich their favorite interest groups.
- The U.S. medical system has its pricing flaws, but there is no better place to be if you are sick. Our death rate is lower and we are beginning to come up with alternative treatments.
- People should not smoke. If you smoke for 40 years and then die from the virus, what really killed you?
- I am angered that we put the interests of older people ahead of young people. We have young, working people not in danger from this who are sitting at home for no scientific reason. Remember, our heroes like the Stones and the Who rose to prominence with the idea of pushing aside older people and old ideas. But now the baby boomers are huddled at home and dictating to others what must be done.
- We in America gave up our personal liberties without a fight. The stay at home orders here are enforced by neighborhood busy bodies. Now I now how the East Germans kept order.
- The American working class, which has no power, is going to be broken again by the economic disaster coming. Pensioners getting their Social Security checks are not affected by this.
- The wave is going to be past its peak in a few weeks. By May, we need to go back to our regular lives.
- Lastly, a friend of mine has a theory that the reaction to the virus is a sign that the many in Western Civilization are spiritually exhausted. They leaped at the opportunity to stay home, guilt-free, and watch Netflix and get stoned. It's like they are deliberately shutting down. Be interesting to see if they can power themselves back on.
- As Mick is reputed to have said when Brian died, 'It goes on.'

Thanks for reading, if you got this far!

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Date: April 8, 2020 17:01

The Hurtigruten service is temporarily unavailable until May 20, Green Lady.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bv ()
Date: April 8, 2020 18:38

Green Lady
Cruise ships:

Is the Hurtigruten service still running in Norway?

Hurtigruten isn't really a cruise ship.

Sure there are many tourists on the Hurtigruten in the summer, and sure they have built a lot of luxury with meals and larger cabins over the years on those ships. Still, Hurtigruten used to be, and still are, an important way of transportation of goods and people from city to city by the long coast in Norway, from Bergen, all the way to Kirkenes.

Hurtigruten temporarily suspends operations


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: April 8, 2020 19:09

I don't think I've commented on this in about a month. But I've been relieved that the doomsday predictions have not come true.
- The new estimates is that we'll see between 58,000 and 100,000 deaths in the United States. In other words, a really bad flu season.
- The most affected are those in their 70s and with underlying symptoms. Young people are largely not affected.
- Governments all over the world failed by trusting China.
- Governments failed by not closing their borders. Italy didn't want to affect tourism. Business elites didn't want to stay at home. Ireland was too polite to turn away Italian tourists arriving in Dublin to flee the lockdown. Political correctness mean the U.S. allowed Chinese-Americans to return home to care for loved ones and then return here.
- I learned about Farr's Law, which is that every epidemic has a natural rise and fall in the shape of a Bell Curve. In the early days we were sold on this idea of exponential growth, which I believe scientists knew was a lie from the beginning. Why did they tell it?
- The virus comes through like a wave. It finds the vulnerable. After four to five weeks, it starts to abate.
- Politicians in the U.S. have used the crisis to enrich their favorite interest groups.
- The U.S. medical system has its pricing flaws, but there is no better place to be if you are sick. Our death rate is lower and we are beginning to come up with alternative treatments.
- People should not smoke. If you smoke for 40 years and then die from the virus, what really killed you?
- I am angered that we put the interests of older people ahead of young people. We have young, working people not in danger from this who are sitting at home for no scientific reason. Remember, our heroes like the Stones and the Who rose to prominence with the idea of pushing aside older people and old ideas. But now the baby boomers are huddled at home and dictating to others what must be done.
- We in America gave up our personal liberties without a fight. The stay at home orders here are enforced by neighborhood busy bodies. Now I now how the East Germans kept order.
- The American working class, which has no power, is going to be broken again by the economic disaster coming. Pensioners getting their Social Security checks are not affected by this.
- The wave is going to be past its peak in a few weeks. By May, we need to go back to our regular lives.
- Lastly, a friend of mine has a theory that the reaction to the virus is a sign that the many in Western Civilization are spiritually exhausted. They leaped at the opportunity to stay home, guilt-free, and watch Netflix and get stoned. It's like they are deliberately shutting down. Be interesting to see if they can power themselves back on.
- As Mick is reputed to have said when Brian died, 'It goes on.'

Thanks for reading, if you got this far!

No thanks. A lot you say is correct, but some remarks pushed me to ask you/mention to you:
Do you have that much experience with international medical systems that you say the US is the best place to be? I think you can only say that if it is available for everybody ... and that is not the case in the USA. I visited you country well over 20 times, so I know. My wife was hospitalized there and ... perfect, but we met many people with serious health problems who were and still are stuck. Corona will cause a lot of problems among those. North-West Europe (okay, not the NHS in the UK according to the Brits) has very good medical systems.
Also: The likes of the Rolling Stones and The Who didn't start making music because they wanted to push old ideas/habits away. They learned from older people (Alexis Korner, Cyril Davis, all those US Blues people, etc.,etc.) to grow up and become creative. Because of old people young people are around. If the old people would have been really selfish they wouldn't make babies, just enjoy their luxurious post-WW2 lives and happily die. So yes, respect old people, they are your precurser.
And yes (no politics,but), politicians ruined the situation and caused the corona pandemic to get "out of control". Back to work soon??? See what's happening in Singapore right now! Corona is back (actually never left)! I am afraid we're in it for quite a while.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: MKjan ()
Date: April 8, 2020 19:37

Also: The likes of the Rolling Stones and The Who didn't start making music because they wanted to push old ideas/habits away. They learned from older people (Alexis Korner, Cyril Davis, all those US Blues people, etc.,etc.) to grow up and become creative.

The Stones are amazing for the songwriting they did at such a young age. The songs still stand up. They listened, they paid tribute, and grew into their own style. The music was not overplayed, spaces left on the canvas....they were truly great from the get go.

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