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Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: December 24, 2019 02:57

Still not on U-verse PPV - strangely enough, Western Stars was available and it was just in the theaters 3-4 weeks ago. Of course, I watched WS.

Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: December 24, 2019 05:11

Chris Fountain
Still not on U-verse PPV - strangely enough, Western Stars was available and it was just in the theaters 3-4 weeks ago. Of course, I watched WS.

think "irish" is netflix exclusive. "western" isn't on netflix. hope this clears things up, haha.

Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: December 24, 2019 05:47

Yeah come on Chris ya can get Netflix
free trial for a month … join up watch then bail out ….


Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: BowieStone ()
Date: December 26, 2019 12:16

I planned a couple of sittings for this.
But only 1 toilet break got me out of my seat.

Joe Pesci, how great is it to see him back on the screen.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-12-26 12:24 by BowieStone.

Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: Bungo ()
Date: December 27, 2019 22:33

I think The Irishman is Waaaaay over-rated. It doesn't come close to Once Upon A Time in Hollywood.

It's Waaaaaay too long. This should have been a limited TV series or cut an hour out of it. You wouldn't even miss that hour and it would be a much more watchable film.

I'm convinced that this was digitally shot so that they could use the de-aging program. Because of that the cinematography is shite. It's like watching a television program.

The story was flat. There was no ebb and flow like Goodfellas had with humorous scenes off-set by scenes of extreme violence and tension or suspense. It was a flatline linear history just like the book. There's very little that is cinematic about the shitty script.

I thought Deniro's performance was sub-par at best. Pesci was just OK. The supporting players were much better. I thought Pacino was the best of the bunch and hope he get's a best supporting actor nomination.

If you enjoyed it then that's fine with me. But for me it was a let-down and will probably kill this entire genre for many years.

Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: December 28, 2019 00:43

…. That's okay Bungoeeeee

Cult rock-writer Lester Bangs and guru to so many
said that Exile was a load of shit when he first heard it ……


Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: December 28, 2019 00:44

THE AUSTRALIAN --- 28 December 2019


Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: jlowe ()
Date: December 28, 2019 01:08

Chris Fountain
Still not on U-verse PPV - strangely enough, Western Stars was available and it was just in the theaters 3-4 weeks ago. Of course, I watched WS.

think "irish" is netflix exclusive. "western" isn't on netflix. hope this clears things up, haha.

Well, it may be Netflix exclusive but it is showing at our excellent local cinema (seating 50) in Derbyshire, England.
Think I might try and see if they can get Bill Wyman's film.

Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: December 28, 2019 02:57

Yes looking forward Uncut Gems ….
Hopefully released in cinema first ….

Marriage Story just started today. That is supposed to be excellent, also. On the other end of the spectrum there is a new big budget Michael Bay film coming to Netflix soon. I'm sure it will be at least entertaining.

6 Underground ... yes it was entertaining, a bit cheesy but I enjoyed it. Michael Bay could do a great picture and it would get crappy reviews for political reasons.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-12-28 05:30 by BluzDude.

Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: Maindefender ()
Date: December 28, 2019 12:57

Yes looking forward Uncut Gems ….
Hopefully released in cinema first ….

Funny to see Scorsese as Executive Producer in Uncut Gems. Supposedly it was a token gesture. Liked the movie a lot, would see it again. Imagine seeing Sandler at the Academy Awards in the best actor category, could happen he was that good.

Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: MadMax ()
Date: December 28, 2019 15:42

It's strange that a lot of critics like to slag off Pacino. He is a legend and top 3 of all actors alive IMHO. Just goes to show most journalists are wank*rs.

Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: LeonidP ()
Date: December 29, 2019 06:21

It's strange that a lot of critics like to slag off Pacino. He is a legend and top 3 of all actors alive IMHO. Just goes to show most journalists are wank*rs.

Eh, he's up and down for me. He's great in some movies, like Godfather, of course, and others like Scent of a Woman and In Justice For All.

But he's horrible in too many others, examples off the top of my head are Scarface, Devil's Advocate, and Any Given Sunday -- all which his performance makes them almost unwatchable.

I do think he did pretty well as Jimmy Hoffa, didn't seem to overact as he often does like in those mentioned above. I also think he did very well in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.

In summary, he's no where near a "top 3" actor alive, not even close.

Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: December 29, 2019 06:53

LD worships Pacino ……
Tried so hard to show her
but in the end she lost so much …..


Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: January 4, 2020 18:54

Yes looking forward Uncut Gems ….
Hopefully released in cinema first ….


Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: January 4, 2020 23:20

Hey yeah thanks very much
for that article Annie ….
looking forward to seeing Uncut Gems ….

All the best for 2020 and make sure
you see Parasite if you already haven't.....

A strong reflection of modern society... $$$$
..Almost as if the Coens made a movie in Korea
One of the top films of 19 ….


Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: January 4, 2020 23:25

Hope you like Uncut Gems Rockeee. I found it pretty intense. But yeah, Parasite was likely the best movie I saw last year, hope everyone gets to see it. Stay safe.

Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: January 4, 2020 23:37


Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: January 5, 2020 01:14

Pacino in the '70s was undoubtedly one of the greatest actors of his generation. His performances oozed subtlety and nuance. His face was a stoic mask that still radiated the inner rage and turmoil of the characters he was portraying.

Scarface was definitely the turning point where he embraced a very flamboyant, campy style. Couple that with his voice radically changing from high-pitched and sensitive to raspy and barking due to years of smoking, and he was almost unrecognizable from the fresh-faced young man in The Godfather and Dog Day Afternoon.

I must say I thoroughly enjoy Pacino's over-the-top roles (Scarface, Scent of a Woman, Devil's Advocate, Any Given Sunday). They border on self-parody and can't hold a candle to his '70s work, but they're guilty pleasures.

Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: January 6, 2020 12:20

reading the book "i heard you paint houses" now. interesting & very good.

Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: MadMax ()
Date: January 6, 2020 12:45

Don't forget the brilliant Insider, Pacino's Always delivering. Over the top? Well I happen to Think he is Amazing in Scarface as well, subtle or crazy doesnae matter.

Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: ThePaleRider ()
Date: January 6, 2020 14:28

Pacino in the '70s was undoubtedly one of the greatest actors of his generation. His performances oozed subtlety and nuance. His face was a stoic mask that still ...I must say I thoroughly enjoy Pacino's over-the-top roles (Scarface, Scent of a Woman, Devil's Advocate, Any Given Sunday). They border on self-parody and can't hold a candle to his '70s work, but they're guilty pleasures.
...and also another gem in that run in the 90's. Carlito's Way. But he could also pull off a Donnie Brasco.

Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: January 6, 2020 15:46

Pacino in the '70s was undoubtedly one of the greatest actors of his generation. His performances oozed subtlety and nuance. His face was a stoic mask that still ...I must say I thoroughly enjoy Pacino's over-the-top roles (Scarface, Scent of a Woman, Devil's Advocate, Any Given Sunday). They border on self-parody and can't hold a candle to his '70s work, but they're guilty pleasures.
...and also another gem in that run in the 90's. Carlito's Way. But he could also pull off a Donnie Brasco.
Oh yeah...Carlito's Way, Glengarry Glen Ross, Donnie Brasco, The Insider, Heat, many great movies.

I know a lot of people absolutely despise Pacino's "shouty" style that he started to develop in the '80s and '90s, but it works depending on the role...and as Donnie Brasco showed, he was still capable of subtle, quiet acting.

Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: Bungo ()
Date: January 6, 2020 18:43

…. That's okay Bungoeeeee

Cult rock-writer Lester Bangs and guru to so many
said that Exile was a load of shit when he first heard it ……

Well, I Loved Exile the first time I heard it and still do. According to your logic I guess that affirms my credibility.

And if that doesn't, you might want to check out last night's Golden Globes Awards ,

Once Upon A Time in Hollywood : 3
The Irishman : 0 !

Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: January 6, 2020 19:11


Once Upon A Time in Hollywood :3
The Irishman : 0

It doesn't say a single thing about the quality of the movies.
It's just means the Hollywood coterie has decided Scorcese should pay for joining and working for the "enemy" : Netflix.

The same Hollywood coterie that's been churning out crap for 7-11 y.o. audiences... The same Hollywood coterie that decided "The Irishman" would not be brought to life despite a cast of De Niro and Pacino.

And if you ask me whose body of work will stand the test of time between super-talented MS and serial plagiarist QT, well... smoking smiley

Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: LeonidP ()
Date: January 6, 2020 19:41

What about Richard Jewell?

I guess it didn't do well in the box office, but it is fantastic!

Clint Eastwood comes through again, I highly recommend this film! Kathy Bates, i.e. of Misery fame, is again great (as always).

Not on topic, i realize, just bringing it up as no one is talking about it (and apparently it is being ignored by the majority of movie goers).

Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: January 6, 2020 21:15

AAAhhhhhh Bungo's beltin'
me with Golden globes ….hhaaaa and there's
most likely a Neflix snub goin' on too
Exile never got an award yet its a classic ….

But hey yeah much cuter seein Brad adjustin
that TV antenna than Pacino in his dressing gown ….

OOOwwww and good ta see Parasite pick up best foreign


Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: Bungo ()
Date: January 7, 2020 20:40

AAAhhhhhh Bungo's beltin'
me with Golden globes ….hhaaaa and there's
most likely a Neflix snub goin' on too
Exile never got an award yet its a classic ….

But hey yeah much cuter seein Brad adjustin
that TV antenna than Pacino in his dressing gown ….

OOOwwww and good ta see Parasite pick up best foreign

Rockman posts articles by critics slagging Al Pacino and extolling the greatness of The Irishman and then posts that critic Lester Bangs hated Exile On Main Street. You can't use a critic's opinion as evidence of your position (implying that critics know of what they speak) and at the same time use Lester Bangs' dislike of Exile On Main Street as evidence that Critics don't know shit.

Because of this egregious violation of the basic rules of logic I have no alternative but to declare all of Rockman's arguments and opinions on this subject Null and Void and without merit. An official grievance will be filed with the pertinent authorities concerning Rockman's misguided adulation of The Irishman as well as his shameless disparagement of Mr. Pacino.

Please address any further comments or appeal requests to my lawyer.

Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: January 7, 2020 21:19

…… only evidence available … Bunker taps unlistenable ….


Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: Bungo ()
Date: January 7, 2020 22:22


…… only evidence available … Bunker taps unlistenable ….

My apologies. Pacino was one of the few highlights of this movie along with Keitel and Maniscalco.

Re: OT: The Irishman
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: January 7, 2020 23:37

hey Bungo no need to apologize …
Only havin a laugh with ya ..
all light hearted stuff … …


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