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Re: KISS goodbye 2020 in Dubai
Posted by: stargroover ()
Date: January 2, 2021 10:47

Hi Gentlemen I realised this might stir up the Kiss bashers.Lol.
The comments about not singing live are rather ludicrous to say the least.Thankfully it’s a small forum here.You make silly comments like that in the real world you get lawyers on your tail.
So forget your troubles and inadequacies and stick Kiss Alive 2 at maximum volume.
Happy new year !

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: January 2, 2021 11:05

Not a KISS basher per se, as I actually like their music.

But as far as lawyers, see:


Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2021-01-02 11:12 by Topi.

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Posted by: stargroover ()
Date: January 2, 2021 11:24

Yeah I had heard about this before.I know they have used a backing tape for Beth.
The recent shows I saw in the UK were all live no doubt about that.Got the bootlegs that also verify that.Those shows were quite amazing.For me better than the original four who I was lucky enough to see in Finsbury Park.
Each to their own I suppose.
Rolling Stones always number one of course.
But I did like the Kiss cover of 2000 man.

Re: KISS goodbye 2020 in Dubai
Date: January 2, 2021 12:20

It's easy to do that if you use pre-recorded tracks winking smiley

They played live.

And Paul's vocals?

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: January 2, 2021 15:48

Look, even the KISS fans are saying Paul did lip sync in Dubai.


Re: KISS goodbye 2020 in Dubai
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: January 2, 2021 16:40

Hi Gentlemen I realised this might stir up the Kiss bashers.Lol.
The comments about not singing live are rather ludicrous to say the least.Thankfully it’s a small forum here.You make silly comments like that in the real world you get lawyers on your tail.
So forget your troubles and inadequacies and stick Kiss Alive 2 at maximum volume.
Happy new year !

When one pays a lot of money and doesn't get what they paid for, lip syncing is criminal. And if you're okay with it, good for you. But for a band to act like they're live and are using recordings, that's just bogus. And the claims are not.

Silly comments... it's too bad they won't get lawyers on my tail - that would be fun.

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: January 2, 2021 16:53

Yeah, totally. I mean, you have to be able to say the emperor doesn't have clothes.

A lot of KISS fans are actually perfectly OK with the way their live shows are these days. They know what's going on.

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: January 2, 2021 17:26

The whole Dubai show is up on YouTube here:

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Posted by: stargroover ()
Date: January 2, 2021 19:30

Thanks for that Topi will watch later.
Switch to some Lee Scratch Perry before hand.

Re: KISS goodbye 2020 in Dubai
Posted by: Redhotcarpet ()
Date: January 3, 2021 08:51

It's easy to do that if you use pre-recorded tracks winking smiley

They played live.

And Paul's vocals?

Dubai sure sounded live...yup. And yes, Stanley’s voice is shot. During the tour: mostly pre-recorded tracks - not everything though.

And yes, for some reason Paul at least has some pre-recorded guitar tracks. Wchich makes no sense.

Re: KISS goodbye 2020 in Dubai
Date: January 3, 2021 10:52

It's easy to do that if you use pre-recorded tracks winking smiley

They played live.

And Paul's vocals?

Dubai sure sounded live...yup. And yes, Stanley’s voice is shot. During the tour: mostly pre-recorded tracks - not everything though.

And yes, for some reason Paul at least has some pre-recorded guitar tracks. Wchich makes no sense.

Pre-recorded vocals on the whole tour. Would surprise me a lot if he chose to sing live again, even for this show.

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Posted by: stargroover ()
Date: January 3, 2021 11:09

How long have you been working for the Kiss organisation Dandelion Powderman?

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Date: January 3, 2021 11:31

How long have you been working for the Kiss organisation Dandelion Powderman?

Haha grinning smiley Just repeating what even the army say.

Are you saying that Paul did not use pre-recorded vocals (his voice) on this tour?

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Posted by: stargroover ()
Date: January 3, 2021 12:35

Hi Dandelion Powderman I thought you had some actual evidence that they are not singing live.
I saw all the UK shows last tour and have bootlegs of those shows.The evidence is quite clearly there.The vocals are different from each show.There are tracks where Paul’s voice is pretty ragged and then pretty decent.The quality varies from show to show on the identical tracks.If they were pre recorded tracks you would have identical vocals at each show.This is simply not the case.

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: January 3, 2021 14:18

There's plenty of video/audio evidence from this tour that proves he does use canned vocals. Many of those have been compiled by KISS fans. And yes, their fan forum ( at least admits it.




Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2021-01-03 14:23 by Topi.

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Date: January 3, 2021 14:26

Hi Dandelion Powderman I thought you had some actual evidence that they are not singing live.
I saw all the UK shows last tour and have bootlegs of those shows.The evidence is quite clearly there.The vocals are different from each show.There are tracks where Paul’s voice is pretty ragged and then pretty decent.The quality varies from show to show on the identical tracks.If they were pre recorded tracks you would have identical vocals at each show.This is simply not the case.

This is pretty revealing. Well, at least Gene is singing live. []

Look, I love them, too, but...

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Posted by: schillid ()
Date: January 3, 2021 15:01

covid pandemic ... no kiss

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Posted by: TooTough ()
Date: January 3, 2021 18:05

I never liked these clowns, I always laughed when
I saw them in action. When you had to decide in
our school in 1980: AC/DC or KISS? was clear to me.

Using click track and pre-recorded vocals is bad?
I tell what is bad and disgusting: Going on tour with two
clones and hiding them behind the masks of the original
members to pretend it´s the original lineup (for the common
music fan).

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Posted by: stargroover ()
Date: January 3, 2021 18:21

Dandelion Powderman ,yes I had a look at that stuff.
My first ever rock gig was Kiss back in 1980,and even then there were folk saying they are not even playing their instruments let alone singing vocals.Its something that is always there I am afraid.
I have the recordings and was pretty much front row for five shows and I can say they were live for sure.
The internet is also full of clips of Paul’s dreadful vocals from time to time.That is further evidence of singing live.
Glad you like their music anyhow!
Too tough I hear what you are saying about the replacement members.I saw the original four back in 96 and they were pretty shite.Ace and Peter were passed their sell by date.This line up is quality and those recent shows were better than anything I have seen in the past.
Yeah the AC/DC and Kiss camps at school.I loved both of them.Now AC/DC back in 82 were a quality act.
Hopefully will get some live shows with AC/DC in near future!

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: January 3, 2021 19:30

There has never been a band where fans are forced to defend the company line moreso than KISS. And I say that as a huge fan of them. But the way the band spins things, and then fans will run with that to stay on the right side of their idols is truly hysterical. I hope in the long run it works out for them. As for the band itself, I do still, however small the chances are now, hope for a respectful farewell to this once great band.

Its also even funnier the way fans act because of the way Paul Stanley acts. He was one of the best frontmen ever, and was maybe always a dick, but in the last 25 years showed he was a colossal one. All his stuff in the 90s about bands staying too late at the party, lip syncing isn't ever acceptable, and now they do it all. They just change the wording. SOME shouldn't stay too long at the party, but we still have it. The band will never cop to lip syncing but fans have now defended it as necessary and not all that bad. I applaud that they have tried to keep trucking, and if they quit when they said they were going to they wouldn't have gotten caught in a tangle of very funny past lines. KISS was never honest, and it reached a certain point where I feel it just seems so much harder to lie than just tell the truth. You're 70, who the hell even cares anymore?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-01-03 19:36 by RollingFreak.

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Date: January 3, 2021 19:46

Dandelion Powderman ,yes I had a look at that stuff.
My first ever rock gig was Kiss back in 1980,and even then there were folk saying they are not even playing their instruments let alone singing vocals.Its something that is always there I am afraid.
I have the recordings and was pretty much front row for five shows and I can say they were live for sure.
The internet is also full of clips of Paul’s dreadful vocals from time to time.That is further evidence of singing live.
Glad you like their music anyhow!
Too tough I hear what you are saying about the replacement members.I saw the original four back in 96 and they were pretty shite.Ace and Peter were passed their sell by date.This line up is quality and those recent shows were better than anything I have seen in the past.
Yeah the AC/DC and Kiss camps at school.I loved both of them.Now AC/DC back in 82 were a quality act.
Hopefully will get some live shows with AC/DC in near future!

Out of curiosity, are there examples of Paul's 'dreadful vocals' from this tour?

I saw a very good show here in Norway a few years ago that was very much live. Paul was struggling, but he did all right.

However, either Paul took lessons AND became a dead on precise singer (to the point of computer precision) or he is using singback tracks along with his live mike on this tour.

I'm one of the few who love The Elder, btw smiling smiley

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2021-01-03 19:48 by DandelionPowderman.

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: January 3, 2021 20:33

There has never been a band where fans are forced to defend the company line moreso than KISS. And I say that as a huge fan of them. But the way the band spins things, and then fans will run with that to stay on the right side of their idols is truly hysterical. I hope in the long run it works out for them. As for the band itself, I do still, however small the chances are now, hope for a respectful farewell to this once great band.

Its also even funnier the way fans act because of the way Paul Stanley acts. He was one of the best frontmen ever, and was maybe always a dick, but in the last 25 years showed he was a colossal one. All his stuff in the 90s about bands staying too late at the party, lip syncing isn't ever acceptable, and now they do it all. They just change the wording. SOME shouldn't stay too long at the party, but we still have it. The band will never cop to lip syncing but fans have now defended it as necessary and not all that bad. I applaud that they have tried to keep trucking, and if they quit when they said they were going to they wouldn't have gotten caught in a tangle of very funny past lines. KISS was never honest, and it reached a certain point where I feel it just seems so much harder to lie than just tell the truth. You're 70, who the hell even cares anymore?

Wow that's hilarious!

It is fun to bash KISS since they are the epitome of over the top ridiculous - and always have been. That was part of the charm. Which, really, should've never stopped. But the other stuff, eh, somehow they got signed - what garage band hasn't had at least one moment that something sounded good?

That's where the rub is it seems: big spectacle but no actual talent, hence the studio recordings (what are the chances it's not KISS but session musicians?) for their live sound.

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: January 3, 2021 22:33

I hate myself for commenting on s Kiss thread that's not about Prince.
Although I adore Ace in interviews back inna day,
Drunker than frickasee and tormenting Gene and Paul.
Oh they were so Sour on that Tom Snyder show.
I feel so dirty.
I'm thinking of Reporting all of you.

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Posted by: stargroover ()
Date: January 3, 2021 23:32

If you compare recent shows you can hear the difference in vocals from gig to gig.The bootlegs I have illustrate this.I think this last tour has been better than anything previous.
Pity you missed out DandelionPowderman.Glad you like the Elder by the way!
Hey Hopkins what are you smoking?

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Posted by: frankotero ()
Date: January 3, 2021 23:59

Watched only 4 songs so far and I would say the vocals are live, don't know about Paul's guitar parts. Guess that would be easier to fake? Anyhow, who could blame these guys (though they should be honest about it) to embellish the extreme show they're giving. Come on, at this age Mick and Keith aren't doing this kind of stuff. It's too much for some old guys. Still they try to give it, and yeah Gene loves money but Mick doesn't? If you're not a KISS fan it's okay, but I would say let people love what they will. It's Rock and Roll anyway.

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: January 4, 2021 06:42

.I think this last tour has been better than anything previous.


Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Posted by: stargroover ()
Date: January 4, 2021 11:01

Hi Topi I was referring to the gigs I have seen.The 1980 show at Bingley Hall in Stafford was an amazing show,and they had Eric Carr on drums.
I saw whole bunch of shows without makeup which were nothing special
and the 96 Finsbury Park gig with all four original members was lack lustre.
For me the recent tour has been first class,great stage show and performance

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: January 4, 2021 16:22

I like the KISS music up until about 1979 or 80. "Sure Know Something" era.
A few good songs since then.

Only saw them live in 1977. Can't speak to the current vocals controversy, except to say I'm not what I was in 1977 either!

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: January 4, 2021 19:54

There has never been a band where fans are forced to defend the company line moreso than KISS. And I say that as a huge fan of them. But the way the band spins things, and then fans will run with that to stay on the right side of their idols is truly hysterical. I hope in the long run it works out for them. As for the band itself, I do still, however small the chances are now, hope for a respectful farewell to this once great band.

Its also even funnier the way fans act because of the way Paul Stanley acts. He was one of the best frontmen ever, and was maybe always a dick, but in the last 25 years showed he was a colossal one. All his stuff in the 90s about bands staying too late at the party, lip syncing isn't ever acceptable, and now they do it all. They just change the wording. SOME shouldn't stay too long at the party, but we still have it. The band will never cop to lip syncing but fans have now defended it as necessary and not all that bad. I applaud that they have tried to keep trucking, and if they quit when they said they were going to they wouldn't have gotten caught in a tangle of very funny past lines. KISS was never honest, and it reached a certain point where I feel it just seems so much harder to lie than just tell the truth. You're 70, who the hell even cares anymore?

Wow that's hilarious!

It is fun to bash KISS since they are the epitome of over the top ridiculous - and always have been. That was part of the charm. Which, really, should've never stopped. But the other stuff, eh, somehow they got signed - what garage band hasn't had at least one moment that something sounded good?

That's where the rub is it seems: big spectacle but no actual talent, hence the studio recordings (what are the chances it's not KISS but session musicians?) for their live sound.

They are very talented. Ace Frehley has influenced every guitar player that followed him, even if his skills were limited. And Paul and Gene were great songwriters. Maybe not writing the next Stairway to Heaven, but fun great rock songs that they did consistently for as long as all of their contemporaries.

Re: OT: KISS announce (another) farewell tour
Posted by: JordyLicks96 ()
Date: January 4, 2021 21:14

I'm a big KISS fan. Have seen them 5 times now since 2010, last time seeing them at Madison Square Garden in 2019. Hoping to be able to see them for their final concert ever in NYC whenever the new date is.

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