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Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: April 23, 2018 08:20

What about Dublin?

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: flairville ()
Date: April 23, 2018 08:34

10am this morning.

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Date: April 23, 2018 08:53

Liam Gallagher is good

He was also asked for Manchester but he refused to play Old Trafford.

grinning smiley

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: odean73 ()
Date: April 23, 2018 08:58

Delighted with the specials, thou a few members have now left.

But it will be good for coventry.

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Date: April 23, 2018 10:04

The Specials are great. Also i like Florence and Liam. Others are a bit boring i think altough they all are pretty big bands in the festival scene at the moment.

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: skelly ()
Date: April 23, 2018 10:28

I've seen Richard Ashcroft 3 times recently and he is very very good. His solo stuff definitely stands up against the Verve music. I'm looking forward to seeing him again at Edinburgh. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

I'm also going to see Liam Gallagher at the end of June and although I won't see him with the Stones I'm also looking forward to this. I'm hearing good things about his current shows too.

I think I've bust a button on my trousers....

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: Adrian-L ()
Date: April 23, 2018 11:01

they've opened the cheque book & pulled out the big guns.
Sales must be sluggish.

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Date: April 23, 2018 11:21

I've seen Richard Ashcroft 3 times recently and he is very very good. His solo stuff definitely stands up against the Verve music. I'm looking forward to seeing him again at Edinburgh. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

I'm also going to see Liam Gallagher at the end of June and although I won't see him with the Stones I'm also looking forward to this. I'm hearing good things about his current shows too.
Looking forward to him. Love the Drugs Don't Work song.

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: RoughJusticeOnYa ()
Date: April 23, 2018 13:53

Elbow is superbe.

The inevitable question: what about outside the UK?
Especially looking out for the Marseille support act announcement.

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: rebelhipi ()
Date: April 23, 2018 14:02

Opening acts in the past:
Guns N'Roses in 1989 and Queens Of The Stone Age in 2006

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: April 23, 2018 14:33

The Academic will play in Dublin.

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Date: April 23, 2018 15:01

Never heard of them.

On the big warm up bands i would like to add metallica

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: April 23, 2018 15:14

Past opening acts include Van Halen. The J Geils Band and ZZ Top. This list is far from impressive.

Its actually a very good list if theyre trying to attract people under 50 or punters who don't live in a timewarp.

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: EddieByword ()
Date: April 23, 2018 15:18

The Specials are pretty decent and as they are from Coventry ........should create a good atmosphere to warm things up.....ex

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: April 23, 2018 16:29

The Specials are more than decent grinning smiley

Pretty much every one of those acts is capable of filling an arena sized venue in the UK or in some cases even headlining a good sized festival

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-04-23 16:29 by Gazza.

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: JumpinJimF ()
Date: April 23, 2018 16:35

At least those going to Cardiff can get themselves an hour's kip during Elbow and be fresh for the main act.

Liam seems to like the Stones anyway:
"It's a dream come true to be asked to open for The Mighty @RollingStones - the best Rock n Roll band EVER."

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: geordiestone ()
Date: April 23, 2018 16:48

Past opening acts include Van Halen. The J Geils Band and ZZ Top. This list is far from impressive.

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Date: April 23, 2018 17:08

The vaccines are good, will get the crowd warmed up nicely.

Never again do you call me Dandy

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: jrcjohnny99 ()
Date: April 23, 2018 17:35

The Specials in Coventry will be amazing;
I don't think you could pick a better supporting act for there,
and they can truly put together a fantastic 45 minute slot

I've seen Liam solo and he is great, he mixes up his solo stuff nicely with some key Oasis songs, Oasis songs are so ingrained into the UK music mindset that it will create a fantastic atmosphere

Ashcroft should be great as well; Looking at the festival setlist he just did in Mexico he also has a great 45 minute set

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: Send It To me ()
Date: April 23, 2018 17:49

The guy from the Verve? I guess they got over the bad blood regarding the Bittersweet Symphony/The Last Time controversy?

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: ROLLINGSTONE ()
Date: April 24, 2018 12:38

Surprised nobody's mentioned Sheryl Crow as support (and probably the most beautiful!) winking smiley

At Hampden Park, Glasgow in 2006 we got The Charlatans who were considered a reasonably big act.

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: RoughJusticeOnYa ()
Date: April 24, 2018 12:47

Send It To me
The guy from the Verve? I guess they got over the bad blood regarding the Bittersweet Symphony/The Last Time controversy?

Fun 'fact', btw: in those days, Oasis & the Verve were 'best buddies' - and Liam Gallagher supposedly offered Ashcroft to go & "beat up the Rolling Stones" personally as a token of his friendship. Can't help but continue to laugh out loud, even all those years later, at the image of good ole Liam leaving the house to "go and beat up the rolling stones"... smoking smiley (or Charlie's face, when Liam enters the room... priceless, no doubt!)

Needless to point out, I suppose, Liam as well as Richard are support acts on this tour.

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: matxil ()
Date: April 24, 2018 13:39

Cool, the Specials, very nice as an opening act.

I actually at first reading thought I had read Noel Gallagher, which would have made some sense. But Liam? Terrible choice.

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: matxil ()
Date: April 24, 2018 13:44

Thinking of the Specials, the last time I saw them was a few years ago, without Terry Hall, in Barcelona. After about 15 a 20 minutes the electricity gave up. They re-tried after a 5 minutes break. Again an electricity failure. Another break. Re-try. Again an electricity failure. At this point the band was of course very p***** off, and understandably gave up. A pity, because those 15 minutes they were steaming!

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: April 24, 2018 14:13

Cool, the Specials, very nice as an opening act.

I actually at first reading thought I had read Noel Gallagher, which would have made some sense. But Liam? Terrible choice.

Why? His debut album reached No.1 and he's a huge draw. Oasis were a British phenominum. He sang Wonderwall and Live Forever. That's why he's a great choice as opener.

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: nobodyimportant ()
Date: April 24, 2018 17:30

Big Al
Cool, the Specials, very nice as an opening act.

I actually at first reading thought I had read Noel Gallagher, which would have made some sense. But Liam? Terrible choice.

Why? His debut album reached No.1 and he's a huge draw. Oasis were a British phenominum. He sang Wonderwall and Live Forever. That's why he's a great choice as opener.

His singing is a major reason why I didn't like Oasis. His whiny voice grates on me. I would much, much rather see Noel and his band.

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: KevinLocksPerm ()
Date: April 24, 2018 17:48

With the exception of The Specials what a boring list. I'm only doing London on 22nd May and am really turned off by the idea of Liam Gallagher. Still at least it affords on the opportunity for an extended toilet break.

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: jlowe ()
Date: April 24, 2018 18:02

Send It To me
The guy from the Verve? I guess they got over the bad blood regarding the Bittersweet Symphony/The Last Time controversy?

The lawsuit was actually between Klein and The Verve. The Stones were not directly involved. I think ALO also got some dosh as well.
Keith said some bitchy things about Ashcroft at the time...doesn't sound like him does it?!

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: April 24, 2018 20:12

Thinking of the Specials, the last time I saw them was a few years ago, without Terry Hall, in Barcelona. After about 15 a 20 minutes the electricity gave up. They re-tried after a 5 minutes break. Again an electricity failure. Another break. Re-try. Again an electricity failure. At this point the band was of course very p***** off, and understandably gave up. A pity, because those 15 minutes they were steaming!

Wait...the Specials without Terry Hall? The main lead singer? Was he sick?
Perhaps you meant Neville Staple who left in 2012?

We know founder Jerry Dammers hasn't been with them since '84, but the most significant missing member now is lead guitarist Roddy Radiation who left (again) in 2014. Also, Neville Staples' energetic over the top on-stage presence was a big part of what made the Specials great - leaping around and shouting (or "toasting") out lyrics while dancing non-stop....hard to imagine a Specials show without him, but evidently they have carried on fine. And sadly, original drummer John Bradbury passed away in 2015.

Last I saw them in 2010, all was still intact (except Dammers), and it was as energetic and out of control as you could imagine. Will see them in this current incarnation next month at Arroyo Seco w/Neil Young, the Pretenders, et al., and am curious as to how it will be. Hopefully it will be as fun as it used to be, and I'm pretty sure (or guessing) they will be great as openers for the Stones in Coventry.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Opening Acts UK announced
Posted by: nobodyimportant ()
Date: April 24, 2018 20:32

Thinking of the Specials, the last time I saw them was a few years ago, without Terry Hall, in Barcelona. After about 15 a 20 minutes the electricity gave up. They re-tried after a 5 minutes break. Again an electricity failure. Another break. Re-try. Again an electricity failure. At this point the band was of course very p***** off, and understandably gave up. A pity, because those 15 minutes they were steaming!

Wait...the Specials without Terry Hall? The main lead singer? Was he sick?
Perhaps you meant Neville Staple who left in 2012?

We know founder Jerry Dammers hasn't been with them since '84, but the most significant missing member now is lead guitarist Roddy Radiation who left (again) in 2014. Also, Neville Staples' energetic over the top on-stage presence was a big part of what made the Specials great - leaping around and shouting (or "toasting") out lyrics while dancing non-stop....hard to imagine a Specials show without him, but evidently they have carried on fine. And sadly, original drummer John Bradbury passed away in 2015.

Last I saw them in 2010, all was still intact (except Dammers), and it was as energetic and out of control as you could imagine. Will see them in this current incarnation next month at Arroyo Seco w/Neil Young, the Pretenders, et al., and am curious as to how it will be. Hopefully it will be as fun as it used to be, and I'm pretty sure (or guessing) they will be great as openers for the Stones in Coventry.

I've seen them both before and after Neville left, and although both were terrifically enjoyable, it just wasn't the same without Neville and I really missed him. Then after Roddy's departure I decided not to go again. I would still rather see them than any of the other support acts though.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-04-25 02:40 by nobodyimportant.

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