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Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: Kennedy ()
Date: April 1, 2018 23:50

50 years on, and it is still politically incorrect to dare suggest that Mr. Hunter has only himself to blame for his own fate.

Like most other death of young black men.

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: April 2, 2018 00:00

is that 'politically correct' ? are those accurate statistics for a particular reason
and what would that have to do with a kid going to a concert and being beaten stomped sliced demeaned yanked for watching the headliners do their thing. ?
do you think there's a racial angle inherent in this kids beating and killing by the hired security? And from the stage?
well he is black I guess. thanks for the reminder....eye rolling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-04-02 00:02 by hopkins.

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: triceratops ()
Date: April 2, 2018 00:05

To veer away from the speculation for a moment, an interesting read from super dupe groupie Pamela Des Barres (author of I'm With the Band).
Factual? Fictional? Probably a blend of both:

Pamela Des Barres: Coming of Age at Altamont

Good piece of writing....semi-fiction? Who knows, but entertaining.

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: April 2, 2018 00:09

He didn't give him any verbal provocation or anything. So they're chasing through the crowd. And they hitting him and one Hell's Angel pulled out a knife and stabbed him in the back. What kind of knife? I couldn't tell. I just saw the flash of the blade. Everything was happening too fast. And he hit him in the back and he pulled out a gun and held it up in the air you know . . . like that was kind of his last resort, you know

Sounds like self defense to me.

He brought a gun to a concert? He chose to return with a gun pointing at the "Angel". That's not self defense. Not defending the Hells Angels at all but Hunter was high and armed and got into a fight/was being picked on by the Hells Angels. Many were that day and none of them pulled a gun and none of them got killed.

None of them were being stabbed either

Huh? Wasn't the stabbing after the gun was pulled? .... wow, it's amazing how far some will go to try to prove a point.

Terraplane looks to me as a lonely person, who just wants some conversation. He probably never watched the Gimme Shelter documentary, so comes up with pointless remarks. Other option is that his/her eyesight is not up to what it should be and then one only should feel sorry for terraplane.
No offense though smileys with beer

I am neither lonely, starved for conversation, nor is my eyesight poor. I have seen the Gimme Shelter movie. My remark was simply that Hunter was likely acting in self-defense (based on the eyewitness account that somebody else posted above). Try to keep up.

Well, that's good to hear, so you don't need that "eyewitness" account of someone else to see for yourself. No matter how many times you look at those scenes, you can see the sequence: first gun, than stabbing. Or do/did you see something else? Why did Hunter go to this concert? To enjoy the music (no need to take a gun along then) or to make a (power) statement to anyone that he would not be told by anyone where to stay or go or pushed or whatever? By taking along and finally pulling his gun, he basically "killed himself" (which doesn't mean that I approve of the Angels' actions).

Comprehension doesn't seem to be your strong point or you are choosing to wilfully ignore the eye witness claim that he was stabbed before and after he pulled the gun.Is it not possible that Mayles didn't film everything that happened? Yes, MH shouldn't have brought a gun and the Hells Angels shouldn't have brought pool cues and knives.eye rolling smiley

I don't try to ignore the "eyewitness" claim, but find it (very) hard to believe (even more: don't trust it). Hunter's moves (during the process of pulling his gun) by far don't look like if he was stabbed already. Again, I'm not defending the Angels at all.
With your final remark we are fully in line! If the whole scene would be looked upon as "lessons learned", the Maysles docu is worth it all. Having said that, my heart already hurts again remembering the Las Vegas drama.

Yeah nobody can make a good argument that Hunter was stabbed before he pulled the gun. You have to cherry pick witness testimony to try and make that argument and it does not line up with what we see,

There is no evidence that anyone but Pssaro stabbed Hunter and in this video at 4:08 you can see Passaro going for his knife. At least that is what it looks like to me. Considering where his hands are it doesn't make sense that he had the knife before this point.


yeh "nobody" except for direct witnesses; there were more than one. but that one suffices nicely; it's relative credibilty to you personally is a personal opinion; my personal opinion would factor in that this Interview was done when Rolling .

Witnesses disagreed on whether Hunter was stabbed before he pulled the gun. Any quoting witnesses to back a conclusion is cherry picking.

I just pointed to the part of the video that shows Hunter with his gun while Psaasro is reaching for his knife. When I see that I no longer care about unreliable witness statements. It is right on video.

In saying this I am not defending the Angels. To me it is very clear what happened here and I am still amazed that some people can't see the obvious.

The Angels roughed Hunter up and he pulled a gun. I blame Hunter pulling a gun on the Angels. As far as I have ever heard Hunter had no problems with anyone else but the Angels who assaulted him.

I myself would not have stuck around the stage when the Angels were assaulting people but I am not going to judge someone who decided he was going to enjoy the show from wherever he felt like watching it from and if the Angels assaulted him he was going to fight back.

He was guilty of doing something stupid, they were guilty of being thugs and pieces of shit. I don't compare the two at all.

yeh on stupid for that gun; desperation panic rage whatever does explain it
but i can't justify it; mentioned in my longwinded saga that as bad as things
were, that gun sealed the deal for him w ab certainty; i mean he might have been a goner anyway; but facts on the ground yielding stupidity for bringing
a handgun instead of your dancing shoes is ok w me...
....still do think that rs piece is valuable and a little early-on
for it to be too politicized or meaningfully slanted; it's a ground-breaking
presentation with excellent senior editors and dozens of good reporters in the field over time; this was a heartbreaker that's for sure....

i'm not one to 'blame him' for pulling the gun tho i think it's stupid he pulled one or had one in agreement w you....
i mean, he did the right thing conciously according to more than one witness,
and wouldn't squeeze off any rounds because he knew he was in a tight crowd
with other kids, as wildly awful as that moment was.....and that girl
he was dating was screaming at him about that too....he didn't squeeze off a round; there were plenty of targets;
but a few hundred kids in easy range as well; impossible situation. he knew it.
What if it was a courageous personal decision to refuse to use force in your hand to defend your very passing life, knowing you could shoot some friggin' little teenie dancing at a rock concert....???

you can say' well it's his sister, or friend or whatever' and they'd give you only a slant,
but it seems this young man was a person not devoid of character
or heart, and to randomly assume otherwise lends more interest to the judger
than the judged; sometimes. That's not a personal claim in regard to you btw!

hunter was a baby; looking back on it from my mid sixties, not THE mid sixties....ho ho.....
he would have needed another shooter and an arsenal to get out of there alive; that would have hurt a hundred people; it was impossible.
he didn't hurt anyone and was beaten and killed; that is also true.

i don't see any heros really; maybe hunter for not hurting anyone and dying
in the process...he could have went bang bang bang like many a drunken
nut, and did not. TWO incidents of open shootings on MY BLOCK in March;
ahh here comes Spring when thngs Really pick-up....
ah, california, where carrying guns is clearly illegal, which is
always a massive sales component for easy and cheap availabvilty apparently.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2018-04-02 00:26 by hopkins.

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: April 2, 2018 00:19

What did we say about geometrical posts?

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: stanlove ()
Date: April 2, 2018 00:20

is that 'politically correct' ? are those accurate statistics for a particular reason
and what would that have to do with a kid going to a concert and being beaten stomped sliced demeaned yanked for watching the headliners do their thing. ?
do you think there's a racial angle inherent in this kids beating and killing by the hired security? And from the stage?
well he is black I guess. thanks for the reminder....eye rolling smiley

What statistics are you talking about?

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: April 2, 2018 00:34

oh i'm sorry stan; that was kennedy; there was some statement about 'black men' murdering other black men generally or something;
and i was a little wondering about that out the blue; and it was not YOU.

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: Kennedy ()
Date: April 1, 2018 12:50

50 years on, and it is still politically incorrect to dare suggest that Mr. Hunter has only himself to blame for his own fate.

Like most other death of young black men.

You had that one sentence sort of summation in a longer post, about it being stupid (the gun); & who was hassling his ass and etc...that's basically it.

My input is questioning some of the behind-the-scenes stuff
that for whatever varied reasons,
made a whole hell of a lot of things go pretty wrong, pretty reliably, as far as stage and pro mgmt. is concerned.

As far as 'cherry picking' i don't see that personally.
That person was THE person with Hunter and that girl and near them enjoying
the band together......
It's just as much 'cherry picking' to hurl that random association,
as if it has any reasonable credibility other than opine surrounding it.....
when several dozens of senior editor professionals, and others journalists, historians, authors, legal teams) thru the decades,
don't seem to have any problem with it at all.
so who's 'cherry picking' what? ya know..... cheers.
i mean, for all we know stan, it could be pretty much the story.
you and i disagree largely about that likelihood; but i appreciate you reading it, thank you.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2018-04-02 00:44 by hopkins.

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: curt ()
Date: April 2, 2018 00:46

50 years on, and it is still politically incorrect to dare suggest that Mr. Hunter has only himself to blame for his own fate.

Like most other death of young black men.

Amazing isn't it, the guy just knifed, beat and bludgeoned himself to death.
Right ?

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: bleedingman ()
Date: April 2, 2018 01:03

Imagine if all those people who got beat up or begged not to be beat up had brought guns? Gun > pool cue every time. Hunter should have backed off like every one else did but he felt empowered by the gun. He was also allegedly impaired and his judgment was poor. He might not have been aiming at the stage but he was certainly close enough to hit someone there once he pulled the gun.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-04-02 01:04 by bleedingman.

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: April 2, 2018 01:08

Judging from the video material I have seen it is pretty obvious that the Hell's Angel used more force than necessary. He could have outmanoeuvred the deceased without stabbing him seven times in the back.
Self-defense doesn't give room for more violence than necessary. I don't think it was necessary to kill the suspect here. He looked outmanoeuvred before the stabbing.
Were I in the jury I would have called the HA guilty of manslaughter. That is how I see it.

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: KevinLocksPerm ()
Date: April 2, 2018 02:00

50 years on, and it is still politically incorrect to dare suggest that Mr. Hunter has only himself to blame for his own fate.

Like most other death of young black men.

Ouch!! Now that is RACIST.

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: stanlove ()
Date: April 2, 2018 02:04

I always find new things every time i watch GS. I have never noticed it before but I am almost positive that Pssaso is shown during Street Fighting man. He is on the left hand side of the screen on the stage at 126:40. Kind of weird knowing he killed a guy about an hour earlier.

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: curt ()
Date: April 2, 2018 02:05

Judging from the video material I have seen it is pretty obvious that the Hell's Angel used more force than necessary. He could have outmanoeuvred the deceased without stabbing him seven times in the back.
Self-defense doesn't give room for more violence than necessary. I don't think it was necessary to kill the suspect here. He looked outmanoeuvred before the stabbing.
Were I in the jury I would have called the HA guilty of manslaughter. That is how I see it.

I agree that he (and his associates) should have been brought to trial for manslaughter (and numerous related charges) instead of murder.

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: Redhotcarpet ()
Date: April 2, 2018 02:16

50 years on, and it is still politically incorrect to dare suggest that Mr. Hunter has only himself to blame for his own fate.

Like most other death of young black men.

Ouch!! Now that is RACIST.

Well no, thats statistics. But in this case it was a white criminal who used more force than necessary and so im with Stoneage on the verdict.

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: KevinLocksPerm ()
Date: April 2, 2018 02:22

50 years on, and it is still politically incorrect to dare suggest that Mr. Hunter has only himself to blame for his own fate.

Like most other death of young black men.

Ouch!! Now that is RACIST.

Well no, thats statistics. But in this case it was a white criminal who used more force than necessary and so im with Stoneage on the verdict.

To suggest that most young black men who die only have themselves to blame is RACIST.

I am really alarmed at the degree of racism that is apparent on this forum.

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: curt ()
Date: April 2, 2018 02:27

50 years on, and it is still politically incorrect to dare suggest that Mr. Hunter has only himself to blame for his own fate.

Like most other death of young black men.

Ouch!! Now that is RACIST.

Utterly agree with you.

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Date: April 2, 2018 02:32

He didn't give him any verbal provocation or anything. So they're chasing through the crowd. And they hitting him and one Hell's Angel pulled out a knife and stabbed him in the back. What kind of knife? I couldn't tell. I just saw the flash of the blade. Everything was happening too fast. And he hit him in the back and he pulled out a gun and held it up in the air you know . . . like that was kind of his last resort, you know

Sounds like self defense to me.

He brought a gun to a concert? He chose to return with a gun pointing at the "Angel". That's not self defense. Not defending the Hells Angels at all but Hunter was high and armed and got into a fight/was being picked on by the Hells Angels. Many were that day and none of them pulled a gun and none of them got killed.

None of them were being stabbed either

Huh? Wasn't the stabbing after the gun was pulled? .... wow, it's amazing how far some will go to try to prove a point.

Terraplane looks to me as a lonely person, who just wants some conversation. He probably never watched the Gimme Shelter documentary, so comes up with pointless remarks. Other option is that his/her eyesight is not up to what it should be and then one only should feel sorry for terraplane.
No offense though smileys with beer

I am neither lonely, starved for conversation, nor is my eyesight poor. I have seen the Gimme Shelter movie. My remark was simply that Hunter was likely acting in self-defense (based on the eyewitness account that somebody else posted above). Try to keep up.

Well, that's good to hear, so you don't need that "eyewitness" account of someone else to see for yourself. No matter how many times you look at those scenes, you can see the sequence: first gun, than stabbing. Or do/did you see something else? Why did Hunter go to this concert? To enjoy the music (no need to take a gun along then) or to make a (power) statement to anyone that he would not be told by anyone where to stay or go or pushed or whatever? By taking along and finally pulling his gun, he basically "killed himself" (which doesn't mean that I approve of the Angels' actions).

Comprehension doesn't seem to be your strong point or you are choosing to wilfully ignore the eye witness claim that he was stabbed before and after he pulled the gun.Is it not possible that Mayles didn't film everything that happened? Yes, MH shouldn't have brought a gun and the Hells Angels shouldn't have brought pool cues and knives.eye rolling smiley

I don't try to ignore the "eyewitness" claim, but find it (very) hard to believe (even more: don't trust it). Hunter's moves (during the process of pulling his gun) by far don't look like if he was stabbed already. Again, I'm not defending the Angels at all.
With your final remark we are fully in line! If the whole scene would be looked upon as "lessons learned", the Maysles docu is worth it all. Having said that, my heart already hurts again remembering the Las Vegas drama.

Yeah nobody can make a good argument that Hunter was stabbed before he pulled the gun. You have to cherry pick witness testimony to try and make that argument and it does not line up with what we see,

There is no evidence that anyone but Pssaro stabbed Hunter and in this video at 4:08 you can see Passaro going for his knife. At least that is what it looks like to me. Considering where his hands are it doesn't make sense that he had the knife before this point.


yeh "nobody" except for direct witnesses; there were more than one. but that one suffices nicely; it's relative credibilty to you personally is a personal opinion; my personal opinion would factor in that this Interview was done when Rolling .

Witnesses disagreed on whether Hunter was stabbed before he pulled the gun. Any quoting witnesses to back a conclusion is cherry picking.

I just pointed to the part of the video that shows Hunter with his gun while Psaasro is reaching for his knife. When I see that I no longer care about unreliable witness statements. It is right on video.

In saying this I am not defending the Angels. To me it is very clear what happened here and I am still amazed that some people can't see the obvious.

The Angels roughed Hunter up and he pulled a gun. I blame Hunter pulling a gun on the Angels. As far as I have ever heard Hunter had no problems with anyone else but the Angels who assaulted him.

I myself would not have stuck around the stage when the Angels were assaulting people but I am not going to judge someone who decided he was going to enjoy the show from wherever he felt like watching it from and if the Angels assaulted him he was going to fight back.

He was guilty of doing something stupid, they were guilty of being thugs and pieces of shit. I don't compare the two at all.

thumbs up
Edit - Yes, no use for calling out "politically correct" from a completely different era, and cAlling each other the ever present 'racist' word. It was a terrible day. One dark set of circumstances after another build to the death of a man.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-04-02 02:37 by Palace Revolution 2000.

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: stanlove ()
Date: April 2, 2018 03:51

50 years on, and it is still politically incorrect to dare suggest that Mr. Hunter has only himself to blame for his own fate.

Like most other death of young black men.

Ouch!! Now that is RACIST.

Well no, thats statistics. But in this case it was a white criminal who used more force than necessary and so im with Stoneage on the verdict.

To suggest that most young black men who die only have themselves to blame is RACIST.

I am really alarmed at the degree of racism that is apparent on this forum.

Are you alarmed by the accusations of racism aimed at some people with no good reason? I am not talking about what you are commenting on in this instance.

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: Cooltoplady ()
Date: April 2, 2018 04:02

50 years on, and it is still politically incorrect to dare suggest that Mr. Hunter has only himself to blame for his own fate.

Like most other death of young black men.

Ouch!! Now that is RACIST.

Utterly agree with you.

Same here.

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: April 2, 2018 05:04

What was this guy's condition? Had he been smoking, had he been drinking, or do you know?
He was really straight,
he was really . . . Feeling really weird about being pushed around and stuff,
but he was really pretty straight.
When the cat started grabbing him, what did he say? What did this black guy say?

He just gave him a weird look, kind of a mean look, and yanked away.
He didn't give him any verbal provocation or anything.
So they're chasing through the crowd.
And they hitting him
and one Hell's Angel

pulled out a knife
and stabbed him in the back.

What kind of knife?
I couldn't tell. I just saw the flash of the blade.
Everything was happening too fast.
And he hit him in the back
and he pulled out a gun and held it up in the air you know . . . like that was kind of his last resort, you know . . . and . . .

Could you tell what kind of a gun?

It was a long . . . long barrel, really long. Looked like a six shooter or something . . . I've never seen . . . it was really . . . like the barrel was about six inches or so . . .

Like a service revolver or something?

Yeah . . . it was really a fancy gun . . . really shiny . . . He had it in the air, and he was still running, and people were telling him — I remember this chick screaming "Don't shoot anyone."

And he was too scared to shoot because he could have shot anyone in the crowd or anything.

So he didn't shoot.

And one of the Hell's Angels grabbed the gun from him . . . and then stabbed him
in the back.

They grabbed the gun from him, and then stabbed him again in the back?

Yeah, yeah.

What did the cat who stabbed him look like?

I think there was two people that stabbed him. One had his hair straight. It was straight and thick, and it was straight back, combed straight back. The front of his . . . you know . . . he combed it back so much that the front of his head was kind of bald . . . getting thin. I know what he looks like but, I can't describe him.

But you'd know him if you saw him, right?

Yeah, yeah. I've seen him before.

Would you be willing to testify?

No. I don't want to get killed.

They hit him . . . I couldn't tell whether it was a knife or not . . . but on the side of the head. And then he kind of stumbled and he fell down on his knees. He came running toward me. I grabbed onto the scaffold, held onto the scaffold, you know, and then he came running kind of toward me and then he fell down on his knees, and then the Hell's Angel, the same one I was talking about, grabbed onto both of his shoulders and started kicking him in the face about five times or so and then he fell down on his face, you know. He let go and he fell down on his face. And then one of them kicked him on the side and he rolled over, and he muttered some words.

He said
"I wasn't going to shoot you."
That was the last words he muttered.

How close were you to all of this?

About three feet away.

You kept right up with them. You could have gotten hurt.

I just stayed as close . . . like, I wanted to jump into it but I couldn't so I stayed close so that as soon as they were done mugging him I could help him.

That's a real question there: why 300,000 – well 299,900 – people would allow themselves to be dominated by a hundred Angels?

Yeah, well I couldn't see it either. If some other people had jumped in I would have jumped in. But nobody jumped in
and after he said "I wasn't going to shoot you," one of the Hell's Angels said, "Why did you have a gun?"
He didn't give him time to say anything. He grabbed one of those garbage cans, you know, one of those cardboard garbage cans with the metal rimming, and he smashed him over the head with it, and then he kicked the garbage can out of the way and started kicking his head in.
Five of them started kicking his head in. Kicked him all over the place. And then the guy that started the whole thing, the fat guy, stood on his head for a minute or so and then walked off.
And then the ones I was talking about, described to you, he wouldn't let us touch him for about two or three minutes. Like, "Don't touch him, he's going to die anyway, let him die, he's going to die."

So what did everybody do? Did anybody say anything?

Chicks were just screaming. It was all confusion. I jumped down anyway to grab him and some other dude jumped down and grabbed him, and then the Hell's Angel just stood over him for a little bit and then walked away.

We turned him over and ripped off his shirt.

You turned him over so he was face up?

No, so he was face down.

So you could see his back?

We rubbed his back up and down to get the blood off so we could see,
and there was a big hole in his temple.
a big open slice. You could see all the way in.

and there was a big hole on his spine

and a big hole on the side

and there was a big hole in his temple. A big open slice. You could see all the way in. You could see inside. You could see at least an inch down and stuff, you know.

And then there was a big hole right where there's no ribs in his back...
...and then
the side of his head was just sliced open . . .


now just for a second imagine this exact same scenario with an 18 year old white girl instead of Hunter;

cause some white people did get beaten....Angels will tell you that disciplining their women is a responsibility and something they appreciate. ?

what would it be then? cause she was a lesbian and they can be violent?
or some other general meaningless subjective analysis of a stranger?

or maybe a straight white guy...maybe cause so many white murders,
entire cultures and crusades of very evil white people; so, i mean,
justice works in strange ways; "that white guy's father probably was a pig man,"
has justified many an angry response resulting in violence; or murder.

it's not a totally great analogy cause the stupid gun; but it's worthwhile
to consider imo, cause a whole LOT of this happened before that desperate, and yes, el stupido, gun move.
what the hell would any of us have done in the same situation; without being
a keyboard warrior with the luxury of disconnection from skin in the game;
or perhaps some from other cultures not understanding that in some ways
America is 50 different countries. More than that actually, considering
the vastness of Califorenia and Texas; maybe New York State and Colorado too.
I some localities this would have been prohibited immediately without
proper licensing assuring legal protections for citizens as well as entertainers and staff.

see the way racism can be subtle sometimes? how we can unconciously forget
that people suck and are cool and there relative melatonin level is not
going to be an accurate sample component for meaningful socio-culture observation.

also imo, racism and to some extent 'idenity politics' is actually weaponized and used as a subtle, even slick marketing tool to manage perception. That's out big 'communication revolution' in a nuthsell I sometimes think...

the imprimatur, the subtle slur...haha these are sounding like bad dylan lyrics
the imprimaTURR the suble SLURRR, whats it all forrrrrrrr if the truths ignorrrrreedd...
(this is just part of the reasoning behind me being in my sixties and never selling a song btw)

but i do mean this seriously; drop a line about some 'thug' or find a way
to subtly stoke a 'traditional' collective cultural fear that inspires forms
orf biogtry. and somehow 'elevate' ones self abovce the fray and controversary;
often people directly related to causing a problem are the quickest to scapegoat imo.

Maybe he was just a kid who wanted to go to a very hip
concert with a girl he had been sweet on and this was his special day.
being immature, oppressed, or even an abuse victim is not something I'm
gonna give a bleeding-heart speech about....but he could have been a real
good kid for all we know; in a vicious and dangerously openly violent racist
culture and CITy area at the time....however misguided, or 'stupid' as stanlove puts it and i can't disagree, it was to bring the gun...
....tho methinks, and it's only a free-form impression; considering most everything else that went on with the 'security' teams.....that kid being in an obvious and coveted viewing position was gonna get picked right out, demeaned, derisively had his hair, unlike all the other caucasian hair in the crowd, grabbed hard and yanked while he was scoffed and laughed at. the kid drops backp they are on him anyway.
let's hear more about how this kid represents various complex racial 'understandings' in our various cultures....he said with just a tinge of sarcasm.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2018-04-02 09:51 by hopkins.

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: 1badgator ()
Date: April 2, 2018 08:10

How many times have I ever known someone the bring a gun to a concert: ZERO

How often now do I carry a concealed weapon: DAILY

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: April 2, 2018 09:46

How many times did you get your ass kicked or pulled over for being black in 1960's USA? what with all that vast experience, perhaps some further insight would be helpful.
i'm on record agreeing it stupid and sealing the deal on the death to bring gun to rock concert;
but that (his death; certain very serious injuries) truly might have been imminent in any case, considering the various
multiple serious injuries to back head and other places...

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Date: April 2, 2018 09:46

<50 years on, and it is still politically incorrect to dare suggest that Mr. Hunter has only himself to blame for his own fate>

Not politically incorrect - just incorrect..

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: April 2, 2018 09:53

50 years on, and it is still politically incorrect to dare suggest that Mr. Hunter has only himself to blame for his own fate.

Like most other death of young black men.

Ouch!! Now that is RACIST.

Utterly agree with you.

Same here.


Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: April 2, 2018 14:45

I do understand why the family of Meredith Hunter didn't bother to attend the trial. No chance from 'all white jury' to get justice. This thread tells the same story.

Interesting that some folks here are crying out for the good name and memory of mr. Passaro, their 'hero'. Sue those who claim otherwise. But at the same time no problem if Meredith Hunter is compared to a certain Mark Chapman.

And the macho talk about "arguments" - yeah, ignore all the eye-witness accounts and just trust on your very eyes and prejudices while watching the social porno scene of GIMME SHELTER. Weren't they all high those bloody flag-burner hippies that night - zero credibility. That's exactly what the jury back in 197O thought - the defense had an easy task. And on them we trust.

Make America great again, indeed.

Sad. That and the very tragical fact that a Rolling Stones fan is killed in a Rolling Stones concert. RIP Meredith Hunter.

- Doxa

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2018-04-02 15:03 by Doxa.

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: curt ()
Date: April 2, 2018 14:53

Just imagine if the Black Panthers had been "hired" and it was some white guy with an incorrect attitude that had been "offed"...

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: nick ()
Date: April 2, 2018 15:10

Just imagine if the Black Panthers had been "hired" and it was some white guy with an incorrect attitude that had been "offed"...

Oh that's easy, it's socially acceptable in todays society.

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: curt ()
Date: April 2, 2018 15:35

Just imagine if the Black Panthers had been "hired" and it was some white guy with an incorrect attitude that had been "offed"...

Oh that's easy, it's socially acceptable in todays society.

Izzat so ???

There was a phrase that was prevalent in the timeframe and locale of Altamonte :

"You got's to be kidding' me"

I'll bet you suss precisely which part of Bay Area patch that would issue from, eh?

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: April 2, 2018 15:46

Just imagine if the Black Panthers had been "hired" and it was some white guy with an incorrect attitude that had been "offed"...

Yeah and think if Mr. Hunter is not a black kid from a hood or an anti-patriotic drug-headed 'commie' hippie but a good old white boy from the upper class of Alabama, completely straight (in every sense of the word), having just graduated from West Point, and just before doing his service in Vietnam, is spending his last freedays attending to a concert by his secret heroes from England (one doesn't cry out loud these kind of things from where he comes from). Then this warrior of rightness and braveness sees the misconduct by these black militants and his sense of justice and morality being hurt, and decides - heart full of courage - to do some action. He pulls out his family treasure handgun he'd been given by his papa, and been proudly carrying since baby, to put these guys in order, but ends being throbbed dead by some of these militants.

And suddenly, these eye-wittnesses do matter, and the whole thing is seen a bigger, more significiant light than just the scene covered in GIMME SHELTER. And surprise surprise, there is not just this one Black Panther one can see in the footage, but due to some heavy investigation work by the police, there is a gang of them brought into a court. Two of them found guilty of murder - the eye-witnesses make clear that the guy was already throbbed back with a knife before pulling out the gun. They were put next to Charles Manson to wait in a death row - before the state of California changes that into a life sentence.

The New Left, lead by Angela Davies, cries out for unjustice and racism - Dylan makes a song out of it - but the silent majority of America feels the justice is done, and feels a bit safer. His home town makes a statue for the memory of their killed son, visited yearly by thousands of people. Years later, the community of IORR still doesn't know what to think about it... This hypothetical poster called Doxa comes up with a knock-out argument why the Panthers were falsely trialed - showing the scene of GIMME SHELTER as an evidence - "look, the red neck tried to kill Mick Jagger!". Most of the people think this Doxa-person is an idiot, some of them thinking suing him for loathing the great memory of Mr. Hunter.

- Doxa

Edited 11 time(s). Last edit at 2018-04-02 17:46 by Doxa.

Re: Is the Hells Angel who took out Meredith Hunter a hero?
Posted by: nick ()
Date: April 2, 2018 16:02


Izzat so ???

There was a phrase that was prevalent in the timeframe and locale of Altamonte :

"You got's to be kidding' me"

I'll bet you suss precisely which part of Bay Area patch that would issue from, eh?

Hells yeah my brotha. White shaming is rampant. Demanding reparations for slavery from whites regardless of their lineage is trending. Cultural impropriety (by whites) is quite popular. Let me guess, that was racist by merely mentioning those things.

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