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Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: jlowe ()
Date: June 21, 2017 00:51

The RS Corporation are a role model in Business in terms of maximising revenues, use of name and rights, use of tax shelters etc.
Its Directors bohemian? I think not.

Picasso, Salvatore Dail, Andy Warhol: very commercially orientated also.
These artists Bohemian? I think not. Good PR on their part.

Mick in my view is very 'responsible', he just seems unable to keep (or want) a lifelong partner. Like many people. Life choice I guess.
Keith: very irresponsible 1967/early 80's .

Anita was like many people : a massive contradiction.
Strong, determined in some respects but not so when it came to her 'addictions'.
At least when she straightened out she commented on how selfish and emotionally retarded junkies and alcoholics are. She felt 'nothing' when Scott Cantrill died (can't imagine what his parents thought about this comment).

I hope there is a biographer out there whom the family can co-operate with and trust. Her story does not have to be just about the 'dark side'.

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: June 21, 2017 01:48

Though they became a powerful corporation, the Stones began as bohemian artists. Not only have bohemian artists gotten high for time immemorial, but part of the allure of the artistic life is irresponsibility (which also often includes narcissism and ruthlessness).
They started as ordinary kids with working and middle class backgrounds. From what the book Phelge's Stones tells, the only drugs during the Edith Grove days was the time when Charlie brought a joint to the flat, which he'd gotten through his jazz friends. Was Ian Stewart an irresponsible bohemian? Besides being one of the best pianists in his genre, he also seems to have been the most straight-laced.

I couldn't care less what drugs they do or have done, anymore than I care what they eat for breakfast. I'm a music fan, and that's all.

Anyone can drink and do drugs, but it takes an artist to do art.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-06-21 02:02 by stonehearted.

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: HankM ()
Date: June 21, 2017 02:58

The judgmental attitudes about drug and alcohol use on a forum dedicated to the Rolling Stones are off-key to me...

They are off-key to me too.

I wouldn't mind if there never another book written about Anita or The Stones
At least that way the judgemental chicken coop cluckers wagging their fingers and tongues would have no more material to cluck about.
They can just go back and re-re-read the quasitruthbooksarticles out there now and re-cluck cluck cluck... buc buc buc as they love to do

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-06-21 03:05 by HankM.

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: Bliss ()
Date: June 21, 2017 10:16

I am not on board with giving junkies and alcoholics a free pass because they are artists. If people want to ruin their own lives with drugs or alcohol, that's one thing. But it rarely happens that way. Family, friends and society (through crime such as robbery and drunk driving) are invariably affected.

Apparently Anita's big thing was introducing neophytes to heroin. They got into a lot of trouble at Nellcote because she got the French cook's teenaged daughter into it. As discussed above, their friend Tommy Weber strapped drugs to his young children to get them through Customs. Keith said he couldn't clean up because Anita kept undermining his efforts. Their second child was born addicted to heroin, and the cot death of their third child may have been caused one way or another by her drug use. There are accounts of how their other children were neglected. Marlon said that as a child he had to keep Keith from nodding off at the wheel! We know of one serious car accident. Fires were a not uncommon occurrence. And there is a trail of corpses and people in Keith's orbit who were damaged through drugs.

The money the Stones were supposed to save through moving to France was entirely eaten up by legal fees to get Keith and Anita out of trouble there, related to suspected drug trafficking, etc. There was a strong possibility that Keith could have gone to jail in Toronto, thus ending the Stones. (Yes, I know; he never had any trouble with drugs, only police.) I don't know, but I suspect drugs or alcohol was involved in his head injury in 2006.

And Keith himself admitted that he did not think his heroin use enhanced his creativity.

Edited to add - the ones who do get a pass from me are those who became addicted to prescription opioids due to severe or chronic pain. A current tragic epidemic.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2017-06-21 11:56 by Bliss.

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: June 21, 2017 11:06

The judgmental attitudes about drug and alcohol use on a forum dedicated to the Rolling Stones are off-key to me. Though they became a powerful corporation, the Stones began as bohemian artists. Not only have bohemian artists gotten high for time immemorial, but part of the allure of the artistic life is irresponsibility (which also often includes narcissism and ruthlessness). The Rolling Stones have always been questionable role models, though role models they have been.

Should we bitch about Carrie Fisher now?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-06-21 11:31 by stone4ever.

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: matxil ()
Date: June 21, 2017 12:09

If a guy lives on the wild side, it's cool. If it's a girl, she´ll get judged for it. She's one of those rare women (or men) who lived their own life. Inspiring.

I don't think you can compare her to a truly inspiring woman like Alexandra David-Néel. Anita met the right people (66-67) then she went down the gutter like most junkies do. 20 or 25 years of hard drugs are lost years, no matter what the addict might say.
In a way Anita was a relic of a bygone era, an era that, alas, made so many casualties.

Also the poor bitch on heroin on the streets doesn't get to get Keiths riches to help her from homelessness or death. These celebrity junkies have the glamour attached because they have their millions to help. No rehab clinics for millions of poor people. They usually die within a few years.

If I made the impression that I wanted to glamourize junkies or alcoholism, I must have expressed myself badly. Both Keith and Anita (and Marianne and Brian and so many others) took an unfortunate path in the world of drugs, which is nothing to admire them for. I admire them for other reasons. And yes, they were lucky to find a way out, whereas most junkies end up miserably in the street or worse. I just wanted to address how women tend to be judged differently than men in these sort of things.

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: jlowe ()
Date: June 21, 2017 12:38

Unless we're all mistaken Brian DIDN'T find a way out.
As Lennon said rather casually at the time: 'another victim of the drugs scene'.

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: matxil ()
Date: June 21, 2017 13:31

Unless we're all mistaken Brian DIDN'T find a way out.
As Lennon said rather casually at the time: 'another victim of the drugs scene'.

True, I should have added "except for Brian" (and Jimi, and Janis, and ...)

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: June 21, 2017 17:06

to quote Bliss:

Their second child was born addicted to heroin

I didn't know that. wow
sad smiley

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Date: June 21, 2017 17:10

duke richardson
to quote Bliss:

Their second child was born addicted to heroin

I didn't know that. wow
sad smiley

I have never heard that Dandelion (Angela) was born addicted, either..

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: June 21, 2017 17:47

I am not on board with giving junkies and alcoholics a free pass because they are artists. If people want to ruin their own lives with drugs or alcohol, that's one thing. But it rarely happens that way. Family, friends and society (through crime such as robbery and drunk driving) are invariably affected.

Apparently Anita's big thing was introducing neophytes to heroin. They got into a lot of trouble at Nellcote because she got the French cook's teenaged daughter into it. As discussed above, their friend Tommy Weber strapped drugs to his young children to get them through Customs. Keith said he couldn't clean up because Anita kept undermining his efforts. Their second child was born addicted to heroin, and the cot death of their third child may have been caused one way or another by her drug use. There are accounts of how their other children were neglected. Marlon said that as a child he had to keep Keith from nodding off at the wheel! We know of one serious car accident. Fires were a not uncommon occurrence. And there is a trail of corpses and people in Keith's orbit who were damaged through drugs.

The money the Stones were supposed to save through moving to France was entirely eaten up by legal fees to get Keith and Anita out of trouble there, related to suspected drug trafficking, etc. There was a strong possibility that Keith could have gone to jail in Toronto, thus ending the Stones. (Yes, I know; he never had any trouble with drugs, only police.) I don't know, but I suspect drugs or alcohol was involved in his head injury in 2006.

And Keith himself admitted that he did not think his heroin use enhanced his creativity.

Edited to add - the ones who do get a pass from me are those who became addicted to prescription opioids due to severe or chronic pain. A current tragic epidemic.

"Their second child was born addicted to heroin, and the cot death of their third child may have been caused one way or another by her drug use. "


are you sure about that, that Angela was born addicted to heroin?

your remark about their third child..sounds like you're looking to blame Anita.

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: Marmalade ()
Date: June 21, 2017 18:15

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: Bliss ()
Date: June 21, 2017 18:22

1. Yes, from the nanny's book, Anita was addicted when she gave birth in Switzerland.

2a. IF Anita was using drugs or alcohol during pregnancy, the infant's health would have been affected which could render it more frail and thus more likely to succumb to cot death.

2b. There are protocols that have to be followed to prevent cot death, although it cannot be prevented 100%. A drug-addled caregiver may not be vigilant enough to observe them or to monitor the infant closely enough.

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: Cristiano Radtke ()
Date: June 21, 2017 18:52

Vogue's Bay Garnett Remembers Anita Pallenberg

As the world mourns the loss of Rolling Stones muse, Sixties style pin-up and It girl Anita Pallenberg, her friend Bay Garnett, Vogue's contributing fashion editor, remembers the woman who inspired a generation.

"Everyone always comments on her style - her “iconic” status as the grand dame of rock’n’roll - but no one really ever talks about how funny she was. God, she was funny. My enduring memory of her is just that laughter, and her wide, wicked smile. She had this ability to be utterly outrageous and honest, with the unerring ability to be spot on, always. She didn't take herself seriously though. For example, one time we were late to this talk which was about her and her role in the film Performance, but we just sat in the corner on the floor, out of sight, gossiping about the turquoise nail polish she was wearing. Did we like it? Yes we did. It was just like her.

She was so confident too, when it came to clothes she really had an eye. I remember being with her in the courtyard at the Louvre in Paris before the Louis Vuitton show about 10 years ago, this was in the days when absolutely everyone wore heels – no one would ever dare wear flats - and there she was: amidst this sea of copy cats, dressed in a beautiful, fake fur, pale grey coat, with thick navy blue cords, a man’s trilby hat and brogues. She was lightyears ahead in the style stakes. She enjoyed that people copied her, and she knew her place and influence, but she was interested in the present, not harking back to “the golden days”. She hated people she didn't know assuming they could ask about stuff that happened forty years ago, and she wasn't afraid of letting them know it."

Full article: []

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: June 21, 2017 19:54

Nice interview thanks Cristiano.

I notice on Wiki that Anita's age when she died has changed from 73 to 75.
Does anyone know her true age or is this mostly guess work from Wiki and elsewhere.

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: Cristiano Radtke ()
Date: June 21, 2017 19:57

Nice interview thanks Cristiano.

I notice on Wiki that Anita's age when she died has changed from 73 to 75.
Does anyone know her true age or is this mostly guess work from Wiki and elsewhere.

My pleasure, stone4ever!

From chatoyancy's post on this thread:

"There was always confusion about her real birthdate, which was April 6, 1942. She explained to me that it was common years ago for a model agency to take a few years off a model's age to attract clients."

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: June 21, 2017 20:05

Cristiano Radtke
Nice interview thanks Cristiano.

I notice on Wiki that Anita's age when she died has changed from 73 to 75.
Does anyone know her true age or is this mostly guess work from Wiki and elsewhere.

My pleasure, stone4ever!

From chatoyancy's post on this thread:

"There was always confusion about her real birthdate, which was April 6, 1942. She explained to me that it was common years ago for a model agency to take a few years off a model's age to attract clients."

Thanks again, she almost shares my birthday smiling smiley She definitely shares my addictive personality winking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-06-21 20:15 by stone4ever.

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: June 21, 2017 20:38

1. Yes, from the nanny's book, Anita was addicted when she gave birth in Switzerland.

2a. IF Anita was using drugs or alcohol during pregnancy, the infant's health would have been affected which could render it more frail and thus more likely to succumb to cot death.

2b. There are protocols that have to be followed to prevent cot death, although it cannot be prevented 100%. A drug-addled caregiver may not be vigilant enough to observe them or to monitor the infant closely enough.

'1. Yes, from the nanny's book'

which book is that?

apologies if you already wrote about this book before..

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: Bliss ()
Date: June 21, 2017 21:08

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: June 21, 2017 21:39

thanks, I remember that excerpt....smiling smiley

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: LongBeachArena72 ()
Date: June 22, 2017 06:11

I am not on board with giving junkies and alcoholics a free pass because they are artists. If people want to ruin their own lives with drugs or alcohol, that's one thing. But it rarely happens that way. Family, friends and society (through crime such as robbery and drunk driving) are invariably affected.

Apparently Anita's big thing was introducing neophytes to heroin. They got into a lot of trouble at Nellcote because she got the French cook's teenaged daughter into it. As discussed above, their friend Tommy Weber strapped drugs to his young children to get them through Customs. Keith said he couldn't clean up because Anita kept undermining his efforts. Their second child was born addicted to heroin, and the cot death of their third child may have been caused one way or another by her drug use. There are accounts of how their other children were neglected. Marlon said that as a child he had to keep Keith from nodding off at the wheel! We know of one serious car accident. Fires were a not uncommon occurrence. And there is a trail of corpses and people in Keith's orbit who were damaged through drugs.

The money the Stones were supposed to save through moving to France was entirely eaten up by legal fees to get Keith and Anita out of trouble there, related to suspected drug trafficking, etc. There was a strong possibility that Keith could have gone to jail in Toronto, thus ending the Stones. (Yes, I know; he never had any trouble with drugs, only police.) I don't know, but I suspect drugs or alcohol was involved in his head injury in 2006.

And Keith himself admitted that he did not think his heroin use enhanced his creativity.

Edited to add - the ones who do get a pass from me are those who became addicted to prescription opioids due to severe or chronic pain. A current tragic epidemic.

Alas, it's just the customary obituary whitewashing that occurs for the rich and famous, Bliss. Wait till you read what choirboys Mick and Keith were when they shuffle off this mortal coil ... you won't even recognize 'em!

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: EJM ()
Date: June 22, 2017 08:46

Humanist funeral in Chichester []
No other stones but Leah Wood and her husband there . No mention of Marianne Faithful

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: June 22, 2017 09:46

I hesitate to prolong this discussion, but I had always read that Tara's death was caused by a virus or infection, not SIDS. Not my business, anyway.

I found much to admire in Anita, especially in her later years, and her funeral sounds like a quiet and classy event. Very glad Keith and Patti were there. May she sleep easy.

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Date: June 22, 2017 10:59

Humanist funeral in Chichester []
No other stones but Leah Wood and her husband there . No mention of Marianne Faithful

I would definitely call Keith a Stone...

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: Bliss ()
Date: June 22, 2017 11:36

I always read that it was cot death, never anything else.

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: June 22, 2017 12:58

Humanist funeral in Chichester []
No other stones but Leah Wood and her husband there . No mention of Marianne Faithful

I would definitely call Keith a Stone...
Very respectful of Keith and the Mrs. and the kids .

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: June 22, 2017 16:24

LongBeachArena72 -

"Wait till you read what choirboys Mick and Keith were"

grinning smiley

true for Keith, he really was a choirboy..

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Date: June 22, 2017 16:27

duke richardson
LongBeachArena72 -

"Wait till you read what choirboys Mick and Keith were"

grinning smiley

true for Keith, he really was a choirboy..

Lemmy already told us that winking smiley

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: duke richardson ()
Date: June 22, 2017 16:49

duke richardson
LongBeachArena72 -

"Wait till you read what choirboys Mick and Keith were"

grinning smiley

true for Keith, he really was a choirboy..

Lemmy already told us that winking smiley

cool smiley

Lemmy rocked to the end..

Re: RIP Anita Pallenberg
Posted by: stone4ever ()
Date: June 22, 2017 17:43

duke richardson
duke richardson
LongBeachArena72 -

"Wait till you read what choirboys Mick and Keith were"

grinning smiley

true for Keith, he really was a choirboy..

Lemmy already told us that winking smiley

cool smiley

Lemmy rocked to the end..

Lemmy was the only guy in history to live life completely on his own terms and make it to 70 years of age. No rehab clinics for Lemmy, he drank shagged and Rocked right to the very end. Respect.

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