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Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: superglen ()
Date: May 10, 2023 11:04

jungleland, racing in the street, the ties that bind and ramrod were soundchecked and setlisted, but not played.
this hard land was also sounchecked

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: yorkshirestone ()
Date: May 10, 2023 14:26

jungleland, racing in the street, the ties that bind and ramrod were soundchecked and setlisted, but not played.
this hard land was also sounchecked

Fingers crossed for racing in the street Saturday in Paris

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: May 10, 2023 19:36

Went to all three Dublin shows. In the pit each time. Unbelievably, each gig was better than the one before. Astonishingly great - but a bit frustrated at the songs we 'almost' got on night 3! An emotionally draining show in parts but uplifting at the same time. The band are on amazing form.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: slewan ()
Date: May 10, 2023 20:45

Went to all three Dublin shows. In the pit each time. Unbelievably, each gig was better than the one before. Astonishingly great - but a bit frustrated at the songs we 'almost' got on night 3! An emotionally draining show in parts but uplifting at the same time. The band are on amazing form.

has there been a real pit? how did you get there? on the map it looked like GA on the pitch

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: May 10, 2023 21:33

Dublin was all one GA but there still was a first-come, first-serve pit.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: slewan ()
Date: May 10, 2023 22:19

Dublin was all one GA but there still was a first-come, first-serve pit.

how big was that pit/how many people were in there? Were they given wrist bands or anything alike?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-05-10 22:20 by slewan.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: angee ()
Date: May 10, 2023 23:30

How early did people have to arrive to make it into the front pit, and were they just paying for GA or what?

~"Love is Strong"~

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: May 11, 2023 04:31

Went to all three Dublin shows. In the pit each time. Unbelievably, each gig was better than the one before. Astonishingly great - but a bit frustrated at the songs we 'almost' got on night 3! An emotionally draining show in parts but uplifting at the same time. The band are on amazing form.

has there been a real pit? how did you get there? on the map it looked like GA on the pitch

Dublin was unlike other shows in that there was no dynamic pricing and only one GA ticket price (€138). A few days before the first show it was established that 'unofficially' there would be a pit as there had been on previous tours. I presume that Aiken Promotions - Bruce's long time promoter in Ireland and a company he has always had great relationships with - were a lot to do with keeping these arrangements more fan-friendly. In fact, some of their staff even came out of retirement because they liked working these shows so much.

It worked great. A group of fans turned up 2-3 times a day for roll calls. This swelled to about 1500 people by the day of the show, with last roll call at 1 pm, after which they had to stay. They were then brought into a holding area inside the venue and they were the first group to be allowed into the pit. Gates were supposed to open at 5 pm. I turned up at 3.50, 2.30 and 4 pm on the three days, we got brought into a holding area soon after (times varied) and then got our tickets and wristbands at around 4.30 - 4.45. There were three entrances. The people at each were allowed in at the same time. Plenty of room in pit on Friday, but it was pretty well filled the other two nights. I was told there would be 7-8,000 people in it, but that seems a lot as the pitch holds about 20-22,000 and I dont think the pit area held a third of the crowd that was on the whole pitch. Sunday was a zoo with so many drunken daytrippers endlessly going to and from the bar/toilets but the other two nights we had plenty of room as welike to stand towards the back, near the rail.

I think this tour will be returning for another round in 2024.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2023-05-11 04:34 by Gazza.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: slewan ()
Date: May 11, 2023 15:03

hm 7-8,000 people rather sounds like gold circle than pit

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-05-11 15:04 by slewan.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: May 11, 2023 17:17

It's a matter of definition! winking smiley

There are different configurations for standing room tickets on this tour. For example, the shows in Germany have FOS 1, FOS 2 and Innenraum Stehplatz: three separate tiers for the pitch.

In Ferrara (a park), there's four different categories (curiously, all called "pits" A to D)

Most shows have two tiers, though: regular GA and "front of stage".

As to how big the 'front of stage"/pit area is, that varies by show as well.

The Springsteen fans generally call that area the pit, no matter its size.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-05-11 17:21 by Topi.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: SimonN ()
Date: May 12, 2023 11:30


Back from that three night stand in Dublin and have scribbled down something...

“Good evening Dublin! We’re so happy to be back at The RDS, hell yeah! Come on Max…a-one, two, three, four!"

Blimey O’- where to start after an extended weekend like that? No idea, so here’s a few random and disjointed thoughts: before I start with the BS bs, a reminder that he is still in the doghouse for using dynamic pricing. Okay, so these Dublin shows didn’t feature it but that ain’t the point. Now that’s been said…

On previous tours the setlist was subject to the occasional change (apparently even in the time it takes to walk from the dressing room to the stage!) with song requests being shouted from the audience or via those blessed signs…sometimes even for songs that he didn’t write, hah-hah! This time around, the setlist is a bit more rigid, with only a couple of changes occurring each night.

To be fair, BS does know a bit more about how to structure and pace a show than I do…and he wants to tell you a story. Or in modern parlance, deliver a narrative arc. Nah you’re alright, I’ll stick with ’telling a story’, hah-hah!

Bruce is 73 years old and as he puts it, life is more about goodbyes now whereas when he was 15 or so (“Only seems like yesterday”) it was all hellos. It’s poignant stuff as his audience are all older and on that journey with him as well…acceptance and celebration are a in there too.

He knows that you need the nonsense too, and that playing to big audiences means that the well-known numbers always need to be aired. How he can still make songs that he’s played hundreds of times still sound fresh both to the punters and himself is a mystery. I know that’s part of the job but all the same, there’s not a hint of ever 'phoning it in’.

To that end, he ain’t above cajoling or even calling-out his bandmates (in a light-hearted but ‘you know I heard that’ way). Max was on the receiving end on one occasion which caused a bit of guffawing, as was Professor Roy. Scenes! A few times the end of a song BS would call out to Max to extend it by another bar or even two. He’s probably used to it by now, hah-hah!
In fairness the camera that sits at the back of the stage and looks forward caught Bruce shouting to Max, “Great job!”, and exchanging a grin.

This also extends to the audience: on Sunday, he called out “Is there anyone alive out there?” and used a call-and-response to get the required decibel-level right back at him. And let me assure you, this was not a sedate bunch! The sound of the band was probably ‘better’ than I’ve heard before: it was loud but not tiring and with an almost three hour show that’s a good thing. You could actually discern different instruments in the mix- previously it’s been a bit ‘Wall Of Noise’ at times.

And his voice is still is more than up to snuff: there was one faltering note along the way but that was about it. It’s a relentless bam-bam-bam approach with barely 10 seconds between a lot of songs. Save for one spoken word introduction, it’s ‘kick the tyres and light the fires’ stuff. He’s still got the World Champ’s title at gurning when it comes to shredding and slashing away at his Tele…sounds pretty good too!

I know that there’s an element of performance to his er, performance but everything is delivered with conviction and that’s the standard that he demands from *his* band. I suppose that’s why they’ve been at the top table for aeons, right? Who’s coming behind them though?

Because of the addition of backing vocalists and a horn section, there’s up to 19 people on stage- not all songs need them of course and as much as I hope for a stripped-down band (it’s all relative), they add so much at times. You cannot help but smile and feel joy when you hear the trumpets, trombone and Gawd knows what else…it’s like a jet engine!

I’m not going down the road of saying every show was greater than the last (although it was Tuesday, hah-hah!) as this bunch never turn in anything less than an ‘eight’. Maybe what makes you favour one show over another is how the audience reacts and behaves (both good and bad), what songs are played, who you’re seeing the show with and so on. Half the enjoyment is the anticipation at meeting other eejits that you haven’t seen in an absolute and having a laugh. The atmosphere in Dublin over the whole time was pretty special with fans almost everywhere you turned.

A big thank-you is due to the staff of the show’s promoter (Aiken Promotions) who in conjunction with some fan volunteers ran the process of queuing for those precious wristbands. Sounds straightforward? Anything but, in lesser hands so good on you. Finally, I had forgotten about the post-Bruce show blues which is ridiculous given that I was able to see three shows on the bounce. I know that I’m far from the only one as there were loads of them traipsing around Dublin airport waiting to disperse to the four corners. Anyway, he might yet darken our doors…until then, cheers!

And a few/too many photos over on FB...

My shoddy Broooooce photos!



Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: May 12, 2023 12:16

Glad Bruce us still doing his thing! You sent me to the dictionary with this, though:

“He’s still got the World Champ’s title at gurning when it comes to shredding and slashing away at his Tele…”

Gurning: 1. to snarl. 2. to grimace; pull grotesque faces.

Damn - just when I thought I knew the language…! grinning smiley

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: SimonN ()
Date: May 12, 2023 12:44

Hi Ann,

IORR providing *both* entertainment and learnin', hah-hah!

The English language is both a source of wonder and a flamin' nightmare innit...especially how some of us use it hot in here, or just me?



Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: May 12, 2023 13:59

Glad Bruce us still doing his thing! You sent me to the dictionary with this, though:

“He’s still got the World Champ’s title at gurning when it comes to shredding and slashing away at his Tele…”

Gurning: 1. to snarl. 2. to grimace; pull grotesque faces.

Damn - just when I thought I knew the language…! grinning smiley

I submit that Bruce doesn't have anything on John Mayer in regards to gurning. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: SimonN ()
Date: May 12, 2023 14:46

Glad Bruce us still doing his thing! You sent me to the dictionary with this, though:

“He’s still got the World Champ’s title at gurning when it comes to shredding and slashing away at his Tele…”

Gurning: 1. to snarl. 2. to grimace; pull grotesque faces.

Damn - just when I thought I knew the language…! grinning smiley

I submit that Bruce doesn't have anything on John Mayer in regards to gurning. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Hi Chuck,

I can see a thread developing...'Most vs Least Expressive Geetahr Players', hah-hah!



Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Date: May 12, 2023 16:35

Sounds like great fun! Loved the pics, Simon thumbs up

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-05-12 19:45 by DandelionPowderman.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: May 12, 2023 18:49


I can see a thread developing...'Most vs Least Expressive Geetahr Players', hah-hah!



Gurnometer? From Bill Wyman (1) to … who would be 10?

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: May 12, 2023 18:51

Wyman is a zero on that scale.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: May 12, 2023 21:29


I can see a thread developing...'Most vs Least Expressive Geetahr Players', hah-hah!



Gurnometer? From Bill Wyman (1) to … who would be 10?

Gary Moore must be up there.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: NashvilleBlues ()
Date: May 12, 2023 21:35


I can see a thread developing...'Most vs Least Expressive Geetahr Players', hah-hah!



Gurnometer? From Bill Wyman (1) to … who would be 10?

Gary Moore must be up there.

Rich Robinson (Black Crowes), score 0.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: slewan ()
Date: May 12, 2023 23:49

ticket for Springsteen in Paris on Monday is not overpriced but since the german railways are on strike from Sunday evening through to Tudesday night I have to buy a lot of overpriced train tickets. I also have to stay to days longer in Paris than I intended to do…

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: wachterc ()
Date: May 13, 2023 18:40

Hi, anybody going to the Paris show tonight? We are in Paris and will go to the La Défense Arena in 30mins or so. Christoph

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: May 13, 2023 20:01

Glad Bruce us still doing his thing! You sent me to the dictionary with this, though:

“He’s still got the World Champ’s title at gurning when it comes to shredding and slashing away at his Tele…”

Gurning: 1. to snarl. 2. to grimace; pull grotesque faces.

Damn - just when I thought I knew the language…! grinning smiley

I submit that Bruce doesn't have anything on John Mayer in regards to gurning. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Or BB King

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: May 13, 2023 23:25

Paris Night No. 1 set list
Saturday, May 13

Show started at 7:01 p.m. Paris time
1. No Surrender
2. Ghosts
3. Prove It All Night
4. Letter to You
5. The Promised Land
6. Out in the Street
7. Candy's Room
8. Kitty's Back
9. Nightshift
10. Mary's Place
11. E Street Shuffle
12. Johnny 99
13. Last Man Standing
14. Backstreets
15. Because The Night
16. She's The One
17. Wrecking Ball
18. The Rising
19. Badlands
20. Thunder Road
21. Born in the U.S.A
22. Born to Run
23. Bobby Jean
24. Glory Days
Bruce asks Max if he wants to go home, and Max says "I definitely don't want to go home."
25. Dancing in the Dark
Shirt is ripped open.
Many of the fans in the pit hold up colorful signs that read:
"Bruce Don't Stop Tonight."
26. Tenth Avenue Freeze-out
27. I'll See You in My Dreams

Show over at 9:47 p.m. for a 2:46 show.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: HonkyTonkJan ()
Date: May 13, 2023 23:40

Thats a great set list!
Looking forward to seeing him in Edinburgh...

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: slewan ()
Date: May 14, 2023 00:59

Paris Night No. 1 set list
Saturday, May 13

Show started at 7:01 p.m. Paris time
Many of the fans in the pit hold up colorful signs that read:
"Bruce Don't Stop Tonight."


pit or gold circle?

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: May 14, 2023 07:03

In Paris they do call it "fosse or"!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-05-14 07:33 by Topi.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: slewan ()
Date: May 14, 2023 09:17

In Paris they do call it "fosse or"!

I know (it's written on my ticket) but I wasn't sure if they had an extra pit inside the 'fosse or'.

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: May 14, 2023 10:05

I don't believe there was. To my understanding Fosse Or (literally the "Gold Pit"!) was "the pit".

Re: OT: Bruce Springsteen stuff
Posted by: yorkshirestone ()
Date: May 14, 2023 10:10

In Paris they do call it "fosse or"!

I know (it's written on my ticket) but I wasn't sure if they had an extra pit inside the 'fosse or'.

I was there last night (utterly brilliant) seats, gold standing is about first 1/3rd of pitch if that helps - no sub pit

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