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Re: The Rolling Stones set list discussions
Posted by: rich-wdc ()
Date: July 11, 2019 23:49

Nice list here, but the challenge is to come up with a 20-song set, to match the number twenty that they're currently doing.
They should keep the acustic set but I think it's not right there just squeezed in somewhere in the first half of the set. I think this would work pretty well:

1. Street Fighting Man
2. It's Only Rock'n'Roll
3. Tumbling Dice
4. Live With Me (vote)
5. Ride 'Em On Down
6. Heartbreaker
7. You Can't Always Get What You Want
8. Monkey Man
9. Honky Tonk Woman
10. Miss You
--- Band intro
11. Slipping Away
12. Before They Make Me Run
13. Angie (B-stage)
14. Play With Fire (B-stage)
15. Dead Flowers (B-stage)
16. Sympathy For The Devil
17. Paint It Black
18. Midnight Rambler
19. Start Me Up
20. Jumping Jack Flash
21. Brown Sugar
--- Band off stage
22. Gimme Shelter
23. Satisfaction

it's only R & R
Posted by: DirtyT ()
Date: July 11, 2019 17:32

Tough for people to hear..Keith should never ever play (its only rock n roll) again.
seems to deleted everytime i bring it up..
lets be honest..its ok that he sucks on one song out of 500..
embarassing everytime i've seen it live..roughly 7 times..
post to be deleted soon im actually starting to think he does it to @#$%& with rest of band..some inside joke.

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: EasterMan ()
Date: July 11, 2019 17:41

Well the intro nowadays sounds like he's ringing a doorbell, and the tempo is way too slow. It's great they are not playing it every show this tour though. smileys with beer

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-07-11 17:46 by EasterMan.

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: July 11, 2019 17:51

Only a minor US hit - and not a very good one.

Older brother of YGMR.

Great version of LYL though.

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: JDSAM1994 ()
Date: July 11, 2019 18:08

The song live has tons of great Chuck Berry licks in it. When it comes to Keith, you live for those Chuck Berry licks: it’s the roots of his guitar playing. He has stepped up the solo for this tour too. You must not know anything about guitar playing if you think he sucks on it. It’s always interesting when a non musician gives his or her take on a live performance.

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: Kurt ()
Date: July 11, 2019 18:17

Tough for people to hear..Keith should never ever play (its only rock n roll) again.
seems to deleted everytime i bring it up..
lets be honest..its ok that he sucks on one song out of 500..
embarassing everytime i've seen it live..roughly 7 times..
post to be deleted soon im actually starting to think he does it to @#$%& with rest of band..some inside joke.

Your posts don't get deleted they just get merged into the SET LIST DISCUSSIONS thread...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-07-11 18:49 by Kurt.

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: July 11, 2019 18:28

I'm as bored with this song as anyone, but Keith played it just fine Sunday night. He didn't melt any faces off with scorching-hot leads, but he played those Chuck Berry licks competently, if a bit sluggishly.

I'd be fine if I never heard it again, but Keith is not embarrassing himself, at least on this tour.

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: HMS ()
Date: July 11, 2019 18:31

It should be replaced by You Got Me Rocking.

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: DirtyT ()
Date: July 11, 2019 18:32

I am a guitar player..went to show with other working cringy
dude love keith.. he wasnt even in right keith my fav..have guts to say he sucks on this

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: TheBlockbuster ()
Date: July 11, 2019 18:36

The song live has tons of great Chuck Berry licks in it. When it comes to Keith, you live for those Chuck Berry licks: it’s the roots of his guitar playing. He has stepped up the solo for this tour too. You must not know anything about guitar playing if you think he sucks on it. It’s always interesting when a non musician gives his or her take on a live performance.


If you think this is a great solo then I presume you don't know so much about guitar playing yourself. Keith starts off the solo by playing in the wrong key and the rest of the solo isn't... very good either.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-07-11 18:37 by TheBlockbuster.

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: DirtyT ()
Date: July 11, 2019 18:39

thank you.. a heavy weight champ who doesnt look good here..

Re: it's only R & R
Date: July 11, 2019 18:44

"A parody on that style". Mick Taylor in an interview after the song was released,

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: July 11, 2019 18:44

The song live has tons of great Chuck Berry licks in it. When it comes to Keith, you live for those Chuck Berry licks: it’s the roots of his guitar playing. He has stepped up the solo for this tour too. You must not know anything about guitar playing if you think he sucks on it. It’s always interesting when a non musician gives his or her take on a live performance.

You don’t have to be a musician to hear and judge if someone is performing poorly. We all have ears.

Re: it's only R & R
Date: July 11, 2019 19:07

Tough for people to hear..Keith should never ever play (its only rock n roll) again.
seems to deleted everytime i bring it up..
lets be honest..its ok that he sucks on one song out of 500..
embarassing everytime i've seen it live..roughly 7 times..
post to be deleted soon im actually starting to think he does it to @#$%& with rest of band..some inside joke.

In your opinion, that is...

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: July 11, 2019 19:13

Keith's always had this weird tendency to occasionally launch into something in the wrong key ...

Always...for years and years before folks started talking about his failing chops .

Can he play like he did 30 and 40 years ago ? No.

But can he still make the hairs on your neck stand up with just the right slash of a chord, timed at just the right millisecond ?

Yes ! ...and he'll still do for me.

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: July 11, 2019 19:29

The song live has tons of great Chuck Berry licks in it. When it comes to Keith, you live for those Chuck Berry licks: it’s the roots of his guitar playing. He has stepped up the solo for this tour too. You must not know anything about guitar playing if you think he sucks on it. It’s always interesting when a non musician gives his or her take on a live performance.


If you think this is a great solo then I presume you don't know so much about guitar playing yourself. Keith starts off the solo by playing in the wrong key and the rest of the solo isn't... very good either.
Whoo's amazing how you miss things when you're there live and in the moment.

I didn't think it was a particularly good version when I was there, but it didn't feel as off as it does now that I'm listening to it with some distance. That is pretty bad.

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: TooTough ()
Date: July 11, 2019 19:35

Keith´s intro...
Then: Dadadadängdängdängdädädadedadedaaaa...
Nowadays: Dä Dä Dä Dä-e-ä...

But I like it, yes I do. smiling bouncing smiley

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: JDSAM1994 ()
Date: July 11, 2019 19:38

Ok you guys don't have to post links proving stuff like "ohh on this night he was in the wrong key" or "you must not know about guitar playing if you think blah blah blah"

I didn't see the 7/7 video, yeah it's a little rough and sluggish. All I know is that I was at the 6/25 and 7/3 shows, his licks on IORR were pretty good and tasteful. No need to post the links, look it up for yourself if you like.

We are talking about a 75 year old man who has an entire lifetime of rock and roll partying under his belt, yeah he's going to mess up licks and mix up the key of a song from time to time.

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: harlem shuffle ()
Date: July 11, 2019 21:28

Terrible version of IORR.Maybee the worst ever played.This is so bad that i hope they never play it anymore.

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: HMS ()
Date: July 11, 2019 22:10

It should indeed be replaced by glorious YGMR.

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: Maindefender ()
Date: July 11, 2019 22:17

Love the studio and 75-76 era versions

Re: it's only R & R
Date: July 11, 2019 22:32

Keith still loves his Chuck Berry riffs. Let the old man play.

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: SomeGuy ()
Date: July 11, 2019 22:53

For me the studio version is the best version. It has this totally cool, Chuck Berry influenced, but very, very heavy sounding solo, that is always lacking live. Thus, half of the appeal of the song is gone, live, the other half is the acoustic guitar and the subtle rhythm paired to Mick's early 70s almost hollering (for lack of a better word) vocal style, and that's lacking live also.
I do enjoy the Love You Live version though, despite the sped-up tempo.
These days I always wish that Keith would simply play the right notes and do his original solo justice, but he doesn't even play the intro right. Or maybe I should rephrase that: he doesn't play it PERIOD. It's not like you have to be a great guitarist to be able to do it.
On the up side: Ronnie does play a mean guitar on the song, these days. Not that tinny 'outofphase' strat sound he used about 20 years ago, which I find very distasteful.

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: July 11, 2019 23:16

Cant top the studio version ……


Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: July 11, 2019 23:26

Cant top the studio version ……

The Mick solo version on SNL, with Dave Grohl came pretty close though.

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: PhillyFAN ()
Date: July 11, 2019 23:45

Tough for people to hear..Keith should never ever play (its only rock n roll) again.
seems to deleted everytime i bring it up..
lets be honest..its ok that he sucks on one song out of 500..
embarassing everytime i've seen it live..roughly 7 times..
post to be deleted soon im actually starting to think he does it to @#$%& with rest of band..some inside joke.

So what if he did. After a life time of giving us some of the best rock and roll on the planet I really don't care if he played the beginning solo off key. He is 75 years old and still rocking 98.9% of the time and still on the road. I'm glad they are still alive and playing - giving us their fans joy. Truely it is only rock and roll.

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: July 12, 2019 00:15

jagger sounds excellent

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: timmyj3 ()
Date: July 12, 2019 00:25

My opinion is the album cut is one of the best Stones songs. I have always loved it, the slow build, Jaggers vocals growing more intense, and then it finishes very strong in a groove.

The live version from 75/76 is a great song. Just loved that gritty almost heavy metal feel to it. After 76 it has been a weak link live in my opinion. Not sure why but, it never seems to work quite right.

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: July 12, 2019 00:26

Cant top the studio version ……

That song deserves the title track! Studio version is awesome-

BTW I want to see Luxury in a Song Vote and the SW's Mixed Emotions as well.

Re: it's only R & R
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: July 12, 2019 00:31

Yes studio version is A+. thumbs up

Live during the last few decades it seems to have lost something, but seeing it recently was almost like hearing it for the first time on the radio back in '74...well not quite, but it really was good!

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

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