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Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: PhillyFAN ()
Date: January 10, 2019 02:20

After the 14 on Fire ahows we realize what a boost to the music MT would bring. I would think this really will be the last multi city tour for them. Im sure MT could use the money and the music really could use MT. The fans would appreciate it and would be a wonderful way to say goodbye if the music was on fire again. The tickets are very expensive amd most of us know what the set list will be with maybe one or 2 obscure songs per show.We all know how each warhorse will be played. Almost predictable. I as just listening to the opening night of the 1972 Stones Touring Party tour in Vancouver. Both MT and KR made an incredible live duo.Im sure RW would only enhance the playing to make this maybe last time out something to remember for decades. Probably daydreaming but could you imagine thw music they could make wuth propwe rehearsala?

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: January 10, 2019 08:05

After the 14 on Fire ahows we realize what a boost to the music MT would bring. I would think this really will be the last multi city tour for them. Im sure MT could use the money and the music really could use MT. The fans would appreciate it and would be a wonderful way to say goodbye if the music was on fire again. The tickets are very expensive amd most of us know what the set list will be with maybe one or 2 obscure songs per show.We all know how each warhorse will be played. Almost predictable. I as just listening to the opening night of the 1972 Stones Touring Party tour in Vancouver. Both MT and KR made an incredible live duo.Im sure RW would only enhance the playing to make this maybe last time out something to remember for decades. Probably daydreaming but could you imagine thw music they could make wuth propwe rehearsala?

thumbs up

Perhaps a petition is in order!

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: January 10, 2019 08:07

That last sentence sounds like PhillyFan is impersonating Barbara Walters.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: retired_dog ()
Date: January 10, 2019 08:52

Rocky Dijon
That last sentence sounds like PhillyFan is impersonating Barbara Walters.

All you have to do is read between the lines and the message becomes clear.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: January 10, 2019 09:19

I'm just having fun. No one else is, apparently, but that isn't unusual.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: January 10, 2019 09:21

Barbara Walters!!! … I fought he was doin' Ida Buttrose …


Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: retired_dog ()
Date: January 10, 2019 13:34

Rocky Dijon
I'm just having fun. No one else is, apparently, but that isn't unusual.

"Just having fun" - that sounds so... innocent... No, really, I see that your intentions are good.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: January 10, 2019 15:25

with his wife pushing him out and with his drug problem and lack of song credits he thought he deserved.

Yeah Rose is very rarely mentioned but I'm sure she had a big part in MT leaving the band. It is possible that Taylor was subjected to a daily barrage of remarks like : "what the hell are you still doing in this band?" "You're wasting your talent you're a virtuoso while these idiots are happy to play the same three chords" "the Stones are dead anyway so you'd better leave before the ship sinks" etc etc etc

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: January 10, 2019 15:37

Famous last words...or almost ! I guess that when you're caught in the action it's hard to make sense of it, especially that kind of action.

One of the most touching things that came out of the 2012 "reunion" was when Taylor said (paraphrasing) "in hindsight I realized I should have stayed with my friends". No sh:t Sherlock !

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Date: January 10, 2019 15:44

Stumbled over this page with Taylor-quotes. I don't guarantee for the accuracy of those quotes, though..

My favourite: «What I've always lacked is a really strong band to back me up»

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: January 10, 2019 15:49

And there's a pic by Dominique Lamblin taken the day after MT split. The Stones (and Jagger specifically) look completely ravaged and taken aback by the news.

Like : "how can this guy quit the most desirable job in the rock biz? Lead guitarist for the Stones!!!"

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: powerage78 ()
Date: January 10, 2019 17:14

Mick Taylor was also a fantastic rhythm guitarist, so applied and rigorous...
That brought an incredible power to the Stones music.


Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: StonesCat ()
Date: January 10, 2019 17:37

After the 14 on Fire ahows we realize what a boost to the music MT would bring. I would think this really will be the last multi city tour for them. Im sure MT could use the money and the music really could use MT. The fans would appreciate it and would be a wonderful way to say goodbye if the music was on fire again. The tickets are very expensive amd most of us know what the set list will be with maybe one or 2 obscure songs per show.We all know how each warhorse will be played. Almost predictable. I as just listening to the opening night of the 1972 Stones Touring Party tour in Vancouver. Both MT and KR made an incredible live duo.Im sure RW would only enhance the playing to make this maybe last time out something to remember for decades. Probably daydreaming but could you imagine thw music they could make wuth propwe rehearsala?

Other than the first sentence, this could have been one of a million posts from 2013. The pieces were all in place, there were proper rehearsals, and we got what we got, which was disappointing for MT fans but better than nothing. I've given up on ever getting that close again.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: OpenG ()
Date: January 10, 2019 19:26

Mick Taylor's guitar on Turns To Gold ( Bonus Track From Mick Taylor With Joe Houston from Coastin Home CD is awesome. In 1994 Mick Taylor, Hasty Ambush and Dizzy Reed(GNR) teamed up at Cherokee Studios in Hollywood to lay down version of Turns to Gold From Dead Amanada's EP Why - It is the bonus track on the CD from shattered music 1995.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: PhillyFAN ()
Date: January 10, 2019 20:22

Rocky Dijon
I'm just having fun. No one else is, apparently, but that isn't unusual.

"Just having fun" - that sounds so... innocent... No, really, I see that your intentions are good.

Aww...guys don't make fun of me I have a speech impediment that manifests in my thumbs. Arthritis hee hee!smiling smiley

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Date: January 10, 2019 23:33

Stumbled over this page with Taylor-quotes. I don't guarantee for the accuracy of those quotes, though..

My favourite: «What I've always lacked is a really strong band to back me up»

I remember reading that interview. Taylor was talking about his career after he left the Stones. This quote is taken out of context, but if you read it just like that, Taylor's statement is hilarious indeed. grinning smiley

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: January 11, 2019 15:52

It is revealing and some what hilarious, but possibly not in the way you think it is. tongue sticking out smiley

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Date: January 11, 2019 16:15


Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: January 13, 2019 07:30

My favourite: «What I've always lacked is a really strong band to back me up»

If this were said of the Stones (it wasn't), it would rank as the greatest quote ever by a member of the band about the band.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Date: January 13, 2019 15:52

Rocky Dijon
My favourite: «What I've always lacked is a really strong band to back me up»

If this were said of the Stones (it wasn't), it would rank as the greatest quote ever by a member of the band about the band.


Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: OpenG ()
Date: January 15, 2019 17:25


Mick Taylor and band performing "Mama Lion". Recorded Davenport Iowa 13-8-1986

Taylor's guitar tone is awesome up and front

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: OpenG ()
Date: January 15, 2019 22:02


Taylor and The Stones in 1981 - Band Introduction and Beast Of Burden

mick taylor 1975 - single with robin millar (catch as catch can)
Posted by: thomashanck ()
Date: January 15, 2019 20:55


somebody heard this before… ?


cannot find it on yt

Robin Millar is the brother of mick's first wife rose…

Re: mick taylor 1975 - single with robin millar (catch as catch can)
Date: January 15, 2019 21:07

Robin Millar also posted it on his soundcloud account, amongst other tunes. He is a good guitarist as well, and his career as a producer is quite impressive.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: MCDDTLC ()
Date: January 16, 2019 21:22

I agree Hairball!! the more people to shout out - LET TAYLOR BACK ONSTAGE - the better - I won't pay to see the Stones till Tayloy's back in the lineup - Keith wants it!!! - Jagger doesn't want to share the spotlight.. MLC - back again...

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: January 16, 2019 21:54

This is almost as bad as the Stones new album thread. 227 pages and not a word on what Mick Taylor is up to.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: OpenG ()
Date: January 16, 2019 22:11

I think MT might be semi-retired after the 2012 gigs with stones. Well anyway I pulled out John Phillip's record from 1977 - Pay Back and Follow and forgot the nice solos Taylor played on Oh Virginia, Very Dread, and Zulu Warrior. Keith, RW and Jagger also on record and I believe Ron Wood played bass on the record.

I found a quote from John Phillip's -

" I was able to get Mick Taylor to come out of hiding said Phillips" " He had quit the rolling stones a few years back and they had not spoken to each other. I said what the hell come out and play its just music" " So he showed up and it was pretty tense situation for awhile". " We Recorded Very Dread and after Mick Taylor played a tremendous solo on Oh Virginia Keith turned to him and said Now I know Why I never Liked You"

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: TeddyB1018 ()
Date: January 17, 2019 00:03

My favorite post-Stones MT guitar is on Dylan's studio take of "Jokerman". While Knopfler noodles (okay, he's very good at it) on his Fender, MT comes in crashing around in a stuttering, very Stones-like style on his Gibson. He's always been effective playing that sort of "rhythm." In fact, he does a pretty good Keith!

Re: mick taylor 1975 - single with robin millar (catch as catch can)
Date: January 17, 2019 00:27


somebody heard this before… ?


cannot find it on yt

Robin Millar is the brother of mick's first wife rose…

Here an interview with Robin Millar. During the first five minutes he talks a bit about his stay at Nellcôte, and Taylor's influence on the Stones.

Robin Millar on Taylor and the Stones.

Re: Mick Taylor Talk - what's on your mind right now...
Posted by: ErwinH ()
Date: January 17, 2019 13:03

Mick has turned 70 today.... happy birthday .... hope he has a great day!

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