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Seeing Bob Friday, low expectations with this minimalistic band and stage setting but hopefully he will surprise us in some way.
Why low expectations? Have you seen him within the last 2-3 years? He and the band are fantastic!
I've watched YouTube footage, highlights are Into The Mystic and Stella Blue, but i would prefer some more guitar action onstage to make up for Bob not playing guitar.
I understand that. The last 3 times I’ve seen him (all within the last 3 years; at the Ryman once and Brooklyn Bowl Nashville 2x) have all been at least 9/10. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have.
Enjoy the concert with your Mum, Keefriffards, it will probably be very good. Of course Bob Dylan is not a strong man anymore, but the core of his art is glowing.
every Dylan cover is better than its original !
Dylan and Sony have done it again. This year's copyright collection is now available on Spotify (only accessable in Europe). It features all (audience) live recordings from the 1974 that were not included in live 1974 released in September.
Dylan and Sony have done it again. This year's copyright collection is now available on Spotify (only accessable in Europe). It features all (audience) live recordings from the 1974 that were not included in live 1974 released in September.
Thanks slewan. Please let us know if you find anything worth grabbing from that new dump.
hard to tell – it depends on what you want/need/like.
But I guess it's a safe bet to go for the rare songs that are not on the live 1974 box. Especially those song that have only been performed once in 1974:
Visions of Johanna (Denver Feb, 6th, afternoon show)
Fouth Time Around (Memphis Jan. 23th)
and – of course –
As I Went Out One Morning (only performance ever, Toronto Jan. 10th)