Dear IORR posters!
The Stones will start their new tour soon and it won’t take long till they hit Europe with hopefully fantastic shows in summer 2006.
Rumours are flying around, first plans of which shows to see are already made and everybody starts to put some hard earned money aside to afford the costly trips.
A while ago I chatted with a couple of IORR friends and we developed an idea – the Tell Me forum is a great place and we all love to be here, but we want to take it a step further and away from cyber space.
We thought about organizing a meeting for all IORR members (and refuges from the other boards) in a city that is easy and cheap to reach for everyone, make a big party and attend a concert together.
We have a few suggestions for you concerning the venue, we thought about either Amsterdam, Barcelona and Porto (tour opening).
All these three places offer some great advantages: easy to reach, great audiences, culturally interesting, …
Before we take this plan any further, we’d just like to check if there is a general interest on organizing such an event. Therefore, we ask for your opinion on this topic and hope for your numerous suggestions!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-05-20 14:50 by KeithRichards.