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Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: wolfmeister ()
Date: July 15, 2013 15:29

Wild Slivovitz
How about the echo we could hear sometimes during the concert ? I think everytime Keith was soloing, they increased his sound level and his speakers... which reflected on the Hospitality stand, and created a very nasty delayed echo, everytime it occurred dozens of people around me all looked behind wondering "what the heck is this ?", i was quite close to the cat walk so I assume it must have been quite an annoyance to Lisa and Mick when they were there.

That was really annoying actually and as far as i could tell by the fence/catwalk, it was caused by monitors on the catwalk playing primarily the snare-drum but with a time-delay. I say that cos it only happend when Keith started to move towards the catwalk. The first time it happened i was watching charlie and thought "he's lost the timing", but although he did lose the timing once, it wasn't that, it was just it looked like he was out of time because his snare stick wasn't in time with the delayed monitor sound of the snare.

BUT, oddly it didnt happen every time mick came down the catwalk. It was a rogue delay-feed anyway.

Our only dissapointment was that Keith and Ronnie didnt come down the catwalk.

On "Miss You" they both did to make some plain posing...

yeah, once for a pose, but no wonder they didnt play down there what with the monitoring wierdness going on, shame.

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: andrewt ()
Date: July 15, 2013 15:37

I'm sure Scarf me Up will come out soon when an interviewer will put it to Keith.
''How come you f**ked up the intro to SMU twice then Keef''. winking smiley

Here I go adding to Scarfgate...In this clip from Toronto 2 you can see Keith ditching his scarf after a less than stellar intro to SMU.
Let the theories go wild!

Of course that doesn't explain what happens around 1:15.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-15 15:39 by andrewt.

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: July 15, 2013 15:50

oh, he was using in-ear i have now seen on video, so perhaps the snare was for keith, and it didnt work and hence he never came down the catwalk?

Yeah no monitors needed for Mick when he's on the catwalk as he's got an IEM but the others don't so that's why they switched them on when they ventured there, or barely in the case of Keith wondering to the front of the stage...It was probably only a problem for those of us in the front and close enough to hear the monitors. They actually switched them on one after the other before the show. It bothered me for HP1 but not HP2 since I knew what was going on ;-)

@johnnythunders - that camera on rails in front of Keith was indeed really annoying when I was in T1 on the 6th and was glad the other side didn't have it, another bonus of T3 on top of the shelter from the sun provided by the rail ;-) Talking of cams did they have it on a rail along the catwalk in T1 on the 13th too?

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Shantipole ()
Date: July 15, 2013 15:50

bye bye johnny

@lwrenscott's photo: Checking out the 1975


This is a great pic of Mick.

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: wolfmeister ()
Date: July 15, 2013 16:08

MaryNo, thank you. Being in close proximity to strangers for hours in very hot weather clearly requires everyone to behave reasonably and for the most part that is what I saw in T1 on both dates so well done to all of us.

I think the Stones know that punks like them - "No Elvis Beatles or Rolling Stones" was very obviously Bernie Rhodes nonsense when Mick Jones was clearly a total fan of Keith Richards and Strummer, Matlock, Thunders etc were all big Stones fans. The Only Ones guitarist John Perry has written the best book on Exiles..

And gotdablouse thanks so much for your HP recording. I converted it from FLAC to mp3 using ALL2MP3 and am hoping to listen tonight at home.

mick jones' hero was Brady from the hollywood brats, apparently.

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: johnnythunders ()
Date: July 15, 2013 16:18

gotdablouse, no camera on a track between rail and catwalk on the 13th. But I think there were more cameras on stage to compensate.

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: July 15, 2013 16:34

Start me Up. 2 mins and ends abruptly.

Ruby Tuesday. All of these clips are by Stonesfan62,so a big thank you to him.winking smiley

Emotional Rescue.


Midnight Rambler.


Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: two4fun111 ()
Date: July 15, 2013 16:40

In the Start Up video, I was more staggered by the bum chord/note that Ronnie played in the solo at about 2:04 mark

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: beepee2 ()
Date: July 15, 2013 16:58

which is why they time-delay.

OK, but i still don't understand:

- the speakers back in the audience with a delay, i understand, that's for the audience only (none of the musicians will ever be there)
- as to Mick being on the cat walk, whatever the catwalk monitor play, he will still hear the stage's speakers with a slight delay... so how does this mess get sorted out ?

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: July 15, 2013 17:20

gotdablouse, no camera on a track between rail and catwalk on the 13th. But I think there were more cameras on stage to compensate.

Ah that's good, I remember that Beast mentioned it got in her line of sight at times. On the T3 side there was some camera work going on with a couple of guys trying to sprint along with Mick on a couple of occasions when he came back from the catwalk!

Dave Hogan (a burly photographer who puts his pics on gettyimages and who's at all their shows, including the Trabendo) was walking around there too. The other photographers were kept towards the back and were only allowed for the first numbers...guess he's got special access! Torje (Mick's personal trainer who's always on hand when Mick was on the catwalk) even picked up one his camera eyepieces he'd dropped and returned it to him ;-)

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-15 18:10 by gotdablouse.

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: July 15, 2013 17:38

Doom and Gloom fans,this ones for you.
It's growing on me.........ever so slightly. eye rolling smiley

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Promoman ()
Date: July 15, 2013 17:51

The crowd was going wild when the guys entered the stage this Saturady (13th). The screaming was so loud I could't even hear the Scarf note.

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: peoplewitheyes ()
Date: July 15, 2013 18:01

great version of D&D, and good to hear a bunch of people singing along with every word

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: stoneman333 ()
Date: July 15, 2013 18:11

Here is my review:

What a show in this second Hyde Park. The Rolling Stones were unbelievable and the crowd was wonderful. It was my 7th show in this 50 and Counting Tour and it was one of the best that I saw. I arrived the first in TIER 1 so I could choose my spot. I chose the catwalk very near to the front row. It was a very hot and hard day. Worst than Hyde Park #1! The hospitality Garden was a big success. The food was good. We could drink sodas or beer all day. They had cookies, ice cream, strawberries, etc. I became also a waiter. I brought many cokes to the security guards, and to the people who didn’t have the access to the garden. The ambiance around me was really nice. I was with many nice French people that I met there in TIER 1. Actually, the ambiance before the show in all the categories (TIER 1, 2 an 3) was really pleasant, cool. A wonderful atmosphere of British Festival.

The Stones began the show a few minutes earlier than Hyde Park #1. Start Me Up was better than last week but this song is not the best opening IMO. Emotional Rescue was a surprise and it was really good to hear this song in Hyde Park. Mick was amazing and the crowd loved it. Emotional Rescue works more in this disposition than in Arenas.

Street Fighting Man was the request song. I voted for it so I was in heaven when I saw it on the screen. This version killed! It was a perfect song to do it here, in Hyde Park front of 70,000 people.

Ruby Tuesday was a very good surprise and they did it perfectly. Here in TIER 1, everyone knew this song and was so happy to hear it. Ruby Tuesday was a little bit different than I heard in the past. I found it more romantic and emotional.

You Got The Silver was so moving. Very different that the 6 other shows I saw in this tour. Keith sang with his heart. He didn’t sing it perfectly but this is what I loved so much. Sometimes, he whispered some words that made this version very moving.

I remember during Miss You, when it was the time to the crowd to sing, generally we are not in time and Mick says “here we go, like this” and he shows us the way to sing. But this time he was so impressed that the crowd sang the “wouh wouh wouh wouh wouh…” perfectly on time.

There were so many highlights tonight like SFM or Ruby Tuesday but THE BEST highlight of the show was Midnight Rambler. The best version I have ever seen in my life. What a performance of the band, and not only Mick Jagger. All of them! Taylor, Keith, Ronnie, Mick, everyone! I was totally speachless during Rambler. I really want to hear this version again and again! This version has to be on DVD. I don’t have other words than AMAZING!

Gimme Shelter was excellent again but it was very very hard to have a version as good as Hyde Park #1 (I think that Gimme Shelter was the highlight of the first Hyde Park).

The rest of the show is perfect. They killed JJF and Satisfaction. And I will never say enough thank you to all the choirs I saw during this tour. They made YCAGWYW so much better than the others past live versions, before this tour. And to be honest, the choir of Hyde Park was in my opinion the best choir of the tour. Every time I see the choir during this tour, I imagine how good will be their memories. They are teenagers and they sang with the Rolling Stones!!!!! It can open doors in their music career.

I loved seing Mick Jagger running from the B-stage to the main stage during Satisfaction. After 2 hours of show and many many energy spent, Mick is still able to have a fast sprint. He is 70 years old. How can it be possible? There will never have another band like that. I am sure about it. The Rolling Stones are the greatest band ever! No doubt about it.

Now I am home with so many amazing memories in my mind. I spent a lot of money since December 2012 but it was worth it! This 50 and Counting was an amazing tour.

They look much younger than 6 years ago. What happened during these 6 years? Us, fans, we are so lucky because I was really not confident to see them again after my last show in 2007.

See you in October???

Great review benstones.

I was near the front of the T3 section, behind the mid-way security fencing, and benefitted from the great Events Staff who supplied glasses of cold water throughout the afternoon smiling smiley And there was great singing in that area once the Stones hit the stage.

I share your view that SFM and RT were definite highlights - and even ER, which isn't one of my personal favourites, sounded great. But MR was definitely the BEST. Looking forward to the video clips to re-live it all smiling smiley

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: July 15, 2013 18:14

D&G was off to a slightly slow start, not the first time this tour, but Charlie kicked it back into action (not always been the case) and it was terrific indeed. I really like that song, not in the least because I remember playing it at full volume in my car after the Bondy rehearsals and also the first play on the BBC on October 11th...the beginning of an amazing Stones' run! There was a girl maybe in her twenties just behind me who knew all the words to the song, I was amazed. Mick must know that so more new stuff coming ;-)

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: laertisflash ()
Date: July 15, 2013 18:24

gotdablouse wrote: "There was a girl maybe in her twenties just behind me who knew all the words to the song, I was amazed"

Notice that "Doom & Gloom" has 8,554,743 views on You Tube, for the time being. I suppose many people at her age have discovered the song from You Tube.

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: triceratops ()
Date: July 15, 2013 18:36

gotdablouse wrote: "There was a girl maybe in her twenties just behind me who knew all the words to the song, I was amazed"

Notice that "Doom & Gloom" has 8,554,743 views on You Tube, for the time being. I suppose many people at her age have discovered the song from You Tube.

Does anything Stones have more views that this??

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: laertisflash ()
Date: July 15, 2013 18:47

peoplewitheyes wrote:

"Great version of D & G, and good to hear a bunch of people singing along with every word"

I think the definition of the prodigy named Rolling Stones could be somewhere between a 60 year old person who sings "Doom & Gloom", with every word, and a teenager doing exactly the same, when the Stones are playing "Jumping Jack Flash" or another song, even earlier written. Both, in the same gig...

PS: By the way, yes, great version of "D & G". The song works very well live, t think.

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: laertisflash ()
Date: July 15, 2013 18:59

"Does anything Stones have more views that this??"

I don't know, triceratops. But i doubt, because the classic Stones songs have been well known years and decades before Internet's appearence. And many young people (whenever they were young) had other "sources". For example, the albums of their parents... Maybe some You Tube experts here know the answer.

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Stoneswolf ()
Date: July 15, 2013 19:14


that one must be great lookingin 3D eye rolling smiley

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Stoneswolf ()
Date: July 15, 2013 19:15

Were the 2 Hyde Park shows filmed and recorded ?

yepp, prossional 3D cameras...

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: July 15, 2013 19:20

Yeah I must say my pics of Taylor on the 13th don't show in the best of lights, sorry! Well some are ok, let's see...

...that's better.

I was wondering about the 3D filming as some cameras that wizzed by did have some odd shaped lenses. But I have a bit of 3D stuff myself, haven't looked at it yet, saving it for a bit later...

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: dimrstone ()
Date: July 15, 2013 20:22

Great show !! Fantastic crowd !!
One of my videos :

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: July 15, 2013 21:24

OK, what happened at 0:50? Ouch!

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: KurtKuurna ()
Date: July 15, 2013 22:35

which is why they time-delay.

OK, but i still don't understand:

- the speakers back in the audience with a delay, i understand, that's for the audience only (none of the musicians will ever be there)
- as to Mick being on the cat walk, whatever the catwalk monitor play, he will still hear the stage's speakers with a slight delay... so how does this mess get sorted out ?
Mick´s got "In-ear"-monitoring, the headphones are so loud that he can´t hear the main pa.

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: harald2002 ()
Date: July 15, 2013 22:59

...Didn't make it this time to Frontrow.

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: July 15, 2013 23:14

Great pics harald.
Really love that last one.
Very nice to have as screen saver or desktop background. winking smiley

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Lady Jayne ()
Date: July 16, 2013 00:04

Really grateful to all those who have shared great reviews, clips and photos. It's been a joy!

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: open-g ()
Date: July 16, 2013 00:24

Green Lady
OK, what happened at 0:50? Ouch!

Ronnie over-bends his b-bender ESP Tele which is easily done with too much pressure on the guitar strap.
more info on the b-bender here: []

Re: Hyde Park show #2 July 13 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: NICOS ()
Date: July 16, 2013 00:55

Niece chap................


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