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Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Date: July 7, 2013 02:17

this thread an some of the fans on this forum are a joke.

please explain

fans defending the stones non stop for poorly executed decisions.
"hey guys remember when they released that great album 40 years ago. cut them some slack"

"there were 200,000 people there so it must mean the concert is good"

"they are almost 70. how long do you expect a concert to be"

"they are almost 70 how many songs do you expect them to change in the setlist"

"who cares that tickets cost so much"

these statements and many others are just jokes. this is the stones JOB. they should be held accountable just like anyone of us are at a job. the stones are older, give less in the performance. play shorter sets. expect us to pay more money to hear a setlist thats been 90% the same the last decade. anyone else get a raise at their job this year by putting in less effort and bringing up how great they performed at the job years ago?

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: CousinC ()
Date: July 7, 2013 02:18

That's the Stones. They never give you too much.
Missed chance for shure. Especially because of the recordings there was some hope for different stuff.I hope the playin was good.
Love in vain . .

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: July 7, 2013 02:18

Rip This
Here come the second guesser's. It was a great set-list. They mixed it up good. All Down the Line, Bitch, opening with Start me Up. What does this band have to do? What songs to you want to hear? When will you stop? These guys are 70 years old. They are giving it their all. By playing the warhorses thats what people want to hear. There aren't 100 people there who know I got the Blues, or Loving Cup, or even Out of Time, to name a few. Chill people, Chill.

SO not true. If that were the case they never would have put Glastonbury/Factory Girl in the set list the other evening...they know their cannon of songs...and they know we know their cannon of songs...why they refuse to play so many great...fantastic deep cuts is something only they can answer....I guess they felt comfortable in highlighting the big 5 albums tonight. Hope people enjoyed the show...can't wait for vids....

I think that IrisC is correct when it comes to the more general music fans, who do seem to make up the majority of the crowd.

To reinforce this point, after Glastonbury the Stones did see a 3-fold spike in record sales--but only in greatest hits packages. Collectors and completists, who can tell you every title of every track number on every album, and who know what a gomper is, are the slim minority.

Every few years, every time they tour, there is a fresh new audience to pick up, people who will be seeing The Stones for the first time. As a smart business brand, The Stones are always seeking to widen their appeal and continually build upon their existing fan base. And the first-time record purchase of first-time fans will be something like Hot Rocks--as it was for me over 30 years ago. Then you pick up 12X5, etc., if you are interested in delving deeper.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Date: July 7, 2013 02:21

That's the Stones. They never give you too much.
Missed chance for shure. Especially because of the recordings there was some hope for different stuff.I hope the playin was good.
Love in vain . .

no we have to kiss butt because they are almost 70.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: swaymusik ()
Date: July 7, 2013 02:23

Totally agree with this comment, each Stones 2013 performances are instantly historical.
Set lists issues are NOT from true lifetime fans.
Many thanks to all who provide live updates & great photos!

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Silver Dagger ()
Date: July 7, 2013 02:24

Just back from the gig. Good one but not as great as the 02 shows and of course Glastonbury. There were some magic moments though - one of the most dynamic, awe-inspiring versions of Gimme Shelter I've ever seen. Lisa Fischer was incredible, shimmying up the catwalk in that white throw of hers. I've never heard her so good before.

And there was a real magic moment where Keith was up the catwalk and Mick followed him and as Keith was returning they met, Jagger wanted to pass him but Keith grabbed him as if to say, hi buddy, ain't it great. That was heart-warming.

Great to hear All Down The Line, Bitch and Beast Of Bourbon(!) but where were the real surprises for London...Street Fighting Man would have been nice or another of the early singles. They seem to have moved away from the early years now. Shame, as I Wanna Be Your Man, Lady Jane, It's All Over Now and The Last Time sounded fantastic.

Oh well, roll on next week. By the way, there were plenty of tickets available outside and I got in for £90 and got about 30 yards from the stage with a perfect view.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: richie26188 ()
Date: July 7, 2013 02:26

If they did film tonights show for DVD as has been suggested then that set list is perfect. The casual fans buying such DVDs like it or not would rather see the war horses.

We all yearn for the lesser played stuff, especially those who have been to 20 or 30 Stones gigs in their time - but we need to be realistic it aint going to happen with the exception of maybe 1 or 2 being slipped in.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: toomuchforme ()
Date: July 7, 2013 02:30

I do not know if Glastonburry was better but tonight show was brillant.
Great videos and photos To follow tomorrow night.

"we know it's a bit late but we hope you don't mind if we stay"

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: spsimmons ()
Date: July 7, 2013 02:32

So, did The Stones soar past The Beatles' Shea Stadium gig with this Hyde Park show?

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: July 7, 2013 02:35

Have you noticed that they look younger (especially Jagger) in the concert photos than in the photos taken between concerts. They must have really good make up pros doing their job before concerts, they look absolutely natural so it's done very well.

Not necessarily. It's just that these photos are not close-ups. They've always sat before dressing room mirrors applying make up, you see it in the '81 backstage footage from Let's Spend The Night Together and also in the backstage '72 footage shown in Crossfire Hurricane where Keith jokingly dabs a bit of red paint above Charlie's upper look to make it look like he has a cold sore.

If they were really that vain about wrinkles they would just resort to plastic surgery, as they could certainly afford it.

I believe in the really close shots of Glastonbury you can see their wrinkles more clearly, but not so much from several feet away.

Besides, what with the way they perspire onstage, you would think that make-up would only go so far.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: custom55 ()
Date: July 7, 2013 02:36

I knew I would look here and there would be whining about the setlist, blah blah.

Don't listen. IT WAS GREAT. And there was a nice Mick/Keith moment too.

It was a special night for me, just sorry my feet were too sore from dancing to make it to the pub to meet everyone. sad smiley

Unless they were whining about the setlist, of course.

I mean really.... I wish I was there period, and you've got people complaining about the setlist. Well, their lives must be so wonderful that a setlist would upset them. confused smiley

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: MoreFastNumbers ()
Date: July 7, 2013 02:37

If i estimate correctly, on the four UK gigs of the "50 and counting Tour" the Stones have played 33 different songs, including some really rare numbers (Lady Jane, Factory Girl, 2000 LYFH, etc). And probably they will add up some (i guess four) more different songs on Hyde Park #2.

So, what the hell do the "all the time and for everything" complainers mean when they are talking about "boring lists"? How many times have they heard live "Bitch" or "Beast Of Burden" in the last years?

Once again: On the current tour the Stones have played in UK 33 different songs, so far. Exactly the same number of songs had been played in 1978, not on 4, 5, or 6 gigs, but on the whole tour... (I notice that because, as i see, the huge majority of the "setlist complainers" are yerning, in the same time, for the so called "golden years").

good shout!

all the complaining is really ludicrous (and boring). The Stones are at their best at age 70 and do top performances, but "unfortunately" they've got 20 absolute must that everybody wants to hear in a Stones gig... Oh dear... and moreover they take care of the complaining ones and the taylorsuckers with the likes of Lady Jane, Under the Boardwalk, Wanna Be Your Man, 2000 LYFH, CYHMN etc etc

Nonsense... Please just enjoy The Stones on tour in 2013winking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-07 02:49 by MoreFastNumbers.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Jackglfc ()
Date: July 7, 2013 02:39

I thought they good. Can't say the same about my sunburn sad smiley

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Date: July 7, 2013 02:40

Totally agree with this comment, each Stones 2013 performances are instantly historical.
Set lists issues are NOT from true lifetime fans.
Many thanks to all who provide live updates & great photos!

i'll save my words for someone who is worth it but you are an ass. i've been listening to the stone since i was 4 years old when my dad would jam to them and i listened. that was about 30 years ago. only 4 years of my life i have been without the stones. i can almost guarantee you were older than 4 when you started listening to the stones so in fact i am a true lifetime fan since you were alive longer before you discovered the stones.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: steini ()
Date: July 7, 2013 02:41

I like different opinions and debating BUT moaners and whiners are something else. For example all serious music enjoyers and stones fans know that the set list does not tell the whole story. When the band shines and there is magic in the air that is what counts. For example on the ppv gig last year i thought they got better and better as the show moved on and yes the later in the set the more warhorses.When sitting home in front of computer we tend to imagine the show from the set list and of course we all like rarities if they work well. But those who saw the show know.

And remember: Don´t take the Stones for granted, be critical with common sense and not at least thankful!

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: PhilUK ()
Date: July 7, 2013 02:41

It was awesome!

You got the silver, all down the line, before they make me run, make it a real one for the fans.

Sympathy was amazing too.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: dimrstone ()
Date: July 7, 2013 02:45

Silver Dagger

Oh well, roll on next week. By the way, there were plenty of tickets available outside and I got in for and got about 30 yards from the stage with a perfect view.

What time did you get in ?

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: andrewt ()
Date: July 7, 2013 02:46


Of course, right now, it's just a list...I'll have to wait for the video to show up to see and hear what's what but the photos of Mick & Keith beaming at each other bode well.

Undoubtedly best show ever.

Legendary. I can hear Chuck's keys on SFTD now. Best Chuck yet.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: July 7, 2013 02:59

Jagger's Wimbledon comment reminds me that McEnroe popped out from the wings just before they came on, to cheers--I thought he might be going to introduce them, but no.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Seb91 ()
Date: July 7, 2013 03:03

Just got back, what a brilliant show! The band were completely on fire. Managed to get near the front, doubt I'll ever see them that close up again!

Seeing Mick Taylor on stage with them was a dream come true. Shame he didn't do more but Midnight Rambler was definitely one of the highlights of the show for me.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: July 7, 2013 03:07

Silver Dagger

And there was a real magic moment where Keith was up the catwalk and Mick followed him and as Keith was returning they met, Jagger wanted to pass him but Keith grabbed him as if to say, hi buddy, ain't it great. That was heart-warming.


And did you see the moment out on the stage extension on the right when Mick followed Keith out there, put his arm around his shoulder and they shared a laugh about something? Even more magic. smiling smiley

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: MoreFastNumbers ()
Date: July 7, 2013 03:08

anyone at T3 GA near the front??

How early did you get to the entrance?

Is it easier to get in with the wristband that offers fast track entry?


Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: bye bye johnny ()
Date: July 7, 2013 03:09

L'Wren Scott's setlist:

#setlist #divine therollingstones @MickJagger my notes


Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: July 7, 2013 03:17

Oh yeah, the white blouse that was like a joke on the one he wore in '69, that was pretty funny. I had a feeling he was going to do something like that.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: desertblues68 ()
Date: July 7, 2013 03:18

Ladies and Gentlemen sorry I could not do the after concert drink but fell.asleep. Have a great time and safe journey back.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: muppetmark ()
Date: July 7, 2013 03:24

It was lovely meeting you had a really great day.
I turned up at 6:30 this morning with the fast track payband (tier 3) and managed to nab an amazing barrier position on the catwalk. It was scorching hot, my dad and i got sunburnt but it was a magical gig. This was the first time I've seen the stones (too young) but they blew me away.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: MoreFastNumbers ()
Date: July 7, 2013 03:27

It was lovely meeting you had a really great day.
I turned up at 6:30 this morning with the fast track payband (tier 3) and managed to nab an amazing barrier position on the catwalk. It was scorching hot, my dad and i got sunburnt but it was a magical gig. This was the first time I've seen the stones (too young) but they blew me away.

and was there a queue at 6:30 AM?
Did people with fast track payband get in earlier?

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: July 7, 2013 03:33

sorry for the lack of pictures during the show but Tmobile was useless...making up for it now with a first batch of pictures, some pretty decent I think ;-)


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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-07 03:36 by gotdablouse.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: JMARKO ()
Date: July 7, 2013 03:34

I like different opinions and debating BUT moaners and whiners are something else. For example all serious music enjoyers and stones fans know that the set list does not tell the whole story. When the band shines and there is magic in the air that is what counts. For example on the ppv gig last year i thought they got better and better as the show moved on and yes the later in the set the more warhorses.When sitting home in front of computer we tend to imagine the show from the set list and of course we all like rarities if they work well. But those who saw the show know.

And remember: Don´t take the Stones for granted, be critical with common sense and not at least thankful!

Moaners and whiners are something else, but so are the opposite PC Smile Teamers who throw confetti on anything this band does. If I read "best show they have ever done" and more excuses for sleepwalk setlists I might have to start listening to The Beatles.

Please people be real, you can say the setlist was boring and STILL like the band. They won't revoke your Super Fan card.

You can actually be critical of the band and not feel the need to compliment and excuse every choice they make and note they hit.

Christ, I'd like to think the Stones themselves would detest anyone piling on the sugar coating out of waxing nostalgic respect.

Part of their whole appeal has always been their edge for being real.

The winking con men quote earlier was spot on. They enjoy it, the play well, but they long ago gave into the reality that this is just a shadow of what they were.
Barclays VIP tents and packages with "meet and greets"? They laugh at this stuff and collect their checks.

They don't need a trophy for every show for the sake of giving them a trophy, or because they've been around so long.

No one's taking them for granted if they don't like a setlist. Or not 'thankful' because a show lets them down or they think the band is kind of taking the night off. Because both of those things can actually be true, and you can still be a fan.


Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: muppetmark ()
Date: July 7, 2013 03:36

Normal queue was about 30 people big by that point
Me and my dad were 2nd and 3rd in fast track queue though
also we did not get in earlier, just cutting quite a lot of the queue though smiling smiley

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