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Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: MoreFastNumbers ()
Date: July 7, 2013 05:18

Green Lady
Don't know anything about fast track entry gizmos - you'll need to ask people who had them.

You can't take in anything to eat or drink except one unopened 500ml bottle of water. Queues for food were quite long so it might be worth eating before you go in.

thank a lot smiling smiley
it seems a hard task to eat there and this is a bit worrisome for next week...

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: getdown ()
Date: July 7, 2013 05:22

nice pics...

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: schillid ()
Date: July 7, 2013 05:27

Did Keith REALLY begin Start Me Up on the WRONG FRET??

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: July 7, 2013 05:28

Not sure what happened but it sounded really weird...I wonder if his scarf didn't get caught in the strings!After he produced that strange sound twice I thought for a moment he was doing it on purpose...

And yes, correct, no food allowed, no cookies, no bars, NOTHING, totally ridiculous.

I ate most of my cookies before walking in at 3.30 and didn't feel hungry. They were nice and gave us water pretty often in the front T1 and T3

A huge co@kup when the toilets in the West were closed around 7.45 and we had to walk ALL the way to the South entrance, 30 minute round trip!!!

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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-07 05:55 by gotdablouse.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: noughties ()
Date: July 7, 2013 05:33

All Down The Line? Don`t they have more obscure numbers than that?

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: sarahunwin ()
Date: July 7, 2013 05:33

Green Lady
Setlists are boring. Shows are not. This was a rather unadventurous choice of songs but a performance enjoyed enormously by both audience and band. I didn't time things exactly because I managed to leave my watch at home this morning, but they ran right up to the 10.30 deadline and I think we had 2 hours. I wasn't counting.

To begin at the beginning...

Yes, Keith did cock up the intro to Start Me Up - like arriving on stage in a skid and coming out of it at the last minute. On the other hand, it was fun to hear the band turn on a dime to keep up with Mick when he missed out a line of (I think) Doom & Gloom.

Mick asked who was there in 1969 and seemed a bit taken aback by the number if voices that answered (I met a few of them myself). Well, he said, nice to see you all again. And when the videos come out you'll be able to see the white garment he wore over his t-shirt and trousers for Honky Tonk Women - NOT by Mr Fish, I think, but it showed up beautifully in the spotlights as he took a walk around the catwalk in it. As did Lisa's wonderful white fringed shawl for a really devastating Gimme Shelter. A very visually enjoyable show, this, with the whole area behind the stage being used for video backgrounds - blue butterflies for Miss You, and what looked like half of Hyde Park on fire for Sympathy.

Lovely to have Beast of Burden - didn't Keith mention in one of those radio interviews that he'd been suggesting it to Mick? And Gary Clark Jr made a much better job of Bitch than Mr. Grohl, as far as I'm concerned.

Everybody looking and sounding absolutely delighted to be there - lots of smiles from all and a big grin on Keith's face a lot of the time. I expect once the videos appear all the experts will pick the guitars to pieces as usual, but as I'm no judge, thank God, I thought both Keith and Ronnie sounded great, apart from SMU as already mentioned.

VERY hot out in the field, with Security giving out water from great plastic dustbins full. I was on the rail of the Security area and I saw at least six or seven people carried out fainting by the paramedics during the show.

There was filming going on all the time, both onstage and in the crowd - you might have the horrible experience of seeing yours truly singing along to You Got The Silver!

I'll do another post about the layout of the arena, because it was rather peculiar and produced some problems. I will say, though, that the toilets for Tier 3 were nice and clean and uncrowded and worked perfectly - so much for the alleged superior Tier 1 facilities...

And I had the pleasure of standing next to a young lad of about 10, discovering his first Stones show - clapping, singing, taking pictures - and he wants to see them again. Hope he gets the chance.

Thank you for the in person review, you are awesome!

smiling smiley

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: sarahunwin ()
Date: July 7, 2013 05:37

Big Al
and my dentist was in Harley Street!

Wow! We're your parents loaded?

Loaded enough that I spent most of my childhood in boarding schools - lol!

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: July 7, 2013 05:51


Loaded enough that I spent most of my childhood in boarding schools - lol!

LOL! I bet you got the cane, too! >grinning smiley<

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: July 7, 2013 05:57

Keith completely botched the intro to Start Me Up...I mean, just MURDERED it.

What an atrocity.

You know, the fanboys keep saying how well they're playing, and when the tour first started last year, I agreed and was completely thrilled.

But lately, the excitement has worn off and I just don't hear it. At all.

Ronnie is doing pretty well, but Keith is still struggling. Not as badly as ABB, thank god, but it's still pretty dire at times. The basic timing is just off on a lot of songs, even the's really hard to listen to.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-07 06:00 by keefriff99.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: July 7, 2013 06:01

Did Keith REALLY begin Start Me Up on the WRONG FRET??
That was brutal to listen to...not a good way to kick off a big show. Ugh.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: swaymusik ()
Date: July 7, 2013 06:13

all right everyone, the fact that the Stones all alive & performing well is absolute.
All the best iorr!

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Thrylan ()
Date: July 7, 2013 06:35

Did Keith REALLY begin Start Me Up on the WRONG FRET??
That was brutal to listen to...not a good way to kick off a big show. Ugh.

Both of you! Give up your fan cards....there will be NO critical thinking around here......and you called yourselves fans......

Best show ever...

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: steini ()
Date: July 7, 2013 06:52

JMARKO wrote:"Moaners and whiners are something else, but so are the opposite PC Smile Teamers who throw confetti on anything this band does. If I read "best show they have ever done" and more excuses for sleepwalk setlists I might have to start listening to The Beatles.

Please people be real, you can say the setlist was boring and STILL like the band. They won't revoke your Super Fan card.

You can actually be critical of the band and not feel the need to compliment and excuse every choice they make and note they hit.

Christ, I'd like to think the Stones themselves would detest anyone piling on the sugar coating out of waxing nostalgic respect.

Part of their whole appeal has always been their edge for being real.

The winking con men quote earlier was spot on. They enjoy it, the play well, but they long ago gave into the reality that this is just a shadow of what they were.
Barclays VIP tents and packages with "meet and greets"? They laugh at this stuff and collect their checks.

They don't need a trophy for every show for the sake of giving them a trophy, or because they've been around so long.

No one's taking them for granted if they don't like a setlist. Or not 'thankful' because a show lets them down or they think the band is kind of taking the night off. Because both of those things can actually be true, and you can still be a fan.


Yes totally agree with you (of cource they should have opened with Mothers Little Helper imo)but my point was the setlist alone don´t tell everything and about taking them for granted and thankful,, common,, sometimes miracle happens like who would have thought of them in 2013? They should not be treated a way that everything is good what they do and sure they have not been treated that way specially in London but.. enjoy what they want to play for you wichever reason they have for playing it. If not well ...

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: smokeydusky ()
Date: July 7, 2013 06:53


Gary Clark finished...admire Paulywaul's wristband collection!

What's the red one for?

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: jazzbass ()
Date: July 7, 2013 07:43

Keith completely botched the intro to Start Me Up...I mean, just MURDERED it.

What an atrocity.

You know, the fanboys keep saying how well they're playing, and when the tour first started last year, I agreed and was completely thrilled.

But lately, the excitement has worn off and I just don't hear it. At all.

Ronnie is doing pretty well, but Keith is still struggling. Not as badly as ABB, thank god, but it's still pretty dire at times. The basic timing is just off on a lot of songs, even the's really hard to listen to.

I just don't get this. Not sure how it can possibly happen? He did the same thing at a Philly show in '97 I attended playing Brown Sugar. I love Keith, but seriously, he could screw up any other note during the show, as long as he nails the big intro. Can't wait to see how they fix this if there is a DVD.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: sonomastone ()
Date: July 7, 2013 07:59

Keith completely botched the intro to Start Me Up...I mean, just MURDERED it.

What an atrocity.

You know, the fanboys keep saying how well they're playing, and when the tour first started last year, I agreed and was completely thrilled.

But lately, the excitement has worn off and I just don't hear it. At all.

Ronnie is doing pretty well, but Keith is still struggling. Not as badly as ABB, thank god, but it's still pretty dire at times. The basic timing is just off on a lot of songs, even the's really hard to listen to.

I just don't get this. Not sure how it can possibly happen? He did the same thing at a Philly show in '97 I attended playing Brown Sugar. I love Keith, but seriously, he could screw up any other note during the show, as long as he nails the big intro. Can't wait to see how they fix this if there is a DVD.

Whoa. What happened. I wonder if they had a fight before the show or something. This seems almost passive aggressive sabotaging.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: TimeIs ()
Date: July 7, 2013 08:07

Can't wait to see how they fix this if there is a DVD.

That's why there's a second show! grinning smiley You can bet Start Me Up will be the opener to solve that little problem.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Silver Dagger ()
Date: July 7, 2013 08:41

Silver Dagger

Oh well, roll on next week. By the way, there were plenty of tickets available outside and I got in for and got about 30 yards from the stage with a perfect view.

What time did you get in ?

About 3pm. You could moreorless still pick your place at that time.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Silver Dagger ()
Date: July 7, 2013 08:49

Big Al

Loaded enough that I spent most of my childhood in boarding schools - lol!

LOL! I bet you got the cane, too! >grinning smiley<

Wouldn't you love to know! >grinning smiley<

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Wroclaw ()
Date: July 7, 2013 09:21

GL -thank for that!

A question - the "secret" area you refer to - it that the section you marked as "stand"? I've got this situation of having to plan the best compromise (13th show) of finding the best spot that in made of:

1. coming late enough to have my two boys (9 + 11) "fed" properly.
2. coming early enough to find a spot that would be good in terms of view
3. well... 2 boys... they are rather tall but still 9-11 YO. Dont want them to recall forever that they "heard the stones and saw the backs of many Englishmen" but on the other hand cant expect have people around me annoyed..

OH... I guess I'm the only one who wishes this was a seated event.

Green Lady

My attempt to draw the layout of the Hyde Park arena - the three things marked X are three enormous sound/film structures that block the view for miles, and therefore have a screen behind them so you can watch what you can't see. The thing that caused the difficulties is a big railed-off security area that runs practically the whole width of the field. I assumed at first that everything the other side of it was Tier 1 or 2, but no - THERE IS MORE T3 ON THE OTHER SIDE. The trouble is that to get to it you have to make an enormous detour around the end of the security area.

I found myself a nice spot on the rail of the security area - good view of screens and part of stage - but throughout the show security were dealing with people who arrived at the rails and couldn't work out
(a) whether their T3 tickets allowed them into the bit on the far side
(b) how to get there
(c) having got there, how to get back.

I probably have the exact layout of T1/T2 wrong, but I'm describing this because the bit of T3 on the Keith-side stage side of the security area was very thinly populated - plenty of room to dance and move about - so it's worth knowing that yes, you are allowed in there without a wristband. Useful information for next week.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Wroclaw ()
Date: July 7, 2013 09:30

As a long time fan of both the Stones and The Who I guess I'm more used to the fact the two groups, while still live and kicking, are ... how shall we say that? they are in the same age as my parents. Saw the who over a month ago in Dublin - while Townshend was never a supermodel, RD looks strange being old... much like Keith he too managed to carry his energetic appearance well into his 50s but finally was caught by it (with his dark glasses and general appearance).

Grace Slick claimed that rockers cannot look respectable in their 50s which is why she retired from the business. This is also why the remains of Jefferson Starship perform in pub like events, not even small halls...

Yea - Keith is way-way over the peak and yeah all of them looks really-really old. God bless them.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-07 09:32 by Wroclaw.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Powerage ()
Date: July 7, 2013 09:42

Big Al
Ughh... Keith's soloing on Sympathy sad smiley

confused smiley

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: July 7, 2013 09:43

Keith completely botched the intro to Start Me Up...I mean, just MURDERED it.

What an atrocity.

You know, the fanboys keep saying how well they're playing, and when the tour first started last year, I agreed and was completely thrilled.

But lately, the excitement has worn off and I just don't hear it. At all.

Ronnie is doing pretty well, but Keith is still struggling. Not as badly as ABB, thank god, but it's still pretty dire at times. The basic timing is just off on a lot of songs, even the's really hard to listen to.

I just don't get this. Not sure how it can possibly happen? He did the same thing at a Philly show in '97 I attended playing Brown Sugar. I love Keith, but seriously, he could screw up any other note during the show, as long as he nails the big intro. Can't wait to see how they fix this if there is a DVD.
Some people here have speculated that Keith sometimes flubs the opening of Brown Sugar intentionally simply because it's a Jagger riff.

Essentially, he misplays it just to get under Mick's skin.

Now, I would HOPE that Keith isn't that immature and petty, but we've all seen and read some pretty damning evidence over the past few years which would indicate that he may just very well be.

However, botching the intro to Start Me Up is frankly inexcusable.

First of all, that riff is HIS baby, and probably second only to Satisfaction in terms of being one of his signature calling cards.

Secondly, this was an incredibly high-profile gig...kicking off the show that way was flat-out embarrassing.

I really fear that he's suffering from some cognitive issues that cause him to totally lose the plot sometimes...these issues most likely stem from his age and from his decades of substance abuse.

Even though he's living a relatively healthier lifestyle these days, the human body can only take so much before the damage is permanent.

Couple that with his horribly gnarled fingers, and he's actually playing better than anyone has a right to.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: lmatth8461 ()
Date: July 7, 2013 09:49

Not exactly a live update; I'm posting this after a good night's much-needed sleep. I haven't read much of the preceding pages, so this is just my unvarnished memory of the day.

I had a tier 3 GA ticket, so arrived very early to try and secure a good spot. This proved unnecessary, as the barriers were being constantly moved, with the consequent shifting around of folks. Once everything was finalized, there were around half a dozen people in front of me in my particular entry lane. One thing that was immediately noticeable was the number of continentals - while queuing for entry, and during the concert itself, I was surrounded by French, Italians, Germans...what also became evident was that there were a lot of first-timers in the crowd; most of the people around me had never attended a Stones gig before.
Noon arrived. The gates should have opened up, but nothing happened. Time dragged on...I'm not usually bothered about waiting around, but the sun was beating down by then, and I was keen to get in, stake my position, and sit down. The rest of the crowd felt the same. After the best part of three quarters of an hour, they finally let us through, and my plan immediately stalled...the guy in our lane had problems scanning the tickets! Of course every other lane had people streaming through, so after 30 seconds we lost patience and just surged past him en masse. No ticket check, no bag check, nothing! The delay, plus not being quite as fleet as foot as most of the youngsters there meant that I didn't quite get as close to the stage as I hoped, although I didn't really have an complaints, I guess I was about 60-70 feet away.

By this time it was a little before 13:00, and I psyched myself up for the long haul. I laid down at full stretch, but as time went on, more people managed to squeeze in wherever they found some space, and it became impossible to stretch my legs, so I alternated between sitting cross legged, which became distinctly uncomfortable after a while, and standing up when the bands were on to give my legs a bit of relief. The guys around me hold my spot while I went to score some food, refill my water bottle and use the facilities, but otherwise I more or less maintained my position throughout the day.

Openers (King Charles?) were OK, Temper Trap were a bit meh IMO (sounded like a continual bass buzz most of the time), and the Vaccines were pretty good, while Gary Clark Jr. was excellent, certainly worth checking out in the future. After the Vaccines, there was a pretty quick turnaround, and the Stones hit the stage. The day’s discomforts were instantly forgotten, as they embarked on a truly magical show. Yeah, Keith totally messed up the intro, and Mick fluffed his lines a couple of times, but what the hell, I've seen them do worse! To sum up what made this show for me:
- Even the trolls can’t deny the sense of occasion – the ‘follow up’ to a legendary late 60’s gig that happened when I was six years old.
- Yes, I saw them at the O2 last year (from way up in the gods), and while there was no Bill Wyman, EC or Florence this time, seeing Mick Taylor at the venue where he played his very first gig with them was very special
- A chance to get close to the front with GA rather than paying through the nose marked a return to the kind of 20th century Stones gig I prefer. Seeing the two Micks interact during Rambler from pretty close up was worth the price of admission in itself. When Lisa and Mick dueted on the catwalk during Gimme Shelter, they were right in front of me, almost close enough to touch. So much better than catching it from a distance.
- The crowd – always great at Stones gig, but even more so this time, mainly due to the number of first-timers. The girl behind me had never seen them before, and was obviously thrilled to catch this bunch of geriatric rockers. ‘Not bad for a bunch of 70 year olds?’ I suggested to her after the gig, and she readily agreed.
- Last but not least, the weather! OK, maybe a bit too hot and relentless, but a downpour would have put a real dampener on things.

In conclusion, an overall great performance (despite hiccups, thank God Charlie was rock solid throughout!), for me much enhanced by Mick Taylor - only my second time to see him with the band, and been mightily impressed on both occasions. At close to 70, Jagger remains the ultimate rock n roll frontman, let’s hope this tour continues at a later date, I’d be happy to fly out to Japan to catch this show again.


Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: toomuchforme ()
Date: July 7, 2013 09:58

T2 for me
5 meters from catwalk. It changes a lot the way you enjoy the gig.
Barclay bar was an excellent idea and a cool way To refresh without queuing.

"we know it's a bit late but we hope you don't mind if we stay"

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: rollingon ()
Date: July 7, 2013 10:06

Keith completely botched the intro to Start Me Up...I mean, just MURDERED it.

What an atrocity.

You know, the fanboys keep saying how well they're playing, and when the tour first started last year, I agreed and was completely thrilled.

But lately, the excitement has worn off and I just don't hear it. At all.

Ronnie is doing pretty well, but Keith is still struggling. Not as badly as ABB, thank god, but it's still pretty dire at times. The basic timing is just off on a lot of songs, even the's really hard to listen to.

I just don't get this. Not sure how it can possibly happen? He did the same thing at a Philly show in '97 I attended playing Brown Sugar. I love Keith, but seriously, he could screw up any other note during the show, as long as he nails the big intro. Can't wait to see how they fix this if there is a DVD.

Nobody in the Stones' organization or even Ronnie doesn't have the courage to tell that he should play better and pay attention more to detail, Mick is the only one who could say this to his face but he doesn't like to do this because there is already tension between them.

Keith thinks he is a great artist (which he certainly is) so he doesn't have to play so well, he thinks it's enough he is on stage and plays something, the humble attitude to playing is really missing if he constantly starts the songs or solos in wrong keys or something, this is an attitude problem, it can't be the physical problem of the fingers. And at times he can also play really well as he has shown during this tour so this also seems to indicate an attitude problem or concentration problem. He has sometimes laughed about the mistakes made in the playing, that "The Stones are not a symphony orchestra" and I really understand some little mistakes, they are only human and they don't have to play 100% without mistakes but starting songs or solos in the wrong key or messing up the starting riff of the song totally just is not all right!!

Maybe it's a bit like it was with the great violin player Yehudi Menuhin at his older age but he didn't start songs in the wrong key though.

And Keith doesn't read IORR threads which he certainly should do, somebody should learn him to use a computer.

The King has new clothes.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-07 10:47 by rollingon.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Powerage ()
Date: July 7, 2013 10:10

Start me up intro disaster eye popping smileythumbs down

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: rollingon ()
Date: July 7, 2013 10:14

Keith completely botched the intro to Start Me Up...I mean, just MURDERED it.

What an atrocity.

You know, the fanboys keep saying how well they're playing, and when the tour first started last year, I agreed and was completely thrilled.

But lately, the excitement has worn off and I just don't hear it. At all.

Ronnie is doing pretty well, but Keith is still struggling. Not as badly as ABB, thank god, but it's still pretty dire at times. The basic timing is just off on a lot of songs, even the's really hard to listen to.

I just don't get this. Not sure how it can possibly happen? He did the same thing at a Philly show in '97 I attended playing Brown Sugar. I love Keith, but seriously, he could screw up any other note during the show, as long as he nails the big intro. Can't wait to see how they fix this if there is a DVD.
Some people here have speculated that Keith sometimes flubs the opening of Brown Sugar intentionally simply because it's a Jagger riff.

Essentially, he misplays it just to get under Mick's skin.

Now, I would HOPE that Keith isn't that immature and petty, but we've all seen and read some pretty damning evidence over the past few years which would indicate that he may just very well be.

However, botching the intro to Start Me Up is frankly inexcusable.

First of all, that riff is HIS baby, and probably second only to Satisfaction in terms of being one of his signature calling cards.

Secondly, this was an incredibly high-profile gig...kicking off the show that way was flat-out embarrassing.

I really fear that he's suffering from some cognitive issues that cause him to totally lose the plot sometimes...these issues most likely stem from his age and from his decades of substance abuse.

Even though he's living a relatively healthier lifestyle these days, the human body can only take so much before the damage is permanent.

Couple that with his horribly gnarled fingers, and he's actually playing better than anyone has a right to.

Is it cognitive issue or an attitude issue, it can be a cognitive issue which certainly is a serious thing if that's true, I hope he will get all the medical help there is available it that's the case.

It's quite odd that during some songs he can play quite well, but to mess up the opening riff of the first song on a very high profile gig, that's very strange...

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: July 7, 2013 10:33

Wroclaw - "Stand" is a Grandstand - marked as the Kings View on official plans. The area I mean is the bit marked "more T3" in front of Security - which probably doesn't go as far forward as I have drawn it, but if you can work your way around the Ronnie-side end of Security and over to Keith-side, there is a relatively uncrowded bit which most people were not in because they assumed anything forward of the security barrier Keith-side was T2 (I thought so myself until I saw Security assuring people that they could go there without a wristband), and I wound up there myself accidentally on the way back from food/toilets to my spot on the Security rail.

Actually the Security rail would be a good place for kids - you can see several screens plus a good if distant view of the stage (depending on sightlines between those damn speaker towers) and you've got a rail to hang on to and an absolute guarantee that you have a clear space of several metres to look across instead of the back of some enormous bloke in front of you. Being very short myself it's a better option for me than trying to be as far forward as possible, and I didn't have much trouble getting a spot there at about 4 p.m. when Gary Clarke was on. I had a young boy next to me enjoying his first show.

Of course, AEG might change the layout completely next Week...

(Age range at Hyde Park? About 7 to 70 and all points in between).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-07 10:38 by Green Lady.

Re: Hyde Park show #1 July 6 Rolling Stones live updates
Posted by: bonddm ()
Date: July 7, 2013 10:41

Why did they HAVE to play a shorter set?Why couldn't they have just bumped one of the supports and moved the others forward?

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