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Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Bobby4 ()
Date: May 30, 2013 01:01

I don't have the exact quote, but Mick said something along the lines that keith and he were reminiscing on a 1965 show they did at McCormick Place. It sounded like he was going to go into the story but decided instead to go into the next song.

I've heard a few stories about these shows. One is that they noticed that Muddy Waters was in the audience and Mick jumped into the audience to say hello. Also, I've been told by several people that were there, that you could hear the band playing but could not see them, at first. As the first song went on, I think it was "Around and Around", the stage rose from under the stage, and the band emerged. Great showmen from the beginning!

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: May 30, 2013 01:22

I think the RO performance was crap. Jaggers voice is old and he cant do justice to such a great song. Frankly, it baffles me that so many people think they sound so good, especially people who, like me, have seen them many times going back to the early 70s. Will no one admit that KR and RW simply dont play as well as they used to? That Jagger looks silly and sounds even worse? What amazes me even more is the fact that some people follow them around and pay major bucks to see and hear almost identical shows! Im at the point in my life where i wont pay to see them at all. Its just not worth it anymore. I just dont get it.... Some people need to have their heads examined.

I hear you. I've seen every tour from 1975 to Bridges and I just won't go anymore. I guess our standards are higher than most. I think Jagger just sounds gawdawfel anymore and he may even be the weakest link, musically, even if he still looks good and can still run around and be animated throughout the show but that's not what I enjoy(ed) about the Stones in concert. Don't even get me started about Ronnie or Keith's guitar playing. BUT, on the other hand, I can understand why so many people still think they're fantastic. They do put on a great show and play a pretty decent setlist. But I'm not gonna go out of my way and pay hundreds of dollars to enjoy one or two songs. And now that they've decided to marginalize Taylor to one song a night I've pretty much lost interest in this whole tour. I do love this site and all the posts though. That's actually more entertaining than this tour.

The comments on Jagger are tiresome. Have you clowns been to any shows? He sounds FANTASTIC. I couldn't believe it when I heard him singing. As good (and often better) as any live recording (album or video) that I've heard.

Can you people not understand that your fountain of evidence from the internet, recorded on mobile phones, is freaking horrendous for capturing sound at shows?

Yeah, I think that Rocks Off video sounds awful. Guess what? It doesn't sound like that when you are at the show. Idiots.

Is that you Mick?

Mick doesn't take criticism well, excuse him...I like what I'm hearing from Keith, but...

You saw the best tours, there's not a lot of reason to do this one...possibly for $85...but mostly it's a clean up exhibition...

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: May 30, 2013 01:34


Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Testify ()
Date: May 30, 2013 01:43

I wonder how do you judge from these videos recorded in low frequency, I assure you that hear them live or through recorded tapes from the mixer is another thing, especially for what they sound like Keirh and Ronnie in these videos is all lost, It is different for M.Taylor, his guitar is always too high, but is a guest ...

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Jesse ()
Date: May 30, 2013 01:57

MT is really talented but HE left the Stones. He's lucky they asked him to play with them at all on this tour. I don't think they owe him time on stage. He doesn't fit the image of the lean mean music machine that each guy is. Sure he was part of the original recordings but not part of the last 30+ years. I'm satisfied with him being a two-song guest. I KNOW he can play but he's a bore to watch.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: lettingitbleed ()
Date: May 30, 2013 02:27

he WAS a bore to MT's got the moves like Jagger.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: baldboy ()
Date: May 30, 2013 04:20

Alfonz I think who is dissing the critics? (sometimes difficult to tell given the links); anyway whoever, bang on! The critics are indeed idiots and likely relying on YouTube. And even on YouTube most of the shows sound fantastic. I was in Toronto on Saturday and for anyone who was there, the sound, energy of both band and crowd, was amazing. Nit-picking over setlists and this, that, whatever else - get serious, if they didn't play 'warhorses' and BTW Rocks Off by now is almost a warhorse, they've been playing it live since 1994-95 Voodoo Lounge tour off and on, you'd be complaining that they varied set lists so much that you had to spend $$ and go to every show to hear all the different tunes live, as it is they give everyone the same basic show with a few differences, all good, no? there's no satisfying some people who need to complain about everything. It's freaking REAL LIVE MUSIC FOLKS THAT IS IT'S CHARM SCREWUPS, BRILLIANCE AND ALL AND BESIDES WHICH YOU EVER PLAYED AN INSTRUMENT LIVE, HAD ONE SHOT TO PLAY A SOLO OR WHATEVER SONG PART AT THE MOMENT? you 'fans' are worse than mainstream media critics who are watchers, not doers. Who are you to demand what the Stones play? as I've said on other threads, maybe they should have a warhorse tour and an album tracks tour (what major fan wouldn't love to see that) but how realistic is that? Just be happy they are still out there playing and, hopefully, continuing to record new material until they drop. This from a person who has seen every Stones tour since 1978, Oshawa for the blind show, Super Bowl 2006, SARS...cheers, all.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-30 04:26 by baldboy.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Midnight Toker ()
Date: May 30, 2013 04:25

MT may be a bore to watch but he is a pleasure to hear. Gimme more MT please.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: andrewt ()
Date: May 30, 2013 04:41

GADAWG, pathetic, vain and aggressive message ...thumbs down

Why duffydawg would not say what he lived during this concert? I tought we must respect the opinion of those who attend the show ? Is not the rule explained to the poor ignorants on this board day after day ?

Or, is there an offical review model ??? Best show ever, best version ever ? Say "awesome" and go back home ? spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Totally agree. GADAWG's comments come off more as trolling than any critique of the show. Critical balance is essential. I had fun at the show on Saturday and I paid exactly what I could afford and no more so I didn't feel ripped off. I'm also secure enough to like the parts of the show that I liked without needing an echo chamber to reinforce my feelings.
One thing I did notice, though, is being at the show in person the setlist is less important than the energy (or lack of at times) I'm getting from the show.
Without the atmosphere of being there, the show can be reduced to a series of song titles, which is misleading. As long as people are speaking from the heart all viewpoints help to give an overall picture to those of us following the shows by proxy.

Overall you are correct, not about my opinion of course but about true fans of the Stones will ignore negative show comments as only a psychotic person could make such an observation.

As I am sure you know very well a wink is as good as a nod to a blind mule and I have given BV my simple instructions in the way out comment thread currently running.

Shoot low boy's they're riddin Shetlands and see you at Philly on the 21st. Beware, I may be sitting next to you. Adios

Can someone translate this into sober for me?

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Midnight Toker ()
Date: May 30, 2013 04:43

Keith botched the intro to Rocks Off. Mick noticed. OOOPS!!!

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: May 30, 2013 04:43

GADAWG, pathetic, vain and aggressive message ...thumbs down

Why duffydawg would not say what he lived during this concert? I tought we must respect the opinion of those who attend the show ? Is not the rule explained to the poor ignorants on this board day after day ?

Or, is there an offical review model ??? Best show ever, best version ever ? Say "awesome" and go back home ? spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Totally agree. GADAWG's comments come off more as trolling than any critique of the show. Critical balance is essential. I had fun at the show on Saturday and I paid exactly what I could afford and no more so I didn't feel ripped off. I'm also secure enough to like the parts of the show that I liked without needing an echo chamber to reinforce my feelings.
One thing I did notice, though, is being at the show in person the setlist is less important than the energy (or lack of at times) I'm getting from the show.
Without the atmosphere of being there, the show can be reduced to a series of song titles, which is misleading. As long as people are speaking from the heart all viewpoints help to give an overall picture to those of us following the shows by proxy.

Overall you are correct, not about my opinion of course but about true fans of the Stones will ignore negative show comments as only a psychotic person could make such an observation.

As I am sure you know very well a wink is as good as a nod to a blind mule and I have given BV my simple instructions in the way out comment thread currently running.

Shoot low boy's they're riddin Shetlands and see you at Philly on the 21st. Beware, I may be sitting next to you. Adios

Can someone translate this into sober for me?

Hang on...I need one more beer...translation coming

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: May 30, 2013 08:31

Never mind all of that complaining-

Here is:

Six days on the road

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: rollingon ()
Date: May 30, 2013 08:40

Chicago Tribune review:

It's a positive review...

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: laertisflash ()
Date: May 30, 2013 09:21

Nice review from "Chicago Tribune". Thanks rollingon.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Wuudy ()
Date: May 30, 2013 09:44

Midnight Rambler is getting better and better!
Why on earth is Taylor sitting on his knees in the middle of the song, it looks ridiculous!


Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Date: May 30, 2013 10:28

Midnight Toker
Keith botched the intro to Rocks Off. Mick noticed. OOOPS!!!

Nope, he's just playing it differently. He did the same intro the last time they played it - Making a similar chord to the intro of Happy, instead of the usual. He keeps on doing it and the end of the verses, too.

I think it works quite good myself.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: TeddyB1018 ()
Date: May 30, 2013 10:43

On Exile there are two Keith guitars in the intro. He's playing on of them. They're leaving out the high counterpoint on the second chord. I think that's about as good a version of Rocks Off live as I've ever heard.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Date: May 30, 2013 10:51

On Exile there are two Keith guitars in the intro. He's playing on of them. They're leaving out the high counterpoint on the second chord. I think that's about as good a version of Rocks Off live as I've ever heard.

It's a great version. However, Keith is not playing his usual riff in the intro (+ ending of verses), and that goes for both guitars of the recorded version. It works nicely anyway, though thumbs up

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Wild Slivovitz ()
Date: May 30, 2013 12:27

Nice review from "Chicago Tribune". Thanks rollingon.

It's very nice that it focuses mostly on Charlie's playing, which is usually overlooked.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: May 30, 2013 13:53

mick taylor is not a bore to watch or listen to !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: onlyranr ()
Date: May 30, 2013 13:59

Anyone sit in 121 or 113 ? I am going to th Montreal show and have tix in Section 111 , it says partially obstructed view, how were the seats in Chicago, might try and upgrade to more in the front if they aren't very good ! Cheers !P.S. Way to go Hawks !

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: coffeepotman ()
Date: May 30, 2013 15:31

Never mind all of that complaining-

Here is:

Six days on the road

This was very good! Can't wait for more surprises

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Jesse ()
Date: May 30, 2013 15:40

Mick Taylor sounds good but looks like the overweight has-been musician who comes back to play in those reunion shows for has-been bands. Lose Weight Mick! Try moving a little! He should be smiling if not laughing about the money he's making on this tour thanks to the Stones for letting him join them.

Remember folks, HE left the Stones and then they found Ronnie. Always been glad about that. Ronnie looks, acts and sounds like a Rolling Stone. He also plays a baaad guitar. MT is Stones history, that's ok, but he doesn't fit with who Stones are TODAY. He's a guest, that's all. Most want to see the guys who've been together for the past 30+ years carry on up there. He just doesn't fit in that way. Ronnie and Keef like to duel with their guitars, don't change that dynamics. Looks like they're having fun so why should they highlight a guy who walked out on them? He's a guest.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Date: May 30, 2013 15:50

Mick Taylor sounds good but looks like the overweight has-been musician who comes back to play in those reunion shows for has-been bands. Lose Weight Mick! Try moving a little! He should be smiling if not laughing about the money he's making on this tour thanks to the Stones for letting him join them.

Remember folks, HE left the Stones and then they found Ronnie. Always been glad about that. Ronnie looks, acts and sounds like a Rolling Stone. He also plays a baaad guitar. MT is Stones history, that's ok, but he doesn't fit with who Stones are TODAY. He's a guest, that's all. Most want to see the guys who've been together for the past 30+ years carry on up there. He just doesn't fit in that way. Ronnie and Keef like to duel with their guitars, don't change that dynamics. Looks like they're having fun so why should they highlight a guy who walked out on them? He's a guest.

He has lost a considerable amount of weight. I think he looks great.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: RobertJohnson ()
Date: May 30, 2013 16:02



Sorry, horrible "solo". As lousy as on "Shine A Light" and in addition off key in some places ... It would be better to let Ronnie play the solos or in the best case Mick Taylor. This example is really awkward.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: hot stuff ()
Date: May 30, 2013 16:09

Mick Taylor is far from a bore...In fact i think he has added a lot
to the excitment of this tour. He is also making the rest of the band
play better.

I don't know why we have to put Woodie down or Mick T.down when we talk
about the Rolling Stones. They both are great in their own way..I love both.

In fact 3 guitars make the Stones sound so much stronger now and at age 70
Its nice to give each one of them a little rest..

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: laertisflash ()
Date: May 30, 2013 16:11

Clearly better than "SAL" solo, IMO.

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: dhinkle555 ()
Date: May 30, 2013 16:15


Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: laertisflash ()
Date: May 30, 2013 16:18

... And better than many solos Keith did on SFTD since 1994, i could add...

Re: Chicago-1 May 28 Stones show live updates
Posted by: dhinkle555 ()
Date: May 30, 2013 16:21

Onlyranr, In Chicago sections 121 and 113 are not side stage they are top priced seats. For May 28, I sat in section 120 row 11 seat 3 which is side stage and it was a great view. I was directly to the side of Charlie's drum set, and could see the band when they want behind the riser between songs. Tim and Bobby were on my side and only on the songs they played was there any kind of partially obstructed view. It was hard to view the big screen behind the drums, but you could turn and look at the screen above. Anyway it was a great seat, especially for day of show discounted price of $250.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-30 16:22 by dhinkle555.

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